* release/2.1.1xx: (45 commits)
Adding the VBCSCompiler to the list of signed files due to crossgen.
Remove obsolete F# satellite package
MSBuild 15.6.76
Update F# to match dev15.6 preview 4
Excluding shared framework assemblies from the Roslyn folder in the SDK.
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4880 into cli
Updating Roslyn to 2.7.0-beta3-62529-05.
Update fsharp compiler to match preview 4
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4862 into cli
MSBuild 15.6.70
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4859 into cli
MSBuild 15.6.69
Update package reference
update fsharp compiler to match vs2017.6 preview 3
Insert NuGet Build 4.6.0-rtm-4825 into cli
Fixing the prefercliruntime asset
Updating the SDK dependency to 15.5.0-preview-62518-04 to fix the signing issue
Updating the channel to release/2.1.1xx. We can manually update release/2.0 if necessary, but LTS is always updated every time we release.
MSBuild 15.6.54
Updates the TestPlatform to 15.6.0-preview-20180109-01
* dotnet/release/15.5: (21 commits)
Manually merging some changes that git merged wrong and deleted from the 15.5 branch.
Separating the 'legacy' URL construction from the 'current' URL construction methods and logic.
Use temporary path for fake deps.json in test
Use same build number for roslyn and F# satellites
Updating Roslyn satellites and SDK versions
Insert NuGet Build 4.5.0-preview2-4529 into cli
Update NuGet to 4529 (signed)
MSBuild 15.5.154
MSBuild 15.5.153
removed commented out config I'd meant to remove
added a way to specify the asp.net template versions
Porting 'dotnet-install.sh' from CLI:master to CLI:release/2.0.0
'NuGet.master.config' does not appear to be used.
Fixed tests
Update branch info to release/15.5
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20171010-665
Insert NuGet Build 4.5.0-preview1-4526 into cli
Update DependencyVersions.props
Updated version of TestPlatform to 15.5.0-preview-20170923-02
MSBuild 15.4.8
- Removed all the links to downloads pages as they point to assets being produced by the CLI.
- Updated some of wording to match the concept of the core-sdk repo
- I need a small(ish) change so that I can trigger CI.
* release/2.0-vs: (22 commits)
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170921-5
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170915-1
MSBuild 15.4.7
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20170908-653
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview3-4475 into cli
Remove out of support ubuntu1610
Removing extra line feeds...
Turning on the NuPkg publishing from Win x86
The enumeration of the nupkg packages depends on that the creation of packages has already occurred.
Trivial change to start a VSO build
Push the 'VS.Redist.Common.Net.Core.SDK*.nupkg' packages to blob storage.
Remove EOL openSuSE 42.1
Trigger build
Trigger build
Sign additional files
Update CLI_NETSDK_Version SDK to 2.0.2-vspre-20170825-1
Dummy commit to trigger CI due to 20170824.1 publish nuget time out 20170824.1
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview1-4434 into cli
Update to SDK build which includes NuGet 4.4.0-preview1-4365
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview1-4365 into cli
* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (27 commits)
Updating the runtime to pick up the satellite assembly host fix.
Fixing some merges from release/2.0.0-preview2.
Create the Dotnet User Profile folder when running the first experience, if the folder does not exist, if will fail the first run because it will fail to create the first notice sentinel.
Add F# and Roslyn satellites
Fix tests expecting unlocalized messages from dotnet/sdk
Generating a layout folder with the satellite assemblies only which we use to generate a language pack tarball/zip. Initially, I wanted a IncludeOnlyFilter, but couldn't quite get that to work on tar, just passing the filter in the command line didn't work because the shell does not do recursive globbing. So, I opted for the layout folder.
Update SPA templates version to 1.0.0-preview-000321
Add rhel and Debian download link
Exclude satellite assemblies from archive.
Remove failed workaround for Microsoft.Composition warning
Update templates to add missing BrowserLink package
Update to SetupCrossgen 215 - Coherence 25794
Update templates to suppress the warning for Microsoft.Composition and AssetTargetFallback
Add explicit dependency for pakcage smoke test
Update templates to remove the package NETStandard.Library.NETFramework
Update F# compiler to latest
Update to SetupCrossgen 213 - Coherence 25769
Pinning to the dotnet-install to version '2.0.0-preview2-006470'
Updating branch/channel information.
* dotnet/release/2.0.0-preview2:
Update SPA templates version to 1.0.0-preview-000321
Add rhel and Debian download link
Remove failed workaround for Microsoft.Composition warning
Update templates to add missing BrowserLink package
Update to SetupCrossgen 215 - Coherence 25794
Update templates to suppress the warning for Microsoft.Composition and AssetTargetFallback
Add explicit dependency for pakcage smoke test
Update templates to remove the package NETStandard.Library.NETFramework
Update F# compiler to latest
Update to SetupCrossgen 213 - Coherence 25769
Pinning to the dotnet-install to version '2.0.0-preview2-006470'
Updating branch/channel information.
Update SpaTemplateVersion to 1.0.0-preview-000312
Update to SetupCrossgen 210 - Coherence 25756
Absorb F# and B2C template fixes
The links at blob storage will change from "release/2.0.0" to "release/2.0.0-preview2"
Changing two links from explicit to relative.
Updating the links in the README; fixing the installation script.
Update to SetupCrossgen 201 - Coherence 25722