#!/usr/bin/env bash source="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" scriptroot="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$source" )" && pwd )" base_uri='https://netcorenativeassets.blob.core.windows.net/resource-packages/external' install_directory='' clean=false force=false download_retries=5 retry_wait_time_seconds=30 global_json_file="$(dirname "$(dirname "${scriptroot}")")/global.json" declare -a native_assets . $scriptroot/pipeline-logging-functions.sh . $scriptroot/native/common-library.sh while (($# > 0)); do lowerI="$(echo $1 | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" case $lowerI in --baseuri) base_uri=$2 shift 2 ;; --installdirectory) install_directory=$2 shift 2 ;; --clean) clean=true shift 1 ;; --force) force=true shift 1 ;; --donotabortonfailure) donotabortonfailure=true shift 1 ;; --donotdisplaywarnings) donotdisplaywarnings=true shift 1 ;; --downloadretries) download_retries=$2 shift 2 ;; --retrywaittimeseconds) retry_wait_time_seconds=$2 shift 2 ;; --help) echo "Common settings:" echo " --installdirectory Directory to install native toolset." echo " This is a command-line override for the default" echo " Install directory precedence order:" echo " - InstallDirectory command-line override" echo " - NETCOREENG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY environment variable" echo " - (default) %USERPROFILE%/.netcoreeng/native" echo "" echo " --clean Switch specifying not to install anything, but cleanup native asset folders" echo " --donotabortonfailure Switch specifiying whether to abort native tools installation on failure" echo " --donotdisplaywarnings Switch specifiying whether to display warnings during native tools installation on failure" echo " --force Clean and then install tools" echo " --help Print help and exit" echo "" echo "Advanced settings:" echo " --baseuri <value> Base URI for where to download native tools from" echo " --downloadretries <value> Number of times a download should be attempted" echo " --retrywaittimeseconds <value> Wait time between download attempts" echo "" exit 0 ;; esac done function ReadGlobalJsonNativeTools { # happy path: we have a proper JSON parsing tool `jq(1)` in PATH! if command -v jq &> /dev/null; then # jq: read each key/value pair under "native-tools" entry and emit: # KEY="<entry-key>" VALUE="<entry-value>" # followed by a null byte. # # bash: read line with null byte delimeter and push to array (for later `eval`uation). while IFS= read -rd '' line; do native_assets+=("$line") done < <(jq -r '. | select(has("native-tools")) | ."native-tools" | keys[] as $k | @sh "KEY=\($k) VALUE=\(.[$k])\u0000"' "$global_json_file") return fi # Warning: falling back to manually parsing JSON, which is not recommended. # Following routine matches the output and escaping logic of jq(1)'s @sh formatter used above. # It has been tested with several weird strings with escaped characters in entries (key and value) # and results were compared with the output of jq(1) in binary representation using xxd(1); # just before the assignment to 'native_assets' array (above and below). # try to capture the section under "native-tools". if [[ ! "$(cat "$global_json_file")" =~ \"native-tools\"[[:space:]\:\{]*([^\}]+) ]]; then return fi section="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" parseStarted=0 possibleEnd=0 escaping=0 escaped=0 isKey=1 for (( i=0; i<${#section}; i++ )); do char="${section:$i:1}" if ! ((parseStarted)) && [[ "$char" =~ [[:space:],:] ]]; then continue; fi if ! ((escaping)) && [[ "$char" == "\\" ]]; then escaping=1 elif ((escaping)) && ! ((escaped)); then escaped=1 fi if ! ((parseStarted)) && [[ "$char" == "\"" ]]; then parseStarted=1 possibleEnd=0 elif [[ "$char" == "'" ]]; then token="$token'\\\''" possibleEnd=0 elif ((escaping)) || [[ "$char" != "\"" ]]; then token="$token$char" possibleEnd=1 fi if ((possibleEnd)) && ! ((escaping)) && [[ "$char" == "\"" ]]; then # Use printf to unescape token to match jq(1)'s @sh formatting rules. # do not use 'token="$(printf "$token")"' syntax, as $() eats the trailing linefeed. printf -v token "'$token'" if ((isKey)); then KEY="$token" isKey=0 else line="KEY=$KEY VALUE=$token" native_assets+=("$line") isKey=1 fi # reset for next token parseStarted=0 token= elif ((escaping)) && ((escaped)); then escaping=0 escaped=0 fi done } native_base_dir=$install_directory if [[ -z $install_directory ]]; then native_base_dir=$(GetNativeInstallDirectory) fi install_bin="${native_base_dir}/bin" installed_any=false ReadGlobalJsonNativeTools if [[ ${#native_assets[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No native tools defined in global.json" exit 0; else native_installer_dir="$scriptroot/native" for index in "${!native_assets[@]}"; do eval "${native_assets["$index"]}" installer_path="$native_installer_dir/install-$KEY.sh" installer_command="$installer_path" installer_command+=" --baseuri $base_uri" installer_command+=" --installpath $install_bin" installer_command+=" --version $VALUE" echo $installer_command if [[ $force = true ]]; then installer_command+=" --force" fi if [[ $clean = true ]]; then installer_command+=" --clean" fi if [[ -a $installer_path ]]; then $installer_command if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then if [[ $donotabortonfailure = true ]]; then if [[ $donotdisplaywarnings != true ]]; then Write-PipelineTelemetryError -category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' "Execution Failed" fi else Write-PipelineTelemetryError -category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' "Execution Failed" exit 1 fi else $installed_any = true fi else if [[ $donotabortonfailure == true ]]; then if [[ $donotdisplaywarnings != true ]]; then Write-PipelineTelemetryError -category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' "Execution Failed: no install script" fi else Write-PipelineTelemetryError -category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' "Execution Failed: no install script" exit 1 fi fi done fi if [[ $clean = true ]]; then exit 0 fi if [[ -d $install_bin ]]; then echo "Native tools are available from $install_bin" echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$install_bin" else if [[ $installed_any = true ]]; then Write-PipelineTelemetryError -category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' "Native tools install directory does not exist, installation failed" exit 1 fi fi exit 0