#!/usr/bin/env bash # This file encapsulates the temporary steps to build the dotnet-compile-native command successfully # The AppDepSDK package is a temporary artifact until we have CoreRT assemblies published to Nuget SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" REPO_ROOT="$SCRIPT_DIR/../.." APPDEPS_PROJECT_DIR=%REPO_ROOT%\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Native\appdep # Get Absolute Output Dir pushd $1 OUTPUT_DIR="$(pwd)" popd ## App Deps ## pushd $APPDEPS_PROJECT_DIR dotnet restore --packages $APPDEPS_PROJECT_DIR\packages APPDEP_SDK=$APPDEPS_PROJECT_DIR\packages\toolchain*\*\ popd mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR/appdepsdk cp -a $APPDEP_SDK/. $OUTPUT_DIR/appdepsdk