Changing the build scripts to copy files over from debug\dnxcore and to check for the folders existence before trying that.
Making the build command aware of the subfolders and making E2E tests aware of subfolders.
Fixing compiler tests to look for the xml in the right plae taking into consideration the configuration and tfm.
Modifying publish tests to not take into consideration the runtime. This is a temporary change. will bring it back once the commands all understand rid.
Making the packaging step work by placing binaries where dotnet pack expects.
The dotnet installer writes content under %ProgramFiles% which is
machine-wide and requires elevation. The Package@InstallScope attribute
must be set to perMachine in this case and will ensure that the Burn
bootstrapper prompts for elevation during install.
Since we are still waiting for the fix in CoreCLR to resolving
symlinks, moving the PKG postinstall to add dotnet bin dir
to systemwide path using /etc/paths.d/dotnet file.
Fix#786, #771, #841
Set a new registry 'BuildType' when installing. Check for this reg key
when upgrading to a newer version. Show error message and exit
if the previous installation does not have the same 'BuildType'.
Encode the CLI version into MSI supported ProductVersion documented here -
Example: CLI Version - is encoded in MSI as 4.0.930
Prevent downgrading by failing installation with error message.
Also display the original CLI version in the ProductName.
Adding symlinks for the following commands:
* dotnet-dnx
* csc
Also adding symlink for libclihost.dylib because it is needed
for the corehost.
Fix#823, #786
Decompose into self-contained granular components
Provide reasonable defaults for cross cutting concerns, allowing for independent execution of steps
Start unifying Windows/Bash architecture
fix Bash CI scripts path
Add missing
Copy/paste issues
fix .gitignore
PR Feedback
Merge in @SridarMS's work to avoid redownloading DNX
enabling build of dotnet-build
merge in @SridharMS's CentOS changes
Enable building FSC
enable restoring specific subdirectories
Fix dnx version check
Add missed dependency
Fix pathing to tests
Match Linux build version to Windows, fixing linux tests as a side effect.
workaround for coreclr#2215
fix pathing issue
disable building in docker
BUILD_IN_DOCKER was set, somehow...
fix headers
Build becomes the new compile. It decides which project to compile and how. It checks for incremental preconditions
Compile's resonsibility is trimmed down to only knowing how to invoke the compiler on a project
A temporary fix for the PKG permission issue by using chmod -R 755 in the postinstall
script. Change the install location to remove the "cli" part of the path. Also
change the corehost to reflect this change.
Fixes#492 and #390
The debian package build usually detects dependencies of executables packaged inside, and adds those as dependencies of the package accordingly. It doesn't detect this for managed executables though, so libcurl3 needs to be added to support `dotnet restore` on Ubuntu.