CentOS tests were blocked due to issue https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/5066.
It has been fixed with the latest NetStandardLibrary, hence upgrading from 1.0.0-rc2-23616 to 1.0.0-rc2-23704.
With this fix the native shims are correctly restored by dnx for RID centos.7-x64.
Decompose into self-contained granular components
Provide reasonable defaults for cross cutting concerns, allowing for independent execution of steps
Start unifying Windows/Bash architecture
fix Bash CI scripts
dockerbuild.sh _common.sh path
Add missing restore-packages.sh
Copy/paste issues
fix .gitignore
PR Feedback
Merge in @SridarMS's work to avoid redownloading DNX
enabling build of dotnet-build
merge in @SridharMS's CentOS changes
Enable building FSC
enable restoring specific subdirectories
Fix dnx version check
Add missed dependency
Fix pathing to tests
Match Linux build version to Windows, fixing linux tests as a side effect.
workaround for coreclr#2215
fix pathing issue
disable building in docker
BUILD_IN_DOCKER was set, somehow...
fix headers
Build becomes the new compile. It decides which project to compile and how. It checks for incremental preconditions
Compile's resonsibility is trimmed down to only knowing how to invoke the compiler on a project
2) Expecting AppDep native libs to be under <AppDepRoot>\CPPSdk\<OS>\x64 folder instead of <AppDepRoot>
Update the references to Microsoft.DotNet.ILCompiler and Microsoft.DotNet.AppDep packages with Mac CPPCodegen support.
Fixing the input path to the native compiler. It was adding /native to it before.
Switching compile native to System.CommandLine for args parsing and removing quotes from -native.rsp.
Fixing build_appdeps.cmd: Removed the * from __ApPDepSDK as xcopy does not honor that. In order to stay independent of the version of appDep, we CD into the appDepSDK and then navigate to the first folder we find, which should always be one, as we clear the folder before restoring appDep, after that we xcopy