// Import the utility functionality. import jobs.generation.Utilities; import jobs.generation.InternalUtilities; def project = 'dotnet/cli' def osList = ['Ubuntu', 'OSX', 'Windows_NT'] def machineLabelMap = ['Ubuntu':'ubuntu', 'OSX':'mac', 'Windows_NT':'windows'] def static getBuildJobName(def configuration, def os) { return configuration.toLowerCase() + '_' + os.toLowerCase() } ['Debug', 'Release'].each { configuration -> osList.each { os -> // Calculate names def lowerConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase() // Calculate job name def jobName = getBuildJobName(configuration, os) def buildCommand = ''; def osGroup = osGroupMap[os] // Calculate the build command if (os == 'Windows_NT') { // On Windows we build the mscorlibs too. buildCommand = ".\\scripts\\ci_build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration}" } else { // On other OS's we skipmscorlib but run the pal tests buildCommand = "./scripts/ci_build.sh ${lowerConfiguration}" } // Create the new job def newCommitJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, jobName, false)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { if (os == 'Windows_NT') { // Batch batchFile(buildCommand) } else { // Shell shell(buildCommand) } } } InternalUtilities.addPrivatePermissions(newCommitJob) InternalUtilities.addPrivateScm(newCommitJob, project) Utilities.addStandardOptions(newCommitJob) Utilities.addStandardNonPRParameters(newCommitJob) Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(newCommitJob) def newPRJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, jobName, true)) { // Set the label. label(machineLabelMap[os]) steps { if (os == 'Windows_NT') { // Batch batchFile(buildCommand) } else { // Shell shell(buildCommand) } } } InternalUtilities.addPrivatePermissions(newPRJob) InternalUtilities.addPrivatePRTestSCM(newPRJob, project) Utilities.addStandardOptions(newPRJob) Utilities.addStandardPRParameters(newPRJob, project) Utilities.addGithubPRTrigger(newPRJob, "${os} ${configuration} Build") } }