Moves generating the runtimeconfig files to a separate MSBuild target which is only dependent on project.lock.json.
Also, moving up our NuGet dependency to 3.5.0-rc1-1653, since that brings in the LockFile.PackageFolders property, which is needed for
* Rebase
* Remove Multi-Project Validator
* Remove projectmodelserver tests
* Enable test package creation
* Incremental test restore
* WiP
* Enable Test Asset Project restore
* Build Test Assets & Restore Test Projects
* Build Test projects
* Enable Test Execution
also moves Test Targets to a well-known CLI Version [Stage 2]
* Pass throuh existing telemetry profile
* 2-space tabs
* Revert TestTargets.cs
* WiP PR feedback
* Refactoring
* Fix naming of RestoreTestAssetPackages
* DotNetTest task
* Fix merge issue
* ExecuteWithCapturedOutput
MSBuild considers StdErr output to be failures. This causes output of any test command which is expected to produce an error to be swallowed in the test.
* Workaround for always-on tracing functionality in dotnet-test
* Fix Path Separator Windows/Unix
* Seperate package build from pack
* Windows Pathing issues
* PR Feedback
* Workaround for msbuild #773
* Updating files as well as man pages
This aligns with the latest changes in the official documentation. It also aligns dotnet test to official docs and introduces a new doc in the "Documentation" directory that deals with dotnet test protocols.
If invalid parameters are specified in `dotnet test`, the CLI does not
catch exceptions that can be thrown such as when specifying `-r` without
a runtime.
Fixes 3084.
* Use a WorkspaceContext in dotnet-build to cache project data across
multiple compilations in a single build action
* Dramatically reduce string and object duplication by introducing a
"Symbol Table" that shares instances of NuGetVersion, NuGetFramework,
VersionRange and string across multiple lock-file parses
Test Results:
* Testing was done by compiling Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc (and it's
dependencies) and taking memory snapshots after each compilation in
* We used to allocate ~3MB and deallocate ~2.5MB on EACH compilation in
a single build action. This has been reduced to ~120KB
* After introducing WorkspaceContext, total memory usage spiked from 6MB
across the whole build action to about 13MB, introducing the symbol
table dropped it back to about 5-6MB.
Also removed the dependency on Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.Sources NuGet package and instead just checking the source files into our repo as internal classes.
* Add and modify commands' README files
Update those READMEs that are outdated. Add READMEs for dotnet pack
and dotnet restore as well.
* Removing private info, adding feedback alias
It details the interactions between dotnet test, adapters and runners by describing the communication protocol between these pieces and the parameters that they support.
Modified the reporting channel factory to have a create for the adapter and a create for the runner channel. Also added an event to the create runner channel that people can listen and be notified when a test runner channel was created. I use this event to give the message handler access to the runner channel.
Added the new message handler to DotnetTest.
Adding a message handler for the version check message. Also introduced an IDotnetTest that handles state and handlers (the state machine).
Adding the test discover start message handler and introducing a test runner.
Added the handler for the GetTestRunnerProcessInfo message. Also, modified dotnet test to have separate setter for the special message handlers for terminate and unknown messages and added a separate method to add new reporting channels to DotnetTest, so that it can handle the new listener for the test runner.
Added the test runner test discovery handlers.
Added handlers to deal with the test execution itself.
Updated dotnet-test program to use the message handlers during design time.
Added a test for the whole discover tests message flow.
Added a test for the run tests full message exchange.
script changes to pipe configuration to test.ps1
debug commit, remove this commit
Change dotnet-test to invoke dotnet-test-xunit directly
build tests with configuration, framework, runtime in windows
Update testtargets in new build scripts
make configuration first arg to dotnet test
PR Feedback
update command factory
fix interface
test update