* Use a WorkspaceContext in dotnet-build to cache project data across
multiple compilations in a single build action
* Dramatically reduce string and object duplication by introducing a
"Symbol Table" that shares instances of NuGetVersion, NuGetFramework,
VersionRange and string across multiple lock-file parses
Test Results:
* Testing was done by compiling Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc (and it's
dependencies) and taking memory snapshots after each compilation in
* We used to allocate ~3MB and deallocate ~2.5MB on EACH compilation in
a single build action. This has been reduced to ~120KB
* After introducing WorkspaceContext, total memory usage spiked from 6MB
across the whole build action to about 13MB, introducing the symbol
table dropped it back to about 5-6MB.
* Add satellite assemblies to deps file with locale data
* Publish satellite assemblies to output during publish
* Copy satellite assemblies from project-to-project dependencies on
build and publish
- Use the right path separator char for unix.
- Contruct some of the args to crossgen outside the loop.
- Add the null check inside Command.Environment.
In the MSI we used to check for any previous installation and we prevent any
installation of 'Release' version on top of 'Nightly' version and vice
versa. This is no longer needed since CLI SxS now. This is reminiscent of
pre-sharedFx CLI.
Fixes - #2467
Test out not publishing runtimeAssets
WiP x-publish
update cross-publish-test
Update Cross Publish tests
remove --config from restore
fix build
update cross publish tests
fix test compilation error
test failure fix
fix test failure
update tests
fix desktop publishing
do publish with no build, call build manually
Make host publish optional, fix faux libraries?
Cross Publish test working
try changing test to netcore.app
fallback to host from current platform
revert change to project.json to target Microsoft.NETCore.App
fallback to compilation build output
update kestrel standalone app project.json
Make project tools command resolver test more self-contained.
make Kestrel Standalone restore against N-1
Add support to enable polling to watch for new builds. It will
try to publish the last 10 builds by default. If the build has
all the necessary runtime packages and doesn't have the packages.pushed
semaphore file.
Also add support for forcing the publish of a given build set in the
following environment variable FORCE_PUBLISH_BLOB_BUILD_VERSION. This will
blindly try to pull all the nupkgs for the given build ignoring if they
were already published or have all the runtimes specified.
When checking if the provided assembly is the Entry Point Assembly, we
previously just checked if the AssemblyNames were equal, but it turns
out AssemblyName doesn't implement Equals, so it was using Reference
Equality, which fails. This change uses Assembly.Equals, which has an
Equals implementation that works.
Also adds some tests to ensure it's working.
This unblocks scenarios where the EntityFramework `dotnet-ef` command
was trying to read DependencyContext.Default but receiving a null