* remove reference to TestAssetsManager in dotnet-add-reference
* remove TestAssetsManager dependency from dotnet-build
* remove TAM ref from dotnet-list-reference
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet-msbuild
* remove TAM dependency from ProjectJsonMigration tests
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet.Tests
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet-new.Tests
* remove TAM from dotnet-pack.Tests
* remove TAM from dotnet-publish.Tests
* remove TAM from dotnet-restore.Tests
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet-remove-reference.Tests
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet-run.Tests
* remove TAM dependency from dotnet-test.Tests
* remove TAM dependency from Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils.Tests
* remove TAM from TestBase
* remove TAM
* remove newly introduced dependency on TAM
* remove some try catches choking all exceptions
* rename ExceptionExtension to ReportAsWarning, show full stack instead of just message
* dotnet-migrate try catch clean-up
* fix migration test failures
* update nuget to 4.0.0-rc3 and sdk to 1.0.0-alpha-20170105-5
* Modifying restore project.json to use the project.json stage0 CLI instead of restore-projectjson command.
* add a nuget dependency so migrated project has packageref and generates an assets file on restore
* Centralize Microsoft.Net.Sdk package version
Note: Templates were omitted as their version needs to be static.
* Unifying additional missmatched versions
* prefercliruntime
whitespace threw off ReplaceAll
* Additional missed globs
* Revert SDK version for performance tests
* PR Feedback
* Roll back VSTestXunitDesktopAndNetCore.csproj SDK version
* Checking that the lock file exists before trying to acquire a lock for it, which takes up to 30 seconds.
* Adding a test for failing when reading the lock file and it does not exists.
* WIP migrate tests
* WIP fixing more tests
* WIP fix test build break
* Test results files are now trx
* Get CI to pass until we get an xunit xml logger
* Added DotNetTestPJ since that was needed for one test
* Fix build break
* Forgot to add DotNetTestPJ as a build task
* Need to restore project.json for the project used in ubuntu test
* Restore PJ for ubuntu test
* Switch the Ubuntu test to csproj based
* Upgrade MSBuild references to 15.1.0-preview-000370-00
* Custom logger for MSBuild to receive telemetry events
Had to make the telemetry session ID a static variable so that the forwarding app could use it.
I've tested this all manually and will be writing tests after everyone signs off on the implementation here.
Moving the CommandResolution classes that depend on msbuild back into Cli.Utils.
Updating the src projects to a netstandard compatible with Cli.Utils moving to netstandard1.5