parameters: helixSource: 'undefined_defaulted_in_telemetry.yml' helixType: 'undefined_defaulted_in_telemetry.yml' buildConfig: '' runAsPublic: false maxRetries: 5 retryDelay: 10 # in seconds steps: - ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), not(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'))) }}: - task: AzureKeyVault@1 inputs: azureSubscription: 'HelixProd_KeyVault' KeyVaultName: HelixProdKV SecretsFilter: 'HelixApiAccessToken' condition: always() - bash: | # create a temporary file jobInfo=`mktemp` # write job info content to temporary file cat > $jobInfo <<JobListStuff { "QueueId": "$QueueId", "Source": "$Source", "Type": "$Type", "Build": "$Build", "Attempt": "$Attempt", "Properties": { "operatingSystem": "$OperatingSystem", "configuration": "$Configuration" } } JobListStuff cat $jobInfo # create a temporary file for curl output res=`mktemp` accessTokenParameter="?access_token=$HelixApiAccessToken" curlStatus=1 retryCount=0 # retry loop to harden against spotty telemetry connections # we don't retry successes and 4xx client errors until [[ $curlStatus -eq 0 || ( $curlStatus -ge 400 && $curlStatus -le 499 ) || $retryCount -ge $MaxRetries ]] do if [ $retryCount -gt 0 ]; then echo "Failed to send telemetry to Helix; waiting $RetryDelay seconds before retrying..." sleep $RetryDelay fi curlResult=` cat $jobInfo |\ curl --trace - --verbose --output $res --write-out "%{http_code}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -X POST "$accessTokenParameter" -d @-` curlStatus=$? if [ $curlStatus -eq 0 ]; then if [ $curlResult -gt 299 ] || [ $curlResult -lt 200 ]; then curlStatus=$curlResult fi fi let retryCount++ done curlResult=`cat $res` # validate status of curl command if [ $curlStatus -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed To Send Job Start information after $retryCount retries" # We have to append the ## vso prefix or vso will pick up the command when it dumps the inline script into the shell vstsLogOutput="vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=telemetry/;code=1;]Failed to Send Job Start information: $curlStatus" echo "##$vstsLogOutput" exit 1 fi # Set the Helix_JobToken variable export Helix_JobToken=`echo $curlResult | xargs echo` # Strip Quotes echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_JobToken;issecret=true;]$Helix_JobToken" displayName: Send Unix Job Start Telemetry env: HelixApiAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken) Source: ${{ parameters.helixSource }} Type: ${{ parameters.helixType }} Build: $(Build.BuildNumber) QueueId: $(Agent.Os) Attempt: 1 OperatingSystem: $(Agent.Os) Configuration: ${{ parameters.buildConfig }} MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }} RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }} condition: and(always(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT')) - bash: | curlStatus=1 retryCount=0 # retry loop to harden against spotty telemetry connections # we don't retry successes and 4xx client errors until [[ $curlStatus -eq 0 || ( $curlStatus -ge 400 && $curlStatus -le 499 ) || $retryCount -ge $MaxRetries ]] do if [ $retryCount -gt 0 ]; then echo "Failed to send telemetry to Helix; waiting $RetryDelay seconds before retrying..." sleep $RetryDelay fi res=`mktemp` curlResult=` curl --verbose --output $res --write-out "%{http_code}"\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "X-Helix-Job-Token: $Helix_JobToken" \ -H 'Content-Length: 0' \ -X POST -G "" \ --data-urlencode "buildUri=$BuildUri"` curlStatus=$? if [ $curlStatus -eq 0 ]; then if [ $curlResult -gt 299 ] || [ $curlResult -lt 200 ]; then curlStatus=$curlResult fi fi curlResult=`cat $res` let retryCount++ done # validate status of curl command if [ $curlStatus -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to Send Build Start information after $retryCount retries" vstsLogOutput="vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=telemetry/build/;code=1;]Failed to Send Build Start information: $curlStatus" echo "##$vstsLogOutput" exit 1 fi export Helix_WorkItemId=`echo $curlResult | xargs echo` # Strip Quotes echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_WorkItemId]$Helix_WorkItemId" displayName: Send Unix Build Start Telemetry env: BuildUri: $(System.TaskDefinitionsUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/index?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)&_a=summary Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken) MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }} RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }} condition: and(always(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT')) - powershell: | $jobInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ QueueId=$env:QueueId; Source=$env:Source; Type=$env:Type; Build=$env:Build; Attempt=$env:Attempt; Properties=[pscustomobject]@{ operatingSystem=$env:OperatingSystem; configuration=$env:Configuration }; } $jobInfoJson = $jobInfo | ConvertTo-Json if ($env:HelixApiAccessToken) { $accessTokenParameter="?access_token=$($env:HelixApiAccessToken)" } Write-Host "Job Info: $jobInfoJson" # Basic retry loop to harden against server flakiness $retryCount = 0 while ($retryCount -lt $env:MaxRetries) { try { $jobToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($accessTokenParameter)" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $jobInfoJson break } catch { $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ if ($statusCode -ge 400 -and $statusCode -le 499) { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); not retrying (4xx client error)" Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error ", $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message exit 1 } Write-Host "Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); waiting $env:RetryDelay seconds before retrying..." $retryCount++ sleep $env:RetryDelay continue } } if ($retryCount -ge $env:MaxRetries) { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix after $retryCount retries." exit 1 } $env:Helix_JobToken = $jobToken Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_JobToken;issecret=true;]$env:Helix_JobToken" env: HelixApiAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken) Source: ${{ parameters.helixSource }} Type: ${{ parameters.helixType }} Build: $(Build.BuildNumber) QueueId: $(Agent.Os) Attempt: 1 OperatingSystem: $(Agent.Os) Configuration: ${{ parameters.buildConfig }} MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }} RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }} condition: and(always(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT')) displayName: Send Windows Job Start Telemetry - powershell: | # Basic retry loop to harden against server flakiness $retryCount = 0 while ($retryCount -lt $env:MaxRetries) { try { $workItemId = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$([Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($env:BuildUri))" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body "" ` -Headers @{ 'X-Helix-Job-Token'=$env:Helix_JobToken } break } catch { $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ if ($statusCode -ge 400 -and $statusCode -le 499) { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); not retrying (4xx client error)" Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error ", $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message exit 1 } Write-Host "Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); waiting $env:RetryDelay seconds before retrying..." $retryCount++ sleep $env:RetryDelay continue } } if ($retryCount -ge $env:MaxRetries) { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix after $retryCount retries." exit 1 } $env:Helix_WorkItemId = $workItemId Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_WorkItemId]$env:Helix_WorkItemId" displayName: Send Windows Build Start Telemetry env: BuildUri: $(System.TaskDefinitionsUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/index?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)&_a=summary Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken) MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }} RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }} condition: and(always(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))