- Make CLI SDK MSI non-upgradable. It must alwasy be installed SxS.
- The CLI bundle and SharedFx bundle are non-upgradeable.They are also
installed SxS.
- Make host\muxer upgradeable. It will be upgradeable till v1.0.0 RTM.
Post RTM will be installed SxS with v.1.0.0.
- SharedFx MSI was using the CLI MSI version. Fixing it to use the
SharedFx version.
- Do not allow bundles to uninstall. User will be able to uninstall the
individual MSIs.
Ideally in the project.json for the shared host we would just list the
actual package that holds the shared host, instead of all of
NetStandard.Library, but doing some leads to compliation errors, since
publish wants to include a compile step that has a generated
AssemblyAttributes file which references types like System.String.