### This job builds https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet with given parameters ### If run in an installer PR, new changes are applied to a local copy of the VMR, then it is built and tested parameters: - name: architecture type: string - name: artifactsRid type: string default: '' - name: buildName type: string - name: container type: string default: '' - name: crossRootFs type: string default: '' - name: pool type: object - name: targetOS type: string default: '' - name: targetArchitecture type: string default: '' - name: useMonoRuntime displayName: True when build output uses the mono runtime type: boolean default: false #### SOURCE-ONLY parameters #### # Instead of building the VMR directly, exports the sources into a tarball and builds from that - name: buildFromArchive type: boolean default: false # Enable for source-building the VMR - name: buildSourceOnly type: boolean default: false - name: enablePoison type: boolean default: false - name: excludeOmniSharpTests type: boolean default: false # Name of a previous job (from the same template as this) whose output will be used to build this job # The SDK from its artifacts is copied to $(sourcesPath)/.dotnet - name: reuseBuildArtifactsFrom type: string default: '' # Allow downloading artifacts from the internet during the build - name: runOnline type: boolean default: true - name: runTests type: boolean default: false # Freeform field for extra values to pass to build.sh for special build modes - name: extraProperties type: string default: '' # Use the previous version's SDK to build the current one - name: withPreviousSDK type: boolean default: false #### INSTALLER parameters #### - name: isBuiltFromVmr displayName: True when build is running from dotnet/dotnet directly type: boolean - name: vmrBranch displayName: dotnet/dotnet branch to use type: string jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.buildName }}_${{ parameters.architecture }} pool: ${{ parameters.pool }} # Currently, CodeQL slows the build down too much # https://github.com/dotnet/source-build/issues/4276 ${{ if and(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr, startswith(parameters.buildName, 'Windows'), eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: timeoutInMinutes: 720 ${{ else }}: timeoutInMinutes: 150 ${{ if ne(parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom, '') }}: # Always attempt to run the bootstrap leg (e.g. even when stage 1 tests fail) in order to get a complete accessment of the build status. # The build shortcuts when stage 1 build fails and doesn't produce the SDK. condition: succeededOrFailed() dependsOn: ${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }} variables: - ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal') }}: - group: AzureDevOps-Artifact-Feeds-Pats - ${{ if and(not(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr), eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), not(startswith(parameters.vmrBranch, 'internal/release/')), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - group: DotNetBot-GitHub - ${{ else }}: - name: BotAccount-dotnet-bot-repo-PAT value: N/A - name: additionalBuildArgs value: '' - ${{ if parameters.isBuiltFromVmr }}: - name: vmrPath value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) - ${{ else }}: - name: vmrPath value: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/vmr # Location of the VMR sources # We either build the repo directly, or we extract them outside (which is what partners do) - ${{ if parameters.buildFromArchive }}: - name: sourcesPath value: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/dotnet-sources/ - ${{ else }}: - name: sourcesPath value: $(vmrPath) templateContext: outputs: - output: pipelineArtifact displayName: Publish BuildLogs condition: succeededOrFailed() targetPath: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs artifactName: $(Agent.JobName)_BuildLogs_Attempt$(System.JobAttempt) - output: pipelineArtifact path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/publishing artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_Artifacts displayName: Publish Artifacts condition: always() - ${{ if not(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr) }}: - output: pipelineArtifact displayName: Upload failed patches condition: failed() targetPath: $(Agent.TempDirectory) artifactName: $(System.JobDisplayName)_FailedPatches steps: - ${{ if not(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr) }}: - template: ../steps/vmr-prepare.yml@self parameters: ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}: vmrBranch: $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch) ${{ else }}: vmrBranch: ${{ parameters.vmrBranch }} # Synchronize new content in the VMR during PRs (we expect this to come - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}: - template: ../steps/vmr-pull-updates.yml@self parameters: vmrPath: $(vmrPath) vmrBranch: ${{ parameters.vmrBranch }} targetRef: $(Build.SourceVersion) # Synchronize the current installer commit - ${{ if parameters.buildFromArchive }}: - script: | set -ex cp -r "$(vmrPath)" "$(sourcesPath)" rm -rf "$(sourcesPath)/.git" displayName: Export VMR sources workingDirectory: $(Build.StagingDirectory) - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), eq(parameters.runTests, 'True')) }}: - script: cp "$(sourcesPath)/src/installer/NuGet.config" "$(sourcesPath)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/assets/online.NuGet.Config" displayName: Copy Test NuGet Config - task: Bash@3 displayName: Setup Private Feeds Credentials inputs: filePath: $(sourcesPath)/src/installer/eng/common/SetupNugetSources.sh arguments: $(sourcesPath)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/assets/online.NuGet.Config $Token env: Token: $(dn-bot-dnceng-artifact-feeds-rw) - ${{ if ne(parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom, '') }}: - download: current artifact: ${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}_Artifacts patterns: | **/Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*.tar.gz **/dotnet-sdk-*.tar.gz displayName: Download Previous Build - task: CopyFiles@2 displayName: Copy Previous Build inputs: SourceFolder: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}_Artifacts/assets/Release Contents: '*.tar.gz' TargetFolder: $(sourcesPath)/prereqs/packages/archive/ - ${{ if eq(parameters.withPreviousSDK, 'true') }}: - script: | set -euo pipefail if [[ '${{ parameters.artifactsRid }}' == '' ]]; then echo "'artifactsRid' is not specified. Cannot download source-built SDK." exit 1 fi packageVersionsPath="$(sourcesPath)/eng/Versions.props" notFoundMessage="No source-built SDK found to download..." echo "Looking for source-built SDK to download..." archiveVersionLine=$(grep -m 1 "" "$packageVersionsPath" || :) versionPattern="(.*)" if [[ $archiveVersionLine =~ $versionPattern ]]; then archiveVersion="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" archiveUrl="https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/source-built-artifacts/sdks/dotnet-sdk-$archiveVersion-${{ parameters.artifactsRid }}.tar.gz" downloadDir="$(sourcesPath)/prereqs/packages/archive/" echo "Downloading source-built SDK from $archiveUrl..." (cd "$downloadDir" && curl --retry 5 -O "$archiveUrl") else echo "$notFoundMessage" exit 1 fi displayName: Setup Previously Source-Built SDK - ${{ if eq(parameters.targetOS, 'windows') }}: - script: | call $(sourcesPath)\build.cmd -ci -cleanWhileBuilding -prepareMachine /p:TargetOS=${{ parameters.targetOS }} /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }} ${{ parameters.extraProperties }} displayName: Build - ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, 'True') }}: - script: | call $(sourcesPath)\build.cmd -ci -prepareMachine -test ${{ parameters.extraProperties }} displayName: Run Tests - ${{ else }}: - ${{ if eq(parameters.buildSourceOnly, 'true') }}: - script: | set -ex customPrepArgs="" prepSdk=true if [[ -n '${{ parameters.artifactsRid }}' ]]; then customPrepArgs="${customPrepArgs} --artifacts-rid ${{ parameters.artifactsRid }}" fi if [[ '${{ parameters.withPreviousSDK }}' == 'True' ]]; then # Source-built artifacts are from CentOS 8 Stream or Alpine 3.19. We want to download them without # downloading portable versions from the internet. customPrepArgs="${customPrepArgs} --no-sdk --no-bootstrap" prepSdk=false elif [[ -n '${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}' ]]; then customPrepArgs="${customPrepArgs} --no-sdk --no-artifacts" prepSdk=false fi if [[ "$prepSdk" == "false" ]]; then mkdir $(sourcesPath)/.dotnet previousSdkPath="$(sourcesPath)/prereqs/packages/archive/dotnet-sdk-*.tar.gz" eval tar -ozxf "$previousSdkPath" -C "$(sourcesPath)/.dotnet" eval rm -f "$previousSdkPath" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=additionalBuildArgs]--with-sdk /vmr/.dotnet" fi docker run --rm -v "$(sourcesPath):/vmr" -w /vmr ${{ parameters.container }} ./prep-source-build.sh $customPrepArgs displayName: Prep the Build - script: | set -ex df -h customEnvVars="" customBuildArgs="--ci --clean-while-building --prepareMachine" if [[ '${{ parameters.runOnline }}' == 'True' ]]; then customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --online" fi if [[ '${{ parameters.enablePoison }}' == 'True' ]]; then customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --poison" fi if [[ '${{ parameters.buildFromArchive }}' == 'True' ]]; then customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --source-repository https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet" customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --source-version $(git -C "$(vmrPath)" rev-parse HEAD)" fi if [[ '${{ parameters.buildSourceOnly }}' == 'True' ]]; then customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --source-only" fi if [[ '${{ parameters.useMonoRuntime }}' == 'True' ]]; then customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --use-mono-runtime" fi if [[ -n "${{ parameters.crossRootFs }}" ]]; then customEnvVars="$customEnvVars ROOTFS_DIR=${{ parameters.crossRootFs}}" if [[ '${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}' != 'wasm' ]]; then extraBuildProperties="$extraBuildProperties /p:CrossBuild=true" fi fi if [[ ! -z '${{ parameters.targetOS }}' ]]; then extraBuildProperties="$extraBuildProperties /p:TargetOS=${{ parameters.targetOS }}" fi if [[ ! -z '${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}' ]]; then extraBuildProperties="$extraBuildProperties /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}" fi if [[ -n "${{ parameters.extraProperties }}" ]]; then extraBuildProperties="$extraBuildProperties ${{ parameters.extraProperties }}" fi buildArgs="$(additionalBuildArgs) $customBuildArgs $extraBuildProperties" # Only use Docker when a container is specified if [[ -n "${{ parameters.container }}" ]]; then # Allows Arcade to have access to the commit for the build, pass it through to the container customEnvVars="$customEnvVars BUILD_SOURCEVERSION=$BUILD_SOURCEVERSION" customEnvVars="$customEnvVars BUILD_BUILDNUMBER=$(Build.BuildNumber)" customDockerRunArgs="" for envVar in $customEnvVars; do customDockerRunArgs="$customDockerRunArgs -e $envVar" done if [[ '${{ parameters.runOnline }}' == 'False' ]]; then customDockerRunArgs="$customDockerRunArgs --network none" fi docker run --rm -v "$(sourcesPath):/vmr" -w /vmr $customDockerRunArgs ${{ parameters.container }} ./build.sh $buildArgs else for envVar in $customEnvVars; do customEnvVarsWithBashSyntax="$customEnvVarsWithBashSyntax export $envVar;" done cd $(sourcesPath) eval $customEnvVarsWithBashSyntax ./build.sh $buildArgs fi displayName: Build # Only run tests if enabled - ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, 'True') }}: - script: | set -ex dockerVolumeArgs="-v $(sourcesPath):/vmr" poisonArg='' if [[ '${{ parameters.enablePoison }}' == 'True' ]]; then poisonArg='--poison' fi docker run --rm $dockerVolumeArgs -w /vmr ${{ parameters.container }} ./build.sh /bl:artifacts/log/Release/Test.binlog --source-only --test $poisonArg $(additionalBuildArgs) /p:SmokeTestsWarnOnSdkContentDiffs=true /p:SmokeTestsExcludeOmniSharpTests=${{ parameters.excludeOmniSharpTests }} displayName: Run Tests - ${{ if eq(parameters.targetOS, 'windows') }}: # Don't use CopyFiles@2 as it encounters permissions issues because it indexes all files in the source directory graph. - powershell: | function CopyWithRelativeFolders($sourcePath, $targetFolder, $filter) { Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Filter $filter -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $targetPath = Join-Path $targetFolder (Resolve-Path -Relative $_.FullName) New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Split-Path -Parent $targetPath) -Force | Out-Null Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $targetPath -Force } } $targetFolder = "$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs/" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $targetFolder -Force | Out-Null cd "$(sourcesPath)" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/log/" $targetFolder "*.binlog" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/log/" $targetFolder "*.log" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/TestResults/" $targetFolder "*.binlog" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/TestResults/" $targetFolder "*.diff" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/TestResults/" $targetFolder "Updated*.txt" CopyWithRelativeFolders "artifacts/TestResults/" $targetFolder "*.trx" CopyWithRelativeFolders "src/" $targetFolder "*.binlog" CopyWithRelativeFolders "src/" $targetFolder "*.log" # check if we have assets to publish if (Test-Path "artifacts/assets/Release/*") { echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=hasAssets]true" } displayName: Prepare BuildLogs staging directory and check assets continueOnError: true condition: succeededOrFailed() - ${{ else }}: # Don't use CopyFiles@2 as it encounters permissions issues because it indexes all files in the source directory graph. - script: | set -x targetFolder=$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs/ mkdir -p ${targetFolder} cd "$(sourcesPath)" find artifacts/log/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/log/ -type f -name "*.log" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/TestResults/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/TestResults/ -type f -name "*.diff" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/TestResults/ -type f -name "Updated*.txt" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/TestResults/ -type f -name "*.trx" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; if [[ "${{ parameters.buildSourceOnly }}" == "True" ]]; then find artifacts/prebuilt-report/ -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/log/binary-report/ -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; fi find src/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; find src/ -type f -name "*.log" -exec rsync -R {} -t ${targetFolder} \; # check if we have assets to publish if [ -n "$(ls -A 'artifacts/assets/Release/')" ]; then echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=hasAssets]true" fi displayName: Prepare BuildLogs staging directory and check assets continueOnError: true condition: succeededOrFailed() - ${{ if or(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - publish: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_BuildLogs_Attempt$(System.JobAttempt) displayName: Publish BuildLogs continueOnError: true condition: always() # Only upload test results if enabled - ${{ if eq(parameters.runTests, 'True') }}: - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: Publish Test Results condition: succeededOrFailed() continueOnError: true inputs: testRunner: vSTest testResultsFiles: 'artifacts/TestResults/Release/*.trx' searchFolder: $(sourcesPath) mergeTestResults: true publishRunAttachments: true testRunTitle: Tests_$(Agent.JobName) - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: $(sourcesPath)/artifacts Contents: | VerticalManifest.xml assets/** TargetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/publishing displayName: Copy artifacts to Artifact Staging Directory condition: succeededOrFailed() # When building from source, the Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts archive already contains the nuget packages - ${{ if ne(parameters.buildSourceOnly, 'true') }}: - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: $(sourcesPath)/artifacts/packages TargetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/publishing/packages displayName: Copy packages to Artifact Staging Directory condition: succeededOrFailed() - ${{ if or(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/publishing artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_Artifacts displayName: Publish Artifacts condition: succeededOrFailed() continueOnError: true