// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using FluentAssertions; using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils; using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities; using Xunit; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Builder.Tests { public class ProjectToProjectDependenciesIncrementalTest : IncrementalTestBase { private readonly string[] _projects = new[] { "L0", "L11", "L12", "L21", "L22" }; private string MainProjectExe { get { return MainProject + (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? ".exe" : ""); } } public ProjectToProjectDependenciesIncrementalTest() { MainProject = "L0"; ExpectedOutput = "L0 L11 L12 L22 L21 L12 L22 " + Environment.NewLine; } [Theory, InlineData("1", "L0", new[] { "L0" }), InlineData("2", "L11", new[] { "L0", "L11" }), InlineData("3", "L12", new[] { "L0", "L11", "L12" }), InlineData("4", "L22", new[] { "L0", "L11", "L12", "L22" }), InlineData("5", "L21", new[] { "L0", "L11", "L21" }) ] public void TestIncrementalBuildOfDependencyGraph(string testIdentifer, string projectToTouch, string[] expectedRebuiltProjects) { var testInstance = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestInstance("TestProjectToProjectDependencies", identifier: testIdentifer) .WithLockFiles() .WithBuildArtifacts(); TestProjectRoot = testInstance.TestRoot; // second build; nothing changed; no project required compilation var result2 = BuildProject(); AssertRebuilt(result2, Array.Empty()); //modify the source code of a project TouchSourcesOfProject(projectToTouch); // third build; all projects on the paths from touched project to root project need to be rebuilt var result3 = BuildProject(); AssertRebuilt(result3, expectedRebuiltProjects); } [Fact] public void TestNoDependencyFlag() { var testInstance = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestInstance("TestProjectToProjectDependencies") .WithLockFiles() .WithBuildArtifacts(); TestProjectRoot = testInstance.TestRoot; var dependencies = new[] { "L11", "L12", "L21", "L22" }; // modify the source code of a leaf dependency TouchSourcesOfProject("L22"); // second build with no dependencies and no incremental; only the root rebuilds var result2 = BuildProject(noDependencies: true, noIncremental: true); result2.Should().HaveStdOutMatching("Compiling.*L0.*"); AssertResultDoesNotContainStrings(result2, dependencies); // third build with no dependencies but incremental; nothing rebuilds var result3 = BuildProject(noDependencies: true); result3.Should().HaveSkippedProjectCompilation("L0"); AssertResultDoesNotContainStrings(result3, dependencies); } private static void AssertResultDoesNotContainStrings(CommandResult commandResult, string[] strings) { foreach (var s in strings) { commandResult.StdOut.Should().NotContain(s); } } // compute A - B private T[] SetDifference(T[] A, T[] B) { var setA = new HashSet(A); setA.ExceptWith(B); return setA.ToArray(); } private void AssertRebuilt(CommandResult buildResult, string[] expectedRebuilt) { foreach (var rebuiltProject in expectedRebuilt) { buildResult.Should().HaveCompiledProject(rebuiltProject); } foreach (var skippedProject in SetDifference(_projects, expectedRebuilt)) { buildResult.Should().HaveSkippedProjectCompilation(skippedProject); } } protected override string GetProjectDirectory(string projectName) { return Path.Combine(TestProjectRoot, "src", projectName); } protected override string GetOutputDir() { return ""; } protected override string GetOutputExePath() { var outputExe = Directory.GetFiles(TestProjectRoot, MainProjectExe, SearchOption.AllDirectories) .FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputExe)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"Unable to find {outputExe} in {TestProjectRoot} or its subdirectories"); } return Path.GetDirectoryName(outputExe); } } }