trigger: none pr: branches: include: - main parameters: - name: vmrBranch displayName: dotnet/dotnet branch to push to type: string default: ' ' - name: disableVmrBuild displayName: Skip source-building the VMR type: boolean default: false variables: - ${{ if ne(parameters.vmrBranch, ' ') }}: - name: VmrBranch value: ${{ replace(parameters.vmrBranch, ' ', '') }} - ${{ else }}: - name: VmrBranch value: ${{ replace(replace(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'refs/heads/', ''), 'refs/pull/', '') }} resources: repositories: - repository: vmr type: github name: dotnet/dotnet endpoint: dotnet ref: ${{ variables.VmrBranch }} stages: - ${{ if not(parameters.disableVmrBuild) }}: - template: templates/stages/vmr-cross-build.yml parameters: vmrBranch: ${{ variables.VmrBranch }} isBuiltFromVmr: false isLiteBuild: true # In case the VMR Build stage is temporarily disabled, the VMR synchronization step is run to validate # that the PR can be merged and later synchronized into the VMR without problems. - ${{ else }}: - stage: Synchronize_VMR displayName: Synchronize VMR dependsOn: [] jobs: - template: templates/jobs/vmr-synchronization.yml parameters: vmrBranch: ${{ variables.VmrBranch }} noPush: true