diff --git a/scripts/publish/publish.ps1 b/scripts/publish/publish.ps1 index 213010914..82604c7a1 100644 --- a/scripts/publish/publish.ps1 +++ b/scripts/publish/publish.ps1 @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function UploadFile($Blob, $Uploadfile) # use azure cli to upload to blob storage. We cannot use Invoke-WebRequest to do this becuase azure has a max limit of 64mb that can be uploaded using REST #$statusCode = (Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$Upload_URI" -Method PUT -Headers @{"x-ms-blob-type"="BlockBlob"; "x-ms-date"="2015-10-23";"x-ms-version"="2013-08-15"} -InFile $Uploadfile).StatusCode - azure storage blob upload --quiet --container $env:STORAGE_CONTAINER --blob $Blob --blobtype block --connection-string "$env:CONNECTION_STRING" --file $Uploadfile + azure storage blob upload --quiet --container $env:STORAGE_CONTAINER --blob $Blob --blobtype block --connection-string "$env:CONNECTION_STRING" --file $Uploadfile | Out-Host if($LastExitCode -eq 0) {