CentOS tests were blocked due to issue https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/5066.
It has been fixed with the latest NetStandardLibrary, hence upgrading from 1.0.0-rc2-23616 to 1.0.0-rc2-23704.
With this fix the native shims are correctly restored by dnx for RID centos.7-x64.
- Removed unused message types
- Removed intermediate ProjectInfo and ProjectState types
- Renamed Snapshot to ProjectSnapshot and ProjectSnapshot to ProjectContextSnapshot
- Exposed Project on ProjectContextCollection
- Removed AllDiagnostics message since it won't be used
- Renamed ProjectContextManager to ProjectManager
- Create project context snapshot in one pass
- Create project contexts lookup inline
- Consistent naming of payloads
I had to patch up a redhat dnx package which supports NETStandard.Library package. It is currently uploaded to dotnet-cli blob storage. This hack will no longer be required when we move to xplat nuget to do 'dotnet restore'. Apart from this there are three issues that are tracked for centos.
- compile-native not yet supported - https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/453
- dnu restore crashes intermittently on centos. I need to investigate this a little bit more and file issues on dnx or coreclr. This will make our CI builds very flaky.
- Dotnet restore does not restore native shims when using “centos.7-x64” - https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/5066
When no 'runtime' and 'framework' are specified then publish for all 'framework/runtime' targets found in project.lock.json. But currently when 'runtime' is not specified then current OS runtime identifier is assumed. This will go away when xplat publish is enabled.
Example - 'dotnet publish /home/sridhar/foo/project.json' -> Publish for all targets in project.lock.json.
User can also specify either 'framework' or 'runtime'. In that case all the corresponding 'framework' or 'runtime' targets in project.lock.json are published.
Example - 'dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 /home/sridhar/foo/project.json' -> Publish for all targets in project.lock.json with framework dnxcore50.
'dotnet publish --runtime win7-x64 /home/sridhar/foo/project.json' -> Publish for all targets in project.lock.json with runtime win7-x64.
I am also adding unit tests for publish in upcoming commits.
Fixes - #185
WorkspaceContext represets part of the original Design Time Host function:
1. Projects discovery and pooling
2. ProjectContexts pooling
3. Monitor project changes and keep ProjectContexts update to date
Provides a few benefits:
1) The new package has the correct dependencies listed, so I removed the
-MissingDependenciesOK flag from the crossgen scripts.
2) The new compiler supports -publicSign (formerly called "OSS sign"),
which I patched through dotnet-compile-csc .
- Ported nuget package building code over from dnu. Moved that code to use NuGet v3 primitives.
- Simplified the package builder API
- Left out resources and schema detection for now
- This folder should remain self contained as the code will be copied into NuGet v3.
- Missing features include symbols packages
- Don't flood console with compilation errors
if the framework isn't installed.
- Split errors into unspecified reference assembly base path and uninstalled framework.