param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $InputPath, # Full path to directory where NuGet packages to be checked are stored [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ExtractPath, # Full path to directory where the packages will be extracted during validation [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SymbolToolPath # Full path to directory where dotnet symbol-tool was installed ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem . $PSScriptRoot\pipeline-logging-functions.ps1 function FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault { param( [string] $FullPath, # Full path to the module that has to be checked [string] $TargetServerParameter, # Parameter to pass to `Symbol Tool` indicating the server to lookup for symbols [string] $SymbolsPath ) $FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($FullPath) $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FullPath) # Those below are potential symbol files that the `dotnet symbol` might # return. Which one will be returned depend on the type of file we are # checking and which type of file was uploaded. # The file itself is returned $SymbolPath = $SymbolsPath + '\' + $FileName # PDB file for the module $PdbPath = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.pdb') # PDB file for R2R module (created by crossgen) $NGenPdb = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.ni.pdb') # DBG file for a .so library $SODbg = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.so.dbg') # DWARF file for a .dylib $DylibDwarf = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.dylib.dwarf') .\dotnet-symbol.exe --symbols --modules --windows-pdbs $TargetServerParameter $FullPath -o $SymbolsPath | Out-Null if (Test-Path $PdbPath) { return 'PDB' } elseif (Test-Path $NGenPdb) { return 'NGen PDB' } elseif (Test-Path $SODbg) { return 'DBG for SO' } elseif (Test-Path $DylibDwarf) { return 'Dwarf for Dylib' } elseif (Test-Path $SymbolPath) { return 'Module' } else { return $null } } function CountMissingSymbols { param( [string] $PackagePath # Path to a NuGet package ) # Ensure input file exist if (!(Test-Path $PackagePath)) { throw "Input file does not exist: $PackagePath" } # Extensions for which we'll look for symbols $RelevantExtensions = @('.dll', '.exe', '.so', '.dylib') # How many files are missing symbol information $MissingSymbols = 0 $PackageId = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PackagePath) $PackageGuid = New-Guid $ExtractPath = Join-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ChildPath $PackageGuid $SymbolsPath = Join-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ChildPath 'Symbols' [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($PackagePath, $ExtractPath) # Makes easier to reference `symbol tool` Push-Location $SymbolToolPath Get-ChildItem -Recurse $ExtractPath | Where-Object {$RelevantExtensions -contains $_.Extension} | ForEach-Object { if ($_.FullName -Match '\\ref\\') { Write-Host "`t Ignoring reference assembly file" $_.FullName return } $SymbolsOnMSDL = FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault -FullPath $_.FullName -TargetServerParameter '--microsoft-symbol-server' -SymbolsPath $SymbolsPath $SymbolsOnSymWeb = FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault -FullPath $_.FullName -TargetServerParameter '--internal-server' -SymbolsPath $SymbolsPath Write-Host -NoNewLine "`t Checking file" $_.FullName "... " if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -ne $null -and $SymbolsOnSymWeb -ne $null) { Write-Host "Symbols found on MSDL (${$SymbolsOnMSDL}) and SymWeb (${$SymbolsOnSymWeb})" } else { $MissingSymbols++ if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -eq $null -and $SymbolsOnSymWeb -eq $null) { Write-Host 'No symbols found on MSDL or SymWeb!' } else { if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -eq $null) { Write-Host 'No symbols found on MSDL!' } else { Write-Host 'No symbols found on SymWeb!' } } } } Pop-Location return $MissingSymbols } function CheckSymbolsAvailable { if (Test-Path $ExtractPath) { Remove-Item $ExtractPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Get-ChildItem "$InputPath\*.nupkg" | ForEach-Object { $FileName = $_.Name # These packages from Arcade-Services include some native libraries that # our current symbol uploader can't handle. Below is a workaround until # we get issue: sorted. if ($FileName -Match 'Microsoft\.DotNet\.Darc\.') { Write-Host "Ignoring Arcade-services file: $FileName" Write-Host return } elseif ($FileName -Match 'Microsoft\.DotNet\.Maestro\.Tasks\.') { Write-Host "Ignoring Arcade-services file: $FileName" Write-Host return } Write-Host "Validating $FileName " $Status = CountMissingSymbols "$InputPath\$FileName" if ($Status -ne 0) { Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "Missing symbols for $Status modules in the package $FileName" } Write-Host } } CheckSymbolsAvailable