# # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\common\_common.ps1" $TestPackagesPath = "$RepoRoot\artifacts\tests\package-command-test\packages" if((Test-Path $TestPackagesPath) -eq 0) { mkdir $TestPackagesPath; } "v1", "v2" | foreach { dotnet pack "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Commands\dotnet-hello\$_\dotnet-hello" cp "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Commands\dotnet-hello\$_\dotnet-hello\bin\Debug\*.nupkg" -Destination $TestPackagesPath if (!$?) { error "Command failed: dotnet pack" Exit 1 } } # workaround for dotnet-restore from the root failing for these tests since their dependencies aren't built yet dir "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers" | where {$_.PsIsContainer} | foreach { pushd "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers\$_" copy project.json.template project.json popd } #restore test projects pushd "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers" dotnet restore -s "$TestPackagesPath" if (!$?) { error "Command failed: dotnet restore" Exit 1 } popd #compile apps dir "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers" | where {$_.PsIsContainer} | where {$_.Name.Contains("Direct")} | foreach { pushd "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers\$_" dotnet compile popd } #run test dir "$RepoRoot\test\PackagedCommands\Consumers" | where {$_.PsIsContainer} | where {$_.Name.Contains("AppWith")} | foreach { $testName = "test\PackagedCommands\Consumers\$_" pushd "$RepoRoot\$testName" $outputArray = dotnet hello | Out-String $output = [string]::Join('\n', $outputArray).Trim("`r", "`n") del "project.json" if ($output -ne "hello") { error "Test Failed: $testName\dotnet hello" error " printed $output" Exit 1 } info "Test passed: $testName" popd } Exit 0