# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    # This is here just to eat away this parameter because CI still passes this in.
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]

    Write-Host "Usage: .\build.ps1 [-Configuration <CONFIGURATION>] [-Architecture <ARCHITECTURE>] [-NoPackage] [-Help]"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Options:"
    Write-Host "  -Configuration <CONFIGURATION>     Build the specified Configuration (Debug or Release, default: Debug)"
    Write-Host "  -Architecture <ARCHITECTURE>       Build the specified architecture (x64 or x86 (supported only on Windows), default: x64)"
    Write-Host "  -NoPackage                         Skip packaging targets"
    Write-Host "  -NoBuild                           Skip building the product"
    Write-Host "  -Help                              Display this help message"
    exit 0

$env:CONFIGURATION = $Configuration;
$RepoRoot = "$PSScriptRoot"
$env:NUGET_PACKAGES = "$RepoRoot\.nuget\packages"


# Use a repo-local install directory (but not the artifacts directory because that gets cleaned a lot

if (!(Test-Path $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR_PJ))
    mkdir $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR_PJ | Out-Null

# Also create an install directory for a post-PJnistic CLI

if (!(Test-Path $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR))
    mkdir $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR | Out-Null

# Disable first run since we want to control all package sources

# Enable vs test console logging

# set the base tools directory
$toolsLocalPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build_tools"
$bootStrapperPath = Join-Path $toolsLocalPath "bootstrap.ps1"
# if the boot-strapper script doesn't exist then download it
if ((Test-Path $bootStrapperPath) -eq 0)
    if ((Test-Path $toolsLocalPath) -eq 0)
        mkdir $toolsLocalPath | Out-Null

    # download boot-strapper script
    Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/buildtools/master/bootstrap/bootstrap.ps1" -OutFile $bootStrapperPath

# now execute it
& $bootStrapperPath -DotNetInstallBranch master -RepositoryRoot (Get-Location) -ToolsLocalPath $toolsLocalPath -CliLocalPath $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR_PJ -Architecture $Architecture | Out-File (Join-Path (Get-Location) "bootstrap.log")
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Boot-strapping failed with exit code $LastExitCode, see bootstrap.log for more information."
    exit $LastExitCode

# install the post-PJnistic stage0
$dotnetInstallPath = Join-Path $toolsLocalPath "dotnet-install.ps1"

Write-Host "$dotnetInstallPath -Channel ""master"" -InstallDir $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR -Architecture ""$Architecture"""
Invoke-Expression "$dotnetInstallPath -Channel ""master"" -InstallDir $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR -Architecture ""$Architecture"""
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
    Write-Output "The .NET CLI installation failed with exit code $LastExitCode"
    exit $LastExitCode

# Put the stage0 on the path

if ($NoBuild)
    Write-Host "Not building due to --nobuild"
    Write-Host "Command that would be run: 'dotnet msbuild build.proj /m /p:Architecture=$Architecture $ExtraParameters'"
    dotnet msbuild build.proj /p:Architecture=$Architecture /p:GeneratingPropsFile=true /t:WriteDynamicPropsToStaticPropsFiles
    dotnet msbuild build.proj /m /v:diag /fl /flp:v=diag /p:Architecture=$Architecture $ExtraParameters
    if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Failed to build" } 