using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.CommandLine; using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Common; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli { internal static class CommonOptions { public static Option HelpOption() => Create.Option( "-h|--help", "Show help information", Accept.NoArguments(), materialize: o => o.Option.Command().HelpView()); public static Option VerbosityOption() => Create.Option( "-v|--verbosity", "Set the verbosity level of the command. Allowed values are q[uiet],�m[inimal],�n[ormal],�d[etailed], and�diag[nostic]", Accept.AnyOneOf( "q", "quiet", "m", "minimal", "n", "normal", "d", "detailed", "diag", "diagnostic") .ForwardAs(o => $"/verbosity:{o.Arguments.Single()}")); public static Option FrameworkOption() => Create.Option( "-f|--framework", "Target framework to publish for. The target framework has to be specified in the project file.", Accept.ExactlyOneArgument() .WithSuggestionsFrom(_ => Suggest.TargetFrameworksFromProjectFile()) .With(name: "FRAMEWORK") .ForwardAs(o => $"/p:TargetFramework={o.Arguments.Single()}")); public static Option RuntimeOption() => Create.Option( "-r|--runtime", "Publish the project for a given runtime. This is used when creating self-contained deployment. Default is to publish a framework-dependent app.", Accept.ExactlyOneArgument() .WithSuggestionsFrom(_ => Suggest.RunTimesFromProjectFile()) .With(name: "RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER") .ForwardAs(o => $"/p:RuntimeIdentifier={o.Arguments.Single()}")); public static Option ConfigurationOption() => Create.Option( "-c|--configuration", "Configuration to use for building the project. Default for most projects is \"Debug\".", Accept.ExactlyOneArgument() .With(name: "CONFIGURATION") .WithSuggestionsFrom("DEBUG", "RELEASE") .ForwardAs(o => $"/p:Configuration={o.Arguments.Single()}")); public static Option VersionSuffixOption() => Create.Option( "--version-suffix", "Defines the value for the $(VersionSuffix) property in the project.", Accept.ExactlyOneArgument() .With(name: "VERSION_SUFFIX") .ForwardAs(o => $"/p:VersionSuffix={o.Arguments.Single()}")); public static ArgumentsRule DefaultToCurrentDirectory(this ArgumentsRule rule) => rule.With(defaultValue: () => PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())); public static ArgumentsRule ExistingSlnFileOrDirectoryOnly( this ArgumentsRule rule) => rule .ExistingFilesOnly() .And(new ArgumentsRule(o => { foreach (var path in o.Arguments) { if (path.HasExtension(".sln") || path.IsDirectory()) { continue; } return $"Specified path '{path}' is not a directory or solution file."; } return null; })); } }