variables: - group: AzureDevOps-Artifact-Feeds-Pats - group: DotNet-Blob-Feed - group: DotNet-DotNetCli-Storage - group: DotNet-MSRC-Storage - group: Publish-Build-Assets # Whether the build is internal or not - name: IsInternalBuild value: ${{ and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), contains(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'internal')) }} # Default Maestro++ API Endpoint and API Version - name: MaestroApiEndPoint value: "" - name: MaestroApiAccessToken value: $(MaestroAccessToken) - name: MaestroApiVersion value: "2020-02-20" - name: SourceLinkCLIVersion value: 3.0.0 - name: SymbolToolVersion value: 1.0.1 - name: runCodesignValidationInjection value: false