* 'master' of /Users/livarcocc/Documents/git/cli: (1063 commits)
Updating signing project to use new intermediate directory (int).
Update runtimeconfig.json doc for 2.1 (#9382)
Shortening the path to the intermediate folder by renaming it to int.
fix typo (#9364)
Updating asp.net to 2.2.0 as well.
Updating the build and tests to work with the 2.2.0 runtime.
Simplified combining dictionaries in Telemetry
Fixing 'Channel' and 'BranchName': "release/2.1.4xx" to "master" (#9362)
Fix extraction of folders (#9335)
Update Sha256Hasher.cs
Fix relative path tool path (#9330)
Insert updated SDK from 2.1.4xx branch
MSBuild 15.8.60
Fix crash when user home directory cannot be determined.
Make `CliFolderPathCalculator` a static class.
Don't add the ReleaseSuffix to the branding on the CLI when DropSuffix is set to true.
Add retry when Directory.Move (#9313)
Override new SdkResult public properties
Add reference to Microsoft.Build.NuGetSdkResolver
Disable crossgen for MSBuild inline-task refs
* Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Reverting 'generatenupkg' methodology.
* Fixing formatting...
* Overwrite should = 'false'
* Second draft - Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Fixing a VS auto-update.
* Removing the 'Microsoft.SymbolUploader.Build.Task' modifications; need to make a PR just for this.
* Change "sdk.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg" to "runtime.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg"; removing the 'DotNetRestore' on the Symbols.csproj
* Removing a 'todo' comment...
* Putting back the 'dotnet restore'
* Fixing a typo...
* Logical separation of the 'nupkg' from the 'symbols.nupkg' enumeration; fixed 'swr' pattern.
We were publishing a -debug zip with sdk code and symbols, but it was captured before
publishing was finished and had incorrect code content. Trying to use it would blow up
due to incorrect runtimeconfig.json.
Replace it with a -symbols zip that contains only symbols and that can be overlayed
over the main zip. This is just like the -langpack zip that has satellite assemblies.
Also add an option to leave the PDBs in the same directory/packages as code:
/p:SeparateSymbolsArchive=false. Setting this on local builds facilitates
debugging and profiling by removing the need to adjust symbol paths or copy PDBs