Add basic Tests for dotnet-compile-fsc
Package Targets execute before TestTargets. Use Generated Nuget Packages in TestTargets. Generate Nuget packages on all platforms, and in C#
Fix bug in dotnet-restore, change fsharp new template, add support for native assets in DependencyContextCsvReader
copy fsc.exe to temp directory instead of package cache
fix rebase error
fix issue
temporarily disable debian package e2e testing
bump fsc version
update fsc version
fix rebase errors
WIP update fsc tool
WIP, rebased and working again, need to solve issues with System.CommandLine
Working state for packaged, command, fsc.exe bugging out with dlopen(, 1): no suitable image found.
execute fsc like a unpublished standalone app
fixup after rebase
working? internet is out
More cleanup, and run the debian package tests during the Test phase of the build.
update FSharp Test Projects NetStandard Library Version
Update Version Suffix when packing TestPackages. This will enable packing with the right dependency versions on Windows.
update dotnet-test version
Undo the reordering of the build
fix test package project pathsj
ignore net451 build failures for test packages which we need to build on non-windows
update dependency of desktop test app
add dotnetcli feed to nuget config for fsharp dotnet new
update deps after rebase
update dependency of dotnet-compile-fsc
pass args before commandPath when using muxer for tools
adjust testpackage cleaning not to clean packages which are also generated as part of the product from the nuget cache.
Pass projectJson to pack instead of using WorkingDirectory
fix path separators using depsjsoncommandresolver on windows, fix building only specific frameworks for testpackages on non-windows.
PR Feedback
overwrite fsc runtimeconfig
- Don't use PowerShell to download WiX, instead just use HttpClient.
- Rehome WiX on our Azure blob storage, not only does this remove an
dependency of our build, it also fixes an issue where CodePlex 302's
from HTTPS to HTTP which HttpClient doesn't like.
- Bake version numbers into paths, to help in cases where we upgrade WiX
tool versions but the artifacts folder is not cleaned between builds.
- Make the .Net CLI SDK install SxS.
- Make the .Net Host upgrade till RTM(v.1.0.0).
- Make the .Net Core Sharedfx pkg to use the SharedFx Nuget version instead CLI version.
- Make CLI SDK MSI non-upgradable. It must alwasy be installed SxS.
- The CLI bundle and SharedFx bundle are non-upgradeable.They are also
installed SxS.
- Make host\muxer upgradeable. It will be upgradeable till v1.0.0 RTM.
Post RTM will be installed SxS with v.1.0.0.
- SharedFx MSI was using the CLI MSI version. Fixing it to use the
SharedFx version.
- Do not allow bundles to uninstall. User will be able to uninstall the
individual MSIs.