// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities; using Xunit; using FluentAssertions; using HelpActual = Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Help; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Help.Tests { public class GivenThatIWantToShowHelpForDotnetHelpCommand : TestBase { private const string HelpText = @"Usage: dotnet help [options] Arguments: The SDK command to launch online help for. Options: -h, --help Show command line help."; [Theory] [InlineData("--help")] [InlineData("-h")] [InlineData("-?")] [InlineData("/?")] public void WhenHelpOptionIsPassedToDotnetHelpCommandItPrintsUsage(string helpArg) { var cmd = new HelpCommand() .ExecuteWithCapturedOutput($"{helpArg}"); cmd.Should().Pass(); cmd.StdOut.Should().ContainVisuallySameFragmentIfNotLocalized(HelpText); } } }