* Use a WorkspaceContext in dotnet-build to cache project data across
multiple compilations in a single build action
* Dramatically reduce string and object duplication by introducing a
"Symbol Table" that shares instances of NuGetVersion, NuGetFramework,
VersionRange and string across multiple lock-file parses
Test Results:
* Testing was done by compiling Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc (and it's
dependencies) and taking memory snapshots after each compilation in
* We used to allocate ~3MB and deallocate ~2.5MB on EACH compilation in
a single build action. This has been reduced to ~120KB
* After introducing WorkspaceContext, total memory usage spiked from 6MB
across the whole build action to about 13MB, introducing the symbol
table dropped it back to about 5-6MB.
* Add satellite assemblies to deps file with locale data
* Publish satellite assemblies to output during publish
* Copy satellite assemblies from project-to-project dependencies on
build and publish
1. Address the null reference exception when a project dependency is
2. Address the duplicate key issues after the logic of redirecting
System pacage to reference assembly was added
Update projectmodel-server and tests
1. Fix test timeout caused by undisconnected socket;
2. Update project model server
- There are 2 major cases to auto reference facades:
1. When using a netstandard/dotnet* based package on a platform where the System.* packages don't provide any compilation assemblies.
2. When referencing a PCL where no dependencies were specified in the nuspec.
- For 1, we handle it by replacing package references with reference assemblies if possible. For 2. We turn assembly references of PCL assemblies into package dependencies.
This should cover the 90% case where people had to manually reference facades anytime they wanted to use a PCL on Net4.x.
TODO: P2P PCL references
- Ported nuget package building code over from dnu. Moved that code to use NuGet v3 primitives.
- Simplified the package builder API
- Left out resources and schema detection for now
- This folder should remain self contained as the code will be copied into NuGet v3.
- Missing features include symbols packages