* dotnet/release/2.0.0:
Fixed a typo...
Nuget.config update to align with CLI:master - add comments in DependencyVersions.prop
Even more package dependency re-names...
Third pass clean-up of package names.
Second pass clean-up of package names; resequencing download.
Updating dependency version properties in alignment with sample orchestrated build file at: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/orchestrated/20171129-03/orchestration-metadata/PackageVersions.props
The access key is already resolved: 'CoreSetupBlobAccessTokenParam'
Fixed another typo...
Fixed typo...
The first pass will need the extra args [same as run-build.ps1].
Dependency Uptake: download and import a package version props file.
We were publishing a -debug zip with sdk code and symbols, but it was captured before
publishing was finished and had incorrect code content. Trying to use it would blow up
due to incorrect runtimeconfig.json.
Replace it with a -symbols zip that contains only symbols and that can be overlayed
over the main zip. This is just like the -langpack zip that has satellite assemblies.
Also add an option to leave the PDBs in the same directory/packages as code:
/p:SeparateSymbolsArchive=false. Setting this on local builds facilitates
debugging and profiling by removing the need to adjust symbol paths or copy PDBs
* dotnet/release/15.5: (21 commits)
Manually merging some changes that git merged wrong and deleted from the 15.5 branch.
Separating the 'legacy' URL construction from the 'current' URL construction methods and logic.
Use temporary path for fake deps.json in test
Use same build number for roslyn and F# satellites
Updating Roslyn satellites and SDK versions
Insert NuGet Build 4.5.0-preview2-4529 into cli
Update NuGet to 4529 (signed)
MSBuild 15.5.154
MSBuild 15.5.153
removed commented out config I'd meant to remove
added a way to specify the asp.net template versions
Porting 'dotnet-install.sh' from CLI:master to CLI:release/2.0.0
'NuGet.master.config' does not appear to be used.
Fixed tests
Update branch info to release/15.5
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20171010-665
Insert NuGet Build 4.5.0-preview1-4526 into cli
Update DependencyVersions.props
Updated version of TestPlatform to 15.5.0-preview-20170923-02
MSBuild 15.4.8
1. Publish satellites with a separate project and merge the resulting .deps.json
into (csc|vbc).deps.json
2. Move the build tasks satellites to the correct location next to main assembly
(one level higher than bincore\)
Remove non MIT licensed components from the CLI when building on non
windows platforms. The shared framework provides the LICENSE file that is
included with the tarballs, so we just need to ensure we don't pull any
windows specific stuff that is not MIT licensed.
Fixes: dotnet/core-setup#676
* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (72 commits)
Updating the signing project to reflect the new location of the resolver.
Another update to MSBuild. To 15.3.0-preview-000385-01.
Another update to msbuild. To 15.3.0-preview-000385-01.
Update to SetupCrossgen 183 - Coherence 25615
Don't include .NET Core MS.NET.Build.Extensions tasks for .NET Framework and vice versa
Update version of SDK and MS.NET.Build.Extensions, adapt to layout change
Updating MSBuild to 15.3.0-preview-000384-01
Update MSBuild to 15.3.0-preview-000384-01
test pack command
Changing NuGet version to Preview3-4154
Updating NuGet version to Preview3-4154
Add Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions files to package for VS insertion
reenable smoke test of F# templates
empty commit
Don't try to CrossGen .NET Framework support DLLs
Update test platform to 15.3.0-preview-20170609-02.
Turning off implicit restore when publishing the build project.
Updating the vstest.console to use the same runtime that is shipping with the CLI.
Update to template build 256 to fix Web Auth scenarios
Add test for consuming .NET Standard 2.0 library from .NET Framework 4.6.1 project