* Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Reverting 'generatenupkg' methodology.
* Fixing formatting...
* Overwrite should = 'false'
* Second draft - Creating and publishing '*.symbols.nuget' to the blob feed.
* Fixing a VS auto-update.
* Removing the 'Microsoft.SymbolUploader.Build.Task' modifications; need to make a PR just for this.
* Change "sdk.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg" to "runtime.*.Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.*.symbols.nupkg"; removing the 'DotNetRestore' on the Symbols.csproj
* Removing a 'todo' comment...
* Putting back the 'dotnet restore'
* Fixing a typo...
* Logical separation of the 'nupkg' from the 'symbols.nupkg' enumeration; fixed 'swr' pattern.
* Repairing the first pass call to 'dotnet msbuild'; CLI:master (#8488)
* '$ExtraParametersNoTargets', which is used on the first pass call to 'dotnet msbuild', currently is of type 'string' not 'List'1' as is '$ExtraParameters'. This results in the non-honoring of any parameter other than parameter one. Solution: Make a copy of '$ExtraParameters' to '$ExtraParametersNoTargets' of type 'List'1' and remove the targets from the list.
* Swallow the boolean output from '$ExtraParametersNoTargets.Remove'
* Specifically capture "/t:" or "/target:" only.
* The "${arg,,}" syntax works well on dev and Jenkins OSX machines but does not work correctly on VSO build machines [likely a lower version of bash on VSO machines]. Therefore, using 'awk' to transforming to lower case. (#8497)
* Orchestrated final publish; CLI:master (#8504)
* Orchestrated final publish: https://github.com/dotnet/core-eng/issues/2407
* Changes per code review...
* The orchestrated "PackageVersion" type variables should not be used in any of the 'proj' files of the built build tools under: "build_projects"