* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (35 commits)
Fixing an issue in the RepoDirectoriesProvider where it assumed that the only directory under SDK was the SDK directories. This is no longer true now that we moved the NuGet fallback folder there.
Simple clean up to the store tests
Updating xlf files for the Configurer.
Removing NuGetConfig from the first run experience and replacing the sentinel with the FirstUseNoticeSentinel when needed.
Moving the expanding fallback folder to the dotnet folder hive. The folder will be expanded at sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder.
Fixing CRLF issue.
Updating xlf and fixing line ending problems with one file.
Add rhel and Debian download link
Fix race in telemetry msbuild arg tests
Avoid repeating the first-run message if lzma archive is missing
Use fluent helper for line-end normalization
Update CoreSetup to preview3-25419-01
Updating Roslyn to 2.3.0-beta3-61816-04
Update CoreSetup to preview3-25418-01
insert new tpv2 which fixes following issue https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/632https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/844https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/847https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/840https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/843
Windows installer refresh
Update SDK to 1.1.0-alpha-20170615-3
Updating NuGet to 4.3.0-preview3-4168
MSBuild 15.3.388
Make dotnet-sln-add.Tests pass on localized setup
- Make the .Net CLI SDK install SxS.
- Make the .Net Host upgrade till RTM(v.1.0.0).
- Make the .Net Core Sharedfx pkg to use the SharedFx Nuget version instead CLI version.
It now includes the shared framework 'name' (NuGet package name) in the installer. In this case, the installer is called '.NET Core Shared Framework (NETStandard.Library 1.0.0-*)'
This causes three pkg files to be produced:
* A component pkg for the shared framework.
* A component pkg for the shared host.
* A product archive which includes the above two components.
The product archive also needs a distribution.xml file which contains
metadata about the package (name, title, images, etc.).
The installer for the "SDK" itself is still using logic implemented in
package-osx.sh. We should move this logic into the build target as well,
but we may want to wait until the CLI is using the shared framework to do so.
There was a bug in naming the versioned PKG for OSX when it is being packaged. This resulted
in two different names for the latest and versioned, which is not what we want.
Since we are still waiting for the fix in CoreCLR to resolving
symlinks, moving the PKG postinstall to add dotnet bin dir
to systemwide path using /etc/paths.d/dotnet file.
Fix#786, #771, #841
Adding symlinks for the following commands:
* dotnet-dnx
* csc
Also adding symlink for libclihost.dylib because it is needed
for the corehost.
Fix#823, #786