* 'master' of /Users/livarcocc/Documents/git/cli: (1063 commits)
Updating signing project to use new intermediate directory (int).
Update runtimeconfig.json doc for 2.1 (#9382)
Shortening the path to the intermediate folder by renaming it to int.
fix typo (#9364)
Updating asp.net to 2.2.0 as well.
Updating the build and tests to work with the 2.2.0 runtime.
Simplified combining dictionaries in Telemetry
Fixing 'Channel' and 'BranchName': "release/2.1.4xx" to "master" (#9362)
Fix extraction of folders (#9335)
Update Sha256Hasher.cs
Fix relative path tool path (#9330)
Insert updated SDK from 2.1.4xx branch
MSBuild 15.8.60
Fix crash when user home directory cannot be determined.
Make `CliFolderPathCalculator` a static class.
Don't add the ReleaseSuffix to the branding on the CLI when DropSuffix is set to true.
Add retry when Directory.Move (#9313)
Override new SdkResult public properties
Add reference to Microsoft.Build.NuGetSdkResolver
Disable crossgen for MSBuild inline-task refs
* Add Compute UseBundledNETCoreAppPackageVersionAsDefaultNetCorePatchVersion
* Add tests to catch DefaultNetCorePatchVersion moving
* Update LatestPatchVersionForNetCore2_0 to 2.0.9, it is in the process of shipping
* Update LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_0 and LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_1
Extend CLI dependency updating
Extend CLI's dependency updating to include all repos. At this time, only ASPNet won't work with this, as in prodcon it isn't specifying a branch in the manifest, which means no Latest_Packages.txt gets set. Once this is fixed all upstream repos in CLI should be handled.
This will be combined with changes to the versions repo to update the subscriptions for 2.1.3xx CLI.
* First draft enablement of Win-arm and Linux-arm builds for the CLI.
* Fixing a typo
* Disable tests for arm; enable badges and FinalizeBuild for arm.
* Remove the 'Win-arm' leg.
* Update the README
* Update the README [2]
* Update netci.groovy
* Fixing a hard-coded Architecture: 'linux-x64'; removing the LZMA for 'arm'.
* Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Reverting 'generatenupkg' methodology.
* Fixing formatting...
* Overwrite should = 'false'
* Second draft - Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Fixing a VS auto-update.
* Removing the 'Microsoft.SymbolUploader.Build.Task' modifications; need to make a PR just for this.
* Change "sdk.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg" to "runtime.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg"; removing the 'DotNetRestore' on the Symbols.csproj
* Removing a 'todo' comment...
* Putting back the 'dotnet restore'
* Fixing a typo...
* Logical separation of the 'nupkg' from the 'symbols.nupkg' enumeration; fixed 'swr' pattern.
* dotnet/release/2.1.2xx:
Use satellites from roslyn package, not cli-deps-satellites
Update to roslyn 2.7.0-beta3-62612-07 for 2.1.1xx
* release/2.1.1xx: (45 commits)
Adding the VBCSCompiler to the list of signed files due to crossgen.
Remove obsolete F# satellite package
MSBuild 15.6.76
Update F# to match dev15.6 preview 4
Excluding shared framework assemblies from the Roslyn folder in the SDK.
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4880 into cli
Updating Roslyn to 2.7.0-beta3-62529-05.
Update fsharp compiler to match preview 4
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4862 into cli
MSBuild 15.6.70
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4859 into cli
MSBuild 15.6.69
Update package reference
update fsharp compiler to match vs2017.6 preview 3
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4825 into cli
Fixing the prefercliruntime asset
Updating the SDK dependency to 15.5.0-preview-62518-04 to fix the signing issue
Updating the channel to release/2.1.1xx. We can manually update release/2.0 if necessary, but LTS is always updated every time we release.
MSBuild 15.6.54
Updates the TestPlatform to 15.6.0-preview-20180109-01
* Repairing the first pass call to 'dotnet msbuild'; CLI:master (#8488)
* '$ExtraParametersNoTargets', which is used on the first pass call to 'dotnet msbuild', currently is of type 'string' not 'List'1' as is '$ExtraParameters'. This results in the non-honoring of any parameter other than parameter one. Solution: Make a copy of '$ExtraParameters' to '$ExtraParametersNoTargets' of type 'List'1' and remove the targets from the list.
* Swallow the boolean output from '$ExtraParametersNoTargets.Remove'
* Specifically capture "/t:" or "/target:" only.
* The "${arg,,}" syntax works well on dev and Jenkins OSX machines but does not work correctly on VSO build machines [likely a lower version of bash on VSO machines]. Therefore, using 'awk' to transforming to lower case. (#8497)
* Orchestrated final publish; CLI:master (#8504)
* Orchestrated final publish: https://github.com/dotnet/core-eng/issues/2407
* Changes per code review...
* The orchestrated "PackageVersion" type variables should not be used in any of the 'proj' files of the built build tools under: "build_projects"
* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (32 commits)
Update wix version (#8313)
Use explict and non-preview versions for the build DLL
Fixing a typo...
The 15.4.8 version of the Microsoft.Build.Runtime nuget package is currupt; use the replacement
Fix dotnet-install to check the right path for no-op installs when --shared-runtime is specified
Fixed a typo...
Nuget.config update to align with CLI:master - add comments in DependencyVersions.prop
Even more package dependency re-names...
Third pass clean-up of package names.
Second pass clean-up of package names; resequencing download.
Updating dependency version properties in alignment with sample orchestrated build file at: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/orchestrated/20171129-03/orchestration-metadata/PackageVersions.props
The access key is already resolved: 'CoreSetupBlobAccessTokenParam'
Fixed another typo...
Fixed typo...
The first pass will need the extra args [same as run-build.ps1].
Dependency Uptake: download and import a package version props file.
Accounting for MSRC builds with pre-set 'CoreSetupBlobRootUrl' and 'CoreSetupBlobAccessToke' properties.
Changes per code review...
The URL root will include the "dotnet" container; the structure will be identical after the "dotnet" container.
No passwords should be in the open as environmental variables.
This change enables CLI build for Alpine 3.6 and also adds CI job for
it. It is mostly based on changes that were necessary to
enable building of rhel.6 CLI
Need to remove some unnecessary dependencies in dotnet-cli-build.csproj because the NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat reference was bringing in an old MSBuild version, which was breaking restore. I didn't see any usages of this reference, so I'm removing it since it is not needed.