Changes in SDK bundle installation methodology:
1. Manage the 3 potential SDK bundle installation locations
In precedential order:
A. the SDK bundle’s self-registered installation location [x64 or x86]
B. ‘Program Files’ + “dotnet” [if 'dotnet.exe' exists]
C. the “installpath’s” input parameter’s value
D. ‘Program Files’ + “dotnet”
2. Communicate the SDK bundle installation location to the chained MSIs
3. Disable the CLI SDK MSI from installing ‘stand-alone’
4. SDK bundle self-registers the installation location value.
* Adding a file search for 'dotnet.exe'; updates
* Changing the MSI blocking conditional.
* Changed: "AuthoredRegistryKeys" to : "AuthoredRegistryKeys_x86node"
* Managing the x86 and x64 install locations
* "DOTNETHOME" should not overridable; adding an explicit override for identical install paths: "DOTNETHOMESIMILARITYCHECKOVERRIDE"; adding comments.
Modified the reporting channel factory to have a create for the adapter and a create for the runner channel. Also added an event to the create runner channel that people can listen and be notified when a test runner channel was created. I use this event to give the message handler access to the runner channel.
Added the new message handler to DotnetTest.
remove publish todo
small fixes
small fixes
fix packaging test bug
Fix script bug
script changes
fix packaging test
NuGet task cancelled workaround
script fixes further
more script fixes, + workaround tweak
use build rather than compile in package command test
Decompose into self-contained granular components
Provide reasonable defaults for cross cutting concerns, allowing for independent execution of steps
Start unifying Windows/Bash architecture
fix Bash CI scripts path
Add missing
Copy/paste issues
fix .gitignore
PR Feedback
Merge in @SridarMS's work to avoid redownloading DNX
enabling build of dotnet-build
merge in @SridharMS's CentOS changes
Enable building FSC
enable restoring specific subdirectories
Fix dnx version check
Add missed dependency
Fix pathing to tests
Match Linux build version to Windows, fixing linux tests as a side effect.
workaround for coreclr#2215
fix pathing issue
disable building in docker
BUILD_IN_DOCKER was set, somehow...
fix headers