Param( [string] $GuardianCliLocation, [string] $WorkingDirectory, [string] $TargetDirectory, [string] $GdnFolder, # The list of Guardian tools to configure. For each object in the array: # - If the item is a [hashtable], it must contain these entries: # - Name = The tool name as Guardian knows it. # - Scenario = (Optional) Scenario-specific name for this configuration entry. It must be unique # among all tool entries with the same Name. # - Args = (Optional) Array of Guardian tool configuration args, like '@("Target > C:\temp")' # - If the item is a [string] $v, it is treated as '@{ Name="$v" }' [object[]] $ToolsList, [string] $GuardianLoggerLevel='Standard', # Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using CredScan. [string[]] $CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using PoliCheck. [string[]] $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using CodeQL/Semmle. [string[]] $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using Binskim. [string[]] $BinskimAdditionalRunConfigParams ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 $disableConfigureToolsetImport = $true $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 try { # `tools.ps1` checks $ci to perform some actions. Since the SDL # scripts don't necessarily execute in the same agent that run the # build.ps1/sh script this variable isn't automatically set. $ci = $true . $PSScriptRoot\..\tools.ps1 # Normalize tools list: all in [hashtable] form with defined values for each key. $ToolsList = $ToolsList | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [string]) { $_ = @{ Name = $_ } } if (-not ($_['Scenario'])) { $_.Scenario = "" } if (-not ($_['Args'])) { $_.Args = @() } $_ } Write-Host "List of tools to configure:" $ToolsList | ForEach-Object { $_ | Out-String | Write-Host } # We store config files in the r directory of .gdn $gdnConfigPath = Join-Path $GdnFolder 'r' $ValidPath = Test-Path $GuardianCliLocation if ($ValidPath -eq $False) { Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Force -Category 'Sdl' -Message "Invalid Guardian CLI Location." ExitWithExitCode 1 } foreach ($tool in $ToolsList) { # Put together the name and scenario to make a unique key. $toolConfigName = $tool.Name if ($tool.Scenario) { $toolConfigName += "_" + $tool.Scenario } Write-Host "=== Configuring $toolConfigName..." $gdnConfigFile = Join-Path $gdnConfigPath "$toolConfigName-configure.gdnconfig" # For some tools, add default and automatic args. switch -Exact ($tool.Name) { 'credscan' { if ($targetDirectory) { $tool.Args += "`"TargetDirectory < $TargetDirectory`"" } $tool.Args += "`"OutputType < pre`"" $tool.Args += $CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams } 'policheck' { if ($targetDirectory) { $tool.Args += "`"Target < $TargetDirectory`"" } $tool.Args += $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams } {$_ -in 'semmle', 'codeql'} { if ($targetDirectory) { $tool.Args += "`"SourceCodeDirectory < $TargetDirectory`"" } $tool.Args += $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams } 'binskim' { if ($targetDirectory) { $tool.Args += "`"Target < $TargetDirectory`"" } $tool.Args += $BinskimAdditionalRunConfigParams } } # Create variable pointing to the args array directly so we can use splat syntax later. $toolArgs = $tool.Args # Configure the tool. If args array is provided or the current tool has some default arguments # defined, add "--args" and splat each element on the end. Arg format is "{Arg id} < {Value}", # one per parameter. Doc page for "guardian configure": # Exec-BlockVerbosely { & $GuardianCliLocation configure ` --working-directory $WorkingDirectory ` --tool $tool.Name ` --output-path $gdnConfigFile ` --logger-level $GuardianLoggerLevel ` --noninteractive ` --force ` $(if ($toolArgs) { "--args" }) @toolArgs Exit-IfNZEC "Sdl" } Write-Host "Created '$toolConfigName' configuration file: $gdnConfigFile" } } catch { Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Force -Category 'Sdl' -Message $_ ExitWithExitCode 1 }