// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils; using NuGet.Frameworks; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities { public sealed class PublishCommand : DotnetCommand { private string _framework; private string _output; private string _runtime; private List _targetManifests = new List(); private bool? _selfContained; public PublishCommand WithFramework(string framework) { _framework = framework; return this; } public PublishCommand WithFramework(NuGetFramework framework) => WithFramework(framework.GetShortFolderName()); public PublishCommand WithOutput(string output) { _output = output; return this; } public PublishCommand WithRuntime(string runtime) { _runtime = runtime; return this; } public PublishCommand WithTargetManifest(string manifest) { _targetManifests.Add( $"--manifest {manifest}"); return this; } public PublishCommand WithSelfContained(bool value) { _selfContained = value; return this; } public override CommandResult Execute(string args = "") { args = $"publish {BuildArgs()} {args}"; return base.Execute(args); } public override CommandResult ExecuteWithCapturedOutput(string args = "") { args = $"publish {BuildArgs()} {args}"; return base.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput(args); } private string BuildArgs() => string.Join(" ", FrameworkOption, OutputOption, TargetOption, RuntimeOption, SelfContainedOption); private string FrameworkOption => string.IsNullOrEmpty(_framework) ? "" : $"-f {_framework}"; private string OutputOption => string.IsNullOrEmpty(_output) ? "" : $"-o {_output}"; private string RuntimeOption => string.IsNullOrEmpty(_runtime) ? "" : $"-r {_runtime}"; private string TargetOption => string.Join(" ", _targetManifests); private string SelfContainedOption => _selfContained.HasValue ? $"--self-contained:{_selfContained.Value}" : ""; } }