Resolve hostpolicy out of package graph for servicing
* Resolve hostpolicy out of package graph for servicing
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 334 additions and 139 deletions
@ -14,12 +14,317 @@
#include "error_codes.h"
#include "deps_format.h"
pal::string_t fx_muxer_t::resolve_fx_dir(const pal::string_t& muxer_dir, runtime_config_t* runtime)
* When the framework is not found, display detailed error message
* about available frameworks and installation of new framework.
void handle_missing_framework_error(const pal::string_t& fx_name, const pal::string_t& fx_version, const pal::string_t& fx_dir)
trace::verbose(_X("--- Resolving FX directory from muxer dir [%s]"), muxer_dir.c_str());
const auto fx_name = runtime->get_fx_name();
const auto fx_ver = runtime->get_fx_version();
const auto patch_roll_fwd = runtime->get_patch_roll_fwd();
pal::string_t fx_ver_dirs = get_directory(fx_dir);
// Display the error message about missing FX.
trace::error(_X("The targeted framework { '%s': '%s' } was not found."), fx_name.c_str(), fx_version.c_str());
trace::error(_X(" - Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at:"));
trace::error(_X(" %s"), fx_ver_dirs.c_str());
// Gather the list of versions installed at the shared FX location.
bool is_print_header = true;
std::vector<pal::string_t> versions;
pal::readdir(fx_ver_dirs, &versions);
for (const auto& ver : versions)
// Make sure we filter out any non-version folders at shared FX location.
fx_ver_t parsed(-1, -1, -1);
if (fx_ver_t::parse(ver, &parsed, false))
// Print banner only once before printing the versions
if (is_print_header)
trace::error(_X(" - The following versions are installed:"));
is_print_header = false;
trace::error(_X(" %s"), ver.c_str());
trace::error(_X(" - Alternatively, install the framework version '%s'."), fx_version.c_str());
* Resolve the hostpolicy version from deps.
* - Scan the deps file's libraries section and find the hostpolicy version in the file.
pal::string_t resolve_hostpolicy_version_from_deps(const pal::string_t& deps_json)
trace::verbose(_X("--- Resolving %s version from deps json [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, deps_json.c_str());
pal::string_t retval;
if (!pal::file_exists(deps_json))
trace::verbose(_X("Dependency manifest [%s] does not exist"), deps_json.c_str());
return retval;
pal::ifstream_t file(deps_json);
if (!file.good())
trace::verbose(_X("Dependency manifest [%s] could not be opened"), deps_json.c_str());
return retval;
if (skip_utf8_bom(&file))
trace::verbose(_X("UTF-8 BOM skipped while reading [%s]"), deps_json.c_str());
const auto root = json_value::parse(file);
const auto& json = root.as_object();
const auto& libraries ="libraries")).as_object();
// Walk through the libraries section and check any library that starts with:
// "runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy/" followed by version.
pal::string_t prefix = _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME) + pal::string_t(_X("/"));
for (const auto& library : libraries)
if (starts_with(library.first, prefix, false))
// Extract the version information that occurs after '/'
retval = library.first.substr(prefix.size());
catch (const std::exception& je)
pal::string_t jes;
(void)pal::utf8_palstring(je.what(), &jes);
trace::error(_X("A JSON parsing exception occurred in [%s]: %s"), deps_json.c_str(), jes.c_str());
trace::verbose(_X("Resolved version %s from dependency manifest file [%s]"), retval.c_str(), deps_json.c_str());
return retval;
* Given a directory and a version, find if the package relative
* dir under the given directory contains hostpolicy.dll
bool to_hostpolicy_package_dir(const pal::string_t& dir, const pal::string_t& version, pal::string_t* candidate)
// Ensure the relative dir contains platform directory separators.
pal::string_t rel_dir = _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_REL_DIR);
if (DIR_SEPARATOR != '/')
replace_char(&rel_dir, '/', DIR_SEPARATOR);
// Construct the path to directory containing hostpolicy.
pal::string_t path = dir;
append_path(&path, _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME)); // package name
append_path(&path, version.c_str()); // package version
append_path(&path, rel_dir.c_str()); // relative dir containing hostpolicy library
// Check if "path" contains the required library.
if (!library_exists_in_dir(path, LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, nullptr))
trace::verbose(_X("Did not find %s in directory %s"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, path.c_str());
return false;
// "path" contains the directory containing hostpolicy library.
*candidate = path;
trace::verbose(_X("Found %s in directory %s"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, path.c_str());
return true;
* Given a nuget version, detect if a serviced hostpolicy is available at
* platform servicing location.
bool hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(const pal::string_t& version, pal::string_t* resolved_dir)
if (version.empty())
return false;
pal::string_t svc_dir;
append_path(&svc_dir, _X("pkgs"));
return to_hostpolicy_package_dir(svc_dir, version, resolved_dir);
* Given path to app binary, say app.dll or app.exe, retrieve the app.deps.json.
pal::string_t get_deps_from_app_binary(const pal::string_t& app)
assert(app.find(DIR_SEPARATOR) != pal::string_t::npos);
assert(ends_with(app, _X(".dll"), false) || ends_with(app, _X(".exe"), false));
// First append directory.
pal::string_t deps_file;
// Then the app name and the file extension
pal::string_t app_name = get_filename(app);
deps_file.append(app_name, 0, app_name.find_last_of(_X(".")));
return deps_file;
* Given a version and probing paths, find if package layout
* directory containing hostpolicy exists.
bool resolve_hostpolicy_dir_from_probe_paths(const pal::string_t& version, const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_realpaths, pal::string_t* candidate)
if (probe_realpaths.empty() || version.empty())
return false;
// Check if the package relative directory containing hostpolicy exists.
for (const auto& probe_path : probe_realpaths)
trace::verbose(_X("Considering %s to probe for %s"), probe_path.c_str(), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME);
if (to_hostpolicy_package_dir(probe_path, version, candidate))
return true;
// Print detailed message about the file not found in the probe paths.
trace::error(_X("Could not find required library %s in %d probing paths:"),
LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, probe_realpaths.size());
for (const auto& path : probe_realpaths)
trace::error(_X(" %s"), path.c_str());
return false;
* Given FX location, app binary and specified --depsfile, return deps that contains hostpolicy.dll
pal::string_t get_deps_file(
const pal::string_t& fx_dir,
const pal::string_t& app_candidate,
const pal::string_t& specified_deps_file,
const runtime_config_t& config)
if (config.get_portable())
// Portable app's hostpolicy is resolved from FX deps
return fx_dir + DIR_SEPARATOR + config.get_fx_name() + _X(".deps.json");
// Standalone app's hostpolicy is from specified deps or from app deps.
return !specified_deps_file.empty() ? specified_deps_file : get_deps_from_app_binary(app_candidate);
* Given own location, FX location, app binary and specified --depsfile and probe paths
* return location that is expected to contain hostpolicy
bool fx_muxer_t::resolve_hostpolicy_dir(host_mode_t mode,
const pal::string_t& own_dir,
const pal::string_t& fx_dir,
const pal::string_t& app_candidate,
const pal::string_t& specified_deps_file,
const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_realpaths,
const runtime_config_t& config,
pal::string_t* impl_dir)
// Obtain deps file for the given configuration.
pal::string_t resolved_deps = get_deps_file(fx_dir, app_candidate, specified_deps_file, config);
// Resolve hostpolicy version out of the deps file.
pal::string_t version = resolve_hostpolicy_version_from_deps(resolved_deps);
if (trace::is_enabled() && version.empty() && pal::file_exists(resolved_deps))
trace::warning(_X("Dependency manifest %s does not contain an entry for %s"), resolved_deps.c_str(), _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME));
// Check if the given version of the hostpolicy exists in servicing.
if (hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(version, impl_dir))
return true;
// Get the expected directory that would contain hostpolicy.
pal::string_t expected;
if (config.get_portable())
if (!pal::directory_exists(fx_dir))
handle_missing_framework_error(config.get_fx_name(), config.get_fx_version(), fx_dir);
return false;
expected = fx_dir;
// Standalone apps can be activated by muxer or by standalone host or "corehost"
// 1. When activated with dotnet.exe or corehost.exe, check for hostpolicy in the deps dir or
// app dir.
// 2. When activated with app.exe, the standalone host, check own directory.
assert(mode == host_mode_t::muxer || mode == host_mode_t::standalone || mode == host_mode_t::split_fx);
expected = (mode == host_mode_t::standalone)
? own_dir
: get_directory(specified_deps_file.empty() ? app_candidate : specified_deps_file);
// Check if hostpolicy exists in "expected" directory.
trace::verbose(_X("The expected %s directory is [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());
if (library_exists_in_dir(expected, LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, nullptr))
return true;
trace::verbose(_X("The %s was not found in [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());
// Start probing for hostpolicy in the specified probe paths.
pal::string_t candidate;
if (resolve_hostpolicy_dir_from_probe_paths(version, probe_realpaths, &candidate))
return true;
// If it still couldn't be found, flag an error for the "expected" location.
trace::error(_X("Expect required library %s to be present in [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());
trace::error(_X(" - This may be because of an invalid .NET Core FX configuration in the directory."));
return false;
pal::string_t fx_muxer_t::resolve_fx_dir(host_mode_t mode, const pal::string_t& own_dir, const runtime_config_t& config)
// No FX resolution for standalone apps.
assert(mode != host_mode_t::standalone);
// If invoking using FX dotnet.exe, use own directory.
if (mode == host_mode_t::split_fx)
return own_dir;
assert(mode == host_mode_t::muxer);
trace::verbose(_X("--- Resolving FX directory from muxer dir [%s]"), own_dir.c_str());
const auto fx_name = config.get_fx_name();
const auto fx_ver = config.get_fx_version();
const auto patch_roll_fwd = config.get_patch_roll_fwd();
fx_ver_t specified(-1, -1, -1);
if (!fx_ver_t::parse(fx_ver, &specified, false))
@ -28,7 +333,7 @@ pal::string_t fx_muxer_t::resolve_fx_dir(const pal::string_t& muxer_dir, runtime
return pal::string_t();
auto fx_dir = muxer_dir;
auto fx_dir = own_dir;
append_path(&fx_dir, _X("shared"));
append_path(&fx_dir, fx_name.c_str());
@ -369,7 +674,6 @@ int fx_muxer_t::read_config_and_execute(
return StatusCode::InvalidConfigFile;
pal::string_t app_or_deps = deps_file.empty() ? app_candidate : deps_file;
pal::string_t config_file, dev_config_file;
if (runtime_config.empty())
@ -401,69 +705,20 @@ int fx_muxer_t::read_config_and_execute(
append_realpath(path, &probe_realpaths);
if (config.get_portable())
bool is_portable = config.get_portable();
pal::string_t fx_dir = is_portable ? resolve_fx_dir(mode, own_dir, config) : _X("");
trace::verbose(_X("Executing as a %s app as per config file [%s]"),
(is_portable ? _X("portable") : _X("standalone")), config_file.c_str());
pal::string_t impl_dir;
if (!resolve_hostpolicy_dir(mode, own_dir, fx_dir, app_candidate, deps_file, probe_realpaths, config, &impl_dir))
trace::verbose(_X("Executing as a portable app as per config file [%s]"), config_file.c_str());
pal::string_t fx_dir = (mode == host_mode_t::split_fx) ? own_dir : resolve_fx_dir(own_dir, &config);
corehost_init_t init(deps_file, probe_realpaths, fx_dir, mode, config);
pal::string_t impl_dir;
// First lookup hostpolicy.dll in servicing with the version of hostpolicy.dll that was compiled lock step with hostfxr.
if (!hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(&impl_dir))
impl_dir = fx_dir;
return execute_app(impl_dir, &init, new_argc, new_argv);
return CoreHostLibMissingFailure;
pal::string_t impl_dir;
trace::verbose(_X("Executing as a standalone app as per config file [%s]"), config_file.c_str());
// First lookup hostpolicy.dll in servicing with the version of hostpolicy.dll that was compiled lock step with hostfxr.
if (!hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(&impl_dir))
if (mode == host_mode_t::standalone || mode == host_mode_t::split_fx)
impl_dir = own_dir;
else if (mode == host_mode_t::muxer)
impl_dir = get_directory(app_or_deps);
trace::verbose(_X("The host impl directory before probing deps is [%s]"), impl_dir.c_str());
if (!library_exists_in_dir(impl_dir, LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, nullptr) && !probe_realpaths.empty() && !deps_file.empty())
bool found = false;
pal::string_t candidate = impl_dir;
deps_json_t deps_json(false, deps_file);
for (const auto& probe_path : probe_realpaths)
trace::verbose(_X("Considering %s for hostpolicy library"), probe_path.c_str());
if (deps_json.is_valid() &&
deps_json.has_hostpolicy_entry() &&
deps_json.get_hostpolicy_entry().to_full_path(probe_path, &candidate))
found = true; // candidate contains the right path.
if (!found)
trace::error(_X("Could not find required library %s in the dependencies manifest [%s] or in %d probing paths: "), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, deps_file.c_str(), probe_realpaths.size());
for (const auto& path : probe_realpaths)
trace::error(_X(" %s"), path.c_str());
return StatusCode::CoreHostLibMissingFailure;
impl_dir = get_directory(candidate);
corehost_init_t init(deps_file, probe_realpaths, _X(""), mode, config);
return execute_app(impl_dir, &init, new_argc, new_argv);
corehost_init_t init(deps_file, probe_realpaths, fx_dir, mode, config);
return execute_app(impl_dir, &init, new_argc, new_argv);
/* static */
@ -520,14 +775,14 @@ int fx_muxer_t::execute(const int argc, const pal::char_t* argv[])
pal::string_t sdk_dotnet;
if (!resolve_sdk_dotnet_path(own_dir, &sdk_dotnet))
trace::error(_X("Could not resolve SDK directory from [%s]"), own_dir.c_str());
trace::error(_X("Did not find a suitable dotnet SDK at '%s'. Install dotnet SDK from"), own_dir.c_str());
return StatusCode::LibHostSdkFindFailure;
append_path(&sdk_dotnet, _X("dotnet.dll"));
if (!pal::file_exists(sdk_dotnet))
trace::error(_X("Could not find dotnet.dll at [%s]"), sdk_dotnet.c_str());
trace::error(_X("Found dotnet SDK, but did not find dotnet.dll at [%s]"), sdk_dotnet.c_str());
return StatusCode::LibHostSdkFindFailure;
@ -24,7 +24,15 @@ private:
const std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, std::vector<pal::string_t>>& opts,
int new_argc, const pal::char_t** new_argv, host_mode_t mode);
static int parse_args_and_execute(const pal::string_t& own_dir, const pal::string_t& own_dll, int argoff, int argc, const pal::char_t* argv[], bool exec_mode, host_mode_t mode, bool* can_execute);
static pal::string_t resolve_fx_dir(const pal::string_t& muxer_path, runtime_config_t* runtime);
static bool resolve_hostpolicy_dir(host_mode_t mode,
const pal::string_t& own_dir,
const pal::string_t& fx_dir,
const pal::string_t& app_or_deps_dir,
const pal::string_t& specified_deps,
const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_realpaths,
const runtime_config_t& config,
pal::string_t* impl_dir);
static pal::string_t resolve_fx_dir(host_mode_t mode, const pal::string_t& own_dir, const runtime_config_t& config);
static pal::string_t resolve_cli_version(const pal::string_t& global);
static bool resolve_sdk_dotnet_path(const pal::string_t& own_dir, pal::string_t* cli_sdk);
@ -45,38 +45,6 @@ int load_host_library(
: StatusCode::CoreHostEntryPointFailure;
void handle_missing_framework_error(const corehost_init_t* init)
pal::string_t name = init->fx_name();
pal::string_t version = init->fx_version();
pal::string_t fx_ver_dirs = get_directory(init->fx_dir());
trace::error(_X("The targeted framework { \"%s\": \"%s\" } was not found."), name.c_str(), version.c_str());
trace::error(_X(" - Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at:"));
trace::error(_X(" %s"), fx_ver_dirs.c_str());
bool header = true;
std::vector<pal::string_t> versions;
pal::readdir(fx_ver_dirs, &versions);
for (const auto& ver : versions)
fx_ver_t parsed(-1, -1, -1);
if (fx_ver_t::parse(ver, &parsed, false))
if (header)
trace::error(_X(" - The following versions are installed:"));
header = false;
trace::error(_X(" %s"), ver.c_str());
if (header)
trace::error(_X(" - Or install the framework version that is being targeted."));
int execute_app(
const pal::string_t& impl_dll_dir,
corehost_init_t* init,
@ -92,15 +60,7 @@ int execute_app(
if (code != StatusCode::Success)
if (init->fx_dir() == impl_dll_dir)
trace::error(_X("Expected to load required %s from [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, impl_dll_dir.c_str());
trace::error(_X(" - This may be because of an invalid .NET Core FX configuration in the directory."));
trace::error(_X("An error occurred while loading required library %s from [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, impl_dll_dir.c_str());
return code;
@ -116,34 +76,6 @@ int execute_app(
return code;
bool hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(pal::string_t* resolved_dir)
pal::string_t svc_dir;
append_path(&svc_dir, _X("pkgs"));
pal::string_t version = _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_VER);
pal::string_t rel_dir = _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_REL_DIR);
if (DIR_SEPARATOR != '/')
replace_char(&rel_dir, '/', DIR_SEPARATOR);
pal::string_t path = svc_dir;
append_path(&path, _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME));
append_path(&path, version.c_str());
append_path(&path, rel_dir.c_str());
if (library_exists_in_dir(path, LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, nullptr))
trace::verbose(_X("[%s] exists in servicing [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, path.c_str());
return true;
trace::verbose(_X("[%s] doesn't exist in servicing [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, path.c_str());
return false;
SHARED_API int hostfxr_main(const int argc, const pal::char_t* argv[])
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