<# .SYNOPSIS Install and run the 'Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.Cli' tool with the 'trim-artifacts-version' command to trim the version from the NuGet assets file name. .PARAMETER InputPath Full path to directory where artifact packages are stored .PARAMETER Recursive Search for NuGet packages recursively #> Param( [string] $InputPath, [bool] $Recursive = $true ) $CliToolName = "Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.Cli" function Install-VersionTools-Cli { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Version ) Write-Host "Installing the package '$CliToolName' with a version of '$version' ..." $feed = "https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-eng/nuget/v3/index.json" $argumentList = @("tool", "install", "--local", "$CliToolName", "--add-source $feed", "--no-cache", "--version $Version") Start-Process "$dotnet" -Verbose -ArgumentList $argumentList -NoNewWindow -Wait } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!(Test-Path $InputPath)) { Write-Host "Input Path '$InputPath' does not exist" ExitWithExitCode 1 } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 $disableConfigureToolsetImport = $true $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 # `tools.ps1` checks $ci to perform some actions. Since the SDL # scripts don't necessarily execute in the same agent that run the # build.ps1/sh script this variable isn't automatically set. $ci = $true . $PSScriptRoot\..\tools.ps1 try { $dotnetRoot = InitializeDotNetCli -install:$true $dotnet = "$dotnetRoot\dotnet.exe" $toolsetVersion = Read-ArcadeSdkVersion Install-VersionTools-Cli -Version $toolsetVersion $cliToolFound = (& "$dotnet" tool list --local | Where-Object {$_.Split(' ')[0] -eq $CliToolName}) if ($null -eq $cliToolFound) { Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Force -Category 'Sdl' -Message "The '$CliToolName' tool is not installed." ExitWithExitCode 1 } Exec-BlockVerbosely { & "$dotnet" $CliToolName trim-assets-version ` --assets-path $InputPath ` --recursive $Recursive Exit-IfNZEC "Sdl" } } catch { Write-Host $_ Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Force -Category 'Sdl' -Message $_ ExitWithExitCode 1 }