% DOTNET(1) % Microsoft Corporation dotnetclifeedback@microsoft.com % June 2016 ## NAME dotnet -- General driver for running the command-line commands ## SYNOPSIS `dotnet [--version] [--help] [--verbose] [--info] []` ## DESCRIPTION `dotnet` is a generic driver for the Command Line Interface (CLI) toolchain. Invoked on its own, it will give out brief usage instructions. Each specific feature is implemented as a command. In order to use the feature, the command is specified after `dotnet`, such as [`dotnet build`](https://aka.ms/dotnet-build). All of the arguments following the command are its own arguments. The only time `dotnet` is used as a command on its own is to run portable apps. Just specify a portable application DLL after the `dotnet` verb to execute the application. ## OPTIONS `-v, --verbose` Enables verbose output. `--version` Prints out the version of the CLI tooling. `--info` Prints out more detailed information about the CLI tooling, such as the current operating system, commit SHA for the version, etc. `-h, --help` Prints out a short help and a list of current commands. ## DOTNET COMMANDS The following commands exist for dotnet: * [dotnet-new](https://aka.ms/dotnet-new) * Initializes a C# or F# console application project. * [dotnet-restore](https://aka.ms/dotnet-restore) * Restores the dependencies for a given application. * [dotnet-build](https://aka.ms/dotnet-build) * Builds a .NET Core application. * [dotnet-publish](https://aka.ms/dotnet-publish) * Publishes a .NET portable or self-contained application. * [dotnet-run](https://aka.ms/dotnet-run) * Runs the application from source. * [dotnet-test](https://aka.ms/dotnet-test) * Runs tests using a test runner specified in the project.json. * [dotnet-pack](https://aka.ms/dotnet-pack) * Creates a NuGet package of your code. ## EXAMPLES `dotnet new` Initializes a sample .NET Core console application that can be compiled and run. `dotnet restore` Restores dependencies for a given application. `dotnet compile` Compiles the application in a given directory. `dotnet myapp.dll` Runs a portable app named `myapp.dll`. ## ENVIRONMENT `NUGET_PACKAGES` The primary package cache. If not set, it defaults to $HOME/.nuget/packages on Unix or %HOME%\NuGet\Packages on Windows. `DOTNET_SERVICING` Specifies the location of the servicing index to use by the shared host when loading the runtime. `DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT` Specifies whether data about the .NET Core tools usage is collected and sent to Microsoft. **true** to opt-out of the telemetry feature (values true, 1 or yes accepted); otherwise, **false** (values false, 0 or no accepted). If not set, it defaults to **false**, that is, the telemetry feature is on.