Merge pull request #3020 from schellap/deps-clean
Strict deps resolution else fail fast
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 280 additions and 202 deletions
@ -396,7 +396,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build
File.Copy(Path.Combine(Dirs.CorehostLocked, $"{Constants.DynamicLibPrefix}hostfxr{Constants.DynamicLibSuffix}"), Path.Combine(outputDir, $"{Constants.DynamicLibPrefix}hostfxr{Constants.DynamicLibSuffix}"), overwrite: true);
File.Copy(Path.Combine(Dirs.CorehostLatest, $"{Constants.DynamicLibPrefix}hostpolicy{Constants.DynamicLibSuffix}"), Path.Combine(outputDir, $"{Constants.DynamicLibPrefix}hostpolicy{Constants.DynamicLibSuffix}"), overwrite: true);
var binaryToCorehostifyOutDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, "runtimes", "any", "native");
var binaryToCorehostifyRelDir = Path.Combine("runtimes", "any", "native");
var binaryToCorehostifyOutDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryToCorehostifyRelDir);
// Corehostify binaries
foreach (var binaryToCorehostify in BinariesForCoreHost)
@ -407,7 +408,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build
File.Delete(Path.Combine(binaryToCorehostifyOutDir, $"{binaryToCorehostify}.exe"));
File.Copy(compilersDeps, Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryToCorehostify + ".deps.json"));
File.Copy(compilersRuntimeConfig, Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryToCorehostify + ".runtimeconfig.json"));
ChangeEntryPointLibraryName(Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryToCorehostify + ".deps.json"), binaryToCorehostify);
var binaryToCoreHostifyDeps = Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryToCorehostify + ".deps.json");
ChangeEntryPointLibraryName(binaryToCoreHostifyDeps, binaryToCorehostify);
foreach (var binaryToRemove in new string[] { "csc", "vbc" })
var assetPath = Path.Combine(binaryToCorehostifyRelDir, $"{binaryToRemove}.exe").Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/');
RemoveAssetFromDepsPackages(binaryToCoreHostifyDeps, "runtimeTargets", assetPath);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -430,6 +437,40 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build
return c.Success();
private static void RemoveAssetFromDepsPackages(string depsFile, string sectionName, string assetPath)
JToken deps;
using (var file = File.OpenText(depsFile))
using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file))
deps = JObject.ReadFrom(reader);
foreach (JProperty target in deps["targets"])
foreach (JProperty pv in target.Value.Children<JProperty>())
var section = pv.Value[sectionName];
if (section != null)
foreach (JProperty relPath in section)
if (assetPath.Equals(relPath.Name))
using (var file = File.CreateText(depsFile))
using (var writer = new JsonTextWriter(file) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented })
private static void ChangeEntryPointLibraryName(string depsFile, string newName)
JToken deps;
@ -349,8 +349,10 @@ bool deps_json_t::has_package(const pal::string_t& name, const pal::string_t& ve
bool deps_json_t::load(bool portable, const pal::string_t& deps_path, const rid_fallback_graph_t& rid_fallback_graph)
m_file_exists = pal::file_exists(deps_path);
// If file doesn't exist, then assume parsed.
if (!pal::file_exists(deps_path))
if (!m_file_exists)
trace::verbose(_X("Could not locate the dependencies manifest file [%s]. Some libraries may fail to resolve."), deps_path.c_str());
return true;
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class deps_json_t
: m_valid(false)
, m_file_exists(false)
, m_coreclr_index(-1)
, m_hostpolicy_index(-1)
@ -62,6 +63,11 @@ public:
return m_hostpolicy_index >= 0;
bool exists()
return m_file_exists;
const deps_entry_t& get_coreclr_entry()
@ -109,6 +115,7 @@ private:
rid_fallback_graph_t m_rid_fallback_graph;
int m_coreclr_index;
int m_hostpolicy_index;
bool m_file_exists;
bool m_valid;
@ -330,89 +330,95 @@ bool deps_resolver_t::probe_entry_in_configs(const deps_entry_t& entry, pal::str
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resolve coreclr directory from the deps file.
// Description:
// Look for CoreCLR from the dependency list in the package cache and then
// the packages directory.
pal::string_t deps_resolver_t::resolve_coreclr_dir()
* Probe helper for a deps entry. Lookup all probe configurations and then
* lookup in the directory where the deps file is present. For app dirs,
* 1. RID specific entries are present in the package relative structure.
* 2. Non-RID entries are present in the directory path.
bool deps_resolver_t::probe_deps_entry(const deps_entry_t& entry, const pal::string_t& deps_dir, pal::string_t* candidate)
trace::verbose(_X("--- Resolving CoreCLR directory ---"));
auto process_coreclr = [&]
(bool is_portable, const pal::string_t& deps_dir, deps_json_t* deps) -> pal::string_t
if (probe_entry_in_configs(entry, candidate))
pal::string_t candidate;
if (deps->has_coreclr_entry())
const deps_entry_t& entry = deps->get_coreclr_entry();
if (probe_entry_in_configs(entry, &candidate))
return get_directory(candidate);
else if (entry.is_rid_specific && entry.to_rel_path(deps_dir, &candidate))
return get_directory(candidate);
trace::verbose(_X("Deps has no CoreCLR entry."));
// App/FX main dir or standalone app dir.
trace::verbose(_X("Probing for CoreCLR in deps directory=[%s]"), deps_dir.c_str());
if (coreclr_exists_in_dir(deps_dir))
return deps_dir;
return pal::string_t();
trace::info(_X("-- Starting CoreCLR Probe from app deps.json"));
pal::string_t clr_dir = process_coreclr(m_portable, m_app_dir, m_deps.get());
if (clr_dir.empty() && m_portable)
trace::info(_X("-- Starting CoreCLR Probe from FX deps.json"));
clr_dir = process_coreclr(false, m_fx_dir, m_fx_deps.get());
return true;
if (!clr_dir.empty())
if (entry.is_rid_specific && entry.to_rel_path(deps_dir, candidate))
return clr_dir;
return true;
// Use platform-specific search algorithm
pal::string_t install_dir;
if (pal::find_coreclr(&install_dir))
if (!entry.is_rid_specific && entry.to_dir_path(deps_dir, candidate))
return install_dir;
return true;
return pal::string_t();
return false;
void deps_resolver_t::resolve_tpa_list(
const pal::string_t& clr_dir,
* Helper for obtaining CoreCLR from a given deps file and the deps file's directory.
bool deps_resolver_t::get_coreclr_dir_from_deps(const pal::string_t& deps_dir, deps_json_t* deps, pal::string_t* candidate)
if (!deps->has_coreclr_entry())
return false;
pal::string_t coreclr;
if (probe_deps_entry(deps->get_coreclr_entry(), deps_dir, &coreclr))
*candidate = get_directory(coreclr);
return true;
return false;
* Probe for coreclr relative to the app and then from the framework root.
* If deps does not exist, then just use the app base.
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_coreclr_dir(pal::string_t* clr_dir)
trace::info(_X("-- Starting CoreCLR Probe from app deps.json"));
if (get_coreclr_dir_from_deps(m_app_dir, m_deps.get(), clr_dir))
return true;
if (m_portable)
trace::info(_X("-- Starting CoreCLR Probe from FX deps.json"));
if (get_coreclr_dir_from_deps(m_fx_dir, m_fx_deps.get(), clr_dir))
return true;
if (!m_deps->exists())
if (coreclr_exists_in_dir(m_app_dir))
*clr_dir = m_app_dir;
return true;
return false;
* Resovle the TPA assembly locations
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_tpa_list(
pal::string_t* output,
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb)
const std::vector<deps_entry_t> empty(0);
// Obtain the local assemblies in the app dir.
get_dir_assemblies(m_app_dir, _X("local"), &m_local_assemblies);
if (m_portable)
// For portable also obtain FX dir assemblies.
get_dir_assemblies(m_fx_dir, _X("fx"), &m_fx_assemblies);
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t> items;
auto process_entry = [&](const pal::string_t& deps_dir, deps_json_t* deps, const dir_assemblies_t& dir_assemblies, const deps_entry_t& entry)
auto process_entry = [&](const pal::string_t& deps_dir, deps_json_t* deps, const deps_entry_t& entry) -> bool
if (entry.is_serviceable)
@ -421,81 +427,81 @@ void deps_resolver_t::resolve_tpa_list(
if (items.count(entry.asset_name))
return true;
// Ignore placeholders
if (ends_with(entry.relative_path, _X("/_._"), false))
return true;
pal::string_t candidate;
trace::info(_X("Processing TPA for deps entry [%s, %s, %s]"), entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
// Try to probe from the shared locations.
if (probe_entry_in_configs(entry, &candidate))
if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, &candidate))
add_tpa_asset(entry.asset_name, candidate, &items, output);
// The rid asset should be picked up from app relative subpath.
else if (entry.is_rid_specific && entry.to_rel_path(deps_dir, &candidate))
// Leave the mscorlib error handling to the CoreCLR -- this is because apps might choose to use
// and delete mscorlib.dll and vice-versa.
else if (entry.asset_name != _X("mscorlib"))
add_tpa_asset(entry.asset_name, candidate, &items, output);
// The rid-less asset should be picked up from the app base.
else if (dir_assemblies.count(entry.asset_name))
add_tpa_asset(entry.asset_name, dir_assemblies.find(entry.asset_name)->second, &items, output);
// FIXME: Consider this error as a fail fast?
trace::warning(_X("Could not resolve path to assembly: [%s, %s, %s]"), entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
trace::error(_X("Error: assembly specified in the dependencies manifest was not found -- package: '%s', version: '%s', path: '%s'"),
entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// First add managed assembly to the TPA.
// TODO: Remove: the deps should contain the managed DLL.
// Workaround for: csc.deps.json doesn't have the csc.dll
pal::string_t managed_app_asset = get_filename_without_ext(m_managed_app);
add_tpa_asset(managed_app_asset, m_managed_app, &items, output);
const auto& deps_entries = m_deps->get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime);
std::for_each(deps_entries.begin(), deps_entries.end(), [&](const deps_entry_t& entry) {
process_entry(m_app_dir, m_deps.get(), m_local_assemblies, entry);
for (const auto& entry : deps_entries)
if (!process_entry(m_app_dir, m_deps.get(), entry))
return false;
// Finally, if the deps file wasn't present or has missing entries, then
// add the app local assemblies to the TPA.
for (const auto& kv : m_local_assemblies)
if (!m_deps->exists())
add_tpa_asset(kv.first, kv.second, &items, output);
dir_assemblies_t local_assemblies;
// Obtain the local assemblies in the app dir.
get_dir_assemblies(m_app_dir, _X("local"), &local_assemblies);
for (const auto& kv : local_assemblies)
add_tpa_asset(kv.first, kv.second, &items, output);
// Probe FX deps entries after app assemblies are added.
const auto& fx_entries = m_portable ? m_fx_deps->get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime) : empty;
std::for_each(fx_entries.begin(), fx_entries.end(), [&](const deps_entry_t& entry) {
process_entry(m_fx_dir, m_fx_deps.get(), m_fx_assemblies, entry);
for (const auto& kv : m_fx_assemblies)
for (const auto& entry : fx_entries)
add_tpa_asset(kv.first, kv.second, &items, output);
if (!process_entry(m_fx_dir, m_fx_deps.get(), entry))
return false;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resolve the directories order for resources/native lookup
// Description:
// This general purpose function specifies priority order of directory lookup
// for both native images and resources specific resource images. Lookup for
// resources assemblies is done by looking up two levels above from the file
// path. Lookup for native images is done by looking up one level from the
// file path.
// Parameters:
// asset_type - The type of the asset that needs lookup, currently
// supports "resources" and "native"
// app_dir - The application local directory
// package_dir - The directory path to where packages are restored
// package_cache_dir - The directory path to secondary cache for packages
// clr_dir - The directory where the host loads the CLR
// Returns:
// output - Pointer to a string that will hold the resolved lookup dirs
void deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
* Resolve native and culture assembly directories based on "asset_type" parameter.
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
deps_entry_t::asset_types asset_type,
const pal::string_t& clr_dir,
pal::string_t* output,
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb)
@ -511,10 +517,16 @@ void deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
std::function<pal::string_t(const pal::string_t&)> native = [] (const pal::string_t& str) {
return get_directory(str);
// Action for post processing the resolved path
std::function<pal::string_t(const pal::string_t&)>& action = is_resources ? resources : native;
// Set for de-duplication
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t> items;
pal::string_t core_servicing = m_core_servicing;
// Filter out non-serviced assets so the paths can be added after servicing paths.
pal::string_t non_serviced;
std::vector<deps_entry_t> empty(0);
@ -523,85 +535,80 @@ void deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
pal::string_t candidate;
bool track_api_sets = true;
auto add_package_cache_entry = [&](const deps_entry_t& entry)
auto add_package_cache_entry = [&](const deps_entry_t& entry, const pal::string_t& deps_dir) -> bool
if (entry.is_serviceable)
breadcrumb->insert(entry.library_name + _X(",") + entry.library_version);
if (probe_entry_in_configs(entry, &candidate))
if (items.count(entry.asset_name))
// For standalone apps, on win7, coreclr needs ApiSets which has to be in the DLL search path.
const pal::string_t result_dir = action(candidate);
if (track_api_sets && pal::need_api_sets() &&
ends_with(entry.library_name, _X("Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSets"), false))
// For standalone and portable apps, get the ApiSets DLL directory,
// as they could come from servicing or other probe paths.
// Note: in portable apps, the API set would come from FX deps
// which is actually a standalone deps (rid specific API set).
// If the portable app relied on its version of API sets, then
// the rid selection fallback would have already been performed
// by the host (deps_format.cpp)
add_unique_path(asset_type, result_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
return true;
// Ignore placeholders
if (ends_with(entry.relative_path, _X("/_._"), false))
return true;
trace::verbose(_X("Processing native/culture for deps entry [%s, %s, %s]"),
entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, &candidate))
add_unique_path(asset_type, action(candidate), &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
// For standalone apps, dotnet.exe will be renamed. Do not use the full package name
// because of rid-fallback could happen (ex: CentOS falling back to RHEL)
if (ends_with(entry.library_name, _X(".Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHost"), false) && entry.asset_name == _X("dotnet"))
trace::warning(_X("Warning: assembly specified in the dependencies manifest was not found -- package: '%s', version: '%s', path: '%s'"),
entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
return true;
trace::error(_X("Error: assembly specified in the dependencies manifest was not found -- package: '%s', version: '%s', path: '%s'"),
entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.relative_path.c_str());
return false;
if (m_api_set_paths.empty() && pal::need_api_sets() &&
ends_with(entry.library_name, _X("Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSets"), false))
return true;
std::for_each(entries.begin(), entries.end(), add_package_cache_entry);
track_api_sets = m_api_set_paths.empty();
std::for_each(fx_entries.begin(), fx_entries.end(), add_package_cache_entry);
track_api_sets = m_api_set_paths.empty();
// For portable rid specific assets, the app relative directory must be used.
if (m_portable)
for (const auto& entry : entries)
std::for_each(entries.begin(), entries.end(), [&](const deps_entry_t& entry)
if (!add_package_cache_entry(entry, m_app_dir))
if (entry.is_rid_specific && entry.asset_type == asset_type && entry.to_rel_path(m_app_dir, &candidate))
add_unique_path(asset_type, action(candidate), &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
// App called out an explicit API set dependency.
if (track_api_sets && entry.is_rid_specific && pal::need_api_sets() &&
ends_with(entry.library_name, _X("Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSets"), false))
track_api_sets = m_api_set_paths.empty();
// App local path
add_unique_path(asset_type, m_app_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
// If API sets is not found (i.e., empty) in the probe paths above:
// 1. For standalone app, do nothing as all are sxs.
// 2. For portable app, add FX dir.
// FX path if present
if (!m_fx_dir.empty())
// For portable apps, if we didn't find api sets in probe paths
// add the FX directory.
if (track_api_sets && pal::need_api_sets())
return false;
add_unique_path(asset_type, m_fx_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
// CLR path
add_unique_path(asset_type, clr_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
// If the deps file is missing add known locations.
if (!m_deps->exists())
// App local path
add_unique_path(asset_type, m_app_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
for (const auto& entry : fx_entries)
if (!add_package_cache_entry(entry, m_fx_dir))
return false;
return true;
@ -617,10 +624,19 @@ void deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
// resolved path ordering.
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_paths(const pal::string_t& clr_dir, probe_paths_t* probe_paths, std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb)
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_paths(probe_paths_t* probe_paths, std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb)
resolve_tpa_list(clr_dir, &probe_paths->tpa, breadcrumb);
resolve_probe_dirs(deps_entry_t::asset_types::native, clr_dir, &probe_paths->native, breadcrumb);
resolve_probe_dirs(deps_entry_t::asset_types::resources, clr_dir, &probe_paths->resources, breadcrumb);
if (!resolve_tpa_list(&probe_paths->tpa, breadcrumb))
return false;
if (!resolve_probe_dirs(deps_entry_t::asset_types::native, &probe_paths->native, breadcrumb))
return false;
if (!resolve_probe_dirs(deps_entry_t::asset_types::resources, &probe_paths->resources, breadcrumb))
return false;
return true;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ public:
deps_resolver_t(const hostpolicy_init_t& init, const arguments_t& args)
: m_fx_dir(init.fx_dir)
, m_app_dir(args.app_dir)
, m_managed_app(args.managed_application)
, m_coreclr_index(-1)
, m_portable(init.is_portable)
, m_deps(nullptr)
@ -58,6 +59,11 @@ public:
errors->assign(_X("An error occurred while parsing ") + m_deps_file);
return false;
if (m_portable && !m_fx_deps->exists())
errors->assign(_X("A fatal error was encountered, missing dependencies manifest at: ") + m_fx_deps_file);
return false;
if (m_portable && !m_fx_deps->is_valid())
errors->assign(_X("An error occurred while parsing ") + m_fx_deps_file);
@ -73,11 +79,12 @@ public:
void setup_additional_probes(const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_paths);
bool resolve_probe_paths(
const pal::string_t& clr_dir,
probe_paths_t* probe_paths,
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb);
pal::string_t resolve_coreclr_dir();
bool get_coreclr_dir_from_deps(const pal::string_t& deps_dir, deps_json_t* deps, pal::string_t* candidate);
bool resolve_coreclr_dir(pal::string_t* clr_dir);
const pal::string_t& get_fx_deps_file() const
@ -104,15 +111,13 @@ private:
// Resolve order for TPA lookup.
void resolve_tpa_list(
const pal::string_t& clr_dir,
bool resolve_tpa_list(
pal::string_t* output,
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb);
// Resolve order for culture and native DLL lookup.
void resolve_probe_dirs(
bool resolve_probe_dirs(
deps_entry_t::asset_types asset_type,
const pal::string_t& clr_dir,
pal::string_t* output,
std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb);
@ -122,6 +127,12 @@ private:
const pal::string_t& dir_name,
std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t>* dir_assemblies);
// Probe entry in probe configurations and deps dir.
bool probe_deps_entry(
const deps_entry_t& entry,
const pal::string_t& deps_dir,
pal::string_t* candidate);
// Probe entry in probe configurations.
bool probe_entry_in_configs(
const deps_entry_t& entry,
@ -143,14 +154,15 @@ private:
// Map of simple name -> full path of local/fx assemblies populated
// in priority order of their extensions.
typedef std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t> dir_assemblies_t;
dir_assemblies_t m_local_assemblies;
dir_assemblies_t m_fx_assemblies;
std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t> m_patch_roll_forward_cache;
std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t> m_prerelease_roll_forward_cache;
pal::string_t m_package_cache;
// The managed application the dependencies are being resolved for.
pal::string_t m_managed_app;
// Servicing root, could be empty on platforms that don't support or when errors occur.
pal::string_t m_core_servicing;
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ pal::string_t resolve_hostpolicy_version_from_deps(const pal::string_t& deps_jso
const auto& json = root.as_object();
const auto& libraries ="libraries")).as_object();
// Walk through the libraries section and check any library that starts with:
// "runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy/" followed by version.
pal::string_t prefix = _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME) + pal::string_t(_X("/"));
// Look up the root package instead of the "runtime" package because we can't do a full rid resolution.
// i.e., look for "Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy/" followed by version.
pal::string_t prefix = _X("Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy/");
for (const auto& library : libraries)
if (starts_with(library.first, prefix, false))
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ int run(const arguments_t& args)
return StatusCode::ResolverInitFailure;
pal::string_t clr_path = resolver.resolve_coreclr_dir();
if (clr_path.empty() || !pal::realpath(&clr_path))
pal::string_t clr_path;
if (!resolver.resolve_coreclr_dir(&clr_path) || clr_path.empty() || !pal::realpath(&clr_path))
trace::error(_X("Could not resolve CoreCLR path. For more details, enable tracing by setting COREHOST_TRACE environment variable to 1"));;
return StatusCode::CoreClrResolveFailure;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ int run(const arguments_t& args)
breadcrumbs.insert(policy_name + _X(",") + policy_version);
probe_paths_t probe_paths;
if (!resolver.resolve_probe_paths(clr_path, &probe_paths, &breadcrumbs))
if (!resolver.resolve_probe_paths(&probe_paths, &breadcrumbs))
return StatusCode::ResolverResolveFailure;
Add table
Reference in a new issue