* release/2.1-MSRC:
Updating the templates version to 1.0.0-beta3-20171117-314. We had it at an older version by mistake.
Making a document only commit to trigger another build of the CLI.
Add 2.0.5 ASP.NET store to native installers.
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.6-10007
Fix Windows servicing builds.
Updating the SDK dependency to 15.5.0-preview-62518-04 to fix the signing issue
Update runtime and branding to 2.0.6.
* Conflicts:
* release/2.1-MSRC:
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-155
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-152
Revert "Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-152"
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-152
Commit to trigger a rebuild of the CLI because of a build in place from the Runtime.
Adding the 2.0.3 asp.net store to the native installer tests.
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-147
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-146
Updating the runtime to 2.0.5.
Update to consume aspnetcore 2.0.5-142
Fixing the expected fx-version.
Adding a separate dependency version for Microsoft.Build.Runtime.
Updating the branding of the CLI to 2.1.4 and the runtime to 2.0.5.
* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (32 commits)
Update wix version (#8313)
Use explict and non-preview versions for the build DLL
Fixing a typo...
The 15.4.8 version of the Microsoft.Build.Runtime nuget package is currupt; use the replacement
Fix dotnet-install to check the right path for no-op installs when --shared-runtime is specified
Fixed a typo...
Nuget.config update to align with CLI:master - add comments in DependencyVersions.prop
Even more package dependency re-names...
Third pass clean-up of package names.
Second pass clean-up of package names; resequencing download.
Updating dependency version properties in alignment with sample orchestrated build file at: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/orchestrated/20171129-03/orchestration-metadata/PackageVersions.props
The access key is already resolved: 'CoreSetupBlobAccessTokenParam'
Fixed another typo...
Fixed typo...
The first pass will need the extra args [same as run-build.ps1].
Dependency Uptake: download and import a package version props file.
Accounting for MSRC builds with pre-set 'CoreSetupBlobRootUrl' and 'CoreSetupBlobAccessToke' properties.
Changes per code review...
The URL root will include the "dotnet" container; the structure will be identical after the "dotnet" container.
No passwords should be in the open as environmental variables.
* release/2.1:
Correct the fix for devdiv bugs 526577 and 526578, the wrong property had been updated
Updating the branding of the CLI to 2.1.4
Updating the msbuild version for Microsoft.Build.Runtime.
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20171110-671
* release/2.0.0-MSRC:
Updating SDK to 2.0.3-servicing-20171109-3
Update SDK to 2.0.2-vspre-20170927-1.
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 125
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 124
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 123
Updating branding to 2.0.3, again
Fixing closing tags in the DEB and RPM targets.
Enabling our native installer tests to always get a 2.0.0 asp.net runtime store. We need to solve this in a more generic way in the future. But this will unblock the build for now.
Update aspnetcore runtime store and LZMA to 2.0.3 build 120
Adding the pre-release runtime version hack to RHEL as well. Basically, skip native installer tests when using a pre-release runtime.
Adding the access token to the native installer URLs so that we can download those from protected locations when needed.
Fixing the expected runtime version by the tool tests.
Updating the runtime version.
Updating the branding to 15.5.1
Adding a test hack to allow the CLI to pass tests with a pre-release runtime for 2.0 TFM.
Merged PR 82801: Allow non-anonymous storage account access for .lzma download
* release/15.5-MSRC:
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 125
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 124
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 123
Updating branding to 2.0.3, again
Fixing closing tags in the DEB and RPM targets.
Enabling our native installer tests to always get a 2.0.0 asp.net runtime store. We need to solve this in a more generic way in the future. But this will unblock the build for now.
Update aspnetcore runtime store and LZMA to 2.0.3 build 120
Adding the pre-release runtime version hack to RHEL as well. Basically, skip native installer tests when using a pre-release runtime.
Adding the access token to the native installer URLs so that we can download those from protected locations when needed.
Fixing the expected runtime version by the tool tests.
Updating the runtime version.
Updating the branding to 15.5.1
Adding a test hack to allow the CLI to pass tests with a pre-release runtime for 2.0 TFM.
Merged PR 82801: Allow non-anonymous storage account access for .lzma download
Defining "BuildTasksFeedDll" & relevent 'UsingTask' no longer needed as PublishNupkgToTransportFeed.targets uses the imported Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.targets to locate the Feed DLL
* release/2.0.0-MSRC:
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 125
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 124
Update aspnetcore to 2.0.3 build 123
Updating branding to 2.0.3, again
Fixing closing tags in the DEB and RPM targets.
Enabling our native installer tests to always get a 2.0.0 asp.net runtime store. We need to solve this in a more generic way in the future. But this will unblock the build for now.
Update aspnetcore runtime store and LZMA to 2.0.3 build 120
Adding the pre-release runtime version hack to RHEL as well. Basically, skip native installer tests when using a pre-release runtime.
Adding the access token to the native installer URLs so that we can download those from protected locations when needed.
Fixing the expected runtime version by the tool tests.
Updating the runtime version.
Updating the branding to 15.5.1
Adding a test hack to allow the CLI to pass tests with a pre-release runtime for 2.0 TFM.
Merged PR 82801: Allow non-anonymous storage account access for .lzma download
* release/2.0.0:
Update F# compiler to match VS
update fsharp compiler for preview release
Defining the published Nupkgs in one place.
Adding the second CLI NuPkg
Make the uploads to blob storage more exacting.
Enabling the publish of CLI NuPkg to the unified Transport feed.
We were publishing a -debug zip with sdk code and symbols, but it was captured before
publishing was finished and had incorrect code content. Trying to use it would blow up
due to incorrect runtimeconfig.json.
Replace it with a -symbols zip that contains only symbols and that can be overlayed
over the main zip. This is just like the -langpack zip that has satellite assemblies.
Also add an option to leave the PDBs in the same directory/packages as code:
/p:SeparateSymbolsArchive=false. Setting this on local builds facilitates
debugging and profiling by removing the need to adjust symbol paths or copy PDBs