// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils { internal static class AnsiColorExtensions { public static string Black(this string text) { return "\x1B[30m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Red(this string text) { return "\x1B[31m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Green(this string text) { return "\x1B[32m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Yellow(this string text) { return "\x1B[33m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Blue(this string text) { return "\x1B[34m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Magenta(this string text) { return "\x1B[35m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Cyan(this string text) { return "\x1B[36m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string White(this string text) { return "\x1B[37m" + text + "\x1B[39m"; } public static string Bold(this string text) { return "\x1B[1m" + text + "\x1B[22m"; } } }