Update dependencies from https://github.com/dotnet/arcade build 20220406.10 (#13574)
Microsoft.DotNet.CMake.Sdk , Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers , Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk From Version 7.0.0-beta.22181.2 -> To Version 7.0.0-beta.22206.10 Dependency coherency updates Microsoft.DotNet.XliffTasks From Version 1.0.0-beta.22180.1 -> To Version 1.0.0-beta.22201.1 (parent: Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk Co-authored-by: dotnet-maestro[bot] <dotnet-maestro[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 192 additions and 102 deletions
@ -197,19 +197,19 @@
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk" Version="7.0.0-beta.22181.2">
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk" Version="7.0.0-beta.22206.10">
<SourceBuild RepoName="arcade" ManagedOnly="true" />
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.CMake.Sdk" Version="7.0.0-beta.22181.2">
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.CMake.Sdk" Version="7.0.0-beta.22206.10">
<SourceBuild RepoName="arcade" ManagedOnly="true" />
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers" Version="7.0.0-beta.22181.2">
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers" Version="7.0.0-beta.22206.10">
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.SourceBuild.Intermediate.source-build-reference-packages" Version="7.0.0-alpha.1.22164.1">
@ -221,9 +221,9 @@
<SourceBuild RepoName="sourcelink" ManagedOnly="true" />
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.XliffTasks" Version="1.0.0-beta.22180.1" CoherentParentDependency="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk">
<Dependency Name="Microsoft.DotNet.XliffTasks" Version="1.0.0-beta.22201.1" CoherentParentDependency="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk">
<SourceBuild RepoName="xliff-tasks" ManagedOnly="true" />
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<!-- Dependency from https://github.com/dotnet/arcade -->
<!-- Dependency from https://github.com/dotnet/winforms -->
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ Wait time between retry attempts in seconds
.PARAMETER GlobalJsonFile
File path to global.json file
.PARAMETER PathPromotion
Optional switch to enable either promote native tools specified in the global.json to the path (in Azure Pipelines)
or break the build if a native tool is not found on the path (on a local dev machine)
@ -41,7 +45,8 @@ Param (
[switch] $Force = $False,
[int] $DownloadRetries = 5,
[int] $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 30,
[string] $GlobalJsonFile
[string] $GlobalJsonFile,
[switch] $PathPromotion
if (!$GlobalJsonFile) {
@ -77,53 +82,97 @@ try {
ConvertFrom-Json |
Select-Object -Expand 'native-tools' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($NativeTools) {
$NativeTools.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$ToolName = $_.Name
$ToolVersion = $_.Value
$LocalInstallerArguments = @{ ToolName = "$ToolName" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ InstallPath = "$InstallBin" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ BaseUri = "$BaseUri" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ CommonLibraryDirectory = "$EngCommonBaseDir" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Version = "$ToolVersion" }
if ($PathPromotion -eq $True) {
if ($env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT) { # check to see if we're in an Azure pipelines build
$NativeTools.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$ToolName = $_.Name
$ToolVersion = $_.Value
if ($Verbose) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Verbose = $True }
if ((Get-Command "$ToolName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
if ($ToolVersion -eq "latest") {
$ToolVersion = ""
$ArcadeToolsDirectory = "C:\arcade-tools"
if (Test-Path $ArcadeToolsDirectory -eq $False) {
Write-Error "Arcade tools directory '$ArcadeToolsDirectory' was not found; artifacts were not properly installed."
exit 1
$ToolDirectory = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$ArcadeToolsDirectory" -Filter "$ToolName-$ToolVersion*" | Sort-Object -Descending)[0]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ToolDirectory)) {
Write-Error "Unable to find directory for $ToolName $ToolVersion; please make sure the tool is installed on this image."
exit 1
$BinPathFile = "$($ToolDirectory.FullName)\binpath.txt"
if (Test-Path -Path "$BinPathFile" -eq $False) {
Write-Error "Unable to find binpath.txt in '$($ToolDirectory.FullName)' ($ToolName $ToolVersion); artifact is either installed incorrectly or is not a bootstrappable tool."
exit 1
$BinPath = Get-Content "$BinPathFile"
Write-Host "Adding $ToolName to the path ($(Convert-Path -Path $BinPath))..."
Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]$(Convert-Path -Path $BinPath)"
exit 0
} else {
$NativeTools.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$ToolName = $_.Name
$ToolVersion = $_.Value
if ((Get-Command "$ToolName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'NativeToolsBootstrap' -Message "$ToolName not found on path. Please install $ToolName $ToolVersion before proceeding."
exit 0
if (Get-Variable 'Force' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
if($Force) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Force = $True }
} else {
$NativeTools.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$ToolName = $_.Name
$ToolVersion = $_.Value
$LocalInstallerArguments = @{ ToolName = "$ToolName" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ InstallPath = "$InstallBin" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ BaseUri = "$BaseUri" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ CommonLibraryDirectory = "$EngCommonBaseDir" }
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Version = "$ToolVersion" }
if ($Verbose) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Verbose = $True }
if (Get-Variable 'Force' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
if($Force) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Force = $True }
if ($Clean) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Clean = $True }
Write-Verbose "Installing $ToolName version $ToolVersion"
Write-Verbose "Executing '$InstallerPath $($LocalInstallerArguments.Keys.ForEach({"-$_ '$($LocalInstallerArguments.$_)'"}) -join ' ')'"
& $InstallerPath @LocalInstallerArguments
if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne "0") {
$errMsg = "$ToolName installation failed"
if ((Get-Variable 'DoNotAbortNativeToolsInstallationOnFailure' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $DoNotAbortNativeToolsInstallationOnFailure) {
$showNativeToolsWarning = $true
if ((Get-Variable 'DoNotDisplayNativeToolsInstallationWarnings' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $DoNotDisplayNativeToolsInstallationWarnings) {
$showNativeToolsWarning = $false
if ($showNativeToolsWarning) {
Write-Warning $errMsg
$toolInstallationFailure = $true
} else {
# We cannot change this to Write-PipelineTelemetryError because of https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/4482
Write-Host $errMsg
exit 1
if ($Clean) {
$LocalInstallerArguments += @{ Clean = $True }
if ((Get-Variable 'toolInstallationFailure' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $toolInstallationFailure) {
# We cannot change this to Write-PipelineTelemetryError because of https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/4482
Write-Host 'Native tools bootstrap failed'
exit 1
Write-Verbose "Installing $ToolName version $ToolVersion"
Write-Verbose "Executing '$InstallerPath $($LocalInstallerArguments.Keys.ForEach({"-$_ '$($LocalInstallerArguments.$_)'"}) -join ' ')'"
& $InstallerPath @LocalInstallerArguments
if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne "0") {
$errMsg = "$ToolName installation failed"
if ((Get-Variable 'DoNotAbortNativeToolsInstallationOnFailure' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $DoNotAbortNativeToolsInstallationOnFailure) {
$showNativeToolsWarning = $true
if ((Get-Variable 'DoNotDisplayNativeToolsInstallationWarnings' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $DoNotDisplayNativeToolsInstallationWarnings) {
$showNativeToolsWarning = $false
if ($showNativeToolsWarning) {
Write-Warning $errMsg
$toolInstallationFailure = $true
} else {
# We cannot change this to Write-PipelineTelemetryError because of https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/4482
Write-Host $errMsg
exit 1
if ((Get-Variable 'toolInstallationFailure' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and $toolInstallationFailure) {
# We cannot change this to Write-PipelineTelemetryError because of https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/4482
Write-Host 'Native tools bootstrap failed'
exit 1
else {
@ -23,23 +23,33 @@ parameters:
# Optional: whether the build's artifacts will be published using release pipelines or direct feed publishing
publishUsingPipelines: false
# Optional: whether the build's artifacts will be published using release pipelines or direct feed publishing
publishAssetsImmediately: false
artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters: ''
signingValidationAdditionalParameters: ''
- job: Asset_Registry_Publish
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
displayName: Publish to Build Asset Registry
${{ if eq(parameters.publishAssetsImmediately, 'true') }}:
displayName: Publish Assets
${{ else }}:
displayName: Publish to Build Asset Registry
pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- name: _BuildConfig
value: ${{ parameters.configuration }}
- group: Publish-Build-Assets
- group: AzureDevOps-Artifact-Feeds-Pats
- name: runCodesignValidationInjection
value: false
- ${{ if eq(parameters.publishAssetsImmediately, 'true') }}:
- template: /eng/common/templates/post-build/common-variables.yml
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
@ -52,14 +62,13 @@ jobs:
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Enable cross-org NuGet feed authentication
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/enable-cross-org-publishing.ps1
arguments: -token $(dn-bot-all-orgs-artifact-feeds-rw)
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Enable cross-org NuGet feed authentication
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/enable-cross-org-publishing.ps1
arguments: -token $(dn-bot-all-orgs-artifact-feeds-rw)
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Publish Build Assets
@ -70,7 +79,6 @@ jobs:
/p:PublishUsingPipelines=${{ parameters.publishUsingPipelines }}
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
@ -114,7 +122,25 @@ jobs:
PathtoPublish: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/SymbolPublishingExclusionsFile.txt'
PublishLocation: Container
ArtifactName: ReleaseConfigs
- ${{ if eq(parameters.publishAssetsImmediately, 'true') }}:
- template: /eng/common/templates/post-build/setup-maestro-vars.yml
BARBuildId: ${{ parameters.BARBuildId }}
PromoteToChannelIds: ${{ parameters.PromoteToChannelIds }}
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Publish Using Darc
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/post-build/publish-using-darc.ps1
arguments: -BuildId $(BARBuildId)
-PublishingInfraVersion 3
-AzdoToken '$(publishing-dnceng-devdiv-code-r-build-re)'
-MaestroToken '$(MaestroApiAccessToken)'
-WaitPublishingFinish true
-ArtifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
-SymbolPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.symbolPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.enablePublishBuildArtifacts, 'true') }}:
- template: /eng/common/templates/steps/publish-logs.yml
@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ parameters:
# Optional: Override automatically derived dependsOn value for "publish build assets" job
publishBuildAssetsDependsOn: ''
# Optional: Publish the assets as soon as the publish to BAR stage is complete, rather doing so in a separate stage.
publishAssetsImmediately: false
# Optional: If using publishAssetsImmediately and additional parameters are needed, can be used to send along additional parameters (normally sent to post-build.yml)
artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters: ''
signingValidationAdditionalParameters: ''
# Optional: should run as a public build even in the internal project
# if 'true', the build won't run any of the internal only steps, even if it is running in non-public projects.
runAsPublic: false
@ -68,7 +75,6 @@ jobs:
${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }}
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- ${{ if or(eq(parameters.enablePublishBuildAssets, true), eq(parameters.artifacts.publish.manifests, 'true'), ne(parameters.artifacts.publish.manifests, '')) }}:
- template: ../job/publish-build-assets.yml
@ -94,4 +100,7 @@ jobs:
runAsPublic: ${{ parameters.runAsPublic }}
publishUsingPipelines: ${{ parameters.enablePublishUsingPipelines }}
publishAssetsImmediately: ${{ parameters.publishAssetsImmediately }}
enablePublishBuildArtifacts: ${{ parameters.enablePublishBuildArtifacts }}
artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters: ${{ parameters.artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters }}
signingValidationAdditionalParameters: ${{ parameters.signingValidationAdditionalParameters }}
@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ parameters:
- Validate
# Optional: Call asset publishing rather than running in a separate stage
- name: publishAssetsImmediately
type: boolean
default: false
- ${{ if or(eq( parameters.enableNugetValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSigningValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSourceLinkValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.SDLValidationParameters.enable, 'true')) }}:
- stage: Validate
@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ stages:
name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES
demands: Cmd
# If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng
${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
${{ else }}:
name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal
demands: ImageOverride -equals Build.Server.Amd64.VS2019
@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ stages:
name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES
demands: Cmd
# If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng
${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
${{ else }}:
name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal
demands: ImageOverride -equals Build.Server.Amd64.VS2019
@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ stages:
name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES
demands: Cmd
# If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng
${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
${{ else }}:
name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal
demands: ImageOverride -equals Build.Server.Amd64.VS2019
@ -235,43 +240,44 @@ stages:
artifactNames: ${{ parameters.SDLValidationParameters.artifactNames }}
downloadArtifacts: ${{ parameters.SDLValidationParameters.downloadArtifacts }}
- stage: publish_using_darc
${{ if or(eq(parameters.enableNugetValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSigningValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSourceLinkValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.SDLValidationParameters.enable, 'true')) }}:
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.publishDependsOn }}
${{ if and(ne(parameters.enableNugetValidation, 'true'), ne(parameters.enableSigningValidation, 'true'), ne(parameters.enableSourceLinkValidation, 'true'), ne(parameters.SDLValidationParameters.enable, 'true')) }}:
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.validateDependsOn }}
displayName: Publish using Darc
- template: common-variables.yml
- job:
displayName: Publish Using Darc
timeoutInMinutes: 120
# We don't use the collection uri here because it might vary (.visualstudio.com vs. dev.azure.com)
- ${{ if ne(parameters.publishAssetsImmediately, 'true') }}:
- stage: publish_using_darc
${{ if or(eq(parameters.enableNugetValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSigningValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.enableSourceLinkValidation, 'true'), eq(parameters.SDLValidationParameters.enable, 'true')) }}:
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.publishDependsOn }}
${{ else }}:
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.validateDependsOn }}
displayName: Publish using Darc
- template: common-variables.yml
- job:
displayName: Publish Using Darc
timeoutInMinutes: 120
# We don't use the collection uri here because it might vary (.visualstudio.com vs. dev.azure.com)
${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES
demands: Cmd
# If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng
${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
${{ else }}:
name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal
demands: ImageOverride -equals Build.Server.Amd64.VS2019
- template: setup-maestro-vars.yml
BARBuildId: ${{ parameters.BARBuildId }}
PromoteToChannelIds: ${{ parameters.PromoteToChannelIds }}
- template: setup-maestro-vars.yml
BARBuildId: ${{ parameters.BARBuildId }}
PromoteToChannelIds: ${{ parameters.PromoteToChannelIds }}
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Publish Using Darc
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/post-build/publish-using-darc.ps1
arguments: -BuildId $(BARBuildId)
-PublishingInfraVersion ${{ parameters.publishingInfraVersion }}
-AzdoToken '$(publishing-dnceng-devdiv-code-r-build-re)'
-MaestroToken '$(MaestroApiAccessToken)'
-WaitPublishingFinish true
-ArtifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
-SymbolPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.symbolPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Publish Using Darc
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/post-build/publish-using-darc.ps1
arguments: -BuildId $(BARBuildId)
-PublishingInfraVersion ${{ parameters.publishingInfraVersion }}
-AzdoToken '$(publishing-dnceng-devdiv-code-r-build-re)'
-MaestroToken '$(MaestroApiAccessToken)'
-WaitPublishingFinish true
-ArtifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.artifactsPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
-SymbolPublishingAdditionalParameters '${{ parameters.symbolPublishingAdditionalParameters }}'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"cmake": "3.16.4"
"msbuild-sdks": {
"Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "7.0.0-beta.22181.2",
"Microsoft.DotNet.CMake.Sdk": "7.0.0-beta.22181.2"
"Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "7.0.0-beta.22206.10",
"Microsoft.DotNet.CMake.Sdk": "7.0.0-beta.22206.10"
Add table
Reference in a new issue