parameters: # Optional azure devops PAT with build execute permissions for the build's organization, # only needed if the build that should be retained ran on a different organization than # the pipeline where this template is executing from Token: '' # Optional BuildId to retain, defaults to the current running build BuildId: '' # Azure devops Organization URI for the build in the format. # Defaults to the organization the current pipeline is running on AzdoOrgUri: '$(System.CollectionUri)' # Azure devops project for the build. Defaults to the project the current pipeline is running on AzdoProject: '$(System.TeamProject)' steps: - task: powershell@2 inputs: targetType: 'filePath' filePath: eng/common/retain-build.ps1 pwsh: true arguments: > -AzdoOrgUri: ${{parameters.AzdoOrgUri}} -AzdoProject ${{parameters.AzdoProject}} -Token ${{coalesce(parameters.Token, '$env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN') }} -BuildId ${{coalesce(parameters.BuildId, '$env:BUILD_ID')}} displayName: Enable permanent build retention env: SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken) BUILD_ID: $(Build.BuildId)