* dotnet/rel/1.1.0:
Trivial change to start a VSO build run.
Mis-named badge.
More adjustments for the build-badge table.
Adjusting the build-badge table.
Removing the 'OpenSUSE13.2' leg from the Jenkins groovy file.
Removing the OpenSUSE 13.2 build. from the readme.
Removing the OpenSUSE 13.2 build.
Getting the value of 'GitHubPassword' dierctly from a property instead of harvesting from an environmental variable.
Update SDK to 1.1.0-alpha-20170726-4 in rel/1.1.0
Updating the build definition URLs.
We were only building nupkgs on windows, which meant if a non-windows machine was the last leg to finish, we were writing a blank file to the versions repo.