The bundled ASP.NET templates should match the ASP.NET version.
Confusion over versions and missing packages caused a previous commit
to keep the bundled template versions the same while reving the ASP.NET version
from the private branch.
This commit reverts those changes.
To avoid sign check whitelist apphost.exe name changes very build. Sign check uses File Id in MSI as whitelist name. Template apphost.exe get a new "File Id" in msi different every time (since File Id is generated according to file path, and file path has version number). Use XSLT tranform to match the file path contains "AppHostTemplate\apphost.exe" and give it the same ID all the time.
* release/2.1.3xx-MSRC:
Updates versions to match prodcon
Change the implicit core version for FDD apps to be pinned as 2.1.1.
Update expected versions to 2.1.2
Disable NewProjectRestoresCorrectPackageVersion "console" test for now.
Update the version for '' to "2.1.1*"
Pass "PB_AssetRootUrl" explictly on the MSBuild call; we are looking for Microsoft.NETCore.App "2.1.0" or "2.1.1*"
Merged PR 126122: Fix alpine file ownership issues with newer docker
Fix mismatch of dotnet-watch with package variable name
Set package versions for bundled aspnet tools separately from the metapackage version
Split the version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.DeveloperCertificates.XPlat into a separate variable
Fixup myget feed for aspnetcore
Upgrade to aspnetcore 2.1.1-rtm-30818 and react to file name change
Updated Version.props
This commit reverts the implementation of the `--mode` option for the `dotnet
publish` command. A bug in the apphost prevents this feature from working
properly in some cases and there currently is not a mechanism to service it
with this feature.
The team has decided to move this feature to 2.2.1xx for the .NET Core SDK.
* Adding 'NoSuffix' legs to the CI
* Fixing typo...
* Updates per code review...
* "openSUSE 43.2" should be "openSUSE 42.3"; fixing 'netci.groovy' command formation logic.
* Add Compute UseBundledNETCoreAppPackageVersionAsDefaultNetCorePatchVersion
* Add tests to catch DefaultNetCorePatchVersion moving
* Update LatestPatchVersionForNetCore2_0 to 2.0.9, it is in the process of shipping
* Update LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_0 and LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_1
Including in this merge:
The "pack" command under 'buildCrossTargeting' for 'Microsoft.DotNet.MSBuildSdkResolver' now throws a "NU5104" warning/error because the SDK stage0 was changed to "2.1.300" [change was intended].
Impact: package failure for Linux-x64, Linux-arm, and Linux-arm64
The version of 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' should be independent of 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.All'
Impact: RazorApp test failure in all legs except for Linux-arm and Linux-arm64
* The version of 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' should be independent of 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.All'
* Changing "MicrosoftAspNetCoreMvcVersion" to "MicrosoftAspNetCoreMvcPackageVersion" in order to be compatable with ProdCon.