index 75e43ef23..ef04bdf5b 100644
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
# Snaps
/src/snaps/ @rbhanda
+/src/sourceBuild/ @dotnet/source-build-internal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/Build.props b/eng/Build.props
index 917aa8993..4df683bab 100644
--- a/eng/Build.props
+++ b/eng/Build.props
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/eng/SourceBuild.Version.Details.xml b/eng/SourceBuild.Version.Details.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b11f1229a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/SourceBuild.Version.Details.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ https://github.com/mono/linker
+ f2588193553431636b9853b0f87209fa395a72c5
+ linker
+ https://github.com/dotnet/arcade
+ a3377cccde8639089f99107e2ba5df2c8cbe6394
+ https://github.com/dotnet/source-build-reference-packages
+ def2e2c6dc5064319250e2868a041a3dc07f9579
+ https://github.com/dotnet/sourcelink
+ 4b584dbc392bb1aad49c2eb1ab84d8b489b6dccc
diff --git a/eng/Versions.props b/eng/Versions.props
index 6826ba349..c43c69f40 100644
--- a/eng/Versions.props
+++ b/eng/Versions.props
@@ -151,6 +151,15 @@
+ 15.7.179
+ 15.7.179
+ 0.1.0-6.0.100-bootstrap.3
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/README.md b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..914a87b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The source and targets in the `src/SourceBuild/Arcade` directory are intended to move into the Arcade repo at some point. They are added here for ease of development while developing the tarball generation process. See https://github.com/dotnet/source-build/issues/2295
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/SourceBuild.Tasks.csproj b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/SourceBuild.Tasks.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..735289e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/SourceBuild.Tasks.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ net5.0
+ false
+ false
+ disable
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_ReadSourceBuildIntermediateNupkgDependencies.cs b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_ReadSourceBuildIntermediateNupkgDependencies.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbd497b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_ReadSourceBuildIntermediateNupkgDependencies.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// Reads entries in a Version.Details.xml file to find intermediate nupkg dependencies. For
+ /// each dependency with a "SourceBuild" element, adds an item to the "Dependencies" output.
+ ///
+ public class Tarball_ReadSourceBuildIntermediateNupkgDependencies : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string VersionDetailsXmlFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgPrefix { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The intermediate nupkg RID to use if any RID-specific intermediate nupkgs are required.
+ /// If this parameter isn't specified, RID-specific intermediate nupkgs can't be used and
+ /// this task fails.
+ ///
+ public string SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgRid { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): NuGet package ID.
+ /// %(Name): The Name of the dependency from Version.Details.xml.
+ /// %(ExactVersion): NuGet package version. This can be used to look up the restored package
+ /// contents in a package cache.
+ /// %(Version): NuGet package version, wrapped in "[version]" syntax for exact match.
+ /// %(Uri): The URI for the repo.
+ /// %(Sha): The commit Sha for the dependency.
+ /// %(SourceBuildRepoName): The repo name to use in source-build.
+ ///
+ [Output]
+ public ITaskItem[] Dependencies { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ XElement root = XElement.Load(VersionDetailsXmlFile, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
+ XName CreateQualifiedName(string plainName)
+ {
+ return root.GetDefaultNamespace().GetName(plainName);
+ }
+ Dependencies = root
+ .Elements()
+ .Elements(CreateQualifiedName("Dependency"))
+ .Select(d =>
+ {
+ XElement sourceBuildElement = d.Element(CreateQualifiedName("SourceBuild"));
+ if (sourceBuildElement == null)
+ {
+ // Ignore element: doesn't represent a source-build dependency.
+ return null;
+ }
+ string repoName = sourceBuildElement.Attribute("RepoName")?.Value;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoName))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Dependency SourceBuild RepoName null or empty in '{VersionDetailsXmlFile}' element {d}");
+ return null;
+ }
+ string dependencyName = d.Attribute("Name")?.Value ?? string.Empty;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyName))
+ {
+ // Log name missing as FYI, but this is not an error case for source-build.
+ Log.LogMessage($"Dependency Name null or empty in '{VersionDetailsXmlFile}' element {d}");
+ }
+ string dependencyVersion = d.Attribute("Version")?.Value;
+ string uri = d.Element(CreateQualifiedName("Uri"))?.Value;
+ string sha = d.Element(CreateQualifiedName("Sha"))?.Value;
+ string sourceBuildRepoName = sourceBuildElement.Attribute("RepoName")?.Value;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyVersion))
+ {
+ // We need a version to bring down an intermediate nupkg. Fail.
+ Log.LogError($"Dependency Version null or empty in '{VersionDetailsXmlFile}' element {d}");
+ return null;
+ }
+ string identity = SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgPrefix + repoName;
+ bool.TryParse(
+ sourceBuildElement.Attribute("ManagedOnly")?.Value,
+ out bool managedOnly);
+ // If RID-specific, add the RID to the end of the identity.
+ if (!managedOnly)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgRid))
+ {
+ Log.LogError(
+ $"Parameter {nameof(SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgRid)} was " +
+ "not specified, indicating this project depends only on managed " +
+ "inputs. However, source-build element is not ManagedOnly: " +
+ sourceBuildElement);
+ return null;
+ }
+ identity += "." + SourceBuildIntermediateNupkgRid;
+ }
+ return new TaskItem(
+ identity,
+ new Dictionary
+ {
+ ["Name"] = dependencyName,
+ ["Version"] = $"[{dependencyVersion}]",
+ ["ExactVersion"] = dependencyVersion,
+ ["Uri"] = uri,
+ ["Sha"] = sha,
+ ["SourceBuildRepoName"] = sourceBuildRepoName
+ });
+ })
+ .Where(d => d != null)
+ .ToArray();
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58dbab586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/src/Tarball_WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Xml.Serialization;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// Writes a props file to the given directory for each dependency specified
+ /// plus adds or updates an existing props file with all dependencies. The
+ /// intention is for the props file to be included by a source-build build
+ /// to get metadata about each dependent repo.
+ ///
+ public class Tarball_WriteSourceRepoProperties : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The directory to write the props files to.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceBuildMetadataDir { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Dependencies to include in the props files.
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): NuGet package ID.
+ /// %(Name): The Name of the dependency from Version.Details.xml.
+ /// %(ExactVersion): NuGet package version. This can be used to look up the restored package
+ /// contents in a package cache.
+ /// %(Version): NuGet package version, wrapped in "[version]" syntax for exact match.
+ /// %(Uri): The URI for the repo.
+ /// %(Sha): The commit Sha for the dependency.
+ /// %(SourceBuildRepoName): The repo name to use in source-build.
+ ///
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] Dependencies { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ var allRepoProps = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (var dependency in Dependencies.Select(dep =>
+ new {
+ Name = dep.GetMetadata("Name"),
+ Version = dep.GetMetadata("ExactVersion"),
+ Sha = dep.GetMetadata("Sha"),
+ Uri = dep.GetMetadata("Uri")
+ }))
+ {
+ string repoName = GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(dependency.Uri);
+ string safeRepoName = repoName.Replace("-", "");
+ string propsPath = Path.Combine(SourceBuildMetadataDir, $"{repoName}.props");
+ DerivedVersion derivedVersion = GetVersionInfo(dependency.Version, "0");
+ var repoProps = new Dictionary
+ {
+ ["GitCommitHash"] = dependency.Sha,
+ ["OfficialBuildId"] = derivedVersion.OfficialBuildId,
+ ["OutputPackageVersion"] = dependency.Version,
+ ["PreReleaseVersionLabel"] = derivedVersion.PreReleaseVersionLabel,
+ ["IsStable"] = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(derivedVersion.PreReleaseVersionLabel) ? "true" : "false",
+ };
+ WritePropsFile(propsPath, repoProps);
+ allRepoProps[$"{safeRepoName}GitCommitHash"] = dependency.Sha;
+ allRepoProps[$"{safeRepoName}OutputPackageVersion"] = dependency.Version;
+ }
+ string allRepoPropsPath = Path.Combine(SourceBuildMetadataDir, "AllRepoVersions.props");
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, $"[{DateTimeOffset.Now}] Writing all repo versions to {allRepoPropsPath}");
+ UpdatePropsFile(allRepoPropsPath, allRepoProps);
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Reverse a version in the Arcade style (https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/fb92b14d8cd07cf44f8f7eefa8ac58d7ffd05f3f/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk/tools/Version.BeforeCommonTargets.targets#L18)
+ /// back to an OfficialBuildId + ReleaseLabel which we can then supply to get the same resulting version number.
+ ///
+ /// The complete version, e.g. 1.0.0-beta1-19720.5
+ /// The current commit count of the repo. This is used for some repos that do not use the standard versioning scheme.
+ ///
+ private static DerivedVersion GetVersionInfo(string version, string commitCount)
+ {
+ var nugetVersion = new NuGetVersion(version);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nugetVersion.Release))
+ {
+ var releaseParts = nugetVersion.Release.Split('-', '.');
+ if (releaseParts.Length == 2)
+ {
+ if (releaseParts[1].TrimStart('0') == commitCount)
+ {
+ // core-sdk does this - OfficialBuildId is only used for their fake package and not in anything shipped
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.1"), PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // NuGet does this - arbitrary build IDs
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = releaseParts[1], PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (releaseParts.Length == 3)
+ {
+ // VSTest uses full dates for the first part of their preview build numbers
+ if (DateTime.TryParseExact(releaseParts[1], "yyyyMMdd", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out DateTime fullDate))
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"{releaseParts[1]}.{releaseParts[2]}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ else if (int.TryParse(releaseParts[1], out int datePart) && int.TryParse(releaseParts[2], out int buildPart))
+ {
+ if (datePart > 1 && datePart < 8 && buildPart > 1000 && buildPart < 10000)
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = releaseParts[2], PreReleaseVersionLabel = $"{releaseParts[0]}.{releaseParts[1]}" };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"20{((datePart / 1000))}{((datePart % 1000) / 50):D2}{(datePart % 50):D2}.{buildPart}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (releaseParts.Length == 4)
+ {
+ // new preview version style, e.g. 5.0.0-preview.7.20365.12
+ if (int.TryParse(releaseParts[2], out int datePart) && int.TryParse(releaseParts[3], out int buildPart))
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"20{((datePart / 1000))}{((datePart % 1000) / 50):D2}{(datePart % 50):D2}.{buildPart}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = $"{releaseParts[0]}.{releaseParts[1]}" };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // finalized version number (x.y.z) - probably not our code
+ // VSTest, Application Insights, Newtonsoft.Json do this
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.1"), PreReleaseVersionLabel = string.Empty };
+ }
+ throw new FormatException($"Can't derive a build ID from version {version} (commit count {commitCount}, release {string.Join(";", nugetVersion.Release.Split('-', '.'))})");
+ }
+ private static string GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(string repoUrl)
+ {
+ if (repoUrl.EndsWith(".git"))
+ {
+ repoUrl = repoUrl.Substring(0, repoUrl.Length - ".git".Length);
+ }
+ return repoUrl.Substring(repoUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ }
+ private static void UpdatePropsFile(string filePath, Dictionary properties)
+ {
+ if (!File.Exists(filePath))
+ {
+ WritePropsFile(filePath, properties);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var content = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(filePath))
+ {
+ content.AppendLine(line);
+ if (line.Contains(""))
+ {
+ foreach (var propName in properties.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
+ {
+ content.AppendLine($" <{propName}>{properties[propName]}{propName}>");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ File.WriteAllText(filePath, content.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ private static void WritePropsFile(string filePath, Dictionary properties)
+ {
+ var content = new StringBuilder();
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ content.AppendLine(" ");
+ foreach (var propName in properties.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
+ {
+ content.AppendLine($" <{propName}>{properties[propName]}{propName}>");
+ }
+ content.AppendLine(" ");
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ File.WriteAllText(filePath, content.ToString());
+ }
+ private class DerivedVersion
+ {
+ internal string OfficialBuildId { get; set; }
+ internal string PreReleaseVersionLabel { get; set; }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/BuildTasks.props b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/BuildTasks.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4014b87ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/BuildTasks.props
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ $(RepoRoot)\artifacts\bin\SourceBuild.Tasks\$(Configuration)\net5.0\SourceBuild.Tasks.dll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/SourceBuildArcadeTarball.targets b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/SourceBuildArcadeTarball.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..914cf1ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/Arcade/tools/SourceBuildArcadeTarball.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ $(RepoRoot)artifacts/tarball/
+ $([MSBuild]::EnsureTrailingSlash('$(TarballDir)'))
+ $(TarballRootDir)src/
+ $(TarballRootDir)git-info/
+ quiet
+ $(GitHubRepositoryName)
+ 1.0.0
+ 1.0.0
+ @(RootRepoCommitSha)
+ @(RootRepoUri)
+ $(GitHubRepositoryName)
+ %(SourceBuildRepos.SourceBuildRepoName)
+ %(SourceBuildRepos.Uri)
+ %(SourceBuildRepos.Sha)
+ $(SourceBuildRepoName).$(RepoSha)/
+ $(TarballSourceDir)$(SourceDir)
+ $(TarballSourceDir)$(SourceDir)eng/
+ $(TarballRepoSourceEngDir)Version.Details.xml
+ -q
+ $(TarballRootDir)packages/archive/
+ Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts
+ https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/source-built-artifacts/assets/
+ archiveArtifacts.txt
+ $(ExternalTarballsDir)$(ArchiveArtifactsTextFileName)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/BuildSourceBuildTarball.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/BuildSourceBuildTarball.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..147239862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/BuildSourceBuildTarball.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c556df3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ false
+ <_SuppressSdkImports>true
+ Release
+ netstandard2.0
+ false
+ $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::ProcessArchitecture.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
+ $(BuildArchitecture)
+ x64
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)
+ $(ProjectDir)targets/
+ $(ProjectDir)keys/
+ $([MSBuild]::EnsureTrailingSlash('$(CustomDotNetSdkDir)'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR)'))
+ $(ProjectDir).dotnet/
+ $(DotNetCliToolDir)dotnet
+ $(ProjectDir)patches/
+ $(NuGetPackageRoot)
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/restored/
+ $(PackagesDir)ArcadeBootstrapPackage/
+ $(NETCoreSdkVersion)
+ $(DotNetCliToolDir)sdk/$(SDK_VERSION)/
+ $(DotNetSdkDir)SdkResolvers/
+ $(DotNetCliToolDir)sdk/$(SDK_VERSION)/
+ false
+ minimal
+ false
+ .cmd
+ .sh
+ .zip
+ .tar.gz
+ $(ProjectDir)src/
+ $(ProjectDir).gitmodules
+ $(ProjectDir)ProdConFeed.txt
+ $(ProjectDir)artifacts/
+ $(ProjectDir)eng/
+ $(ArtifactsDir)
+ $(BaseOutputPath)src/
+ $(ProjectDir).git/modules/src/
+ $(ProjectDir)Tools/
+ $(ToolsDir)source-built/
+ $(ProjectDir)tools-local/
+ $(ToolsLocalDir)tasks/
+ $(TaskDirectory)Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/bin/$(Configuration)/
+ $(XPlatTasksBinDir)Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat.dll
+ $(TaskDirectory)Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/
+ $(LeakDetectionTasksBinDir)Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection.dll
+ $(BaseOutputPath)obj/
+ $(BaseOutputPath)$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
+ $(BaseIntermediatePath)$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
+ $(IntermediatePath)blobs/
+ $(IntermediatePath)nuget-packages/
+ $(IntermediatePath)blob-feed/
+ $(SourceBuiltBlobFeedDir)packages/
+ $(SourceBuiltBlobFeedDir)assets/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/prebuilt/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/previouslyRestored/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/source-built/
+ $(CustomPrebuiltSourceBuiltPackagesPath)/
+ $(OutputPath)
+ $(LocalBlobStorageRoot)Sdk/
+ $(LocalBlobStorageRoot)Runtime/
+ $(LocalBlobStorageRoot)aspnetcore/Runtime/
+ $(IntermediatePath)RestoreSources.props
+ $(IntermediatePath)PackageVersions.props
+ $(IntermediatePath)GennedPackageVersions.props
+ $(IntermediatePath)PackageVersions.props
+ $(BaseOutputPath)logs/
+ $(BaseOutputPath)msbuild-debug/
+ $(BaseOutputPath)roslyn-debug/
+ $(BaseOutputPath)aspnet-debug
+ $(AspNetRazorBuildServerLogDir)razor-build-server.log
+ $(BaseOutputPath)git-info/
+ $(ProjectDir)git-info/
+ $(GitInfoOutputDir)$(RepositoryName).props
+ $(GitInfoOutputDir)AllRepoVersions.props
+ $(GitInfoOfflineDir)$(RepositoryName).props
+ $(GitInfoOfflineDir)AllRepoVersions.props
+ $(BaseOutputPath)prebuilt-report/
+ $(PackageReportDir)prebuilt-usage.xml
+ $(PackageReportDir)poison-usage.xml
+ $(PackageReportDir)poison-catalog.xml
+ .prebuilt.xml
+ $(PackageReportDir)poison-source-built-catalog.xml
+ .source-built.xml
+ $(PackageReportDir)all-project-assets-json-files.zip
+ $(PackageReportDir)prodcon-build.xml
+ $(PackageReportDir)poisoned.txt
+ $(BaseOutputPath)conflict-report/
+ $(PackageReportDir)PrebuiltBurndownData-offline.csv
+ $(PackageReportDir)PrebuiltBurndownData-online.csv
+ $(IntermediatePath)reference-packages/
+ $(IntermediatePath)text-only-packages/
+ $(IntermediatePath)external-tarballs/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/archive/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/reference/
+ $(ProjectDir)packages/text-only/
+ $(ReferencePackagesBaseDir)packages/
+ Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts
+ https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/source-built-artifacts/assets/
+ archiveArtifacts.txt
+ $(ExternalTarballsDir)$(ArchiveArtifactsTextFileName)
+ $(ToolsLocalDir)prebuilt-baseline-
+ $(BaselineDataFile)offline.xml
+ $(BaselineDataFile)online.xml
+ $(OfflineBaselineDataFile)
+ $(OnlineBaselineDataFile)
+ $(ProjectDir)test/exclusions/
+ ROOTFS_DIR=$(BaseIntermediatePath)crossrootfs/arm
+ ROOTFS_DIR=$(BaseIntermediatePath)crossrootfs/armel
+ $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::RuntimeIdentifier)
+ Windows_NT
+ Linux
+ FreeBSD
+ freebsd-$(Platform)
+ osx-$(Platform)
+ linux-$(Platform)
+ win-$(Platform)
+ known-good
+ known-good-tests
+ $(BaseIntermediatePath)semaphores/
+ source
+ 30000001-1
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9cd51f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/Directory.Build.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/dotnet-optimization
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_git/DotNet-Trusted
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_git/DotNet-Trusted
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://dnceng@dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/dotnet-optimization
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/dotnet-core-setup
+ $(IgnoredRepos);https://github.com/dotnet/source-build-reference-packages
+ $(ClonedSubmoduleDirectory)
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --git-dir-folder $(ClonedSubmoduleGitRootDirectory)
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --include-toolset
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --ignore-repos "$(IgnoredRepos)"
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --debug
+ bogus
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --azdev-pat $(AzDoPat)
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --github-pat bogus
+ $(DarcCloneArguments) --depth 0
+ $(DotNetCliToolDir)dotnet $(DarcDll) clone $(DarcCloneArguments)
+ $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(ProdConFeedPath)').Trim())
+ $(ProdConBlobFeedUrl.Replace('https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/', '$(ProdConBlobFeedUrlPrefix)'))
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8f1995ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ N/A
+ N/A
+ ./smoke-test.sh
+ $(SmokeTestCommand) --minimal
+ $(SmokeTestCommand) --projectOutput
+ $(SmokeTestCommand) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(SmokeTestCommand) --archiveRestoredPackages
+ $(SmokeTestCommand) --excludeWebHttpsTests
+ $(RelativeBlobPath)/%(Filename)%(Extension)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..13f8ccc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: $0 [options]"
+ echo "options:"
+ echo " --with-ref-packages use the specified directory of reference packages"
+ echo " --with-packages use the specified directory of previously-built packages"
+ echo " --with-sdk use the SDK in the specified directory for bootstrapping"
+ echo "use -- to send the remaining arguments to MSBuild"
+ echo ""
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"
+MSBUILD_ARGUMENTS=("/p:OfflineBuild=true" "/flp:v=detailed")
+while :; do
+ if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ lowerI="$(echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
+ case $lowerI in
+ --run-smoke-test)
+ alternateTarget=true
+ MSBUILD_ARGUMENTS+=( "/t:RunSmokeTest" )
+ ;;
+ --with-packages)
+ echo "Custom prviously built packages directory '$CUSTOM_PREVIOUSLY_BUILT_PACKAGES_DIR' does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --with-sdk)
+ CUSTOM_SDK_DIR="$(cd -P "$2" && pwd)"
+ if [ ! -d "$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Custom SDK directory '$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR' does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x "$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR/dotnet" ]; then
+ echo "Custom SDK '$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR/dotnet' does not exist or is not executable"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ echo "Detected '--': passing remaining parameters '$@' as build.sh arguments."
+ break
+ ;;
+ -?|-h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized argument '$1'"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ -f "$SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/archiveArtifacts.txt" ]; then
+ if [ ! -d "$SCRIPT_ROOT/.dotnet" ] && [ "$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR" == "" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: SDK not found at $SCRIPT_ROOT/.dotnet"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts*.tar.gz ] && [ "$CUSTOM_PREVIOUSLY_BUILT_PACKAGES_DIR" == "" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts artifact not found at $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/ - Either run prep.sh or pass --with-packages parameter"
+ fi
+ if [ $ARCHIVE_ERROR == 1 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo " Errors detected in tarball. To prep the tarball, run prep.sh while online to install an SDK"
+ echo " and Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts tarball. After prepping the tarball, the tarball can be"
+ echo " built offline. As an alternative to prepping the tarball, these assets can be provided using"
+ echo " the --with-sdk and --with-packages parameters"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ -d "$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR" ]; then
+ export SDK_VERSION=`"$CUSTOM_SDK_DIR/dotnet" --version`
+ export _InitializeDotNetCli="$CLI_ROOT/dotnet"
+ export CustomDotNetSdkDir="$CLI_ROOT"
+ echo "Using custom bootstrap SDK from '$CLI_ROOT', version '$SDK_VERSION'"
+ sdkLine=`grep -m 1 'dotnet' "$SCRIPT_ROOT/global.json"`
+ sdkPattern="\"dotnet\" *: *\"(.*)\""
+ if [[ $sdkLine =~ $sdkPattern ]]; then
+ export CLI_ROOT="$SCRIPT_ROOT/.dotnet"
+ fi
+if [ -d "$SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive" ]; then
+ sourceBuiltArchive=`find $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive -maxdepth 1 -name 'Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts*.tar.gz'`
+ if [ -f "$sourceBuiltArchive" ]; then
+ tar -xzf "$sourceBuiltArchive" -C /tmp PackageVersions.props
+ packageVersionsPath=/tmp/PackageVersions.props
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$CUSTOM_PREVIOUSLY_BUILT_PACKAGES_DIR/PackageVersions.props" ]; then
+ packageVersionsPath="$CUSTOM_PREVIOUSLY_BUILT_PACKAGES_DIR/PackageVersions.props"
+ fi
+if [ ! -f "$packageVersionsPath" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find PackagesVersions.props. Debugging info:"
+ echo " Attempted archive path: $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive"
+ echo " Attempted custom PVP path: $CUSTOM_PREVIOUSLY_BUILT_PACKAGES_DIR/PackageVersions.props"
+ exit 1
+arcadeSdkLine=`grep -m 1 'MicrosoftDotNetArcadeSdkVersion' "$packageVersionsPath"`
+if [[ $arcadeSdkLine =~ $versionPattern ]]; then
+ # Ensure that by default, the bootstrap version of the Arcade SDK is used. Source-build infra
+ # projects use bootstrap Arcade SDK, and would fail to find it in the tarball build. The repo
+ # projects overwrite this so that they use the source-built Arcade SDK instad.
+ export SOURCE_BUILT_SDK_ID_ARCADE=Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk
+ export SOURCE_BUILT_SDK_DIR_ARCADE=$restoredPackagesDir/ArcadeBootstrapPackage/microsoft.dotnet.arcade.sdk/$ARCADE_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION
+sourceLinkLine=`grep -m 1 'MicrosoftSourceLinkCommonVersion' "$packageVersionsPath"`
+if [[ $sourceLinkLine =~ $versionPattern ]]; then
+echo "Found bootstrap SDK $SDK_VERSION, bootstrap Arcade $ARCADE_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION, bootstrap SourceLink $SOURCE_LINK_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION"
+export NUGET_PACKAGES=$restoredPackagesDir/
+if [ "$alternateTarget" == "true" ]; then
+ "$CLI_ROOT/dotnet" $CLI_ROOT/sdk/$SDK_VERSION/MSBuild.dll "$SCRIPT_ROOT/build.proj" /bl:source-build-test.binlog /clp:v=m ${MSBUILD_ARGUMENTS[@]} "$@"
+ LogDateStamp=$(date +"%m%d%H%M%S")
+ $CLI_ROOT/dotnet $CLI_ROOT/sdk/$SDK_VERSION/MSBuild.dll /bl:$SCRIPT_ROOT/artifacts/log/Debug/BuildXPlatTasks_$LogDateStamp.binlog $SCRIPT_ROOT/tools-local/init-build.proj /t:PrepareOfflineLocalTools ${MSBUILD_ARGUMENTS[@]} "$@"
+ $CLI_ROOT/dotnet $CLI_ROOT/sdk/$SDK_VERSION/MSBuild.dll /bl:$SCRIPT_ROOT/artifacts/log/Debug/Build_$LogDateStamp.binlog $SCRIPT_ROOT/build.proj ${MSBUILD_ARGUMENTS[@]} "$@"
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Build.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8414bdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/No.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/No.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ba857dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/No.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.AllowedPrebuilts.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.AllowedPrebuilts.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4191b490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.AllowedPrebuilts.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.DestructiveCleanup.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.DestructiveCleanup.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18ef94a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.DestructiveCleanup.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.KnownExtraPrebuilts.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.KnownExtraPrebuilts.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc10206fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.KnownExtraPrebuilts.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.TextOnlyPrebuilts.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.TextOnlyPrebuilts.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efc0276b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.TextOnlyPrebuilts.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(TarballRootDir)', 'packages', 'text-only'))
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('$(TextOnlyPackageRootDir)'))
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('$(PackageVersionDirFile)'))
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName('$(PackageVersionDirFile)'))
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName('$(PackageIdDirFile)'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(TextOnlyPackageBaseDir)', '$(PackageId)', '$(PackageVersion)'))
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3948a9cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/SourceBuild.Tarball.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(TarballRoot)'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(TarballRootDir)', 'src'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(TarballRootDir)', 'packages', 'prebuilt'))
+ $(TarballRootDir)source-build-info.txt
+ $(ProjectDir)tools-local\tasks\Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection\Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection.csproj
+ Detected forbidden prebuilts. They must be removed, or explicitly allowed (see target for details):
+ $(PrebuiltErrorText)%0A@(ForbiddenPrebuiltPackageFile -> '%(Identity)', '%0A')
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Versions.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Versions.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8bab4660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/Versions.props
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ 6
+ 0
+ 0-preview.6
+ 100-preview.6
+ $(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(RuntimePatchVersion)
+ $(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(RuntimePatchVersion)
+ $(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(SdkPatchVersion)
+ 0.1.0
+ alpha.1
+ 2.2.0
+ 0.1.0-6.0.100-bootstrap.3
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/install-nuget-credprovider.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/install-nuget-credprovider.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..880105e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/eng/install-nuget-credprovider.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script installs the NuGet Credential Provider. It is intended for use on CI machines only.
+# Originally copied from https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/aa28510afc9b986c6837db6784d816fe4a66c7d0/eng/install-nuget-credprovider.sh
+set -e
+# Install curl if necessary. Dependency exists inside downloaded script.
+if command -v curl > /dev/null; then
+ echo "curl found."
+ echo "curl not found, trying to install..."
+ (
+ set +e
+ set -x
+ apt update && apt install -y curl
+ apk update && apk upgrade && apk add curl
+ exit 0
+ )
+# Install. Ported from https://gist.github.com/shubham90/ad85f2546a72caa20d57bce03ec3890f
+install_credprovider() {
+ # Download the provider and install.
+ cred_provider_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/artifacts-credprovider/master/helpers/installcredprovider.sh'
+ curl "$cred_provider_url" -s -S -L | bash
+ # Environment variable to enable session token cache. More on this here: https://github.com/Microsoft/artifacts-credprovider#help
+# Additional setup to try to avoid flakiness: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/3932
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/global.json b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/global.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f48709aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/global.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "tools": {
+ "dotnet": "6.0.100-preview.5.21225.11"
+ },
+ "msbuild-sdks": {
+ "Microsoft.Build.CentralPackageVersions": "2.0.1",
+ "Microsoft.Build.Traversal": "2.0.2",
+ "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.IL": "3.0.0-preview-27107-01",
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21304.1",
+ "Yarn.MSBuild": "1.15.2"
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/Newtonsoft.Json.snk b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/Newtonsoft.Json.snk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c26e9e4ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/Newtonsoft.Json.snk differ
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/NuGet.Client.snk b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/NuGet.Client.snk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..695f1b387
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/NuGet.Client.snk differ
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/README.md b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d83cf9491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/keys/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+This directory contains the public key portion of keys used by different
+projects so we can public sign (also known as OSS signing) assemblies that need
+to be signed to have the correct strong name.
+These are used for projects which full sign their assemblies and don't have keys
+checked in.
+To extract a key, take an existing built binary for a project (e.g. download a
+nupkg from NuGet.org and then unpack one of the assemblies from it) and use `sn`:
+sn -e
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/prep.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/prep.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58cf90e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/prep.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: $0"
+ echo ""
+ echo " Prepares a tarball to be built by downloading Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*.tar.gz and"
+ echo " installing the version of dotnet referenced in global.json"
+ echo ""
+while :; do
+ if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ lowerI="$(echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
+ case $lowerI in
+ "-?"|-h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ positional_args+=("$1")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Check for the archive text file which describes the location of the archive files to download
+if [ ! -f $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/archiveArtifacts.txt ]; then
+ echo " ERROR: $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/archiveArtifacts.txt does not exist. Cannot determine which archives to download. Exiting..."
+ exit -1
+# Check to make sure curl exists to download the archive files
+if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null
+ echo " ERROR: curl not found. Exiting..."
+ exit -1
+# Check if Private.SourceBuilt artifacts archive exists
+if [ -f $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*.tar.gz ]; then
+ echo " Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*.tar.gz exists...it will not be downloaded"
+ downloadArtifacts=false
+# Check if dotnet is installed
+if [ -d $SCRIPT_ROOT/.dotnet ]; then
+ echo " ./.dotnet SDK directory exists...it will not be installed"
+ installDotnet=false;
+# Read the archive text file to get the archives to download and download them
+while read -r line; do
+ if [[ $line == *"Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts"* ]]; then
+ if [ "$downloadArtifacts" == "true" ]; then
+ echo " Downloading source-built artifacts..."
+ (cd $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/ && curl -O $line)
+ fi
+ fi
+done < $SCRIPT_ROOT/packages/archive/archiveArtifacts.txt
+# Check for the version of dotnet to install
+if [ "$installDotnet" == "true" ]; then
+ echo " Installing dotnet..."
+ (source ./eng/common/tools.sh && InitializeDotNetCli true)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..851855392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ $(MSBuildProjectName)
+ $(RepositoryName)
+ $(ClonedSubmoduleDirectory)$(SourceDirectory).$(GitCommitHash)/
+ $(SubmoduleDirectory)$(SourceDirectory).$(GitCommitHash)/
+ true
+ $(LoggingDir)$(RepositoryName).log
+ >> $(RepoConsoleLogFile) 2>&1
+ true
+ $(CompletedSemaphorePath)$(RepositoryName)/
+ -
+ 0
+ --
+ false
+ $(GitCommitDate.Replace('-', ''))
+ '$(RepositoryName)'
+ $(ProjectBuildReason) to produce tarball
+ $(ProjectBuildReason) in tarball
+ $(PackagesDir)
+ $(ArcadeBootstrapPackageDir)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91de0162c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/Directory.Build.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/eng/common/tools.sh
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/eng/common/build.sh
+ $(RepoApiImplemented)
+ $(RepoApiImplemented)
+ $(RepoApiImplemented)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.Config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)src\NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)src\NuGet.Config
+ $(RepoApiArgs) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(RepoApiArgs) /p:DotNetRestoreSourcePropsPath=$(RestoreSourcePropsPath)
+ $(RepoApiArgs) /p:DotNetBuildOffline=true
+ $(RepoApiArgs) /p:DotNetOutputBlobFeedDir=$(SourceBuiltBlobFeedDir)
+ <_DependentProject Include="@(RepositoryReference -> '%(Identity).proj')" />
+ git --work-tree=$(ProjectDirectory) apply --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn
+ logger_path="%24toolset_dir"/%24%28cd "$toolset_dir" && find . -name Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk.dll \( -regex '.*netcoreapp2.1.*' -or -regex '.*net5.0.*' \) )
+ logger_path="%24toolset_dir"/%24%28cd "$toolset_dir" && find . -name Microsoft.DotNet.ArcadeLogging.dll \( -regex '.*netcoreapp2.1.*' -or -regex '.*net5.0.*' \) )
+ $(ArcadeLoggingReplacementText)
+ if [[ ! -f $logger_path ]]; then
+ $(ArcadeSdkReplacementText)
+ fi
+ <_PossibleCliVersionJsonPath Include="sdk.version" />
+ <_PossibleCliVersionJsonPath Include="tools.dotnet" />
+ <_PackageVersionPropsBackupPath>$(PackageVersionPropsPath).pre.$(RepositoryName).xml
+ <_AdditionalAssetDirs Include="$(SourceBuiltToolsetDir)" Condition="Exists('$(SourceBuiltToolsetDir)')" />
+ <_KnownOriginPackagePaths Include="$(PrebuiltSourceBuiltPackagesPath)*.nupkg" />
+ <_KnownOriginPackagePaths Include="$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)*.nupkg" />
+ <_KnownOriginPackagePaths Include="$(ReferencePackagesDir)*.nupkg" />
+ <_ReportDir>$(ConflictingPackageReportDir)before-$(RepositoryName)/
+ <_ReportDataFile>$(_ReportDir)usage.xml
+ <_ProjectAssetsJsonArchiveFile>$(_ReportDir)all-project-assets-json-files.zip
+ <_DotNetRestoreSources Include="$(ExtraRestoreSourcePath)" Condition="'$(ExtraRestoreSourcePath)' != ''"/>
+ <_DotNetRestoreSources Include="$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)" />
+ <_DotNetRestoreSources Include="$(ReferencePackagesDir)" Condition="'$(OfflineBuild)' == 'true'"/>
+ <_DotNetRestoreSources Include="$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)" Condition="'$(OfflineBuild)' == 'true'"/>
+ <_DotNetRestoreSources Include="$(PrebuiltSourceBuiltPackagesPath)" Condition="'$(OfflineBuild)' == 'true'"/>
+ <_AdditionalAssetDirs Include="$(SourceBuiltToolsetDir)" Condition="Exists('$(SourceBuiltToolsetDir)')" />
+ $(BuildCommand) /v:$(LogVerbosity) $(RepoApiArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
+ $(BuildCommand) $(RepoApiArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
+ <_BuiltPackages Condition="'$(PackagesOutput)' != ''" Include="$(PackagesOutput)/*.nupkg" Exclude="$(PackagesOutput)/*.symbols.nupkg"/>
+ <_BuiltPackages Condition="'@(PackagesOutputList)' != ''" Include="%(PackagesOutputList.Identity)/*.nupkg" Exclude="%(PackagesOutputList.Identity)/*.symbols.nupkg"/>
+ <_BuiltIntermediatePackages Condition="'$(PackagesOutput)' != ''" Include="$(PackagesOutput)/Microsoft.SourceBuild.Intermediate.*.nupkg" Exclude="$(PackagesOutput)/*.symbols.nupkg"/>
+ <_BuiltIntermediatePackages Condition="'@(PackagesOutputList)' != ''" Include="%(PackagesOutputList.Identity)/Microsoft.SourceBuild.Intermediate.*.nupkg" Exclude="%(PackagesOutputList.Identity)/*.symbols.nupkg"/>
+ <_DestinationPath>$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ <_DestinationPath Condition="$([System.String]::Copy(%(_BuiltIntermediatePackages.Identity)).Contains('source-build-reference-packages'))">$(ReferencePackagesDir)
+ <_FilesToCopy Include="$(PackagesDir)$([System.String]::copy('%(_BuiltPackageInfos.PackageId)').ToLower())/%(_BuiltPackageInfos.PackageVersion)/**/*.nupkg" />
+ <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PackagesDir)$([System.String]::copy('%(_BuiltPackageInfos.PackageId)').ToLower())/%(_BuiltPackageInfos.PackageVersion)/**/*.*" />
+ <_ToolPackage
+ Condition="'%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Version)' == ''"
+ Include="$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity)*.nupkg"
+ Exclude="$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity)*.symbols.nupkg"
+ Id="%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity)" />
+ <_ToolPackage
+ Condition="'%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Version)' != ''"
+ Include="$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity).%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Version).nupkg"
+ Exclude="$(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity).%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Version).symbols.nupkg"
+ Id="%(BuiltSdkPackageOverride.Identity)" />
+ <_PackagesNotCreatedReason Include="^ There may have been a silent failure in the submodule build. To confirm, check the build log file for undetected errors that may have prevented package creation: $(RepoConsoleLogFile)" />
+ <_PackagesNotCreatedReason Include="^ This error might be a false positive if $(RepositoryName) intentionally builds no nuget packages. If so, set the SkipEnsurePackagesCreated property to true in $(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" />
+ <_PackagesNotCreatedReason Include="^ The 'bin' directory might be dirty from a previous build and the package files already existed. If so, perform a clean build, or check which packages were already in 'bin' by opening $(_PackageVersionPropsBackupPath)" />
+ <_PackagesNotCreatedReason Include="^ The packages may have been written to an unexpected directory. For example, some repos used bin/ and changed to artifacts/ to match Arcade. Check PackagesOutput in $(MSBuildProjectFullPath) (currently '$(PackagesOutput)')" />
+ $(LocalNuGetPackagesRoot)$(RepositoryName)/
+ false
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/application-insights.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/application-insights.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f62473e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/application-insights.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ ApplicationInsights-dotnet
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/bin/$(Configuration)
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:EnlistmentRoot=$(ProjectDirectory)/src
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:RelativeOutputPathBase=
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/arcade.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/arcade.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..719b3e50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/arcade.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ArcadeBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CopyWipIntoInnerSourceBuildRepo=true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)\build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ true
+ true
+ %(PreviouslySourceBuiltNuGetPackageInfo.PackageVersion)
+ $(BuildCommand) /p:NuGetVersion=$(PreviouslySourceBuiltNuGetVersion)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnet-xdt.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnet-xdt.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c51910bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnet-xdt.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ xdt
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnetcore.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnetcore.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50e459d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/aspnetcore.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ aspnetcore
+ $(TargetRid)
+ freebsd-x64
+ osx-x64
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --restore --build --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --arch $(Platform)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:BuildNodeJs=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:SourceBuildRuntimeIdentifier=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:UseAppHost=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PublishCompressedFilesPathPrefix=$(SourceBuiltAspNetCoreRuntime)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:MicrosoftNetFrameworkReferenceAssembliesVersion=1.0.0
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/clicommandlineparser.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/clicommandlineparser.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19a01f0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/clicommandlineparser.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ CliCommandLineParser
+ $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --projects $(ProjectDirectory)CommandLine.sln
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore
+ true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/command-line-api.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/command-line-api.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57e458792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/command-line-api.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ --restore --build --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Projects=$(ProjectDirectory)source-build.slnf
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/common.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/common.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c04a0bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/common.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ aspnet
+ servicing/1.0.x
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/build/
+ /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/build$(ShellExtension) -NoTest $(BuildArguments)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/clean$(ShellExtension) $(BuildArguments)
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/cssparser.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/cssparser.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bd2e2608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/cssparser.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src/Microsoft.Css.Parser/bin/$(Configuration)/
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src/Microsoft.Css.Parser/Microsoft.Css.Parser.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/diagnostics.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/diagnostics.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..169fe0965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/diagnostics.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src/Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client/Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/fsharp.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/fsharp.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22dd1b7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/fsharp.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ --restore --build --pack --publish
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:FSharpSourceBuild=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/humanizer.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/humanizer.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4cb2a6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/humanizer.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Humanizer
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src/Humanizer/bin/$(Configuration)
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src/NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)src/Humanizer/Humanizer.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/installer.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/installer.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd8a95be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/installer.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ installer
+ $(TargetRid)
+ osx-x64
+ $(OverrideTargetRid.Substring(0, $(OverrideTargetRid.IndexOf("-"))))
+ --runtime-id $(OverrideTargetRid)
+ --runtime-id $(TargetRid)
+ --restore --build --pack --ci --binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RuntimeArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:NETCoreAppMaximumVersion=99.9
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:OSName=$(OSNameOverride)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Rid=$(TargetRid)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR=$(DotNetCliToolDir)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:AspNetCoreSharedFxInstallerRid=linux-$(Platform)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CoreSetupRid=freebsd-x64 /p:PortableBuild=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CoreSetupRid=osx-x64
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CoreSetupRid=$(TargetRid)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CoreSetupBlobRootUrl=file:%2F%2F$(LocalBlobStorageRoot)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotnetToolsetBlobRootUrl=file:%2F%2F$(LocalBlobStorageRoot)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:SkipBuildingInstallers=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:IncludeNuGetPackageArchive=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:IncludeAdditionalSharedFrameworks=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:UsePortableLinuxSharedFramework=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:IncludeSharedFrameworksForBackwardsCompatibilityTests=false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ win-x64
+ osx-x64
+ freebsd-x64
+ $(TargetRid)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ $(PackagesOutput)
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentExternalRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good-tests.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good-tests.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8d75dd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good-tests.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d7f42094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/known-good.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/linker.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/linker.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..823dde083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/linker.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ Microsoft.NET.ILLink.Tasks
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)build
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)publish
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ArcadeBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CopyWipIntoInnerSourceBuildRepo=true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)\build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)src/ILLink.Tasks/ILLink.Tasks.nuspec
+ $id$
+ $version$
+ $authors$
+ $description$
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/msbuild.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/msbuild.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d635daa70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/msbuild.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping
+ $(OutputVersionArgs) /p:DisableNerdbankVersioning=true
+ --build --publish --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetCoreSdkDir=$(DotNetCliToolDir)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --projects $(ProjectDirectory)MSBuild.SourceBuild.slnf
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(OutputVersionArgs)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --warnAsError false
+ true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
+ <_CentralVersionsToolPackage
+ Include="$(ReferencePackagesDir)%(CentralPackageVersionsSdkOverride.Identity)*.nupkg"
+ Id="%(CentralPackageVersionsSdkOverride.Identity)" />
+ $(ToolPackageExtractDir)%(_CentralVersionsToolPackage.Id)/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/netcorecli-fsc.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/netcorecli-fsc.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9c1d27d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/netcorecli-fsc.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ /bl /v:$(LogVerbosity) /p:OutputPath=$(OutputPath)$(RepositoryName)/ /p:BaseIntermediateOutputPath=$(IntermediatePath)$(RepositoryName)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) pack -c $(Configuration) --output $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath) --no-build FSharp.NET.Sdk.csproj /p:NuspecFile=FSharp.NET.Sdk.nuspec $(OutputArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ false
+ $(SubmoduleDirectory)$(RepositoryName)/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bebd52f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ Newtonsoft.Json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/Src/NuGet.Config
+ $(KeysDir)Newtonsoft.Json.snk
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/Src/Newtonsoft.Json/
+ $(NewtonsoftJsonDirectory)Newtonsoft.Json.csproj
+ "/p:DotnetOnly=true" "/p:Configuration=$(Configuration)" "/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=$(NewtonsoftJsonKeyFilePath)" "/p:SignAssembly=true" "/p:PublicSign=true" "/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false" "/p:AdditionalConstants=SIGNED"
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) build $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) /bl:build.binlog $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) pack $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) /bl:pack.binlog $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) clean $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(NewtonsoftJsonDirectory)bin/$(Configuration)/
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json901.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json901.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c87ec499a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/newtonsoft-json901.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ Newtonsoft.Json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/Src/NuGet.Config
+ $(KeysDir)Newtonsoft.Json.snk
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/Src/Newtonsoft.Json/
+ $(NewtonsoftJsonDirectory)Newtonsoft.Json.Dotnet.csproj
+ "/p:DotnetOnly=true" "/p:Configuration=$(Configuration)" "/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=$(NewtonsoftJsonKeyFilePath)" "/p:SignAssembly=true" "/p:PublicSign=true" "/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false" "/p:AdditionalConstants=SIGNED"
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) build $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) pack $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) clean $(NewtonsoftJsonProjectPath) $(DotnetToolCommandArguments)
+ $(NewtonsoftJsonDirectory)bin/$(Configuration)/
+ false
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/nuget-client.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/nuget-client.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..326263038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/nuget-client.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ nuget.client
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/nupkgs/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)src/NuGet.Core/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)cli/
+ $(KeysDir)NuGet.Client.snk
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) msbuild $(ProjectDirectory)/build/build.proj
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:VisualStudioVerion=15.0
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:BuildRTM=false
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:BuildNumber=$(OfficialBuildId)
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(BuildCommandBase) /t:PackXPlat
+ $(PackCommand) /p:PackageOutputPath=$(PackagesOutput)
+ $(PackCommand) /p:NoPackageAnalysis=true
+ $(PackCommand) /flp:v=detailed
+ $(PackCommand) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(PackCommand) /bl:pack.binlog
+ $(PackCommand) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/package-source-build.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/package-source-build.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5f3a16b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/package-source-build.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ false
+ $(SubmoduleDirectory)$(RepositoryName)/
+ true
+ $(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(GennedPackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(OutputPath)$(SourceBuiltArtifactsTarballName).$(VersionPrefix)-$(VersionSuffix).tar.gz
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn-analyzers.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn-analyzers.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d517f6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn-analyzers.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ --restore --build --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -warnaserror false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:OfficialBuild=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:GitHubRepositoryName=roslyn-analyzers
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:RepositoryUrl=git://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b992ed3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/roslyn.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ --restore --build --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:OfficialBuild=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ApplyPartialNgenOptimization=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:EnablePartialNgenOptimization=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PublishWindowsPdb=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath=$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:DotNetBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:UsingToolMicrosoftNetCompilers=false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime-portable.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime-portable.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0faeb9afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime-portable.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ runtime
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/portableLog
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/portableObj
+ <_BuiltPackages Include="$(ShippingPackagesOutput)/*linux*nupkg" Exclude="$(ShippingPackagesOutput)/*.symbols.nupkg" />
+ <_BuiltPackages Include="$(NonShippingPackagesOutput)/*linux*nupkg" Exclude="$(NonShippingPackagesOutput)/*.symbols.nupkg" />
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16e04fcd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.props
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ runtime
+ $(PortableBuild)
+ true
+ $(TargetRid)
+ osx-x64
+ freebsd-x64
+ win-x64
+ linux-$(Platform)
+ false
+ false
+ $(UseSystemLibraries)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ true
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) -cmakeargs -DCLR_CMAKE_USE_SYSTEM_LIBUNWIND=TRUE
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) skipnuget cross -skiprestore cmakeargs -DFEATURE_GDBJIT=TRUE
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) -clang6.0 /p:PortableBuild=true
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:PortableBuild=false
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:PackagesDir=$(PackagesDir)
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:PackageRid=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:NoPgoOptimize=true
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:KeepNativeSymbols=true
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:RuntimeOS=$(OverrideTargetRid.Substring(0, $(OverrideTargetRid.IndexOf("-"))))
+ $(CoreClrBuildArguments) /p:RuntimeOS=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore $(FlagParameterPrefix)build $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack /p:SkipTests=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore $(FlagParameterPrefix)build /p:IncludeTestUtils=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore $(FlagParameterPrefix)buildtests $(FlagParameterPrefix)test /p:IncludeTestUtils=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:TestRspFile=$(TestExclusionsDir)corefx/linux.docker.rsp
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:ConfigurationGroup=$(Configuration)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:PackageRid=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:RuntimeOS=$(OverrideTargetRid.Substring(0, $(OverrideTargetRid.IndexOf("-"))))
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:RuntimeOS=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:PortableBuild=$(OverridePortableBuild)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:BuildAllPackages=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:BuildAllOOBPackages=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:KeepNativeSymbols=true
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:BuiltSdkPackageOverride=""
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:MicrosoftNETCoreDotNetHostPackageVersion=$(DOTNET_HOST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION)
+ $(LibrariesBuildArguments) /p:MicrosoftNETCoreDotNetHostPolicyPackageVersion=$(DOTNET_HOST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION)
+ $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore $(FlagParameterPrefix)build
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:PortableBuild=$(OverridePortableBuild)
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:KeepNativeSymbols=true
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) -cmakeargs -DCLR_CMAKE_USE_SYSTEM_LIBUNWIND=TRUE
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:TargetArchitecture=$(Platform) /p:DisableCrossgen=true /p:CrossBuild=true
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:BuildDebPackage=false
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:BuildAllPackages=true
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:RestoreAllBuildRids=false
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:OutputRid=$(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:DotNetOutputBlobFeedDir=$(SourceBuiltBlobFeedDir)
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:PublishCompressedFilesPathPrefix=$(SourceBuiltRuntimeDir)
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) /p:BuiltSdkPackageOverride=""
+ $(InstallerBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(FlagParameterPrefix)arch $(Platform)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) /p:RuntimeConfiguration=$(Configuration)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) /p:MicrosoftNetFrameworkReferenceAssembliesVersion=1.0.0
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)binaryLog
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)ci
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)runtimeConfiguration $(Configuration)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)verbosity $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build-source-build$(ShellExtension) $(CommonBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)coreclr-args $(CoreClrBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)libraries-args $(LibrariesBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)installer-args $(InstallerBuildArguments) $(FlagParameterPrefix)additional-args
+ $(ArmEnvironmentVariables) $(BuildCommand)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/clean$(ShellExtension)
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)bin/Product/$(TargetOS).$(Platform).$(Configuration)/.nuget/pkg
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ true
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ShippingPackagesOutput)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(NonShippingPackagesOutput)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.targets b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.targets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6d5f88ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.common.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)pkg/Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/runtime.json
+ $(ToolPackageExtractDir)coreclr-tools
+ so
+ so
+ dylib
+ please define AssemblyExtension for $(TargetOS)
+ <_builtRuntimePackages Include="$(SourceBuiltAssetsDir)*.symbols.nupkg" />
+ <_builtRuntimePackages>
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(FileName)').Replace('symbols', 'nupkg'))
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f20c04e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/runtime.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sdk.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sdk.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e07149dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sdk.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ sdk
+ --pack --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PackageProjectUrl=https://github.com/dotnet/sdk
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PublishCompressedFilesPathPrefix=$(SourceBuiltToolsetDir)
+ true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Projects=$(ProjectDirectory)source-build.slnf
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ProduceReferenceAssembly=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PB_PackageVersionPropsUrl=file:%2F%2F$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)\build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/source-build-reference-packages.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/source-build-reference-packages.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bfe4116c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/source-build-reference-packages.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)restore
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)build
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)publish
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ArcadeBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CopyWipIntoInnerSourceBuildRepo=true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)\build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sourcelink.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sourcelink.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0b4cca88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/sourcelink.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:ArcadeBuildFromSource=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:CopyWipIntoInnerSourceBuildRepo=true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/symreader.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/symreader.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e8284c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/symreader.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)nuget.config
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/src//Microsoft.DiaSymReader//Microsoft.DiaSymReader.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:Configuration=$(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/templating.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/templating.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cea61baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/templating.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/NonShipping/
+ false
+ --restore --pack --configuration $(Configuration) $(OutputVersionArgs)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnasError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PackSpecific=true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:UseAppHost=false
+ true
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:PB_PackageVersionPropsUrl=file:%2F%2F$(PackageVersionPropsPath)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)\build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ true
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/test-templates.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/test-templates.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2951834f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/test-templates.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ --restore --build --pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --configuration $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) --binaryLog
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -ci
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)nodereuse $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
+ $(ProjectDirectory)NuGet.config
+ true
+ false
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/vstest.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/vstest.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1feeb741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/vstest.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ $(TargetRid)
+ freebsd-x64
+ -DotNetBuildFromSource
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -DotNetCoreSdkDir $(DotNetCliToolDir)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -c $(Configuration)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -r $(OverrideTargetRid)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) -v $(OutputPackageVersion)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(FlagParameterPrefix)warnAsError $(ArcadeFalseBoolBuildArg)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/build$(ShellExtension) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/artifacts/$(Configuration)/packages
+ false
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)global.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/xliff-tasks.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/xliff-tasks.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..849340be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/repos/xliff-tasks.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ pack
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(ProjectDirectory)src\XliffTasks\XliffTasks.csproj
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /v:$(LogVerbosity)
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /flp:Verbosity=Diag
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /bl
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false
+ $(BuildCommandArgs) $(RedirectRepoOutputToLog)
+ $(DotnetToolCommand) $(BuildCommandArgs)
+ $(ProjectDirectory)artifacts/packages/$(Configuration)/Shipping/
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ $(ProjectDirectory)/NuGet.config
+ $(SourceBuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3B$(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(EnvironmentRestoreSources)%3Bhttps://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public%40Local/nuget/v3/index.json
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/bootstrap/buildbootstrapcli.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/bootstrap/buildbootstrapcli.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b27b5476e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/bootstrap/buildbootstrapcli.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+set -u
+set -o pipefail
+ echo "Builds a bootstrap CLI from sources"
+ echo "Usage: $0 [BuildType] -rid -seedcli [-os ] [-clang ] [-corelib ]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " BuildType Type of build (-debug, -release), default: -release"
+ echo " -clang Override of the version of clang compiler to use"
+ echo " -corelib Path to System.Private.CoreLib.dll, default: use the System.Private.CoreLib.dll from the seed CLI"
+ echo " -os Operating system (used for corefx build), default: Linux"
+ echo " -rid Runtime identifier including the architecture part (e.g. rhel.6-x64)"
+ echo " -seedcli Seed CLI used to generate the target CLI"
+ echo " -outputpath Optional output directory to contain the generated cli and cloned repos, default: "
+ if [[ $(command -v paxctl) ]]; then
+ paxctl -c -m $1
+ fi
+ local maxversionhi=0
+ local maxversionmid=0
+ local maxversionlo=0
+ local maxversiontag
+ local versionrest
+ local versionhi
+ local versionmid
+ local versionlo
+ local versiontag
+ local foundmax
+ for d in $1/*; do
+ if [[ -d $d ]]; then
+ versionrest=$(basename $d)
+ versionhi=${versionrest%%.*}
+ versionrest=${versionrest#*.}
+ versionmid=${versionrest%%.*}
+ versionrest=${versionrest#*.}
+ versionlo=${versionrest%%-*}
+ versiontag=${versionrest#*-}
+ if [[ $versiontag == $versionrest ]]; then
+ versiontag=""
+ fi
+ foundmax=0
+ if [[ $versionhi -gt $maxversionhi ]]; then
+ foundmax=1
+ elif [[ $versionhi -eq $maxversionhi ]]; then
+ if [[ $versionmid -gt $maxversionmid ]]; then
+ foundmax=1
+ elif [[ $versionmid -eq $maxversionmid ]]; then
+ if [[ $versionlo -gt $maxversionlo ]]; then
+ foundmax=1
+ elif [[ $versionlo -eq $maxversionlo ]]; then
+ # tags are used to mark pre-release versions, so a version without a tag
+ # is newer than a version with one.
+ if [[ "$versiontag" == "" || $versiontag > $maxversiontag ]]; then
+ foundmax=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $foundmax != 0 ]]; then
+ maxversionhi=$versionhi
+ maxversionmid=$versionmid
+ maxversionlo=$versionlo
+ maxversiontag=$versiontag
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo $maxversionhi.$maxversionmid.$maxversionlo${maxversiontag:+-$maxversiontag}
+ if command -v realpath > /dev/null; then
+ realpath $1
+ else
+ readlink -e $1
+ fi
+while [[ "${1:-}" != "" ]]; do
+ lowerI="$(echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
+ case $lowerI in
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ -rid)
+ shift
+ __runtime_id=$1
+ ;;
+ -os)
+ shift
+ __build_os=$1
+ ;;
+ -debug)
+ __configuration=debug
+ ;;
+ -release)
+ __configuration=release
+ ;;
+ -corelib)
+ shift
+ __corelib=`getrealpath $1`
+ ;;
+ -seedcli)
+ shift
+ __seedclipath=`getrealpath $1`
+ ;;
+ -clang)
+ shift
+ __clangversion=clang$1
+ ;;
+ -outputpath)
+ shift
+ __outputpath=$1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown argument to build.sh $1"; exit 1
+ esac
+ shift
+if [[ -z "$__runtime_id" ]]; then
+ echo "Missing the required -rid argument"
+ exit 2
+if [[ -z "$__seedclipath" ]]; then
+ echo "Missing the required -seedcli argument"
+ exit 3
+if [[ -z "$__outputpath" ]]; then
+ __outputpath=$__runtime_id/dotnetcli
+if [[ -d "$__outputpath" ]]; then
+ /bin/rm -r $__outputpath
+mkdir -p $__runtime_id
+mkdir -p $__outputpath
+__outputpath=`getrealpath $__outputpath`
+cd $__runtime_id
+cp -r $__seedclipath/* $__outputpath
+__frameworkversion=`get_max_version $__seedclipath/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App`
+__sdkversion=`get_max_version $__seedclipath/sdk`
+__fxrversion=`get_max_version $__seedclipath/host/fxr`
+echo "Framework version: $__frameworkversion"
+echo "SDK version: $__sdkversion"
+echo "FXR version: $__fxrversion"
+# Extract the git commit hashes representig the state of the three repos that
+# the seed cli package was built from
+__coreclrhash=`strings $__seedclipath/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$__frameworkversion/libcoreclr.so | grep "@(#)" | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{40\}"`
+__corefxhash=`strings $__seedclipath/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$__frameworkversion/System.Native.so | grep "@(#)" | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{40\}"`
+__coresetuphash=`strings $__seedclipath/dotnet | grep "@(#)" | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{40\}"`
+if [[ "$__coresetuphash" == "" ]]; then
+ __coresetuphash=`strings $__seedclipath/dotnet | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{40\}"`
+echo "coreclr hash: $__coreclrhash"
+echo "corefx hash: $__corefxhash"
+echo "core-setup hash: $__coresetuphash"
+# Clone the three repos if they were not cloned yet. If the folders already
+# exist, leave them alone. This allows patching the cloned sources as needed
+if [[ ! -d coreclr ]]; then
+ git clone https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr.git
+ cd coreclr
+ git checkout $__coreclrhash
+ cd ..
+if [[ ! -d corefx ]]; then
+ git clone https://github.com/dotnet/corefx.git
+ cd corefx
+ git checkout $__corefxhash
+ cd ..
+if [[ ! -d core-setup ]]; then
+ git clone https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup.git
+ cd core-setup
+ git checkout $__coresetuphash
+ cd ..
+cd core-setup
+src/corehost/build.sh --configuration $__configuration --arch "$__build_arch" --hostver "2.0.0" --apphostver "2.0.0" --fxrver "2.0.0" --policyver "2.0.0" --commithash `git rev-parse HEAD`
+cd ..
+cd coreclr
+./build.sh $__configuration $__build_arch $__clangversion -skipgenerateversion -skipmanaged -skipmscorlib -skiprestore -skiprestoreoptdata -skipnuget -nopgooptimize 2>&1 | tee coreclr.log
+export __coreclrbin=$(cat coreclr.log | sed -n -e 's/^.*Product binaries are available at //p')
+cd ..
+echo "CoreCLR binaries will be copied from $__coreclrbin"
+corefx/src/Native/build-native.sh $__build_arch $__configuration $__clangversion $__build_os 2>&1 | tee corefx.log
+export __corefxbin=$(cat corefx.log | sed -n -e 's/^.*Build files have been written to: //p')
+echo "CoreFX binaries will be copied from $__corefxbin"
+echo "**** Copying new binaries to dotnetcli/ ****"
+# First copy the coreclr repo binaries
+cp $__coreclrbin/*so $__frameworkpath
+cp $__coreclrbin/corerun $__frameworkpath
+cp $__coreclrbin/crossgen $__frameworkpath
+# Mark the coreclr executables as allowed to create executable memory mappings
+disable_pax_mprotect $__frameworkpath/corerun
+disable_pax_mprotect $__frameworkpath/crossgen
+# Now copy the core-setup repo binaries
+if [[ $__fxrversion == 2* ]]; then
+ cp core-setup/cli/exe/dotnet/dotnet $__outputpath
+ cp core-setup/cli/exe/dotnet/dotnet $__frameworkpath/corehost
+ cp core-setup/cli/dll/libhostpolicy.so $__frameworkpath
+ cp core-setup/cli/dll/libhostpolicy.so $__outputpath/sdk/$__sdkversion
+ cp core-setup/cli/fxr/libhostfxr.so $__frameworkpath
+ cp core-setup/cli/fxr/libhostfxr.so $__outputpath/host/fxr/$__fxrversion
+ cp core-setup/cli/fxr/libhostfxr.so $__outputpath/sdk/$__sdkversion
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/dotnet $__outputpath
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/dotnet $__frameworkpath/corehost
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/libhostpolicy.so $__frameworkpath
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/libhostpolicy.so $__outputpath/sdk/$__sdkversion
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/libhostfxr.so $__frameworkpath
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/libhostfxr.so $__outputpath/host/fxr/$__fxrversion
+ cp core-setup/bin/$__runtime_id.$__configuration/corehost/libhostfxr.so $__outputpath/sdk/$__sdkversion
+# Mark the core-setup executables as allowed to create executable memory mappings
+disable_pax_mprotect $__outputpath/dotnet
+disable_pax_mprotect $__frameworkpath/corehost
+# Finally copy the corefx repo binaries
+cp $__corefxbin/**/System.* $__frameworkpath
+# Copy System.Private.CoreLib.dll override from somewhere if requested
+if [[ "$__corelib" != "" ]]; then
+ cp "$__corelib" $__frameworkpath
+# Add the new RID to Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json
+# Replace the linux-x64 RID in the target, runtimeTarget and runtimes by the new RID
+# and add the new RID to the list of runtimes.
+echo "**** Adding new rid to Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json ****"
+#TODO: add parameter with the parent RID sequence
+sed \
+ -e 's/runtime\.linux-x64/runtime.'$__runtime_id'/g' \
+ -e 's/runtimes\/linux-x64/runtimes\/'$__runtime_id'/g' \
+ -e 's/Version=v\([0-9].[0-9]\)\/linux-x64/Version=v\1\/'$__runtime_id'/g' \
+$__seedclipath/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/$__frameworkversion/Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json \
+# add the new RID to the list of runtimes iff it does not already exist (sed inplace)
+if [[ $__build_os == "Linux" ]]; then
+ __os_dependencies='"linux", "linux-'$__build_arch'", '
+grep -q "\"$__runtime_id\":" $__frameworkpath/Microsoft.NETCore.App.deps.json || \
+sed -i \
+ -e 's/"runtimes": {/&\n "'$__runtime_id'": [\n '"$__os_dependencies"'"unix", "unix-'$__build_arch'", "any", "base"\n ],/g' \
+function crossgenone(){
+ echo $2/crossgen /MissingDependenciesOK /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $2:$3 /in $1 /out $1.ni >$1.log 2>&1
+ timeout $__crossgentimeout $2/crossgen /MissingDependenciesOK /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $2:$3 /in $1 /out $1.ni >>$1.log 2>&1
+ exitCode=$?
+ if [ "$exitCode" == "0" ]
+ then
+ rm $1.log
+ mv $1.ni $1
+ elif grep -q -e 'The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest' \
+ -e 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.' \
+ -e 'File is PE32' $1.log
+ then
+ rm $1.log
+ echo "$1" >> crossgenskipped
+ else
+ echo "$1" >> crossgenretry
+ fi
+# Run an assembly through ildasm ilasm roundtrip to remove x64 crossgen
+function uncrossgenone(){
+ echo >> $1.log 2>&1
+ echo mv $1 $1.x64 >> $1.log 2>&1
+ echo $2/ildasm -raweh -out=$1.il $1.x64 "&& \\" >> $1.log 2>&1
+ echo $2/ilasm -output=$1 -QUIET -NOLOGO -DEBUG -OPTIMIZE $1.il >> $1.log 2>&1
+ mv $1 $1.x64
+ $2/ildasm -raweh -out=$1.il $1.x64 && \
+ $2/ilasm -output=$1 -DLL -QUIET -NOLOGO -DEBUG -OPTIMIZE $1.il
+ exitCode=$?
+ if [ "$exitCode" == "0" ]
+ then
+ rm $1.x64
+ rm $1.il
+ else
+ echo "$1" >> uncrossgenfails
+ fi
+# if $__build_arch is not x64 then any dll which was crossgened for x64 must be recrossgened for $__build_arch
+if [[ "$__build_arch" != "x64" ]]
+ echo "**** Beginning crossgen for $__build_arch target ****"
+ export -f crossgenone
+ export __crossgentimeout
+ rm -f crossgenretry crossgendlls crossgenskipped uncrossgenfails
+ # Assumes System.Private.CoreLib was already crossgened
+ find $__outputpath -type f -name \*.dll -or -name \*.exe | grep -v System.Private.CoreLib > crossgendlls
+ cat crossgendlls | xargs -P 0 -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'crossgenone "$@"' _ {} "$__frameworkpath" "$__outputpath/sdk/$__sdkversion"
+ echo
+ echo "**** Crossgen skipped for non-managed assembly files:"
+ echo
+ touch crossgenskipped
+ cat crossgenskipped
+ echo
+ echo "**** Crossgen failed for the following dlls:"
+ echo
+ touch crossgenretry
+ cat crossgenretry
+ echo
+ echo "**** Beginning uncrossgen for failed dlls ****"
+ echo
+ export -f uncrossgenone
+ rm -f $__coreclrbin/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
+ ln -s $__corelib $__coreclrbin/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
+ cat crossgenretry | xargs -P 0 -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'uncrossgenone "$@"' _ {} "$__coreclrbin"
+ rm -f $__coreclrbin/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
+ echo
+ echo "**** Uncrossgen failed for the following dlls:"
+ echo
+ touch uncrossgenfails
+ cat uncrossgenfails
+echo "**** Bootstrap CLI was successfully built ****"
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.cmd b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7c0d21bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+@echo off
+set SCRIPT_ROOT=%~dp0
+if /I "%1" equ "-d" (set SET_DOCKERFILE=1)
+if /I "%1" equ "--dockerfile" (set SET_DOCKERFILE=1)
+if "%SET_DOCKERFILE%" == "1" (
+ echo "1: %1 2: %2"
+ set DOCKER_FILE=%2
+ shift /1
+ shift /1
+ goto :arg_loop
+if /I "%1" equ "-i" (set SET_DOCKERIMAGE=1)
+if /I "%1" equ "--image" (set SET_DOCKERIMAGE=1)
+if "%SET_DOCKERIMAGE%" == "1" (
+ shift /1
+ shift /1
+ goto :arg_loop
+if "%DOCKER_FILE%" == "" (
+ echo Missing required parameter --dockerfile [docker file dir]
+ exit /b 1
+if "%DOCKER_IMAGE%" == "" (
+ echo Missing required parameter --image [image name]
+ exit /b 1
+if EXIST "%DOCKER_FILE%\Dockerfile" (
+ docker build -q -f %DOCKER_FILE%\Dockerfile -t %DOCKER_IMAGE% %DOCKER_FILE%
+) else (
+ echo Error: %DOCKER_FILE%\Dockerfile does not exist
+ exit /b 1
+docker run -i -t --rm --init -v %REPO_ROOT%:/code -t -w /code %DOCKER_IMAGE% /bin/sh
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e0382a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/docker/docker-run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"
+REPO_ROOT="$(cd -P "$SCRIPT_ROOT/../../" && pwd)"
+case $(echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}') in
+ -d | --dockerfile)
+ ;;
+ -i | --image)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: $0 [[-d | --dockerfile] ] | [-i | --image] ]] cmd-to-run"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+if [ $DOCKER_FILE ]; then
+ if [ -d $DOCKER_FILE ]; then
+ fi
+ DOCKER_IMAGE=$(set -x ; docker build -q -f $DOCKER_FILE $DOCKER_FILE_DIR)
+if [ ! $(id -u) = 0 ]; then
+ DOCKER_USERADD_AND_SWITCH_CMD="useradd -m -u $(id -u) $(id -n -u) && su $(id -n -u) -c "
+ARGS=$(IFS=' ' ; echo $@)
+(set -x ; docker run --rm --init -v $REPO_ROOT:/code -t $DOCKER_IMAGE /bin/sh -c "cd /code ; $DOCKER_USERADD_AND_SWITCH_CMD\"$ARGS\"")
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/generate-readme-table.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/generate-readme-table.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..244306d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/scripts/generate-readme-table.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+script_root="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"
+if [ ! -f "$readme" ]; then
+ echo "$readme must exist."
+ exit 1
+print_rows() {
+ echo '| OS | *Azure DevOps*
Release |'
+ echo '| -- | :-- |'
+ row 'CentOS7.1' 'Production'
+ row 'CentOS7.1' 'Online'
+ row 'CentOS7.1' 'Offline'
+ row 'CentOS7.1' 'Offline Portable'
+ row 'Debian8.2' 'Production'
+ row 'Debian8.2' 'Online'
+ row 'Fedora29' 'Production'
+ row 'Fedora29' 'Online'
+ row 'Fedora29' 'Offline'
+ row 'Fedora29' 'Offline Portable'
+ row 'OSX' 'Production'
+ row 'Ubuntu16.04' 'Production'
+ row 'Windows' 'Production'
+raw_print() {
+ printf '%s' "$1"
+row() {
+ os=$1
+ job_type=$2
+ display_name=$os
+ if [ "$job_type" != "Production" ]; then
+ display_name="$display_name ($job_type)"
+ fi
+ printf "| $display_name | "
+ azdo
+ end
+end() {
+ printf '\n'
+azdo() {
+ job=$(raw_print $os | awk '{print tolower($0)}' | sed 's/\.//g')
+ # Fix case: AzDO has "sticky" casing across build def lifetime, so these names are inconsistent.
+ # https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_workitems/edit/98
+ case $os in
+ OSX|Windows)
+ job=$os
+ ;;
+ esac
+ job_type_escaped=$(raw_print "$job_type" | sed 's/ /%20/g')
+ query="?branchName=$branch_azdo&jobname=$job&configuration=$job_type_escaped"
+ raw_print "[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_apis/build/status/dotnet/source-build/source-build-CI$query)]"
+ raw_print "(https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_build/latest?definitionId=114&branchName=$branch_azdo) | "
+none() {
+ raw_print '| '
+cp "$readme" "$readme.old"
+while read line; do
+ if [ "$phase" = before ]; then
+ echo "$line"
+ if [ "$line" = '' ]; then
+ print_rows
+ phase=skip
+ fi
+ elif [ "$phase" = skip ]; then
+ if [ "$line" = '' ]; then
+ echo "$line"
+ phase=after
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "$line"
+ fi
+done < "$readme.old" > "$readme"
+rm "$readme.old"
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-test.sh b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c97da1044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"
+# See https://github.com/dotnet/source-build/issues/579, this version
+# needs to be compatible with the runtime produced from source-build
+__ROOT_REPO=$(sed 's/\r$//' "$SCRIPT_ROOT/artifacts/obj/rootrepo.txt") # remove CR if mounted repo on Windows drive
+# Use uname to determine what the CPU is.
+cpuName=$(uname -p)
+# Some Linux platforms report unknown for platform, but the arch for machine.
+if [[ "$cpuName" == "unknown" ]]; then
+ cpuName=$(uname -m)
+case $cpuName in
+ aarch64)
+ buildArch=arm64
+ ;;
+ amd64|x86_64)
+ buildArch=x64
+ ;;
+ armv*l)
+ buildArch=arm
+ ;;
+ i686)
+ buildArch=x86
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown CPU $cpuName detected, treating it as x64"
+ buildArch=x64
+ ;;
+function usage() {
+ echo ""
+ echo "usage:"
+ echo " --dotnetDir the directory from which to run dotnet"
+ echo " --configuration the configuration being tested (default=Release)"
+ echo " --targetRid override the target rid to use when needed (e.g. for self-contained publish tests)"
+ echo " --projectOutput echo dotnet's output to console"
+ echo " --keepProjects keep projects after tests are complete"
+ echo " --minimal run minimal set of tests - local sources only, no web"
+ echo " --excludeNonWebTests don't run tests for non-web projects"
+ echo " --excludeWebTests don't run tests for web projects"
+ echo " --excludeWebNoHttpsTests don't run web project tests with --no-https"
+ echo " --excludeWebHttpsTests don't run web project tests with https using dotnet-dev-certs"
+ echo " --excludeLocalTests exclude tests that use local sources for nuget packages"
+ echo " --excludeOnlineTests exclude test that use online sources for nuget packages"
+ echo " --devCertsVersion use dotnet-dev-certs instead of default $DEV_CERTS_VERSION_DEFAULT"
+ echo " --prodConBlobFeedUrl override the prodcon blob feed specified in ProdConFeed.txt, removing it if empty"
+ echo " --archiveRestoredPackages capture all restored packages to $archivedPackagesDir"
+ echo "environment:"
+ echo " prodConBlobFeedUrl override the prodcon blob feed specified in ProdConFeed.txt, removing it if empty"
+ echo ""
+while :; do
+ if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ lowerI="$(echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
+ case $lowerI in
+ '-?'|-h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --dotnetdir)
+ shift
+ dotnetDir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --configuration)
+ shift
+ configuration="$1"
+ ;;
+ --targetrid)
+ shift
+ targetRid="$1"
+ ;;
+ --projectoutput)
+ projectOutput=true
+ ;;
+ --keepprojects)
+ keepProjects=true
+ ;;
+ --minimal)
+ excludeOnlineTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludenonwebtests)
+ excludeNonWebTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludewebtests)
+ excludeWebTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludewebnohttpstests)
+ excludeWebNoHttpsTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludewebhttpstests)
+ excludeWebHttpsTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludelocaltests)
+ excludeLocalTests=true
+ ;;
+ --excludeonlinetests)
+ excludeOnlineTests=true
+ ;;
+ --devcertsversion)
+ shift
+ devCertsVersion="$1"
+ ;;
+ --prodconblobfeedurl)
+ shift
+ prodConBlobFeedUrl="$1"
+ ;;
+ --archiverestoredpackages)
+ archiveRestoredPackages=true
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unrecognized argument '$1'"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+prodConBlobFeedUrl="${prodConBlobFeedUrl-$(cat "$SCRIPT_ROOT/ProdConFeed.txt")}"
+function doCommand() {
+ lang=$1
+ proj=$2
+ shift; shift;
+ echo "starting language $lang, type $proj" | tee -a smoke-test.log
+ dotnetCmd=${dotnetDir}/dotnet
+ mkdir "${lang}_${proj}"
+ cd "${lang}_${proj}"
+ newArgs="new $proj -lang $lang"
+ while :; do
+ if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ --new-arg)
+ shift
+ newArgs="$newArgs $1"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ while :; do
+ if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ binlogOnlinePart="local"
+ binlogHttpsPart="nohttps"
+ if [ "$runningOnline" == "true" ]; then
+ binlogOnlinePart="online"
+ fi
+ if [ "$runningHttps" == "true" ]; then
+ binlogHttpsPart="https"
+ fi
+ binlogPrefix="$testingDir/${lang}_${proj}_${binlogOnlinePart}_${binlogHttpsPart}_"
+ binlog="${binlogPrefix}$1.binlog"
+ echo " running $1" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ if [ "$1" == "new" ]; then
+ if [ "$projectOutput" == "true" ]; then
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $newArgs --no-restore | tee -a "$logFile"
+ else
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $newArgs --no-restore >> "$logFile" 2>&1
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$1" == "run" && "$proj" =~ ^(web|mvc|webapi|razor|blazorwasm|blazorserver)$ ]]; then
+ # A separate log file that we will over-write all the time.
+ exitLogFile="$testingDir/exitLogFile"
+ echo > "$exitLogFile"
+ # Run an application in the background and redirect its
+ # stdout+stderr to a separate process (tee). The tee process
+ # writes its input to 2 files:
+ # - Either the normal log or stdout
+ # - A log that's only used to find out when it's safe to kill
+ # the application.
+ if [ "$projectOutput" == "true" ]; then
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $1 2>&1 > >(tee -a "$exitLogFile") &
+ else
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $1 2>&1 > >(tee -a "$logFile" "$exitLogFile" >/dev/null) &
+ fi
+ webPid=$!
+ killCommand="pkill -SIGTERM -P $webPid"
+ echo " waiting up to 30 seconds for web project with pid $webPid..."
+ echo " to clean up manually after an interactive cancellation, run: $killCommand"
+ for seconds in $(seq 30); do
+ if grep 'Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.' "$exitLogFile"; then
+ echo " app ready for shutdown after $seconds seconds"
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ echo " stopping $webPid" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ $killCommand
+ wait $!
+ echo " terminated with exit code $?" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ elif [ "$1" == "multi-rid-publish" ]; then
+ runPublishScenarios() {
+ "${dotnetCmd}" publish --self-contained false /bl:"${binlogPrefix}publish-fx-dep.binlog"
+ "${dotnetCmd}" publish --self-contained true -r "$targetRid" /bl:"${binlogPrefix}publish-self-contained-${targetRid}.binlog"
+ "${dotnetCmd}" publish --self-contained true -r linux-x64 /bl:"${binlogPrefix}publish-self-contained-portable.binlog"
+ }
+ if [ "$projectOutput" == "true" ]; then
+ runPublishScenarios | tee -a "$logFile"
+ else
+ runPublishScenarios >> "$logFile" 2>&1
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$projectOutput" == "true" ]; then
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $1 /bl:"$binlog" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ else
+ "${dotnetCmd}" $1 /bl:"$binlog" >> "$logFile" 2>&1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo " $1 succeeded" >> "$logFile"
+ else
+ echo " $1 failed with exit code $?" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ cd ..
+ if [ "$keepProjects" == "false" ]; then
+ rm -rf "${lang}_${proj}"
+ fi
+ echo "finished language $lang, type $proj" | tee -a smoke-test.log
+function setupDevCerts() {
+ echo "Setting up dotnet-dev-certs $devCertsVersion to generate dev certificate" | tee -a "$logFile"
+ (
+ set -x
+ "$dotnetDir/dotnet" tool install -g dotnet-dev-certs --version "$devCertsVersion" --add-source https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet-core/index.json
+ export DOTNET_ROOT="$dotnetDir"
+ "$testingHome/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-dev-certs" https
+ ) >> "$logFile" 2>&1
+function runAllTests() {
+ # Run tests for each language and template
+ if [ "$excludeNonWebTests" == "false" ]; then
+ doCommand C# console new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# classlib new restore build multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# xunit new restore test
+ doCommand C# mstest new restore test
+ doCommand VB console new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand VB classlib new restore build multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand VB xunit new restore test
+ doCommand VB mstest new restore test
+ doCommand F# console new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand F# classlib new restore build multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand F# xunit new restore test
+ doCommand F# mstest new restore test
+ fi
+ if [ "$excludeWebTests" == "false" ]; then
+ if [ "$excludeWebNoHttpsTests" == "false" ]; then
+ runningHttps=false
+ runWebTests --new-arg --no-https
+ fi
+ if [ "$excludeWebHttpsTests" == "false" ]; then
+ runningHttps=true
+ setupDevCerts
+ runWebTests
+ fi
+ fi
+function runWebTests() {
+ doCommand C# web "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# mvc "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# webapi "$@" new restore build multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# razor "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand C# blazorwasm "$@" new restore build run publish
+ doCommand C# blazorserver "$@" new restore build run publish
+ doCommand F# web "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand F# mvc "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+ doCommand F# webapi "$@" new restore build run multi-rid-publish
+function runXmlDocTests() {
+ targetingPacksDir="$dotnetDir/packs/"
+ echo "Looking for xml docs in targeting packs in $targetingPacksDir"
+ netstandardIgnoreList=(
+ Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.xml
+ mscorlib.xml
+ System.AppContext.xml
+ System.Buffers.xml
+ System.Collections.Concurrent.xml
+ System.Collections.NonGeneric.xml
+ System.Collections.Specialized.xml
+ System.Collections.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.Composition.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.Primitives.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.xml
+ System.Console.xml
+ System.Core.xml
+ System.Data.Common.xml
+ System.Data.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Contracts.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Debug.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Tools.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Tracing.xml
+ System.Drawing.Primitives.xml
+ System.Drawing.xml
+ System.Dynamic.Runtime.xml
+ System.Globalization.Calendars.xml
+ System.Globalization.Extensions.xml
+ System.Globalization.xml
+ System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.xml
+ System.IO.Compression.xml
+ System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml
+ System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.xml
+ System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.xml
+ System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.xml
+ System.IO.FileSystem.xml
+ System.IO.IsolatedStorage.xml
+ System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.xml
+ System.IO.Pipes.xml
+ System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.xml
+ System.IO.xml
+ System.Linq.Expressions.xml
+ System.Linq.Parallel.xml
+ System.Linq.Queryable.xml
+ System.Linq.xml
+ System.Memory.xml
+ System.Net.Http.xml
+ System.Net.NameResolution.xml
+ System.Net.NetworkInformation.xml
+ System.Net.Ping.xml
+ System.Net.Primitives.xml
+ System.Net.Requests.xml
+ System.Net.Security.xml
+ System.Net.Sockets.xml
+ System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.xml
+ System.Net.WebSockets.Client.xml
+ System.Net.WebSockets.xml
+ System.Net.xml
+ System.Numerics.Vectors.xml
+ System.Numerics.xml
+ System.ObjectModel.xml
+ System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.xml
+ System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.xml
+ System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.xml
+ System.Reflection.Emit.xml
+ System.Reflection.Extensions.xml
+ System.Reflection.Primitives.xml
+ System.Reflection.xml
+ System.Resources.Reader.xml
+ System.Resources.ResourceManager.xml
+ System.Resources.Writer.xml
+ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC.xml
+ System.Runtime.Extensions.xml
+ System.Runtime.Handles.xml
+ System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.xml
+ System.Runtime.InteropServices.xml
+ System.Runtime.Numerics.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.xml
+ System.Runtime.xml
+ System.Security.Claims.xml
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.xml
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.xml
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.xml
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.xml
+ System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.xml
+ System.Security.Principal.xml
+ System.Security.SecureString.xml
+ System.ServiceModel.Web.xml
+ System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.xml
+ System.Text.Encoding.xml
+ System.Text.RegularExpressions.xml
+ System.Threading.Overlapped.xml
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.xml
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.xml
+ System.Threading.Tasks.xml
+ System.Threading.ThreadPool.xml
+ System.Threading.Thread.xml
+ System.Threading.Timer.xml
+ System.Threading.xml
+ System.Transactions.xml
+ System.ValueTuple.xml
+ System.Web.xml
+ System.Windows.xml
+ System.xml
+ System.Xml.Linq.xml
+ System.Xml.ReaderWriter.xml
+ System.Xml.Serialization.xml
+ System.Xml.XDocument.xml
+ System.Xml.xml
+ System.Xml.XmlDocument.xml
+ System.Xml.XmlSerializer.xml
+ System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.xml
+ System.Xml.XPath.xml
+ )
+ netcoreappIgnoreList=(
+ Microsoft.VisualBasic.xml
+ netstandard.xml
+ System.AppContext.xml
+ System.Buffers.xml
+ System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.xml
+ System.Configuration.xml
+ System.Core.xml
+ System.Data.DataSetExtensions.xml
+ System.Data.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Debug.xml
+ System.Diagnostics.Tools.xml
+ System.Drawing.xml
+ System.Dynamic.Runtime.xml
+ System.Globalization.Calendars.xml
+ System.Globalization.Extensions.xml
+ System.Globalization.xml
+ System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.xml
+ System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.xml
+ System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.xml
+ System.IO.xml
+ System.Net.xml
+ System.Numerics.xml
+ System.Reflection.Extensions.xml
+ System.Reflection.xml
+ System.Resources.Reader.xml
+ System.Resources.ResourceManager.xml
+ System.Runtime.Extensions.xml
+ System.Runtime.Handles.xml
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.xml
+ System.Security.Principal.xml
+ System.Security.SecureString.xml
+ System.Security.xml
+ System.ServiceModel.Web.xml
+ System.ServiceProcess.xml
+ System.Text.Encoding.xml
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.xml
+ System.Threading.Tasks.xml
+ System.Threading.Timer.xml
+ System.Transactions.xml
+ System.ValueTuple.xml
+ System.Web.xml
+ System.Windows.xml
+ System.xml
+ System.Xml.Linq.xml
+ System.Xml.Serialization.xml
+ System.Xml.xml
+ System.Xml.XmlDocument.xml
+ )
+ error=0
+ while IFS= read -r -d '' dllFile; do
+ xmlDocFile=${dllFile%.*}.xml
+ skip=0
+ if [[ "$xmlDocFile" == *"/packs/Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref"* ]]; then
+ xmlFileBasename=$(basename "$xmlDocFile")
+ for ignoreItem in "${netcoreappIgnoreList[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "$ignoreItem" == "$xmlFileBasename" ]]; then
+ skip=1;
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ "$xmlDocFile" == *"/packs/NETStandard.Library.Ref"* ]]; then
+ xmlFileBasename=$(basename "$xmlDocFile")
+ for ignoreItem in "${netstandardIgnoreList[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "$ignoreItem" == "$xmlFileBasename" ]]; then
+ skip=1;
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ $skip == 0 ]] && [[ ! -f "$xmlDocFile" ]]; then
+ error=1
+ echo "error: missing $xmlDocFile"
+ fi
+ done < <(find "$targetingPacksDir" -name '*.dll' -print0)
+ if [[ $error != 0 ]]; then
+ echo "error: Missing xml documents"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "All expected xml docs are present"
+ fi
+function resetCaches() {
+ rm -rf "$testingHome"
+ mkdir "$testingHome"
+ HOME="$testingHome"
+ # clean restore path
+ rm -rf "$restoredPackagesDir"
+ # Copy NuGet plugins if running user has HOME and we have auth. In particular, the auth plugin.
+ if [ "${internalPackageFeedPat:-}" ] && [ "${executingUserHome:-}" ]; then
+ cp -r "$executingUserHome/.nuget/" "$HOME/.nuget/" || :
+ fi
+function setupProdConFeed() {
+ if [ "$prodConBlobFeedUrl" ]; then
+ sed -i.bakProdCon "s|PRODUCT_CONTRUCTION_PACKAGES|$prodConBlobFeedUrl|g" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ else
+ sed -i.bakProdCon "/PRODUCT_CONTRUCTION_PACKAGES/d" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ fi
+function setupSmokeTestFeed() {
+ # Setup smoke-test-packages if they exist
+ if [ -e "$smokeTestPrebuilts" ]; then
+ sed -i.bakSmokeTestFeed "s|SMOKE_TEST_PACKAGE_FEED|$smokeTestPrebuilts|g" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ else
+ sed -i.bakSmokeTestFeed "/SMOKE_TEST_PACKAGE_FEED/d" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ fi
+function copyRestoredPackages() {
+ if [ "$archiveRestoredPackages" == "true" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$archivedPackagesDir"
+ cp -rf "$restoredPackagesDir"/* "$archivedPackagesDir"
+ fi
+echo "RID to test: ${targetRid?not specified. Use ./build.sh --run-smoke-test to detect RID, or specify manually.}"
+if [ "$__ROOT_REPO" != "known-good" ]; then
+ echo "Skipping smoke-tests since cli was not built";
+ exit
+# Clean up and create directory
+if [ -e "$testingDir" ]; then
+ read -p "testing-smoke directory exists, remove it? [Y]es / [n]o" -n 1 -r
+ echo
+ if [[ $REPLY == "" || $REPLY == " " || $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+ rm -rf "$testingDir"
+ fi
+mkdir -p "$testingDir"
+cd "$testingDir"
+# Create blank Directory.Build files to avoid traversing to source-build infra.
+echo "" | tee Directory.Build.props > Directory.Build.targets
+# Unzip dotnet if the dotnetDir is not specified
+if [ "$dotnetDir" == "" ]; then
+ OUTPUT_DIR="$SCRIPT_ROOT/artifacts/$buildArch/$configuration/"
+ mkdir -p "$cliDir"
+ tar xzf "$DOTNET_TARBALL" -C "$cliDir"
+ dotnetDir="$cliDir"
+ if ! [[ "$dotnetDir" = /* ]]; then
+ dotnetDir="$SCRIPT_ROOT/$dotnetDir"
+ fi
+echo SDK under test is:
+"$dotnetDir/dotnet" --info
+# setup restore path
+export NUGET_PACKAGES="$restoredPackagesDir"
+export DOTNET_ROOT="$dotnetDir"
+# OSX also requires DOTNET_ROOT to be on the PATH
+if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
+ export PATH="$dotnetDir:$PATH"
+# Run all tests, local restore sources first, online restore sources second
+if [ "$excludeLocalTests" == "false" ]; then
+ resetCaches
+ runningOnline=false
+ # Setup NuGet.Config with local restore source
+ if [ -e "$SCRIPT_ROOT/smoke-testNuGet.Config" ]; then
+ cp "$SCRIPT_ROOT/smoke-testNuGet.Config" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ sed -i.bak "s|SOURCE_BUILT_PACKAGES|$SOURCE_BUILT_PKGS_PATH|g" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ setupProdConFeed
+ setupSmokeTestFeed
+ echo "$testingDir/NuGet.Config Contents:"
+ cat "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ fi
+ runAllTests
+ copyRestoredPackages
+if [ "$excludeOnlineTests" == "false" ]; then
+ resetCaches
+ runningOnline=true
+ # Setup NuGet.Config to use online restore sources
+ if [ -e "$SCRIPT_ROOT/smoke-testNuGet.Config" ]; then
+ cp "$SCRIPT_ROOT/smoke-testNuGet.Config" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ sed -i.bak "/SOURCE_BUILT_PACKAGES/d" "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ setupProdConFeed
+ setupSmokeTestFeed
+ echo "$testingDir/NuGet.Config Contents:"
+ cat "$testingDir/NuGet.Config"
+ fi
+ runAllTests
+ copyRestoredPackages
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-testNuGet.Config b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-testNuGet.Config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07754412d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/smoke-testNuGet.Config
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/Directory.Build.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bffd69d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ true
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/acquire-darc/acquire-darc.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/acquire-darc/acquire-darc.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..054a65119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/acquire-darc/acquire-darc.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/generate-graphviz/generate-graphviz.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/generate-graphviz/generate-graphviz.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..888cbd9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/generate-graphviz/generate-graphviz.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ $(BaseIntermediatePath)graphviz.dot
+ $(BaseIntermediatePath)graphviz.png
+ digraph {
+graph [ dpi = 150 ]
+@(RepoLink -> '%(Text)')
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/init-build.proj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/init-build.proj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5213830c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/init-build.proj
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ $(ReferencePackagesDir)%3B$(PrebuiltPackagesPath)
+ $(IntermediatePath)PackageVersions.props
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-offline.xml b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-offline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cca3774b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-offline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ centos.7-x64
+ src/ApplicationInsights-dotnet.53b80940842204f78708a538628288ff5d741a1d/
+ src/arcade.6eec4404c2df5bfa46e5da52383c881c5cca3a9f/
+ src/xdt.c01a538851a8ab1a1fbeb2e6243f391fff7587b4/
+ src/dotnet-aspnetcore.2670c128d522473e146ff9f8159bfffdfe694cd9/
+ src/cliCommandLineParser.0e89c2116ad28e404ba56c14d1c3f938caa25a01/
+ src/command-line-api.afd010ba8cb3cbd714c734465d1a5de1ee133e2d/
+ src/common.6e37cdfe96ac8b06a923242120169fafacd720e6/
+ src/cssparser.d6d86bcd8c162b1ae22ef00955ff748d028dd0ee/
+ src/diagnostics.47296ca69bb66180c132f3b16667f904dfc7c6c7/
+ src/fsharp.da6be68280c89131cdba2045525b80890401defd/
+ src/Humanizer.b30550eed103a6970d8465fe7c5c16300b70be81/
+ src/dotnet-installer.71365b4d424b0860ceb9ad8ee47f7cd08c55c362/
+ src/known-good-tests./
+ src/known-good./
+ src/linker.25604250cf2663aed6630e305cc0538aeebda80a/
+ src/msbuild.39993bd9d02917993b6147a9973dc3aa6e9b00c7/
+ src/netcorecli-fsc/
+ src/Newtonsoft.Json.cac0690ad133c5e166ce5642dc71175791404fad/
+ src/Newtonsoft.Json.e43dae94c26f0c30e9095327a3a9eac87193923d/
+ src/NuGet.Client.830c8be45dbbccd411ecf6080abff0c2c98079cf/
+ src/package-source-build/
+ src/roslyn-analyzers.77b259353aa44ec1510951a75c6e7ed6e662a001/
+ src/roslyn.9ed4b774d20940880de8df1ca8b07508aa01c8cd/
+ src/dotnet-runtime.cb5f173b9696d9d00a544b953d95190ab3b56df2/
+ src/dotnet-runtime.cb5f173b9696d9d00a544b953d95190ab3b56df2/
+ src/dotnet-sdk.ef14c79a16171496e2d972edd9a7874d596f624d/
+ src/sourcelink.f175b06862f889474b689a57527e489101c774cc/
+ src/symreader.f8a3ba85aed339fb8d08ca26f3876b28c32d58ee/
+ src/templating.568c09b99075179607c572f7b9f3ad3d706f1fc3/
+ src/test-templates.956e14dedd3a3ac981b320d66c6d389387a2954a/
+ src/vstest.212656d7b384a506aa714999f678b3ace82d114e/
+ src/xliff-tasks.a52f3d7fb58470749ee4035fbbcb7e63c78b0459/
+ Tools/
+ tools-local/tasks/
+ artifacts/obj/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-online.xml b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-online.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..03370c501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/prebuilt-baseline-online.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ centos.7-x64
+ artifacts/src/ApplicationInsights-dotnet.53b80940842204f78708a538628288ff5d741a1d/
+ artifacts/src/arcade.6eec4404c2df5bfa46e5da52383c881c5cca3a9f/
+ artifacts/src/xdt.c01a538851a8ab1a1fbeb2e6243f391fff7587b4/
+ artifacts/src/dotnet-aspnetcore.b7a2ec8c7ed6b48857af0a69688a73e8c14fe6cb/
+ artifacts/src/CliCommandLineParser.0e89c2116ad28e404ba56c14d1c3f938caa25a01/
+ artifacts/src/command-line-api.6ddde11ed45e3f4b9d80c97670f347dbfda15c3f/
+ artifacts/src/common.6e37cdfe96ac8b06a923242120169fafacd720e6/
+ artifacts/src/cssparser.d6d86bcd8c162b1ae22ef00955ff748d028dd0ee/
+ artifacts/src/diagnostics.47296ca69bb66180c132f3b16667f904dfc7c6c7/
+ artifacts/src/fsharp.7ce7132f1459095e635194d09d6f73265352029a/
+ artifacts/src/Humanizer.b30550eed103a6970d8465fe7c5c16300b70be81/
+ artifacts/src/dotnet-installer.db7cc87d512335808e3806067f2bf9b31379e1db/
+ artifacts/src/known-good-tests./
+ artifacts/src/known-good./
+ artifacts/src/linker.c43f981eec336c1dc4fd0ead84b5e09db9377d9e/
+ artifacts/src/msbuild.5e4b48a27efce55a613664b58d353ab4c8d1f6c1/
+ src/netcorecli-fsc/
+ artifacts/src/Newtonsoft.Json.cac0690ad133c5e166ce5642dc71175791404fad/
+ artifacts/src/Newtonsoft.Json.e43dae94c26f0c30e9095327a3a9eac87193923d/
+ artifacts/src/nuget.client.d525b0e670f3b6cbd5c73a35f04730a9f658c852/
+ src/package-source-build/
+ artifacts/src/roslyn-analyzers.ce71b27be743710012c0460071da188b2f05959c/
+ artifacts/src/roslyn.59eedc33d35754759994155ea2f4e1012a9951e3/
+ artifacts/src/dotnet-runtime.2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51/
+ artifacts/src/dotnet-runtime.2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51/
+ artifacts/src/dotnet-sdk.51369266643769f9f0c1184e89715cd1045126d0/
+ artifacts/src/sourcelink.f175b06862f889474b689a57527e489101c774cc/
+ artifacts/src/symreader.f8a3ba85aed339fb8d08ca26f3876b28c32d58ee/
+ artifacts/src/templating.8470ff317250d761c72f920b8ea1c0700b230eb3/
+ artifacts/src/test-templates.956e14dedd3a3ac981b320d66c6d389387a2954a/
+ artifacts/src/vstest.99b911a57a02fc5d2eeef23e9ab8cbea4505678b/
+ artifacts/src/xliff-tasks.a52f3d7fb58470749ee4035fbbcb7e63c78b0459/
+ Tools/
+ tools-local/tasks/
+ artifacts/obj/
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Directory.Build.props b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65f8365de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ AnyCPU
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogFileEntry.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogFileEntry.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..268d50fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogFileEntry.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ internal class CatalogFileEntry
+ {
+ const string ElementName = "File";
+ internal string Path { get; set; }
+ internal byte[] OriginalHash { get; set; }
+ internal byte[] PoisonedHash { get; set; }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(ElementName,
+ new XAttribute(nameof(Path), Path),
+ new XAttribute(nameof(OriginalHash), OriginalHash.ToHexString()),
+ PoisonedHash == null ? null : new XAttribute(nameof(PoisonedHash), PoisonedHash.ToHexString())
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogPackageEntry.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogPackageEntry.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e52e1aaa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CatalogPackageEntry.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ internal class CatalogPackageEntry
+ {
+ const string ElementName = "Package";
+ internal string Path { get; set; }
+ internal string Id { get; set; }
+ internal string Version { get; set; }
+ internal byte[] OriginalHash { get; set; }
+ internal byte[] PoisonedHash { get; set; }
+ internal List Files { get; }
+ public CatalogPackageEntry()
+ {
+ this.Files = new List();
+ }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(ElementName,
+ new XAttribute(nameof(Path), Path),
+ new XAttribute(nameof(Id), Id),
+ new XAttribute(nameof(Version), Version),
+ new XAttribute(nameof(OriginalHash), OriginalHash.ToHexString()),
+ PoisonedHash == null ? null : new XAttribute(nameof(PoisonedHash), PoisonedHash.ToHexString()),
+ Files.Select(f => f.ToXml())
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CheckForPoison.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CheckForPoison.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fad37c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/CheckForPoison.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using Mono.Cecil;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ public class CheckForPoison : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The files to check for poison and/or hash matches. Zips and
+ /// nupkgs will be extracted and checked recursively.
+ /// %(Identity): Path to the initial set of files.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] FilesToCheck { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The output path for an XML poison report, if desired.
+ ///
+ public string PoisonReportOutputFilePath { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The path of a previously-generated file hash catalog, if
+ /// hash checked is desired. If not, only assembly attributes
+ /// and package marker file checked will be done.
+ ///
+ public string HashCatalogFilePath { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The marker file name to check for in poisoned nupkg files.
+ ///
+ public string MarkerFileName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// If true, fails the build if any poisoned files are found.
+ ///
+ public bool FailOnPoisonFound { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Use this directory instead of the system temp directory for staging.
+ /// Intended for Linux systems with limited /tmp space, like Azure VMs.
+ ///
+ public string OverrideTempPath { get; set; }
+ private static readonly string[] ZipFileExtensions =
+ {
+ ".zip",
+ ".nupkg",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] TarFileExtensions =
+ {
+ ".tar",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] TarGzFileExtensions =
+ {
+ ".tgz",
+ ".tar.gz",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] FileNamesToSkip =
+ {
+ "_._",
+ "-.-",
+ ".bowerrc",
+ ".editorconfig",
+ ".gitignore",
+ ".gitkeep",
+ ".rels",
+ "prefercliruntime",
+ "RunCsc",
+ "RunVbc",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] FileExtensionsToSkip =
+ {
+ ".config",
+ ".cs",
+ ".cshtml",
+ ".csproj",
+ ".css",
+ ".db",
+ ".eot",
+ ".fs",
+ ".fsproj",
+ ".html",
+ ".ico",
+ ".js",
+ ".json",
+ ".map",
+ ".md",
+ ".nuspec",
+ ".png",
+ ".props",
+ ".psmdcp",
+ ".rtf",
+ ".scss",
+ ".svg",
+ ".targets",
+ ".ts",
+ ".ttf",
+ ".txt",
+ ".vb",
+ ".vbproj",
+ ".woff",
+ ".woff2",
+ ".xaml",
+ ".xml",
+ };
+ private const string PoisonMarker = "POISONED";
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ IEnumerable poisons = GetPoisonedFiles(FilesToCheck.Select(f => f.ItemSpec), HashCatalogFilePath, MarkerFileName);
+ // if we should write out the poison report, do that
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PoisonReportOutputFilePath))
+ {
+ File.WriteAllText(PoisonReportOutputFilePath, (new XElement("PrebuiltLeakReport", poisons.Select(p => p.ToXml()))).ToString());
+ }
+ if (FailOnPoisonFound && poisons.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Forced build error: {poisons.Count()} marked files leaked to output. See complete report '{PoisonReportOutputFilePath}' for details.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (poisons.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ Log.LogWarning($"{poisons.Count()} marked files leaked to output. See complete report '{PoisonReportOutputFilePath}' for details.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"No leaked files found in output. Either something is broken or it is the future and we have fixed all leaks - please verify and remove this error if so (and default {nameof(FailOnPoisonFound)} to true).");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Internal helper to allow other tasks to check for poisoned files.
+ ///
+ /// Initial queue of candidate files (will be cleared when done)
+ /// File path to the file hash catalog
+ /// Marker file name to check for in poisoned nupkgs
+ /// List of poisoned packages and files found and reasons for each
+ internal IEnumerable GetPoisonedFiles(IEnumerable initialCandidates, string catalogedPackagesFilePath, string markerFileName)
+ {
+ IEnumerable catalogedPackages = ReadCatalog(catalogedPackagesFilePath);
+ var poisons = new List();
+ var candidateQueue = new Queue(initialCandidates);
+ // avoid collisions between nupkgs with the same name
+ var dirCounter = 0;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OverrideTempPath))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(OverrideTempPath);
+ }
+ var tempDirName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
+ var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OverrideTempPath ?? Path.GetTempPath(), tempDirName));
+ while (candidateQueue.Any())
+ {
+ var checking = candidateQueue.Dequeue();
+ // if this is a zip or NuPkg, extract it, check for the poison marker, and
+ // add its contents to the list to be checked.
+ if (ZipFileExtensions.Concat(TarFileExtensions).Concat(TarGzFileExtensions).Any(e => checking.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(e)))
+ {
+ var tempCheckingDir = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, Path.GetRandomFileName(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(checking) + "." + (++dirCounter).ToString());
+ PoisonedFileEntry result = ExtractAndCheckZipFileOnly(catalogedPackages, checking, markerFileName, tempCheckingDir, candidateQueue);
+ if (result != null)
+ {
+ poisons.Add(result);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PoisonedFileEntry result = CheckSingleFile(catalogedPackages, tempDir.FullName, checking);
+ if (result != null)
+ {
+ poisons.Add(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tempDir.Delete(true);
+ return poisons;
+ }
+ private static PoisonedFileEntry CheckSingleFile(IEnumerable catalogedPackages, string rootPath, string fileToCheck)
+ {
+ // skip some common files that get copied verbatim from nupkgs - LICENSE, _._, etc as well as
+ // file types that we never care about - text files, .gitconfig, etc.
+ if (FileNamesToSkip.Any(f => Path.GetFileName(fileToCheck).ToLowerInvariant() == f.ToLowerInvariant()) ||
+ FileExtensionsToSkip.Any(e => Path.GetExtension(fileToCheck).ToLowerInvariant() == e.ToLowerInvariant()))
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var poisonEntry = new PoisonedFileEntry();
+ poisonEntry.Path = Utility.MakeRelativePath(fileToCheck, rootPath);
+ // There seems to be some weird issues with using file streams both for hashing and assembly loading.
+ // Copy everything into a memory stream to avoid these problems.
+ var memStream = new MemoryStream();
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileToCheck))
+ {
+ stream.CopyTo(memStream);
+ }
+ memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Hash = sha.ComputeHash(memStream);
+ }
+ foreach (var p in catalogedPackages)
+ {
+ // This hash can match either the original hash (we couldn't poison the file, or redownloaded it) or
+ // the poisoned hash (the obvious failure case of a poisoned file leaked).
+ foreach (var matchingCatalogedFile in p.Files.Where(f => f.OriginalHash.SequenceEqual(poisonEntry.Hash) || (f.PoisonedHash?.SequenceEqual(poisonEntry.Hash) ?? false)))
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Type |= PoisonType.Hash;
+ var match = new PoisonMatch
+ {
+ File = matchingCatalogedFile.Path,
+ Package = p.Path,
+ PackageId = p.Id,
+ PackageVersion = p.Version,
+ };
+ poisonEntry.Matches.Add(match);
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ using (var asm = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(memStream))
+ {
+ foreach (var a in asm.CustomAttributes)
+ {
+ foreach (var ca in a.ConstructorArguments)
+ {
+ if (ca.Type.Name == asm.MainModule.TypeSystem.String.Name)
+ {
+ if (ca.Value.ToString().Contains(PoisonMarker))
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Type |= PoisonType.AssemblyAttribute;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ // this is fine, it's just not an assembly.
+ }
+ return poisonEntry.Type != PoisonType.None ? poisonEntry : null;
+ }
+ private static PoisonedFileEntry ExtractAndCheckZipFileOnly(IEnumerable catalogedPackages, string zipToCheck, string markerFileName, string tempDir, Queue futureFilesToCheck)
+ {
+ var poisonEntry = new PoisonedFileEntry();
+ poisonEntry.Path = zipToCheck;
+ using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(zipToCheck))
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Hash = sha.ComputeHash(stream);
+ }
+ // first check for a matching poisoned or non-poisoned hash match:
+ // - non-poisoned is a potential error where the package was redownloaded.
+ // - poisoned is a use of a local package we were not expecting.
+ foreach (var matchingCatalogedPackage in catalogedPackages.Where(c => c.OriginalHash.SequenceEqual(poisonEntry.Hash) || (c.PoisonedHash?.SequenceEqual(poisonEntry.Hash) ?? false)))
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Type |= PoisonType.Hash;
+ var match = new PoisonMatch
+ {
+ Package = matchingCatalogedPackage.Path,
+ PackageId = matchingCatalogedPackage.Id,
+ PackageVersion = matchingCatalogedPackage.Version,
+ };
+ poisonEntry.Matches.Add(match);
+ }
+ // now extract and look for the marker file
+ if (ZipFileExtensions.Any(e => zipToCheck.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(e)))
+ {
+ ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipToCheck, tempDir, true);
+ }
+ else if (TarFileExtensions.Any(e => zipToCheck.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(e)))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir);
+ var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("tar", $"xf {zipToCheck} -C {tempDir}");
+ Process.Start(psi).WaitForExit();
+ }
+ else if (TarGzFileExtensions.Any(e => zipToCheck.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(e)))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir);
+ var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("tar", $"xzf {zipToCheck} -C {tempDir}");
+ Process.Start(psi).WaitForExit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Don't know how to decompress {zipToCheck}");
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(markerFileName) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempDir, markerFileName)))
+ {
+ poisonEntry.Type |= PoisonType.NupkgFile;
+ }
+ foreach (var child in Directory.EnumerateFiles(tempDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
+ {
+ // also add anything in this zip/package for checking
+ futureFilesToCheck.Enqueue(child);
+ }
+ return poisonEntry.Type != PoisonType.None ? poisonEntry : null;
+ }
+ private static IEnumerable ReadCatalog(string hashCatalogFilePath)
+ {
+ // catalog is optional, we can also just check assembly properties or nupkg marker files
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hashCatalogFilePath))
+ {
+ return Enumerable.Empty();
+ }
+ var doc = new XmlDocument();
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(hashCatalogFilePath))
+ {
+ doc.Load(stream);
+ }
+ var packages = new List();
+ var catalog = doc.FirstChild;
+ foreach (XmlElement p in catalog.ChildNodes)
+ {
+ var package = new CatalogPackageEntry
+ {
+ Id = p.Attributes["Id"].Value,
+ Version = p.Attributes["Version"].Value,
+ OriginalHash = p.Attributes["OriginalHash"].Value.ToBytes(),
+ PoisonedHash = p.Attributes["PoisonedHash"]?.Value?.ToBytes(),
+ Path = p.Attributes["Path"].Value,
+ };
+ packages.Add(package);
+ foreach (XmlNode f in p.ChildNodes)
+ {
+ var fEntry = new CatalogFileEntry
+ {
+ OriginalHash = f.Attributes["OriginalHash"].Value.ToBytes(),
+ PoisonedHash = f.Attributes["PoisonedHash"]?.Value?.ToBytes(),
+ Path = f.Attributes["Path"].Value,
+ };
+ package.Files.Add(fEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ return packages;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/MarkAndCatalogPackages.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/MarkAndCatalogPackages.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ef1ed0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/MarkAndCatalogPackages.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using Mono.Cecil;
+using Mono.Collections.Generic;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ public class MarkAndCatalogPackages : Task
+ {
+ private const string CatalogElementName = "HashCatalog";
+ private const string PoisonMarker = "POISONED by DotNetSourceBuild - Should not ship";
+ private readonly Type[] AssemblyPropertiesToReplace = new Type[] {
+ typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute),
+ typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute),
+ typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute),
+ typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute)
+ };
+ ///
+ /// The name of the XML file to write the hash catalog out to,
+ /// for later checking build output against. This is optional -
+ /// if not used, assemblies will still be poisoned in their attributes.
+ ///
+ public string CatalogOutputFilePath { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The name of the marker file to drop in the nupkgs. This can vary
+ /// with the packages, so you can use ".prebuilt" for one set of packages
+ /// and ".source-built" for another if you would like to tell the difference
+ /// between two sets of poisoned packages.
+ ///
+ public string MarkerFileName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The packages to poison and/or catalog:
+ /// %(Identity): Path to the nupkg.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] PackagesToMark { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Use this directory instead of the system temp directory for staging.
+ /// Intended for Linux systems with limited /tmp space, like Azure VMs.
+ ///
+ public string OverrideTempPath { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ var tempDirName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OverrideTempPath))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(OverrideTempPath);
+ }
+ var tempDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OverrideTempPath ?? Path.GetTempPath(), tempDirName));
+ var packageEntries = new List();
+ using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
+ {
+ foreach (var p in PackagesToMark)
+ {
+ var packageEntry = new CatalogPackageEntry();
+ packageEntries.Add(packageEntry);
+ packageEntry.Path = p.ItemSpec;
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(p.ItemSpec))
+ {
+ packageEntry.OriginalHash = sha.ComputeHash(stream);
+ }
+ var packageIdentity = ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity(p.ItemSpec);
+ packageEntry.Id = packageIdentity.Id;
+ packageEntry.Version = packageIdentity.Version.OriginalVersion;
+ var packageTempPath = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, Path.GetFileName(p.ItemSpec));
+ ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(p.ItemSpec, packageTempPath, true);
+ foreach (string f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(packageTempPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
+ {
+ // remove signatures so we don't later fail validation
+ if (Path.GetFileName(f) == ".signature.p7s")
+ {
+ File.Delete(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var catalogFileEntry = new CatalogFileEntry();
+ packageEntry.Files.Add(catalogFileEntry);
+ catalogFileEntry.Path = Utility.MakeRelativePath(f, packageTempPath);
+ AssemblyDefinition asm = null;
+ // There seem to be some weird issues with using a file stream both for hashing and
+ // assembly loading, even closing it in between. Use a MemoryStream to avoid issues.
+ var memStream = new MemoryStream();
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(f))
+ {
+ stream.CopyTo(memStream);
+ }
+ // First get the original hash of the file
+ memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ catalogFileEntry.OriginalHash = sha.ComputeHash(memStream);
+ // Now try to read it as an assembly
+ memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ try
+ {
+ asm = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(memStream, new ReaderParameters(ReadingMode.Deferred));
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ // this is okay, it's not an assembly we can read
+ }
+ // if we read it, now poison and write it back out
+ if (asm != null)
+ {
+ Poison(asm);
+ try
+ {
+ // Cecil doesn't try to do some modifications until it writes out the file,
+ // and then throws after we've already truncated the file if it finds out it can't do them.
+ // Write to a memory stream first and then copy to the real stream if it suceeds. If it
+ // fails, we won't truncate the file and we will depend on hashes instead in that case.
+ using (var testMemStream = new MemoryStream())
+ {
+ asm.Write(testMemStream);
+ testMemStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ using (var stream = File.Open(f, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
+ {
+ testMemStream.CopyTo(stream);
+ }
+ }
+ // then get the hash of the now-poisoned file
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(f))
+ {
+ catalogFileEntry.PoisonedHash = sha.ComputeHash(stream);
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ // see above note in the try - this is okay.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MarkerFileName))
+ {
+ var markerFilePath = Path.Combine(packageTempPath, MarkerFileName);
+ if (File.Exists(markerFilePath))
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Marker file name '{MarkerFileName}' is not sufficiently unique! Exists in '{p.ItemSpec}'.", nameof(MarkerFileName));
+ }
+ // mostly we just need to write something unique to this so it's not hashed as a matching file when we check it later.
+ // but it's also convenient to have the package catalog handy.
+ File.WriteAllText(markerFilePath, packageEntry.ToXml().ToString());
+ }
+ // create a temp file for this so if something goes wrong in the process we're not in too weird of a state
+ var poisonedPackageName = Path.GetFileName(p.ItemSpec) + ".poisoned";
+ var poisonedPackagePath = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, poisonedPackageName);
+ ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(packageTempPath, poisonedPackagePath);
+ // Get the hash of the poisoned package (with poisoned marker file and poisoned assemblies inside)
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(poisonedPackagePath))
+ {
+ packageEntry.PoisonedHash = sha.ComputeHash(stream);
+ }
+ File.Delete(p.ItemSpec);
+ File.Move(poisonedPackagePath, p.ItemSpec);
+ }
+ }
+ // if we should write out the catalog, do that
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CatalogOutputFilePath))
+ {
+ var outputFileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(CatalogOutputFilePath);
+ if (!Directory.Exists(outputFileDir))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFileDir);
+ }
+ File.WriteAllText(CatalogOutputFilePath, (new XElement("HashCatalog",
+ packageEntries.Select(p => p.ToXml()))).ToString());
+ }
+ tempDir.Delete(true);
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private void Poison(AssemblyDefinition asm)
+ {
+ foreach (var attr in asm.CustomAttributes)
+ {
+ if (this.AssemblyPropertiesToReplace.Any(p => p.Name == attr.AttributeType.Name))
+ {
+ attr.ConstructorArguments.Clear();
+ attr.ConstructorArguments.Add(new CustomAttributeArgument(asm.MainModule.TypeSystem.String, "POISONED by DotNetSourceBuild - Should not ship"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection.csproj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab8eb402b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ netcoreapp5.0
+ true
+ $(LeakDetectionTasksBinDir)
+ 15.7.179
+ 15.7.179
+ Configuration=netstandard_Debug
+ Configuration=netstandard_Release
+ {D68133BD-1E63-496E-9EDE-4FBDBF77B486}
+ Mono.Cecil
+ Configuration=netstandard_Debug
+ Configuration=netstandard_Release
+ {D68133BD-1E63-496E-9EDE-4FBDBF77B486}
+ Mono.Cecil
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/NuGet.Config b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/NuGet.Config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14757d86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/NuGet.Config
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonMatch.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonMatch.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0191b3a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonMatch.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ internal class PoisonMatch
+ {
+ const string ElementName = "Match";
+ internal string Package { get; set; }
+ internal string File { get; set; }
+ internal string PackageId { get; set; }
+ internal string PackageVersion { get; set; }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(ElementName,
+ Package == null ? null : new XAttribute(nameof(Package), Package),
+ PackageId == null ? null : new XAttribute(nameof(PackageId), PackageId),
+ PackageVersion == null ? null : new XAttribute(nameof(PackageVersion), PackageVersion),
+ File == null ? null: new XAttribute(nameof(File), File)
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonType.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonType.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de5c35961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonType.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ [Flags]
+ internal enum PoisonType
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ Hash = 1,
+ AssemblyAttribute = 2,
+ NupkgFile = 4,
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonedFileEntry.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonedFileEntry.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d98fd8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/PoisonedFileEntry.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ internal class PoisonedFileEntry
+ {
+ const string ElementName = "File";
+ internal byte[] Hash { get; set; }
+ internal string Path { get; set; }
+ internal PoisonType Type { get; set; }
+ internal List Matches { get; }
+ internal PoisonedFileEntry()
+ {
+ this.Matches = new List();
+ }
+ public XElement ToXml() => this.ToXml(ElementName);
+ protected XElement ToXml(string myElementName) => new XElement(myElementName,
+ new XAttribute(nameof(Path), Path),
+ new XElement(nameof(Hash), Hash.ToHexString()),
+ new XElement(nameof(Type), Type.ToString()),
+ Matches.Select(m => m.ToXml())
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Utility.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Utility.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48df5d261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/Utility.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection
+ internal static class Utility
+ {
+ internal static string ToHexString(this byte[] bytes)
+ {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var b in bytes)
+ {
+ sb.Append(b.ToString("x2"));
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ internal static byte[] ToBytes(this string hex)
+ {
+ var bytes = new List();
+ for (var i = 0; i < hex.Length; i += 2)
+ {
+ bytes.Add(Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16));
+ }
+ return bytes.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal static string MakeRelativePath(string filePath, string relativeTo)
+ {
+ // Uri.MakeRelativeUri requires the last slash
+ if (!relativeTo.EndsWith("/") && !relativeTo.EndsWith("\\"))
+ {
+ relativeTo += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
+ }
+ var uri = new Uri(filePath);
+ var relativeToUri = new Uri(relativeTo);
+ return relativeToUri.MakeRelativeUri(uri).ToString();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/_._ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.LeakDetection/_._
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddRidToRuntimeJson.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddRidToRuntimeJson.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5842d0d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddRidToRuntimeJson.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class AddRidToRuntimeJson:Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// [OS name].[version]-[architecture]
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string Rid { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string RuntimeJson { get; set; }
+ private string runtimesIdentifier = "runtimes";
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ string[] ridParts = Rid.Split('-');
+ string osNameAndVersion = ridParts[0];
+ string[] osParts = osNameAndVersion.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2);
+ if (ridParts.Length < 1 || osParts.Length < 2)
+ {
+ throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"Unknown rid format {Rid}.");
+ }
+ // Acquire Rid parts:
+ // osName
+ // version
+ // arch
+ string arch = ridParts[1];
+ string osName = osParts[0];
+ string version = osParts[1];
+ JObject projectRoot = ReadProject(RuntimeJson);
+ if (projectRoot.SelectToken($"{runtimesIdentifier}.{osName}") == null)
+ {
+ AddRidToRuntimeGraph(projectRoot, osName, "linux");
+ AddRidToRuntimeGraph(projectRoot, $"{osName}-{arch}", osName, $"linux-{arch}");
+ }
+ if(projectRoot.SelectToken($"{runtimesIdentifier}.{osName}.{version}") == null)
+ {
+ AddRidToRuntimeGraph(projectRoot, $"{osName}.{version}", osName);
+ AddRidToRuntimeGraph(projectRoot, $"{osName}.{version}-{arch}", $"{osName}.{version}", $"{osName}-{arch}");
+ }
+ WriteProject(projectRoot, RuntimeJson);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void AddRidToRuntimeGraph(JObject projectRoot, string name, params string[] imports)
+ {
+ projectRoot[runtimesIdentifier][name] = new JObject(new JProperty("#import", new JArray(imports)));
+ }
+ private static JObject ReadProject(string projectJsonPath)
+ {
+ using (TextReader projectFileReader = File.OpenText(projectJsonPath))
+ {
+ var projectJsonReader = new JsonTextReader(projectFileReader);
+ var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
+ return serializer.Deserialize(projectJsonReader);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void WriteProject(JObject projectRoot, string projectJsonPath)
+ {
+ string projectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(projectRoot, Formatting.Indented) + Environment.NewLine;
+ if (!File.Exists(projectJsonPath) || !projectJson.Equals(File.ReadAllText(projectJsonPath)))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectJsonPath));
+ File.WriteAllText(projectJsonPath, projectJson);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddSourceToNuGetConfig.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddSourceToNuGetConfig.cs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a00a8a550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AddSourceToNuGetConfig.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ /*
+ * This task adds a source to a well-formed NuGet.Config file. If a source with `SourceName` is already present, then
+ * the path of the source is changed. Otherwise, the source is added as the first source in the list, after any clear
+ * elements (if present).
+ */
+ public class AddSourceToNuGetConfig : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string NuGetConfigFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceName { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string SourcePath { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ XDocument d = XDocument.Load(NuGetConfigFile);
+ XElement packageSourcesElement = d.Root.Descendants().First(e => e.Name == "packageSources");
+ XElement toAdd = new XElement("add", new XAttribute("key", SourceName), new XAttribute("value", SourcePath));
+ XElement clearTag = new XElement("clear");
+ XElement exisitingSourceBuildElement = packageSourcesElement.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "add" && e.Attribute(XName.Get("key")).Value == SourceName);
+ XElement lastClearElement = packageSourcesElement.Descendants().LastOrDefault(e => e.Name == "clear");
+ if (exisitingSourceBuildElement != null)
+ {
+ exisitingSourceBuildElement.ReplaceWith(toAdd);
+ }
+ else if (lastClearElement != null)
+ {
+ lastClearElement.AddAfterSelf(toAdd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ packageSourcesElement.AddFirst(toAdd);
+ packageSourcesElement.AddFirst(clearTag);
+ }
+ using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(NuGetConfigFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
+ {
+ d.Save(fs);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureConnectionStringBuildTask.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureConnectionStringBuildTask.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b717d3450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureConnectionStringBuildTask.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public abstract class AzureConnectionStringBuildTask : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Azure Storage account connection string. Supersedes Account Key / Name.
+ /// Will cause errors if both are set.
+ ///
+ public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The Azure account key used when creating the connection string.
+ /// When we fully deprecate these, can just make them get; only.
+ ///
+ public string AccountKey { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The Azure account name used when creating the connection string.
+ /// When we fully deprecate these, can just make them get; only.
+ ///
+ public string AccountName { get; set; }
+ public void ParseConnectionString()
+ {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionString))
+ {
+ if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountKey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountName)))
+ {
+ Log.LogError("If the ConnectionString property is set, you must not provide AccountKey / AccountName. These values will be deprecated in the future.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Regex storageConnectionStringRegex = new Regex("AccountName=(?.+?);AccountKey=(?.+?);");
+ MatchCollection matches = storageConnectionStringRegex.Matches(ConnectionString);
+ if (matches.Count > 0)
+ {
+ // When we deprecate this format, we'll want to demote these to private
+ AccountName = matches[0].Groups["name"].Value;
+ AccountKey = matches[0].Groups["key"].Value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogError("Error parsing connection string. Please review its value.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountName))
+ {
+ Log.LogError("Error, must provide either ConnectionString or AccountName with AccountKey");
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureHelper.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureHelper.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac08cfb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/AzureHelper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Net.Http.Headers;
+using System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public static class AzureHelper
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The storage api version.
+ ///
+ public static readonly string StorageApiVersion = "2015-04-05";
+ public const string DateHeaderString = "x-ms-date";
+ public const string VersionHeaderString = "x-ms-version";
+ public const string AuthorizationHeaderString = "Authorization";
+ public const string CacheControlString = "x-ms-blob-cache-control";
+ public const string ContentTypeString = "x-ms-blob-content-type";
+ public enum SasAccessType
+ {
+ Read,
+ Write,
+ };
+ public static string AuthorizationHeader(
+ string storageAccount,
+ string storageKey,
+ string method,
+ DateTime now,
+ HttpRequestMessage request,
+ string ifMatch = "",
+ string contentMD5 = "",
+ string size = "",
+ string contentType = "")
+ {
+ string stringToSign = string.Format(
+ "{0}\n\n\n{1}\n{5}\n{6}\n\n\n{2}\n\n\n\n{3}{4}",
+ method,
+ (size == string.Empty) ? string.Empty : size,
+ ifMatch,
+ GetCanonicalizedHeaders(request),
+ GetCanonicalizedResource(request.RequestUri, storageAccount),
+ contentMD5,
+ contentType);
+ byte[] signatureBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign);
+ string authorizationHeader;
+ using (HMACSHA256 hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(storageKey)))
+ {
+ authorizationHeader = "SharedKey " + storageAccount + ":"
+ + Convert.ToBase64String(hmacsha256.ComputeHash(signatureBytes));
+ }
+ return authorizationHeader;
+ }
+ public static string CreateContainerSasToken(
+ string accountName,
+ string containerName,
+ string key,
+ SasAccessType accessType,
+ int validityTimeInDays)
+ {
+ string signedPermissions = string.Empty;
+ switch (accessType)
+ {
+ case SasAccessType.Read:
+ signedPermissions = "r";
+ break;
+ case SasAccessType.Write:
+ signedPermissions = "wdl";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(accessType), accessType, "Unrecognized value");
+ }
+ string signedStart = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O");
+ string signedExpiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(validityTimeInDays).ToString("O");
+ string canonicalizedResource = "/blob/" + accountName + "/" + containerName;
+ string signedIdentifier = string.Empty;
+ string signedVersion = StorageApiVersion;
+ string stringToSign = ConstructServiceStringToSign(
+ signedPermissions,
+ signedVersion,
+ signedExpiry,
+ canonicalizedResource,
+ signedIdentifier,
+ signedStart);
+ byte[] signatureBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign);
+ string signature;
+ using (HMACSHA256 hmacSha256 = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(key)))
+ {
+ signature = Convert.ToBase64String(hmacSha256.ComputeHash(signatureBytes));
+ }
+ string sasToken = string.Format(
+ "?sv={0}&sr={1}&sig={2}&st={3}&se={4}&sp={5}",
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(signedVersion),
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode("c"),
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(signature),
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(signedStart),
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(signedExpiry),
+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(signedPermissions));
+ return sasToken;
+ }
+ public static string GetCanonicalizedHeaders(HttpRequestMessage request)
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ List headerNameList = (from headerName in request.Headers
+ where
+ headerName.Key.ToLowerInvariant()
+ .StartsWith("x-ms-", StringComparison.Ordinal)
+ select headerName.Key.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
+ headerNameList.Sort();
+ foreach (string headerName in headerNameList)
+ {
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(headerName);
+ string separator = ":";
+ foreach (string headerValue in GetHeaderValues(request.Headers, headerName))
+ {
+ string trimmedValue = headerValue.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);
+ builder.Append(separator);
+ builder.Append(trimmedValue);
+ separator = ",";
+ }
+ sb.Append(builder);
+ sb.Append("\n");
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ public static string GetCanonicalizedResource(Uri address, string accountName)
+ {
+ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("/");
+ builder.Append(accountName);
+ builder.Append(address.AbsolutePath);
+ str.Append(builder);
+ Dictionary> queryKeyValues = ExtractQueryKeyValues(address);
+ Dictionary> dictionary = GetCommaSeparatedList(queryKeyValues);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair> pair in dictionary.OrderBy(p => p.Key))
+ {
+ StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
+ stringBuilder.Append(pair.Key + ":");
+ string commaList = string.Join(",", pair.Value);
+ stringBuilder.Append(commaList);
+ str.Append("\n");
+ str.Append(stringBuilder);
+ }
+ return str.ToString();
+ }
+ public static List GetHeaderValues(HttpRequestHeaders headers, string headerName)
+ {
+ List list = new List();
+ IEnumerable values;
+ headers.TryGetValues(headerName, out values);
+ if (values != null)
+ {
+ list.Add((values.FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty).TrimStart(null));
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ private static bool IsWithinRetryRange(HttpStatusCode statusCode)
+ {
+ // Retry on http client and server error codes (4xx - 5xx) as well as redirect
+ var rawStatus = (int)statusCode;
+ if (rawStatus == 302)
+ return true;
+ else if (rawStatus >= 400 && rawStatus <= 599)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static async Task RequestWithRetry(TaskLoggingHelper loggingHelper, HttpClient client,
+ Func createRequest, Func validationCallback = null, int retryCount = 5,
+ int retryDelaySeconds = 5)
+ {
+ if (loggingHelper == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggingHelper));
+ if (client == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));
+ if (createRequest == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(createRequest));
+ if (retryCount < 1)
+ throw new ArgumentException(nameof(retryCount));
+ if (retryDelaySeconds < 1)
+ throw new ArgumentException(nameof(retryDelaySeconds));
+ int retries = 0;
+ HttpResponseMessage response = null;
+ // add a bit of randomness to the retry delay
+ var rng = new Random();
+ while (retries < retryCount)
+ {
+ if (retries > 0)
+ {
+ if (response != null)
+ {
+ response.Dispose();
+ response = null;
+ }
+ int delay = retryDelaySeconds * retries * rng.Next(1, 5);
+ loggingHelper.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Waiting {0} seconds before retry", delay);
+ await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(delay * 1000);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ using (var request = createRequest())
+ response = await client.SendAsync(request);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ loggingHelper.LogWarningFromException(e, true);
+ // if this is the final iteration let the exception bubble up
+ if (retries + 1 == retryCount)
+ throw;
+ }
+ // response can be null if we fail to send the request
+ if (response != null)
+ {
+ if (validationCallback == null)
+ {
+ // check if the response code is within the range of failures
+ if (!IsWithinRetryRange(response.StatusCode))
+ {
+ return response;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool isSuccess = validationCallback(response);
+ if (!isSuccess)
+ {
+ loggingHelper.LogMessage("Validation callback returned retry for status code {0}", response.StatusCode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loggingHelper.LogMessage("Validation callback returned success for status code {0}", response.StatusCode);
+ return response;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++retries;
+ }
+ // retry count exceeded
+ loggingHelper.LogWarning("Retry count {0} exceeded", retryCount);
+ // set some default values in case response is null
+ var statusCode = "None";
+ var contentStr = "Null";
+ if (response != null)
+ {
+ statusCode = response.StatusCode.ToString();
+ contentStr = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ response.Dispose();
+ }
+ throw new HttpRequestException($"Request {createRequest().RequestUri} failed with status {statusCode}. Response : {contentStr}");
+ }
+ private static string ConstructServiceStringToSign(
+ string signedPermissions,
+ string signedVersion,
+ string signedExpiry,
+ string canonicalizedResource,
+ string signedIdentifier,
+ string signedStart,
+ string signedIP = "",
+ string signedProtocol = "",
+ string rscc = "",
+ string rscd = "",
+ string rsce = "",
+ string rscl = "",
+ string rsct = "")
+ {
+ // constructing string to sign based on spec in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx
+ var stringToSign = string.Join(
+ "\n",
+ signedPermissions,
+ signedStart,
+ signedExpiry,
+ canonicalizedResource,
+ signedIdentifier,
+ signedIP,
+ signedProtocol,
+ signedVersion,
+ rscc,
+ rscd,
+ rsce,
+ rscl,
+ rsct);
+ return stringToSign;
+ }
+ private static Dictionary> ExtractQueryKeyValues(Uri address)
+ {
+ Dictionary> values = new Dictionary>();
+ //Decode this to allow the regex to pull out the correct groups for signing
+ address = new Uri(WebUtility.UrlDecode(address.ToString()));
+ Regex newreg = new Regex(@"(?:\?|&)([^=]+)=([^&]+)");
+ MatchCollection matches = newreg.Matches(address.Query);
+ foreach (Match match in matches)
+ {
+ string key, value;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1].Value))
+ {
+ key = match.Groups[1].Value;
+ value = match.Groups[2].Value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ key = match.Groups[3].Value;
+ value = match.Groups[4].Value;
+ }
+ HashSet setOfValues;
+ if (values.TryGetValue(key, out setOfValues))
+ {
+ setOfValues.Add(value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HashSet newSet = new HashSet { value };
+ values.Add(key, newSet);
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ private static Dictionary> GetCommaSeparatedList(
+ Dictionary> queryKeyValues)
+ {
+ Dictionary> dictionary = new Dictionary>();
+ foreach (string queryKeys in queryKeyValues.Keys)
+ {
+ HashSet setOfValues;
+ queryKeyValues.TryGetValue(queryKeys, out setOfValues);
+ List list = new List();
+ list.AddRange(setOfValues);
+ list.Sort();
+ string commaSeparatedValues = string.Join(",", list);
+ string key = queryKeys.ToLowerInvariant();
+ HashSet setOfValues2;
+ if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out setOfValues2))
+ {
+ setOfValues2.Add(commaSeparatedValues);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HashSet newSet = new HashSet { commaSeparatedValues };
+ dictionary.Add(key, newSet);
+ }
+ }
+ return dictionary;
+ }
+ public static Func RequestMessage(string method, string url, string accountName, string accountKey, List> additionalHeaders = null, string body = null)
+ {
+ Func requestFunc = () =>
+ {
+ HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.Get;
+ if (method == "PUT")
+ {
+ httpMethod = HttpMethod.Put;
+ }
+ else if (method == "DELETE")
+ {
+ httpMethod = HttpMethod.Delete;
+ }
+ DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ var request = new HttpRequestMessage(httpMethod, url);
+ request.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.DateHeaderString, dateTime.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ request.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.VersionHeaderString, AzureHelper.StorageApiVersion);
+ if (additionalHeaders != null)
+ {
+ foreach (Tuple additionalHeader in additionalHeaders)
+ {
+ request.Headers.Add(additionalHeader.Item1, additionalHeader.Item2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (body != null)
+ {
+ request.Content = new StringContent(body);
+ request.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeaderString, AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeader(
+ accountName,
+ accountKey,
+ method,
+ dateTime,
+ request,
+ "",
+ "",
+ request.Content.Headers.ContentLength.ToString(),
+ request.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ request.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeaderString, AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeader(
+ accountName,
+ accountKey,
+ method,
+ dateTime,
+ request));
+ }
+ return request;
+ };
+ return requestFunc;
+ }
+ public static string GetRootRestUrl(string accountName)
+ {
+ return $"https://{accountName}.blob.core.windows.net";
+ }
+ public static string GetContainerRestUrl(string accountName, string containerName)
+ {
+ return $"{GetRootRestUrl(accountName)}/{containerName}";
+ }
+ public static string GetBlobRestUrl(string accountName, string containerName, string blob)
+ {
+ return $"{GetContainerRestUrl(accountName, containerName)}/{blob}";
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/BuildTask.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/BuildTask.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4fd687e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/BuildTask.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public abstract partial class BuildTask : ITask
+ {
+ private TaskLoggingHelper _log = null;
+ internal TaskLoggingHelper Log
+ {
+ get { return _log ?? (_log = new TaskLoggingHelper(this)); }
+ }
+ public BuildTask()
+ {
+ }
+ public IBuildEngine BuildEngine
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public ITaskHost HostObject
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public abstract bool Execute();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/DownloadFileSB.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/DownloadFileSB.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..680327baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/DownloadFileSB.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// This task is sourced from https://github.com/microsoft/msbuild/blob/04e508c36f9c1fe826264aef7c26ffb8f16e9bdc/src/Tasks/DownloadFile.cs
+// Contains further modifications in followup commits.
+// It alleviates the problem of time outs on DownloadFile Task. We are not the version of msbuild that has this fix, hence we have to locally
+// build it to get rid of the issue.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
+namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// Represents a task that can download a file.
+ ///
+ public sealed class DownloadFileSB : BuildTask, ICancelableTask
+ {
+ private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets an optional filename for the destination file. By default, the filename is derived from the if possible.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem DestinationFileName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a that specifies the destination folder to download the file to.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem DestinationFolder { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a that contains details about the downloaded file.
+ ///
+ [Output]
+ public ITaskItem DownloadedFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets an optional number of times to retry if possible.
+ ///
+ public int Retries { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait before retrying.
+ ///
+ public int RetryDelayMilliseconds { get; set; } = 5 * 1000;
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets an optional value indicating whether or not the download should be skipped if the file is up-to-date.
+ ///
+ public bool SkipUnchangedFiles { get; set; } = true;
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets the URL to download.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceUrl { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets the timeout for a successful download. If exceeded, the download continues
+ /// for another two timeout durations before failing. This makes it sometimes possible to
+ /// determine whether the timeout is just a little too short, or if the download would never
+ /// have finished.
+ ///
+ public string TimeoutSeconds { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a to use. This is used by unit tests to mock a connection to a remote server.
+ ///
+ internal HttpMessageHandler HttpMessageHandler { get; set; }
+ ///
+ public void Cancel()
+ {
+ _cancellationTokenSource.Cancel();
+ }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ return ExecuteAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
+ }
+ private async Task ExecuteAsync()
+ {
+ if (!Uri.TryCreate(SourceUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"DownloadFileSB.ErrorInvalidUrl {SourceUrl}");
+ return false;
+ }
+ int retryAttemptCount = 0;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;
+ var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ // Use the same API for the "success timeout" and the "would it ever succeed" timeout.
+ var timeout = TimeSpan.Zero;
+ var successCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ if (double.TryParse(TimeoutSeconds, out double timeoutSeconds))
+ {
+ timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutSeconds);
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"DownloadFileSB timeout set to {timeout}");
+ successCancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter(timeout);
+ _cancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter((int)(timeout.TotalMilliseconds * 3));
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ await DownloadAsync(uri, cancellationToken);
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException e) when (e.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
+ {
+ // This task is being cancelled. Exit the loop.
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ bool canRetry = IsRetriable(e, out Exception actualException) && retryAttemptCount++ < Retries;
+ if (canRetry)
+ {
+ Log.LogWarning($"DownloadFileSB.Retrying {SourceUrl} {retryAttemptCount + 1} {RetryDelayMilliseconds} {actualException}");
+ try
+ {
+ await Task.Delay(RetryDelayMilliseconds, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException delayException) when (delayException.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
+ {
+ // This task is being cancelled, exit the loop
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"DownloadFileSB.ErrorDownloading {SourceUrl} {actualException}");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var finishTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ if (successCancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
+ {
+ string error = $"{TimeoutSeconds} second timeout exceeded";
+ if (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
+ {
+ error +=
+ $", but download completed after {finishTime - startTime}. " +
+ $"Try increasing timeout from {TimeoutSeconds} if this is acceptable.";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error +=
+ $", and didn't complete within leeway after {finishTime - startTime}. " +
+ $"The download was likely never going to terminate. Investigate logs and " +
+ $"add additional logging if necessary.";
+ }
+ Log.LogError(error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"DownloadFileSB.Downloading Complete! Elapsed: {finishTime - startTime}");
+ }
+ return !_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested && !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Attempts to download the file.
+ ///
+ /// The parsed of the request.
+ private async Task DownloadAsync(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ // The main reason to use HttpClient vs WebClient is because we can pass a message handler for unit tests to mock
+ using (var client = new HttpClient(HttpMessageHandler ?? new HttpClientHandler(), disposeHandler: true))
+ {
+ // Only get the response without downloading the file so we can determine if the file is already up-to-date
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();
+ }
+ catch (HttpRequestException e)
+ {
+ // HttpRequestException does not have the status code so its wrapped and thrown here so that later on we can determine
+ // if a retry is possible based on the status code
+ throw new CustomHttpRequestException(e.Message, e.InnerException, response.StatusCode);
+ }
+ if (!TryGetFileName(response, out string filename))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"DownloadFileSB.ErrorUnknownFileName {SourceUrl} {nameof(DestinationFileName)}");
+ return;
+ }
+ DirectoryInfo destinationDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(DestinationFolder.ItemSpec);
+ var destinationFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(destinationDirectory.FullName, filename));
+ // The file is considered up-to-date if its the same length. This could be inaccurate, we can consider alternatives in the future
+ if (ShouldSkip(response, destinationFile))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, $"DownloadFileSB.DidNotDownloadBecauseOfFileMatch {SourceUrl}", destinationFile.FullName, nameof(SkipUnchangedFiles), "true");
+ DownloadedFile = new TaskItem(destinationFile.FullName);
+ return;
+ }
+ var progressMonitorCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ CancellationToken progressMonitorToken = progressMonitorCancellationTokenSource.Token;
+ try
+ {
+ cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
+ var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ var progressMonitor = Task.Run(
+ async () =>
+ {
+ while (!progressMonitorToken.IsCancellationRequested)
+ {
+ destinationFile.Refresh();
+ if (destinationFile.Exists)
+ {
+ long current = destinationFile.Length;
+ long total = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength ?? 1;
+ var elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - startTime;
+ double kbytesPerSecond = current / elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1000.0;
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"Progress... {elapsed}, " +
+ $"current file size {current / (double)total:00.0%} " +
+ $"({destinationFile.Length:#,0} / {total:#,0}) " +
+ $"~ {kbytesPerSecond:#,0.00} kB/s");
+ }
+ await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), progressMonitorToken);
+ }
+ },
+ progressMonitorToken)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ using (var target = new FileStream(destinationFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"DownloadFileSB.Downloading {SourceUrl} to " +
+ $"{destinationFile.FullName}");
+ Log.LogMessage( MessageImportance.Low, $"All response headers:\n{response.Headers}");
+ Log.LogMessage( MessageImportance.Low, $"All content headers:\n{response.Content.Headers}");
+ using (Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
+ {
+ await responseStream.CopyToAsync(target, 1024, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"DownloadFileSB.StreamCopyComplete {SourceUrl}");
+ DownloadedFile = new TaskItem(destinationFile.FullName);
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (DownloadedFile == null)
+ {
+ // Delete the file if anything goes wrong during download. This could be destructive but we don't want to leave
+ // partially downloaded files on disk either. Alternatively we could download to a temporary location and copy
+ // on success but we are concerned about the added I/O
+ destinationFile.Delete();
+ }
+ progressMonitorCancellationTokenSource.Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Determines if the specified exception is considered retriable.
+ ///
+ /// The originally thrown exception.
+ /// The actual exception to be used for logging errors.
+ /// true
if the exception is retriable, otherwise false
+ private static bool IsRetriable(Exception exception, out Exception actualException)
+ {
+ actualException = exception;
+ // Get aggregate inner exception
+ if (actualException is AggregateException aggregateException && aggregateException.InnerException != null)
+ {
+ actualException = aggregateException.InnerException;
+ }
+ // Some HttpRequestException have an inner exception that has the real error
+ if (actualException is HttpRequestException httpRequestException && httpRequestException.InnerException != null)
+ {
+ actualException = httpRequestException.InnerException;
+ // An IOException inside of a HttpRequestException means that something went wrong while downloading
+ if (actualException is IOException)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (actualException is CustomHttpRequestException customHttpRequestException)
+ {
+ // A wrapped CustomHttpRequestException has the status code from the error
+ switch (customHttpRequestException.StatusCode)
+ {
+ case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
+ case HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (actualException is WebException webException)
+ {
+ // WebException is thrown when accessing the Content of the response
+ switch (webException.Status)
+ {
+ // Don't retry on anything that cannot be compensated for
+ case WebExceptionStatus.TrustFailure:
+ case WebExceptionStatus.MessageLengthLimitExceeded:
+ case WebExceptionStatus.RequestProhibitedByCachePolicy:
+ case WebExceptionStatus.RequestProhibitedByProxy:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ // Retry on all other WebExceptions
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Attempts to get the file name to use when downloading the file.
+ ///
+ /// The with information about the response.
+ /// Receives the name of the file.
+ /// true
if a file name could be determined, otherwise false
+ private bool TryGetFileName(HttpResponseMessage response, out string filename)
+ {
+ if (response == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(response));
+ }
+ // Not all URIs contain a file name so users will have to specify one
+ // Example: http://www.download.com/file/1/
+ filename = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DestinationFileName?.ItemSpec)
+ ? DestinationFileName.ItemSpec // Get the file name from what the user specified
+ : response.Content?.Headers?.ContentDisposition?.FileName // Attempt to get the file name from the content-disposition header value
+ ?? Path.GetFileName(response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.LocalPath); // Otherwise attempt to get a file name from the URI
+ return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents a wrapper around the that also contains the .
+ ///
+ private sealed class CustomHttpRequestException : HttpRequestException
+ {
+ public CustomHttpRequestException(string message, Exception inner, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
+ : base(message, inner)
+ {
+ StatusCode = statusCode;
+ }
+ public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; }
+ }
+ private bool ShouldSkip(HttpResponseMessage response, FileInfo destinationFile)
+ {
+ return SkipUnchangedFiles
+ && destinationFile.Exists
+ && destinationFile.Length == response.Content.Headers.ContentLength
+ && response.Content.Headers.LastModified.HasValue
+ && destinationFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > response.Content.Headers.LastModified.Value.UtcDateTime;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/EnumerableExtensions.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/EnumerableExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74102cff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/EnumerableExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ internal static class EnumerableExtensions
+ {
+ public static IEnumerable NullAsEmpty(this IEnumerable source)
+ {
+ return source ?? Enumerable.Empty();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/FixPathSeparator.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/FixPathSeparator.cs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..263db19cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/FixPathSeparator.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ /*
+ * This task replaces both types of path separators ('/' and '\') with the separator for the current
+ * platform. This workaround a NuGet issue where `nuget pack` does not translate path separators causing
+ * packages that don't appear to have the right assets in them.
+ */
+ public class FixPathSeparator : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] NuSpecFiles { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ foreach (ITaskItem item in NuSpecFiles)
+ {
+ string pathToNuSpec = item.GetMetadata("FullPath");
+ XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(pathToNuSpec);
+ XElement contentFilesElement = doc.ElementIgnoringNamespace("package").ElementIgnoringNamespace("metadata").ElementIgnoringNamespace("contentFiles");
+ XElement filesElement = doc.ElementIgnoringNamespace("package").ElementIgnoringNamespace("files");
+ if (contentFilesElement != null)
+ {
+ foreach (XElement element in contentFilesElement.ElementsIgnroingNamespace("files"))
+ {
+ UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(element, "include");
+ UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(element, "exclude");
+ }
+ }
+ if (filesElement != null)
+ {
+ foreach (XElement element in filesElement.ElementsIgnroingNamespace("file"))
+ {
+ UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(element, "src");
+ UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(element, "target");
+ UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(element, "exclude");
+ }
+ }
+ using (FileStream fs = File.Open(pathToNuSpec, FileMode.Truncate))
+ {
+ doc.Save(fs);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private static void UpdateDirectorySeperatorInAttribute(XElement element, XName name)
+ {
+ XAttribute attribute = element.Attribute(name);
+ if (attribute != null)
+ {
+ element.SetAttributeValue(name, attribute.Value.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static class XContainerExtensions
+ {
+ public static IEnumerable ElementsIgnroingNamespace(this XContainer container, XName elementName)
+ {
+ return container.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == elementName.LocalName);
+ }
+ public static XElement ElementIgnoringNamespace(this XContainer container, XName elementName)
+ {
+ return container.ElementsIgnroingNamespace(elementName).FirstOrDefault();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/GetSourceBuiltNupkgCacheConflicts.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/GetSourceBuiltNupkgCacheConflicts.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7eb24ae1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/GetSourceBuiltNupkgCacheConflicts.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// For each source-built nupkg info given, ensure that if the package cache contains a package
+ /// with the same id and version, the cached nupkg is the same as the source-built one.
+ ///
+ /// If the package cache contains a package with the same package id and version as a
+ /// source-built one, nuget restore short-circuits and doesn't look for the source-built one.
+ /// This usually results in prebuilt packages being used, which can either break the build or
+ /// end up in the outputs.
+ ///
+ public class GetSourceBuiltNupkgCacheConflicts : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Items containing package id and version of each source-built package.
+ /// ReadNuGetPackageInfos is recommended to generate these.
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): Path to the original nupkg.
+ /// %(PackageId): Identity of the package.
+ /// %(PackageVersion): Version of the package.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] SourceBuiltPackageInfos { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Package cache dir containing nupkgs to compare. Path is expected to be like:
+ ///
+ /// {PackageCacheDir}/{lowercase id}/{version}/{lowercase id}.{version}.nupkg
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string PackageCacheDir { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Paths to packages to compare against when conflicts are detected. Knowing where the
+ /// package in the cache came from can help diagnose a conflict. For example, is it from
+ /// prebuilt/source-built? Or does the build not have the nupkg anywhere else, and
+ /// therefore it most likely came from the internet?
+ ///
+ public string[] KnownOriginPackagePaths { get; set; }
+ [Output]
+ public ITaskItem[] ConflictingPackageInfos { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
+ var knownNupkgs = new Lazy>(() =>
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"Reading all {nameof(KnownOriginPackagePaths)} package identities to search " +
+ "for conflicting package origin...");
+ return KnownOriginPackagePaths.NullAsEmpty().ToLookup(
+ ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity,
+ path => path);
+ });
+ ConflictingPackageInfos = SourceBuiltPackageInfos
+ .Where(item =>
+ {
+ string sourceBuiltPath = item.ItemSpec;
+ string id = item.GetMetadata("PackageId");
+ string version = item.GetMetadata("PackageVersion");
+ string packageCachePath = Path.Combine(
+ PackageCacheDir,
+ id.ToLowerInvariant(),
+ version,
+ $"{id.ToLowerInvariant()}.{version}.nupkg");
+ if (!File.Exists(packageCachePath))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"OK: Package not found in package cache: {id} {version}");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"Package id/version found in package cache, verifying: {id} {version}");
+ byte[] packageCacheBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(packageCachePath);
+ if (packageCacheBytes.SequenceEqual(File.ReadAllBytes(sourceBuiltPath)))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"OK: Package in cache is identical to source-built: {id} {version}");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ "BAD: Source-built nupkg is not byte-for-byte identical " +
+ $"to nupkg in cache: {id} {version}");
+ var ident = new PackageIdentity(id, NuGetVersion.Parse(version));
+ string message = null;
+ foreach (string knownNupkg in knownNupkgs.Value[ident])
+ {
+ if (packageCacheBytes.SequenceEqual(File.ReadAllBytes(knownNupkg)))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"Found identity match with identical contents: {knownNupkg}");
+ message = (message ?? "Nupkg found at") + $" '{knownNupkg}'";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"Package identity match, but contents differ: {knownNupkg}");
+ }
+ }
+ item.SetMetadata(
+ "WarningMessage",
+ message ??
+ "Origin nupkg not found in build directory. It may have been " +
+ "downloaded by NuGet restore.");
+ return true;
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ // Tell the user about this task, in case it takes a while.
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ "Checked cache for conflicts with source-built nupkgs. " +
+ $"Took {DateTime.Now - startTime}");
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Log.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Log.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83d587c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Log.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging
+ internal class Log : ILog
+ {
+ private readonly TaskLoggingHelper _logger;
+ public Log(TaskLoggingHelper logger)
+ {
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ public void LogError(string message, params object[] messageArgs)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(message, messageArgs);
+ }
+ public void LogMessage(string message, params object[] messageArgs)
+ {
+ _logger.LogMessage(message, messageArgs);
+ }
+ public void LogMessage(LogImportance importance, string message, params object[] messageArgs)
+ {
+ _logger.LogMessage((MessageImportance)importance, message, messageArgs);
+ }
+ public void LogWarning(string message, params object[] messageArgs)
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning(message, messageArgs);
+ }
+ public bool HasLoggedErrors { get { return _logger.HasLoggedErrors; } }
+ }
+ public enum LogImportance
+ {
+ Low = MessageImportance.Low,
+ Normal = MessageImportance.Normal,
+ High = MessageImportance.High
+ }
+ public interface ILog
+ {
+ //
+ // Summary:
+ // Logs an error with the specified message.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // message:
+ // The message.
+ //
+ // messageArgs:
+ // Optional arguments for formatting the message string.
+ //
+ // Exceptions:
+ // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
+ // message is null.
+ void LogError(string message, params object[] messageArgs);
+ //
+ // Summary:
+ // Logs a message with the specified string.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // message:
+ // The message.
+ //
+ // messageArgs:
+ // The arguments for formatting the message.
+ //
+ // Exceptions:
+ // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
+ // message is null.
+ void LogMessage(string message, params object[] messageArgs);
+ //
+ // Summary:
+ // Logs a message with the specified string and importance.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // importance:
+ // One of the enumeration values that specifies the importance of the message.
+ //
+ // message:
+ // The message.
+ //
+ // messageArgs:
+ // The arguments for formatting the message.
+ //
+ // Exceptions:
+ // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
+ // message is null.
+ void LogMessage(LogImportance importance, string message, params object[] messageArgs);
+ //
+ // Summary:
+ // Logs a warning with the specified message.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // message:
+ // The message.
+ //
+ // messageArgs:
+ // Optional arguments for formatting the message string.
+ //
+ // Exceptions:
+ // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
+ // message is null.
+ void LogWarning(string message, params object[] messageArgs);
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat.csproj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat.csproj
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..08d19f382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ netcoreapp5.0
+ $(XPlatTasksBinDir)
+ 15.7.179
+ 15.7.179
+ 15.7.179
+ 15.7.179
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Models/VersionDetailsXml.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Models/VersionDetailsXml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89e78085e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/Models/VersionDetailsXml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Xml.Serialization;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.Models
+ [XmlRoot("Dependencies")]
+ public class VersionDetails
+ {
+ [XmlArray("ToolsetDependencies")]
+ public Dependency[] ToolsetDependencies { get; set; }
+ [XmlArray("ProductDependencies")]
+ public Dependency[] ProductDependencies { get; set; }
+ }
+ public class Dependency
+ {
+ [XmlAttribute]
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ [XmlAttribute]
+ public string Version { get; set; }
+ [XmlAttribute]
+ public string CoherentParentDependency { get; set; }
+ [XmlAttribute]
+ public bool Pinned { get; set; }
+ // Uri type isn't serializable, so use a string instead
+ public string Uri { get; set; }
+ public string Sha { get; set; }
+ [XmlElement("RepoName")]
+ public string[] RepoNames { get; set; }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return $"{Name}@{Version} ({Uri}@{Sha})";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuGetPack.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuGetPack.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d463f53e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuGetPack.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using NuGet;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using NuGet.Common;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging
+ public class NuGetPack : PackagingTask
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Target file paths to exclude when building the lib package for symbol server scenario
+ /// Copied from https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/59433c7bacaae435a2cfe343cd441ea710579304/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.Commands/PackCommandRunner.cs#L48
+ ///
+ private static readonly string[] _libPackageExcludes = new[] {
+ @"**\*.pdb".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar),
+ @"src\**\*".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Target file paths to exclude when building the symbols package for symbol server scenario
+ ///
+ private static readonly string[] _symbolPackageExcludes = new[] {
+ @"content\**\*".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar),
+ @"tools\**\*.ps1".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
+ };
+ private static readonly string _defaultPackedPackagePrefix = "transport";
+ private static readonly string _symbolsPackageExtension = ".symbols.nupkg";
+ private static readonly string _packageExtension = ".nupkg";
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] Nuspecs
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputDirectory
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public string BaseDirectory
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public string PackageVersion
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public bool ExcludeEmptyDirectories
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ // Create an additional ".symbols.nupkg" package
+ public bool CreateSymbolPackage
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ // Include symbols in standard package
+ public bool IncludeSymbolsInPackage
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ // Create an additional "packed package" that includes lib and src / symbols
+ public bool CreatePackedPackage
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Nuspec files can contain properties that are substituted with values at pack time
+ /// This task property passes through the nuspect properties.
+ /// Each item is a string with the syntax =
+ /// String validation for and is deffered to the Nuget APIs
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] NuspecProperties
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public ITaskItem[] AdditionalLibPackageExcludes
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public ITaskItem[] AdditionalSymbolPackageExcludes
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// If set, the symbol package is placed in the given directory. Otherwise OutputDirectory is used.
+ ///
+ public string SymbolPackageOutputDirectory
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public string PackedPackageNamePrefix
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ if (Nuspecs == null || Nuspecs.Length == 0)
+ {
+ Log.LogError("Nuspecs argument must be specified");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputDirectory))
+ {
+ Log.LogError("OuputDirectory argument must be specified");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Directory.Exists(OutputDirectory))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputDirectory);
+ }
+ Func nuspecPropertyProvider = GetNuspecPropertyProviderFunction(NuspecProperties);
+ foreach (var nuspec in Nuspecs)
+ {
+ string nuspecPath = nuspec.GetMetadata("FullPath");
+ if (!File.Exists(nuspecPath))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not exist");
+ continue;
+ }
+ Manifest manifest = GetManifest(nuspecPath, nuspecPropertyProvider, false);
+ string nupkgPath = GetPackageOutputPath(nuspecPath, manifest, false, false);
+ Pack(nuspecPath, nupkgPath, manifest, IncludeSymbolsInPackage);
+ bool packSymbols = CreateSymbolPackage || CreatePackedPackage;
+ if (CreateSymbolPackage)
+ {
+ Manifest symbolsManifest = GetManifest(nuspecPath, nuspecPropertyProvider, false);
+ nupkgPath = GetPackageOutputPath(nuspecPath, symbolsManifest, true, false);
+ Pack(nuspecPath, nupkgPath, symbolsManifest, packSymbols);
+ }
+ if (CreatePackedPackage)
+ {
+ Manifest packedManifest = GetManifest(nuspecPath, nuspecPropertyProvider, true);
+ nupkgPath = GetPackageOutputPath(nuspecPath, packedManifest, false, true);
+ Pack(nuspecPath, nupkgPath, packedManifest, packSymbols);
+ }
+ }
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private static Func GetNuspecPropertyProviderFunction(ITaskItem[] nuspecProperties)
+ {
+ return nuspecProperties == null ? null : NuspecPropertyStringProvider.GetNuspecPropertyProviderFunction(nuspecProperties.Select(p => p.ItemSpec).ToArray());
+ }
+ private Manifest GetManifest(string nuspecPath, Func nuspecPropertyProvider, bool isPackedPackage)
+ {
+ using (var nuspecFile = File.Open(nuspecPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete))
+ {
+ string baseDirectoryPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseDirectory)) ? Path.GetDirectoryName(nuspecPath) : BaseDirectory;
+ Manifest manifest = Manifest.ReadFrom(nuspecFile, nuspecPropertyProvider, false);
+ if (isPackedPackage)
+ {
+ manifest = TransformManifestToPackedPackageManifest(manifest);
+ }
+ return manifest;
+ }
+ }
+ private string GetPackageOutputPath(string nuspecPath, Manifest manifest, bool isSymbolsPackage, bool applyPrefix)
+ {
+ string id = manifest.Metadata.Id;
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain a valid Id");
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ // Overriding the Version from the Metadata if one gets passed in.
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PackageVersion))
+ {
+ NuGetVersion overrideVersion;
+ if (NuGetVersion.TryParse(PackageVersion, out overrideVersion))
+ {
+ manifest.Metadata.Version = overrideVersion;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Failed to parse Package Version: '{PackageVersion}' is not a valid version.");
+ }
+ }
+ string version = manifest.Metadata.Version.ToString();
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain a valid version");
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ string nupkgOutputDirectory = OutputDirectory;
+ if (isSymbolsPackage && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SymbolPackageOutputDirectory))
+ {
+ nupkgOutputDirectory = SymbolPackageOutputDirectory;
+ }
+ string nupkgExtension = isSymbolsPackage ? _symbolsPackageExtension : _packageExtension;
+ return Path.Combine(nupkgOutputDirectory, $"{id}.{version}{nupkgExtension}");
+ }
+ public void Pack(string nuspecPath, string nupkgPath, Manifest manifest, bool packSymbols)
+ {
+ bool creatingSymbolsPackage = packSymbols && (Path.GetExtension(nupkgPath) == _symbolsPackageExtension);
+ try
+ {
+ PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
+ string baseDirectoryPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseDirectory)) ? Path.GetDirectoryName(nuspecPath) : BaseDirectory;
+ builder.Populate(manifest.Metadata);
+ builder.PopulateFiles(baseDirectoryPath, manifest.Files);
+ if (creatingSymbolsPackage)
+ {
+ // For symbols packages, filter out excludes
+ PathResolver.FilterPackageFiles(
+ builder.Files,
+ file => file.Path,
+ SymbolPackageExcludes);
+ // Symbol packages are only valid if they contain both symbols and sources.
+ Dictionary pathHasMatches = LibPackageExcludes.ToDictionary(
+ path => path,
+ path => PathResolver.GetMatches(builder.Files, file => file.Path, new[] { path }).Any());
+ if (!pathHasMatches.Values.Any(i => i))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(LogImportance.Low, $"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain symbol or source files. Not creating symbol package.");
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var pathPair in pathHasMatches.Where(pathMatchPair => !pathMatchPair.Value))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(LogImportance.Low, $"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain any files matching {pathPair.Key}. Not creating symbol package.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!packSymbols)
+ {
+ // for packages which do not include symbols (not symbols or packed packages), filter lib excludes
+ PathResolver.FilterPackageFiles(
+ builder.Files,
+ file => file.Path,
+ LibPackageExcludes);
+ }
+ var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(nupkgPath);
+ if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(directory);
+ }
+ using (var fileStream = File.Create(nupkgPath))
+ {
+ builder.Save(fileStream);
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage($"Created '{nupkgPath}'");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ string packageType = "lib";
+ if (creatingSymbolsPackage)
+ {
+ packageType = "symbol";
+ }
+ else if (packSymbols)
+ {
+ packageType = "packed";
+ }
+ Log.LogError($"Error when creating nuget {packageType} package from {nuspecPath}. {e}");
+ }
+ }
+ private Manifest TransformManifestToPackedPackageManifest(Manifest manifest)
+ {
+ ManifestMetadata manifestMetadata = manifest.Metadata;
+ // Update Id
+ string _packageNamePrefix = PackedPackageNamePrefix != null ? PackedPackageNamePrefix : _defaultPackedPackagePrefix;
+ manifestMetadata.Id = $"{_packageNamePrefix}.{manifestMetadata.Id}";
+ // Update dependencies
+ List packedPackageDependencyGroups = new List();
+ foreach(var dependencyGroup in manifestMetadata.DependencyGroups)
+ {
+ List packages = new List();
+ foreach(var dependency in dependencyGroup.Packages)
+ {
+ NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency package = new NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency($"{_packageNamePrefix}.{dependency.Id}", dependency.VersionRange, dependency.Include, dependency.Exclude);
+ packages.Add(package);
+ }
+ PackageDependencyGroup packageDependencyGroup = new PackageDependencyGroup(dependencyGroup.TargetFramework, packages);
+ packedPackageDependencyGroups.Add(packageDependencyGroup);
+ }
+ manifestMetadata.DependencyGroups = packedPackageDependencyGroups;
+ // Update runtime.json
+ List manifestFiles = new List();
+ foreach(ManifestFile file in manifest.Files)
+ {
+ string fileName = file.Source;
+ if(Path.GetFileName(fileName) == "runtime.json" && file.Target == "")
+ {
+ string packedPackageSourcePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), string.Join(".", _packageNamePrefix, Path.GetFileName(fileName)));
+ file.Source = File.Exists(packedPackageSourcePath) ? packedPackageSourcePath : fileName;
+ file.Target = "runtime.json";
+ }
+ manifestFiles.Add(file);
+ }
+ Manifest packedPackageManifest = new Manifest(manifestMetadata, manifestFiles);
+ return manifest;
+ }
+ private IEnumerable LibPackageExcludes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _libPackageExcludes
+ .Concat(AdditionalLibPackageExcludes?.Select(item => item.ItemSpec) ?? Enumerable.Empty());
+ }
+ }
+ private IEnumerable SymbolPackageExcludes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _symbolPackageExcludes
+ .Concat(AdditionalSymbolPackageExcludes?.Select(item => item.ItemSpec) ?? Enumerable.Empty());
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuspecPropertyStringProvider.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuspecPropertyStringProvider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d10fad1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/NuspecPropertyStringProvider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging
+ public class NuspecPropertyStringProvider
+ {
+ public static Dictionary GetNuspecPropertyDictionary(string[] nuspecProperties)
+ {
+ if (nuspecProperties == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var propertyDictionary = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (var propertyString in nuspecProperties)
+ {
+ var property = GetKeyValuePair(propertyString);
+ propertyDictionary[property.Item1] = property.Item2;
+ }
+ return propertyDictionary;
+ }
+ public static Func GetNuspecPropertyProviderFunction(string[] nuspecPropertyStrings)
+ {
+ var propertyDictionary = GetNuspecPropertyDictionary(nuspecPropertyStrings);
+ if (propertyDictionary == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return k => propertyDictionary[k];
+ }
+ private static Tuple GetKeyValuePair(string propertyString)
+ {
+ propertyString = propertyString.Trim();
+ var indexOfEquals = propertyString.IndexOf("=", StringComparison.Ordinal);
+ if (indexOfEquals == -1)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException($"Nuspec property {propertyString} does not have an \'=\' character in it");
+ }
+ if (indexOfEquals == propertyString.Length - 1)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException($"Nuspec property {propertyString} does not have a value");
+ }
+ if (indexOfEquals == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException($"Nuspec property {propertyString} does not have a key");
+ }
+ var key = propertyString.Substring(0, indexOfEquals);
+ var valueStartIndex = indexOfEquals + 1;
+ var valueLength = propertyString.Length - valueStartIndex;
+ var value = propertyString.Substring(valueStartIndex, valueLength);
+ return new Tuple(key, value);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/PackagingTask.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/PackagingTask.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24e2e0047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/PackagingTask.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging
+ public abstract partial class PackagingTask : ITask
+ {
+ private Log _log = null;
+ internal Log Log
+ {
+ get { return _log ?? (_log = new Log(new TaskLoggingHelper(this))); }
+ }
+ public PackagingTask()
+ {
+ }
+ public IBuildEngine BuildEngine
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public ITaskHost HostObject
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public abstract bool Execute();
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReadNuGetPackageInfos.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReadNuGetPackageInfos.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43a04ebd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReadNuGetPackageInfos.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ public class ReadNuGetPackageInfos : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string[] PackagePaths { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): Path to the original nupkg.
+ /// %(PackageId): Identity of the package.
+ /// %(PackageVersion): Version of the package.
+ ///
+ [Output]
+ public ITaskItem[] PackageInfoItems { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ PackageInfoItems = PackagePaths
+ .Select(p =>
+ {
+ PackageIdentity identity = ReadIdentity(p);
+ return new TaskItem(
+ p,
+ new Dictionary
+ {
+ ["PackageId"] = identity.Id,
+ ["PackageVersion"] = identity.Version.OriginalVersion
+ });
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ public static PackageIdentity ReadIdentity(string nupkgFile)
+ {
+ using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(nupkgFile))
+ {
+ return reader.GetIdentity();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RemoveInternetSourcesFromNuGetConfig.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RemoveInternetSourcesFromNuGetConfig.cs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..65aa69ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RemoveInternetSourcesFromNuGetConfig.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ /*
+ * This task removes internet sources from a given NuGet.config. In the offline build mode, it removes all
+ * feeds that begin with http or https. In the online build mode, it removes only the internal dnceng feeds that
+ * source-build does not have access to.
+ */
+ public class RemoveInternetSourcesFromNuGetConfig : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string NuGetConfigFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Whether to work in offline mode (remove all internet sources) or online mode (remove only authenticated sources)
+ ///
+ public bool OfflineBuild { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// A list of prefix strings that make the task keep a package source unconditionally. For
+ /// example, a source named 'darc-pub-dotnet-aspnetcore-e81033e' will be kept if the prefix
+ /// 'darc-pub-dotnet-aspnetcore-' is in this list.
+ ///
+ public string[] KeepFeedPrefixes { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ XDocument d = XDocument.Load(NuGetConfigFile);
+ XElement packageSourcesElement = d.Root.Descendants().First(e => e.Name == "packageSources");
+ XElement disabledPackageSourcesElement = d.Root.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "disabledPackageSources");
+ IEnumerable local = packageSourcesElement.Descendants().Where(e =>
+ {
+ if (e.Name == "add")
+ {
+ string feedName = e.Attribute("key").Value;
+ if (KeepFeedPrefixes
+ ?.Any(prefix => feedName.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ == true)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ string feedUrl = e.Attribute("value").Value;
+ if (OfflineBuild)
+ {
+ return !(feedUrl.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || feedUrl.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return !( feedUrl.StartsWith("https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/_packaging", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
+ feedUrl.StartsWith("https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_packaging", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ packageSourcesElement.ReplaceNodes(local.ToArray());
+ // Remove disabledPackageSources element so if any internal packages remain, they are used in source-build
+ disabledPackageSourcesElement?.ReplaceNodes(new XElement("clear"));
+ using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(NuGetConfigFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
+ {
+ d.Save(fs);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceFeedsInNuGetConfig.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceFeedsInNuGetConfig.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4519ead5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceFeedsInNuGetConfig.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// Replaces feeds in a NuGet.Config file given a mapping
+ /// of old feeds to new feeds.
+ ///
+ public class ReplaceFeedsInNuGetConfig : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The NuGet.Config file in which to replace feeds.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string InputFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// An item group of feeds to update.
+ /// %(Identity): The feed URL to find in the NuGet.Config.
+ /// %(NewFeed): The feed URL to replace %(Identity) with.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] FeedMapping { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(InputFile);
+ bool updated = false;
+ foreach (var feed in FeedMapping)
+ {
+ string oldFeed = feed.ItemSpec;
+ string newFeed = feed.GetMetadata("NewFeed");
+ if (fileContents.Contains(oldFeed))
+ {
+ fileContents = fileContents.Replace(oldFeed, newFeed);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (updated) File.WriteAllText(InputFile, fileContents);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceRegexInFiles.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceRegexInFiles.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b0d2e10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceRegexInFiles.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class ReplaceRegexInFiles : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string[] InputFiles { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OldTextRegex { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string NewText { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage($"Replacing '{OldTextRegex}' with '{NewText}'");
+ foreach (string file in InputFiles)
+ {
+ string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(file);
+ fileContents = Regex.Replace(fileContents, OldTextRegex, NewText);
+ File.WriteAllText(file, fileContents);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFile.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32b8cdea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class ReplaceTextInFile : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string InputFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OldText { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string NewText { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(InputFile);
+ fileContents = fileContents.Replace(OldText, NewText);
+ File.WriteAllText(InputFile, fileContents);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFiles.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFiles.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f1d6e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ReplaceTextInFiles.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class ReplaceTextInFiles : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string[] InputFiles { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OldText { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string NewText { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ foreach (string file in InputFiles)
+ {
+ string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(file);
+ fileContents = fileContents.Replace(OldText, NewText, StringComparison.Ordinal);
+ File.WriteAllText(file, fileContents);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RepoTasks/JoinItems.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RepoTasks/JoinItems.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55f941c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/RepoTasks/JoinItems.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+// Copied from https://github.com/aspnet/Universe/blob/1f8f30a1e834eff147ced0c669cef8828f9511c8/build/tasks/JoinItems.cs.
+// When this task is available in https://github.com/dotnet/Arcade, switch to use that version.
+// Modified to allow multiple Right matches using GroupJoin.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace RepoTasks
+ public class JoinItems : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] Left { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] Right { get; set; }
+ // The metadata to use as the new item spec. If not specified, LeftKey is used.
+ public string LeftItemSpec { get; set; }
+ // LeftKey and RightKey: The metadata to join on. If not set, then use the ItemSpec
+ public string LeftKey { get; set; }
+ public string RightKey { get; set; }
+ // LeftMetadata and RightMetadata: The metadata names to include in the result. Specify "*" to include all metadata
+ public string[] LeftMetadata { get; set; }
+ public string[] RightMetadata { get; set; }
+ [Output]
+ public ITaskItem[] JoinResult { get; private set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ bool useAllLeftMetadata = LeftMetadata != null && LeftMetadata.Length == 1 && LeftMetadata[0] == "*";
+ bool useAllRightMetadata = RightMetadata != null && RightMetadata.Length == 1 && RightMetadata[0] == "*";
+ var newItemSpec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeftItemSpec)
+ ? LeftKey
+ : LeftItemSpec;
+ JoinResult = Left.GroupJoin(Right,
+ item => GetKeyValue(LeftKey, item),
+ item => GetKeyValue(RightKey, item),
+ (left, rights) =>
+ {
+ // If including all metadata from left items and none from right items, just return left items directly
+ if (useAllLeftMetadata &&
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeftKey) &&
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeftItemSpec) &&
+ (RightMetadata == null || RightMetadata.Length == 0))
+ {
+ return left;
+ }
+ // If including all metadata from all right items and none from left items, just return the right items directly
+ if (useAllRightMetadata &&
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(RightKey) &&
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeftItemSpec) &&
+ (LeftMetadata == null || LeftMetadata.Length == 0))
+ {
+ return rights.Aggregate(
+ new TaskItem(),
+ (agg, next) =>
+ {
+ CopyAllMetadata(next, agg);
+ return agg;
+ });
+ }
+ var ret = new TaskItem(GetKeyValue(newItemSpec, left));
+ // Weird ordering here is to prefer left metadata in all cases, as CopyToMetadata doesn't overwrite any existing metadata
+ if (useAllLeftMetadata)
+ {
+ CopyAllMetadata(left, ret);
+ }
+ if (!useAllRightMetadata && RightMetadata != null)
+ {
+ foreach (string name in RightMetadata)
+ {
+ foreach (var right in rights)
+ {
+ ret.SetMetadata(name, right.GetMetadata(name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!useAllLeftMetadata && LeftMetadata != null)
+ {
+ foreach (string name in LeftMetadata)
+ {
+ ret.SetMetadata(name, left.GetMetadata(name));
+ }
+ }
+ if (useAllRightMetadata)
+ {
+ foreach (var right in rights)
+ {
+ CopyAllMetadata(right, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return (ITaskItem)ret;
+ },
+ StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray();
+ return true;
+ }
+ static void CopyAllMetadata(ITaskItem source, ITaskItem dest)
+ {
+ // CopyMetadata adds an OriginalItemSpec, which we don't want. So we subsequently remove it
+ source.CopyMetadataTo(dest);
+ dest.RemoveMetadata("OriginalItemSpec");
+ }
+ static string GetKeyValue(string key, ITaskItem item)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
+ {
+ return item.ItemSpec;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return item.GetMetadata(key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UpdateJson.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UpdateJson.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9820e4af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UpdateJson.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ // Takes a path to a path to a json file and a
+ // string that represents a dotted path to an attribute
+ // and updates that attribute with the new value provided.
+ public class UpdateJson : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string JsonFilePath { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string PathToAttribute { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string NewAttributeValue { get; set; }
+ public bool SkipUpdateIfMissingKey { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ JObject jsonObj = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(JsonFilePath));
+ string[] escapedPathToAttributeParts = PathToAttribute.Replace("\\.", "\x1F").Split('.');
+ for (int i = 0; i < escapedPathToAttributeParts.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ escapedPathToAttributeParts[i] = escapedPathToAttributeParts[i].Replace("\x1F", ".");
+ }
+ UpdateAttribute(jsonObj, escapedPathToAttributeParts, NewAttributeValue);
+ File.WriteAllText(JsonFilePath, jsonObj.ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void UpdateAttribute(JToken jsonObj, string[] path, string newValue)
+ {
+ string pathItem = path[0];
+ if (jsonObj[pathItem] == null)
+ {
+ string message = $"Path item [{nameof(PathToAttribute)}] not found in json file.";
+ if (SkipUpdateIfMissingKey)
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Skipping update: {message} {pathItem}");
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentException(message, pathItem);
+ }
+ if (path.Length == 1)
+ {
+ jsonObj[pathItem] = newValue;
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateAttribute(jsonObj[pathItem], path.Skip(1).ToArray(), newValue);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadClient.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadClient.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c02055705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadClient.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class UploadClient
+ {
+ private TaskLoggingHelper log;
+ public UploadClient(TaskLoggingHelper loggingHelper)
+ {
+ log = loggingHelper;
+ }
+ public string EncodeBlockIds(int numberOfBlocks, int lengthOfId)
+ {
+ string numberOfBlocksString = numberOfBlocks.ToString("D" + lengthOfId);
+ if (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(numberOfBlocksString) <= 64)
+ {
+ byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(numberOfBlocksString);
+ return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Task failed - Could not encode block id.");
+ }
+ }
+ public async Task UploadBlockBlobAsync(
+ CancellationToken ct,
+ string AccountName,
+ string AccountKey,
+ string ContainerName,
+ string filePath,
+ string destinationBlob,
+ string contentType,
+ int uploadTimeout,
+ string leaseId = "")
+ {
+ string resourceUrl = AzureHelper.GetContainerRestUrl(AccountName, ContainerName);
+ string fileName = destinationBlob;
+ fileName = fileName.Replace("\\", "/");
+ string blobUploadUrl = resourceUrl + "/" + fileName;
+ int size = (int)new FileInfo(filePath).Length;
+ int blockSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; //4MB max size of a block blob
+ int bytesLeft = size;
+ List blockIds = new List();
+ int numberOfBlocks = (size / blockSize) + 1;
+ int countForId = 0;
+ using (FileStream fileStreamTofilePath = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
+ {
+ int offset = 0;
+ while (bytesLeft > 0)
+ {
+ int nextBytesToRead = (bytesLeft < blockSize) ? bytesLeft : blockSize;
+ byte[] fileBytes = new byte[blockSize];
+ int read = fileStreamTofilePath.Read(fileBytes, 0, nextBytesToRead);
+ if (nextBytesToRead != read)
+ {
+ throw new Exception(string.Format(
+ "Number of bytes read ({0}) from file {1} isn't equal to the number of bytes expected ({2}) .",
+ read, fileName, nextBytesToRead));
+ }
+ string blockId = EncodeBlockIds(countForId, numberOfBlocks.ToString().Length);
+ blockIds.Add(blockId);
+ string blockUploadUrl = blobUploadUrl + "?comp=block&blockid=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(blockId);
+ using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
+ {
+ client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear();
+ // In random occassions the request fails if the network is slow and it takes more than 100 seconds to upload 4MB.
+ client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(uploadTimeout);
+ Func createRequest = () =>
+ {
+ DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, blockUploadUrl);
+ req.Headers.Add(
+ AzureHelper.DateHeaderString,
+ dt.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ req.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.VersionHeaderString, AzureHelper.StorageApiVersion);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leaseId))
+ {
+ log.LogMessage($"Sending request: {leaseId} {blockUploadUrl}");
+ req.Headers.Add("x-ms-lease-id", leaseId);
+ }
+ req.Headers.Add(
+ AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeaderString,
+ AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeader(
+ AccountName,
+ AccountKey,
+ "PUT",
+ dt,
+ req,
+ string.Empty,
+ string.Empty,
+ nextBytesToRead.ToString(),
+ string.Empty));
+ Stream postStream = new MemoryStream();
+ postStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, nextBytesToRead);
+ postStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ req.Content = new StreamContent(postStream);
+ return req;
+ };
+ log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Sending request to upload part {0} of file {1}", countForId, fileName);
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = await AzureHelper.RequestWithRetry(log, client, createRequest))
+ {
+ log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ "Received response to upload part {0} of file {1}: Status Code:{2} Status Desc: {3}",
+ countForId,
+ fileName,
+ response.StatusCode,
+ await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
+ }
+ }
+ offset += read;
+ bytesLeft -= nextBytesToRead;
+ countForId += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ string blockListUploadUrl = blobUploadUrl + "?comp=blocklist";
+ using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
+ {
+ Func createRequest = () =>
+ {
+ DateTime dt1 = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, blockListUploadUrl);
+ req.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.DateHeaderString, dt1.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ req.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.VersionHeaderString, AzureHelper.StorageApiVersion);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
+ {
+ contentType = DetermineContentTypeBasedOnFileExtension(filePath);
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
+ {
+ req.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.ContentTypeString, contentType);
+ }
+ string cacheControl = DetermineCacheControlBasedOnFileExtension(filePath);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheControl))
+ {
+ req.Headers.Add(AzureHelper.CacheControlString, cacheControl);
+ }
+ var body = new StringBuilder("");
+ foreach (object item in blockIds)
+ body.AppendFormat("{0}", item);
+ body.Append("");
+ byte[] bodyData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body.ToString());
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leaseId))
+ {
+ log.LogMessage($"Sending list request: {leaseId} {blockListUploadUrl}");
+ req.Headers.Add("x-ms-lease-id", leaseId);
+ }
+ req.Headers.Add(
+ AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeaderString,
+ AzureHelper.AuthorizationHeader(
+ AccountName,
+ AccountKey,
+ "PUT",
+ dt1,
+ req,
+ string.Empty,
+ string.Empty,
+ bodyData.Length.ToString(),
+ string.Empty));
+ Stream postStream = new MemoryStream();
+ postStream.Write(bodyData, 0, bodyData.Length);
+ postStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
+ req.Content = new StreamContent(postStream);
+ return req;
+ };
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = await AzureHelper.RequestWithRetry(log, client, createRequest))
+ {
+ log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ "Received response to combine block list for file {0}: Status Code:{1} Status Desc: {2}",
+ fileName,
+ response.StatusCode,
+ await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async Task FileEqualsExistingBlobAsync(
+ string accountName,
+ string accountKey,
+ string containerName,
+ string filePath,
+ string destinationBlob,
+ int uploadTimeout)
+ {
+ using (var client = new HttpClient
+ {
+ Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(uploadTimeout)
+ })
+ {
+ log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Low,
+ $"Downloading blob {destinationBlob} to check if identical.");
+ string blobUrl = AzureHelper.GetBlobRestUrl(accountName, containerName, destinationBlob);
+ var createRequest = AzureHelper.RequestMessage("GET", blobUrl, accountName, accountKey);
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = await AzureHelper.RequestWithRetry(
+ log,
+ client,
+ createRequest))
+ {
+ if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
+ {
+ throw new HttpRequestException(
+ $"Failed to retrieve existing blob {destinationBlob}, " +
+ $"status code {response.StatusCode}.");
+ }
+ byte[] existingBytes = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
+ byte[] localBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
+ bool equal = localBytes.SequenceEqual(existingBytes);
+ if (equal)
+ {
+ log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Normal,
+ "Item exists in blob storage, and is verified to be identical. " +
+ $"File: '{filePath}' Blob: '{destinationBlob}'");
+ }
+ return equal;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private string DetermineContentTypeBasedOnFileExtension(string filename)
+ {
+ if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".svg")
+ {
+ return "image/svg+xml";
+ }
+ else if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".version")
+ {
+ return "text/plain";
+ }
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ private string DetermineCacheControlBasedOnFileExtension(string filename)
+ {
+ if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".svg")
+ {
+ return "No-Cache";
+ }
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadToAzure.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadToAzure.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5431194d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UploadToAzure.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Xml;
+using ThreadingTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class UploadToAzure : AzureConnectionStringBuildTask, ICancelableTask
+ {
+ private static readonly CancellationTokenSource TokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ private static readonly CancellationToken CancellationToken = TokenSource.Token;
+ ///
+ /// The name of the container to access. The specified name must be in the correct format, see the
+ /// following page for more info. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd135715.aspx
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string ContainerName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// An item group of files to upload. Each item must have metadata RelativeBlobPath
+ /// that specifies the path relative to ContainerName where the item will be uploaded.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] Items { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Indicates if the destination blob should be overwritten if it already exists. The default if false.
+ ///
+ public bool Overwrite { get; set; } = false;
+ ///
+ /// Enables idempotency when Overwrite is false.
+ ///
+ /// false: (default) Attempting to upload an item that already exists fails.
+ ///
+ /// true: When an item already exists, download the existing blob to check if it's
+ /// byte-for-byte identical to the one being uploaded. If so, pass. If not, fail.
+ ///
+ public bool PassIfExistingItemIdentical { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Specifies the maximum number of clients to concurrently upload blobs to azure
+ ///
+ public int MaxClients { get; set; } = 8;
+ public int UploadTimeoutInMinutes { get; set; } = 5;
+ public void Cancel()
+ {
+ TokenSource.Cancel();
+ }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ return ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
+ }
+ public async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken ct)
+ {
+ ParseConnectionString();
+ // If the connection string AND AccountKey & AccountName are provided, error out.
+ if (Log.HasLoggedErrors)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.Normal,
+ "Begin uploading blobs to Azure account {0} in container {1}.",
+ AccountName,
+ ContainerName);
+ if (Items.Length == 0)
+ {
+ Log.LogError("No items were provided for upload.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // first check what blobs are present
+ string checkListUrl = $"{AzureHelper.GetContainerRestUrl(AccountName, ContainerName)}?restype=container&comp=list";
+ HashSet blobsPresent = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ try
+ {
+ using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
+ {
+ var createRequest = AzureHelper.RequestMessage("GET", checkListUrl, AccountName, AccountKey);
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Sending request to check whether Container blobs exist");
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = await AzureHelper.RequestWithRetry(Log, client, createRequest))
+ {
+ var doc = new XmlDocument();
+ doc.LoadXml(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
+ XmlNodeList nodes = doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("Blob");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
+ {
+ blobsPresent.Add(node["Name"].InnerText);
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Received response to check whether Container blobs exist");
+ }
+ }
+ using (var clientThrottle = new SemaphoreSlim(this.MaxClients, this.MaxClients))
+ {
+ await ThreadingTask.WhenAll(Items.Select(item => UploadAsync(ct, item, blobsPresent, clientThrottle)));
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Upload to Azure is complete, a total of {0} items were uploaded.", Items.Length);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Log.LogErrorFromException(e, true);
+ }
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private async ThreadingTask UploadAsync(CancellationToken ct, ITaskItem item, HashSet blobsPresent, SemaphoreSlim clientThrottle)
+ {
+ if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
+ {
+ Log.LogError("Task UploadToAzure cancelled");
+ ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
+ }
+ string relativeBlobPath = item.GetMetadata("RelativeBlobPath");
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeBlobPath))
+ throw new Exception(string.Format("Metadata 'RelativeBlobPath' is missing for item '{0}'.", item.ItemSpec));
+ if (!File.Exists(item.ItemSpec))
+ throw new Exception(string.Format("The file '{0}' does not exist.", item.ItemSpec));
+ UploadClient uploadClient = new UploadClient(Log);
+ if (!Overwrite && blobsPresent.Contains(relativeBlobPath))
+ {
+ if (PassIfExistingItemIdentical &&
+ await ItemEqualsExistingBlobAsync(item, relativeBlobPath, uploadClient, clientThrottle))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new Exception(string.Format("The blob '{0}' already exists.", relativeBlobPath));
+ }
+ string contentType = item.GetMetadata("ContentType");
+ await clientThrottle.WaitAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage("Uploading {0} to {1}.", item.ItemSpec, ContainerName);
+ await
+ uploadClient.UploadBlockBlobAsync(
+ ct,
+ AccountName,
+ AccountKey,
+ ContainerName,
+ item.ItemSpec,
+ relativeBlobPath,
+ contentType,
+ UploadTimeoutInMinutes);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ clientThrottle.Release();
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task ItemEqualsExistingBlobAsync(
+ ITaskItem item,
+ string relativeBlobPath,
+ UploadClient client,
+ SemaphoreSlim clientThrottle)
+ {
+ await clientThrottle.WaitAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ return await client.FileEqualsExistingBlobAsync(
+ AccountName,
+ AccountKey,
+ ContainerName,
+ item.ItemSpec,
+ relativeBlobPath,
+ UploadTimeoutInMinutes);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ clientThrottle.Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/AnnotatedUsage.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/AnnotatedUsage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e15a032f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/AnnotatedUsage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class AnnotatedUsage
+ {
+ public Usage Usage { get; set; }
+ public string Project { get; set; }
+ public string SourceBuildPackageIdCreator { get; set; }
+ public string ProdConPackageIdCreator { get; set; }
+ public bool EndsUpInOutput { get; set; }
+ public bool TestProjectByHeuristic { get; set; }
+ public bool TestProjectOnlyByHeuristic { get; set; }
+ public bool IsDirectDependency { get; set; }
+ public bool IsAutoReferenced { get; set; }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(
+ nameof(AnnotatedUsage),
+ Usage.ToXml().Attributes(),
+ Project.ToXAttributeIfNotNull(nameof(Project)),
+ SourceBuildPackageIdCreator.ToXAttributeIfNotNull(nameof(SourceBuildPackageIdCreator)),
+ ProdConPackageIdCreator.ToXAttributeIfNotNull(nameof(ProdConPackageIdCreator)),
+ TestProjectByHeuristic.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(TestProjectByHeuristic)),
+ TestProjectOnlyByHeuristic.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(TestProjectOnlyByHeuristic)),
+ IsDirectDependency.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(IsDirectDependency)),
+ IsAutoReferenced.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(IsAutoReferenced)),
+ EndsUpInOutput.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(EndsUpInOutput)));
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/Usage.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/Usage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b35947db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/Usage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class Usage : IEquatable
+ {
+ public PackageIdentity PackageIdentity { get; set; }
+ public string AssetsFile { get; set; }
+ public bool IsDirectDependency { get; set; }
+ public bool IsAutoReferenced { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The Runtime ID this package is for, or null. Runtime packages (are assumed to) have the
+ /// id 'runtime.{rid}.{rest of id}'. We can't use a simple regex to grab this value since
+ /// the RID may have '.' in it, so this is saved in the build context where possible RIDs
+ /// are read from Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.
+ ///
+ public string RuntimePackageRid { get; set; }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(
+ nameof(Usage),
+ PackageIdentity.ToXElement().Attributes(),
+ AssetsFile.ToXAttributeIfNotNull("File"),
+ IsDirectDependency.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(IsDirectDependency)),
+ IsAutoReferenced.ToXAttributeIfTrue(nameof(IsAutoReferenced)),
+ RuntimePackageRid.ToXAttributeIfNotNull("Rid"));
+ public static Usage Parse(XElement xml) => new Usage
+ {
+ PackageIdentity = XmlParsingHelpers.ParsePackageIdentity(xml),
+ AssetsFile = xml.Attribute("File")?.Value,
+ IsDirectDependency = Convert.ToBoolean(xml.Attribute(nameof(IsDirectDependency))?.Value),
+ IsAutoReferenced = Convert.ToBoolean(xml.Attribute(nameof(IsAutoReferenced))?.Value),
+ RuntimePackageRid = xml.Attribute("Rid")?.Value
+ };
+ public static Usage Create(
+ string assetsFile,
+ PackageIdentity identity,
+ bool isDirectDependency,
+ bool isAutoReferenced,
+ IEnumerable possibleRuntimePackageRids)
+ {
+ return new Usage
+ {
+ AssetsFile = assetsFile,
+ PackageIdentity = identity,
+ IsDirectDependency = isDirectDependency,
+ IsAutoReferenced = isAutoReferenced,
+ RuntimePackageRid = possibleRuntimePackageRids
+ .Where(rid => identity.Id.StartsWith($"runtime.{rid}.", StringComparison.Ordinal))
+ .OrderByDescending(rid => rid.Length)
+ .FirstOrDefault()
+ };
+ }
+ public PackageIdentity GetIdentityWithoutRid()
+ {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RuntimePackageRid))
+ {
+ string prefix = $"runtime.{RuntimePackageRid}.";
+ if (PackageIdentity.Id.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
+ {
+ return new PackageIdentity(
+ PackageIdentity.Id
+ .Remove(0, prefix.Length)
+ .Insert(0, "runtime.placeholder-rid."),
+ PackageIdentity.Version);
+ }
+ }
+ return PackageIdentity;
+ }
+ public override string ToString() =>
+ $"{PackageIdentity.Id} {PackageIdentity.Version} " +
+ (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RuntimePackageRid) ? "" : $"({RuntimePackageRid}) ") +
+ (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetsFile) ? "with unknown use" : $"used by '{AssetsFile}'");
+ public bool Equals(Usage other)
+ {
+ if (other is null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return
+ Equals(PackageIdentity, other.PackageIdentity) &&
+ string.Equals(AssetsFile, other.AssetsFile, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
+ string.Equals(RuntimePackageRid, other.RuntimePackageRid, StringComparison.Ordinal);
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode() => (
+ PackageIdentity,
+ AssetsFile,
+ RuntimePackageRid
+ ).GetHashCode();
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/UsageData.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/UsageData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce6c836c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/UsageData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class UsageData
+ {
+ public string CreatedByRid { get; set; }
+ public string[] ProjectDirectories { get; set; }
+ public PackageIdentity[] NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts { get; set; }
+ public Usage[] Usages { get; set; }
+ public XElement ToXml() => new XElement(
+ nameof(UsageData),
+ CreatedByRid == null ? null : new XElement(
+ nameof(CreatedByRid),
+ CreatedByRid),
+ ProjectDirectories?.Any() != true ? null : new XElement(
+ nameof(ProjectDirectories),
+ ProjectDirectories
+ .Select(dir => new XElement("Dir", dir))),
+ NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts?.Any() != true ? null : new XElement(
+ nameof(NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts),
+ NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts
+ .OrderBy(id => id)
+ .Select(id => id.ToXElement())),
+ Usages?.Any() != true ? null : new XElement(
+ nameof(Usages),
+ Usages
+ .OrderBy(u => u.PackageIdentity)
+ .ThenByOrdinal(u => u.AssetsFile)
+ .Select(u => u.ToXml())));
+ public static UsageData Parse(XElement xml) => new UsageData
+ {
+ CreatedByRid = xml.Element(nameof(CreatedByRid))
+ ?.Value,
+ ProjectDirectories = xml.Element(nameof(ProjectDirectories)) == null ? new string[] { } :
+ xml.Element(nameof(ProjectDirectories)).Elements()
+ .Select(x => x.Value)
+ .ToArray(),
+ NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts = xml.Element(nameof(NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts)) == null ? new PackageIdentity[] { } :
+ xml.Element(nameof(NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts)).Elements()
+ .Select(XmlParsingHelpers.ParsePackageIdentity)
+ .ToArray(),
+ Usages = xml.Element(nameof(Usages)) == null ? new Usage[] { } :
+ xml.Element(nameof(Usages)).Elements()
+ .Select(Usage.Parse)
+ .ToArray()
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/ValidateUsageAgainstBaseline.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/ValidateUsageAgainstBaseline.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d96dbf8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/ValidateUsageAgainstBaseline.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class ValidateUsageAgainstBaseline : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string DataFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string BaselineDataFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputBaselineFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputReportFile { get; set; }
+ public bool AllowTestProjectUsage { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ var used = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText(DataFile)));
+ var baseline = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText(BaselineDataFile)));
+ Comparison diff = Compare(
+ used.Usages.Select(u => u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()).Distinct(),
+ baseline.Usages.Select(u => u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()).Distinct());
+ var report = new XElement("BaselineComparison");
+ bool tellUserToUpdateBaseline = false;
+ if (diff.Added.Any())
+ {
+ tellUserToUpdateBaseline = true;
+ Log.LogError(
+ $"{diff.Added.Length} new packages used not in baseline! See report " +
+ $"at {OutputReportFile} for more information. Package IDs are:\n" +
+ string.Join("\n", diff.Added.Select(u => u.ToString())));
+ // In the report, list full usage info, not only identity.
+ report.Add(
+ new XElement(
+ "New",
+ used.Usages
+ .Where(u => diff.Added.Contains(u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()))
+ .Select(u => u.ToXml())));
+ }
+ if (diff.Removed.Any())
+ {
+ tellUserToUpdateBaseline = true;
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"{diff.Removed.Length} packages in baseline weren't used!");
+ report.Add(new XElement("Removed", diff.Removed.Select(id => id.ToXElement())));
+ }
+ if (diff.Unchanged.Any())
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"{diff.Unchanged.Length} packages used as expected in the baseline.");
+ }
+ if (!AllowTestProjectUsage)
+ {
+ Usage[] testProjectUsages = used.Usages
+ .Where(WriteUsageReports.IsTestUsageByHeuristic)
+ .ToArray();
+ if (testProjectUsages.Any())
+ {
+ string[] projects = testProjectUsages
+ .Select(u => u.AssetsFile)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ Log.LogError(
+ $"{testProjectUsages.Length} forbidden test usages found in " +
+ $"{projects.Length} projects:\n" +
+ string.Join("\n", projects));
+ }
+ }
+ // Simplify the used data to what is necessary for a baseline, to reduce file size.
+ foreach (var usage in used.Usages)
+ {
+ usage.AssetsFile = null;
+ }
+ used.Usages = used.Usages.Distinct().ToArray();
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputBaselineFile));
+ File.WriteAllText(OutputBaselineFile, used.ToXml().ToString());
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputReportFile));
+ File.WriteAllText(OutputReportFile, report.ToString());
+ if (tellUserToUpdateBaseline)
+ {
+ Log.LogWarning(
+ "Prebuilt usages are different from the baseline. If detected changes are " +
+ "acceptable, update baseline with:\n" +
+ $"cp '{OutputBaselineFile}' '{BaselineDataFile}'");
+ }
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private static Comparison Compare(IEnumerable actual, IEnumerable baseline)
+ {
+ return new Comparison(actual.ToArray(), baseline.ToArray());
+ }
+ private class Comparison
+ {
+ public T[] Added { get; }
+ public T[] Removed { get; }
+ public T[] Unchanged { get; }
+ public Comparison(
+ IEnumerable actual,
+ IEnumerable baseline)
+ {
+ Added = actual.Except(baseline).ToArray();
+ Removed = baseline.Except(actual).ToArray();
+ Unchanged = actual.Intersect(baseline).ToArray();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WritePackageUsageData.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WritePackageUsageData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73c7026a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WritePackageUsageData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Concurrent;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Task = Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class WritePackageUsageData : Task
+ {
+ public string[] RestoredPackageFiles { get; set; }
+ public string[] TarballPrebuiltPackageFiles { get; set; }
+ public string[] ReferencePackageFiles { get; set; }
+ public string[] SourceBuiltPackageFiles { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Specific PackageInfo items to check for usage. An alternative to passing lists of nupkgs
+ /// when the nupkgs have already been parsed to get package info items.
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): Path to the original nupkg.
+ /// %(PackageId): Identity of the package.
+ /// %(PackageVersion): Version of the package.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] NuGetPackageInfos { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// runtime.json files (from Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms) to use to look for the set of all
+ /// possible runtimes. This is used to determine which part of a package id is its
+ /// 'runtime.{rid}.' prefix, if it has the prefix.
+ ///
+ public string[] PlatformsRuntimeJsonFiles { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Keep track of the RID built that caused these usages.
+ ///
+ public string TargetRid { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Project directories to scan for project.assets.json files. If these directories contain
+ /// one another, the project.assets.json files is reported as belonging to the first project
+ /// directory that contains it. For useful results, put the leafmost directories first.
+ ///
+ /// This isn't used here, but it's included in the usage data so report generation can
+ /// happen independently of commits that add/remove submodules.
+ ///
+ public string[] ProjectDirectories { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// A root dir that contains all ProjectDirectories. This is used to find the relative path
+ /// of each usage.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string RootDir { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// project.assets.json files to ignore, for example, because they are checked-in assets not
+ /// generated during source-build and cause false positives.
+ ///
+ public string[] IgnoredProjectAssetsJsonFiles { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Output usage data JSON file path.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string DataFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// If passed, the path of the archive file to generate that includes a copy of all
+ /// project.asset.json files found.
+ ///
+ public string ProjectAssetsJsonArchiveFile { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, "Writing package usage data...");
+ string[] projectDirectoriesOutsideRoot = ProjectDirectories.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Where(dir => !dir.StartsWith(RootDir, StringComparison.Ordinal))
+ .ToArray();
+ if (projectDirectoriesOutsideRoot.Any())
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException(
+ $"All ProjectDirectories must be in RootDir '{RootDir}', but found " +
+ string.Join(", ", projectDirectoriesOutsideRoot));
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Finding set of RIDs...");
+ string[] possibleRids = PlatformsRuntimeJsonFiles.NullAsEmpty()
+ .SelectMany(ReadRidsFromRuntimeJson)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Reading package identities...");
+ PackageIdentity[] restored = RestoredPackageFiles.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ PackageIdentity[] tarballPrebuilt = TarballPrebuiltPackageFiles.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ PackageIdentity[] referencePackages = ReferencePackageFiles.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ PackageIdentity[] sourceBuilt = SourceBuiltPackageFiles.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(ReadNuGetPackageInfos.ReadIdentity)
+ .Distinct()
+ .ToArray();
+ IEnumerable prebuilt = restored.Except(sourceBuilt).Except(referencePackages);
+ PackageIdentity[] toCheck = NuGetPackageInfos.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(item => new PackageIdentity(
+ item.GetMetadata("PackageId"),
+ NuGetVersion.Parse(item.GetMetadata("PackageVersion"))))
+ .Concat(prebuilt)
+ .ToArray();
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Finding project.assets.json files...");
+ string[] assetFiles = Directory
+ .GetFiles(RootDir, "project.assets.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
+ .Select(GetPathRelativeToRoot)
+ .Except(IgnoredProjectAssetsJsonFiles.NullAsEmpty().Select(GetPathRelativeToRoot))
+ .ToArray();
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectAssetsJsonArchiveFile))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Archiving project.assets.json files...");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(ProjectAssetsJsonArchiveFile));
+ using (var projectAssetArchive = new ZipArchive(
+ File.Open(
+ ProjectAssetsJsonArchiveFile,
+ FileMode.Create,
+ FileAccess.ReadWrite),
+ ZipArchiveMode.Create))
+ {
+ // Only one entry can be open at a time, so don't do this during the Parallel
+ // ForEach later.
+ foreach (var relativePath in assetFiles)
+ {
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(RootDir, relativePath)))
+ using (Stream entryWriter = projectAssetArchive
+ .CreateEntry(relativePath, CompressionLevel.Optimal)
+ .Open())
+ {
+ stream.CopyTo(entryWriter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Reading usage info...");
+ var usages = new ConcurrentBag();
+ Parallel.ForEach(
+ assetFiles,
+ assetFile =>
+ {
+ JObject jObj;
+ using (var file = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(RootDir, assetFile)))
+ using (var reader = new StreamReader(file))
+ using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader))
+ {
+ jObj = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(jsonReader);
+ }
+ var properties = new HashSet(
+ jObj.SelectTokens("$.targets.*").Children()
+ .Concat(jObj.SelectToken("$.libraries"))
+ .Select(t => ((JProperty)t).Name)
+ .Distinct(),
+ StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ var directDependencies = jObj.SelectTokens("$.project.frameworks.*.dependencies").Children().Select(dep =>
+ new
+ {
+ name = ((JProperty)dep).Name,
+ target = dep.SelectToken("$..target")?.ToString(),
+ version = VersionRange.Parse(dep.SelectToken("$..version")?.ToString()),
+ autoReferenced = dep.SelectToken("$..autoReferenced")?.ToString() == "True",
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ foreach (var identity in toCheck
+ .Where(id => properties.Contains(id.Id + "/" + id.Version.OriginalVersion)))
+ {
+ var directDependency =
+ directDependencies?.FirstOrDefault(
+ d => d.name == identity.Id &&
+ d.version.Satisfies(identity.Version));
+ usages.Add(Usage.Create(
+ assetFile,
+ identity,
+ directDependency != null,
+ directDependency?.autoReferenced == true,
+ possibleRids));
+ }
+ });
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Searching for unused packages...");
+ foreach (PackageIdentity restoredWithoutUsagesFound in
+ toCheck.Except(usages.Select(u => u.PackageIdentity)))
+ {
+ usages.Add(Usage.Create(
+ null,
+ restoredWithoutUsagesFound,
+ false,
+ false,
+ possibleRids));
+ }
+ // Packages that were included in the tarball as prebuilts, but weren't even restored.
+ PackageIdentity[] neverRestoredTarballPrebuilts = tarballPrebuilt
+ .Except(restored)
+ .ToArray();
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Writing data to '{DataFile}'...");
+ var data = new UsageData
+ {
+ CreatedByRid = TargetRid,
+ Usages = usages.ToArray(),
+ NeverRestoredTarballPrebuilts = neverRestoredTarballPrebuilts,
+ ProjectDirectories = ProjectDirectories
+ ?.Select(GetPathRelativeToRoot)
+ .ToArray()
+ };
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(DataFile));
+ File.WriteAllText(DataFile, data.ToXml().ToString());
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"Writing package usage data... done. Took {DateTime.Now - startTime}");
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private string GetPathRelativeToRoot(string path)
+ {
+ if (path.StartsWith(RootDir))
+ {
+ return path.Substring(RootDir.Length).Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/');
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Path '{path}' is not within RootDir '{RootDir}'");
+ }
+ private static string[] ReadRidsFromRuntimeJson(string path)
+ {
+ var root = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(path));
+ return root["runtimes"]
+ .Values()
+ .Select(o => o.Name)
+ .ToArray();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageBurndownData.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageBurndownData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab40fa590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageBurndownData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Concurrent;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+using Task = Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class WriteUsageBurndownData : Task
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Specifies the root directory for git.
+ /// Note: Requires a trailing "/" when specifying the directory.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string RootDirectory { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Specifies the path to the prebuilt baseline file
+ /// to be used to generate the burndown.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string PrebuiltBaselineFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Output data CSV file.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputFilePath { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ string baselineRelativeFileName = PrebuiltBaselineFile.Replace(RootDirectory, "");
+ string gitLogCommand = $"log --first-parent --pretty=format:%H,%f,%ci -- {PrebuiltBaselineFile}";
+ DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, "Generating summary usage burndown data...");
+ ParallelQuery data = ExecuteGitCommand(RootDirectory, gitLogCommand).AsParallel().Select(commitLine =>
+ {
+ var splitLine = commitLine.Split(',');
+ var commit = new Commit()
+ {
+ Sha = splitLine[0],
+ Title = splitLine[1],
+ CommitDate = DateTime.Parse(splitLine[2])
+ };
+ string fileContents = GetFileContents(baselineRelativeFileName, commit.Sha);
+ Usage[] usages = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(fileContents)).Usages.NullAsEmpty().ToArray();
+ commit.PackageVersionCount = usages.Count();
+ commit.PackageCount = usages.GroupBy(i => i.PackageIdentity.Id).Select(grp => grp.First()).Count();
+ return commit;
+ })
+ .Select(c => c.ToString());
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputFilePath));
+ File.WriteAllLines(OutputFilePath, data);
+ Log.LogMessage(
+ MessageImportance.High,
+ $"Generating summary usage burndown data at {OutputFilePath} done. Took {DateTime.Now - startTime}");
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Get the contents of a git file based on the commit sha.
+ ///
+ /// The relative path (from the git root) to the file.
+ /// The commit sha for the version of the file to get.
+ /// The contents of the specified file.
+ private string GetFileContents(string relativeFilePath, string commitSha)
+ {
+ WebClient client = new WebClient();
+ var xmlString = client.DownloadString($"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/source-build/{commitSha}/{relativeFilePath.Replace('\\', '/')}");
+ return xmlString;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Executes a git command and returns the result.
+ ///
+ /// The working directory for the git command.
+ /// The git command to execute.
+ /// An array of the output lines of the git command.
+ private string[] ExecuteGitCommand(string workingDirectory, string command)
+ {
+ string[] returnData;
+ Process _process = new Process();
+ _process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
+ _process.StartInfo.Arguments = command;
+ _process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
+ _process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
+ _process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
+ _process.Start();
+ returnData = _process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split('\n');
+ _process.WaitForExit();
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ private class Commit
+ {
+ public string Sha { get; set; }
+ public string Title { get; set; }
+ public DateTime CommitDate { get; set; }
+ public int PackageVersionCount { get; set; }
+ public int PackageCount { get; set; }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return $"{Sha}, {Title}, {CommitDate}, {PackageVersionCount}, {PackageCount}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageReports.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageReports.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e236d16a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/WriteUsageReports.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ public class WriteUsageReports : Task
+ {
+ private const string SnapshotPrefix = "PackageVersions.props.pre.";
+ private const string SnapshotSuffix = ".xml";
+ ///
+ /// Source usage data JSON file.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string DataFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// A set of "PackageVersions.props.pre.{repo}.xml" files. They are analyzed to find
+ /// packages built during source-build, and which repo built them. This info is added to the
+ /// report. New packages are associated to a repo by going through each PVP in ascending
+ /// file modification order.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] PackageVersionPropsSnapshots { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Infos that associate packages to the ProdCon build they're from.
+ ///
+ /// %(PackageId): Identity of the package.
+ /// %(OriginBuildName): Name of the build that produced this package.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] ProdConPackageInfos { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Path to a ProdCon build manifest file (build.xml) as an alternative way to pass
+ /// ProdConPackageInfos items.
+ ///
+ public string ProdConBuildManifestFile { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// File containing the results of poisoning the prebuilts. Example format:
+ ///
+ /// MATCH: output built\dotnet-sdk-...\System.Collections.dll(hash 4b...31) matches one of:
+ /// intermediate\netstandard.library.2.0.1.nupkg\build\...\System.Collections.dll
+ ///
+ /// The usage report reads this file, looking for 'intermediate\*.nupkg' to annotate.
+ ///
+ public string PoisonedReportFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputDirectory { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ UsageData data = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText(DataFile)));
+ IEnumerable sourceBuildRepoOutputs = GetSourceBuildRepoOutputs();
+ // Map package id to the build name that created them in a ProdCon build.
+ var prodConPackageOrigin = new Dictionary(
+ StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ foreach (ITaskItem item in ProdConPackageInfos.NullAsEmpty())
+ {
+ AddProdConPackage(
+ prodConPackageOrigin,
+ item.GetMetadata("PackageId"),
+ item.GetMetadata("OriginBuildName"));
+ }
+ if (File.Exists(ProdConBuildManifestFile))
+ {
+ var xml = XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText(ProdConBuildManifestFile));
+ foreach (var x in xml.Descendants("Package"))
+ {
+ AddProdConPackage(
+ prodConPackageOrigin,
+ x.Attribute("Id")?.Value,
+ x.Attribute("OriginBuildName")?.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ var poisonNupkgFilenames = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ if (File.Exists(PoisonedReportFile))
+ {
+ foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(PoisonedReportFile))
+ {
+ string[] segments = line.Split('\\');
+ if (segments.Length > 2 &&
+ segments[0].Trim() == "intermediate" &&
+ segments[1].EndsWith(".nupkg"))
+ {
+ poisonNupkgFilenames.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(segments[1]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var report = new XElement("AnnotatedUsages");
+ var annotatedUsages = data.Usages.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(usage =>
+ {
+ string id = usage.PackageIdentity.Id;
+ string version = usage.PackageIdentity.Version.OriginalVersion;
+ string pvpIdent = WriteBuildOutputProps.GetPropertyName(id);
+ var sourceBuildCreator = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (RepoOutput output in sourceBuildRepoOutputs)
+ {
+ foreach (PackageVersionPropsElement p in output.Built)
+ {
+ if (p.Name.Equals(pvpIdent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ if (sourceBuildCreator.Length != 0)
+ {
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append(" ");
+ }
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append(output.Repo);
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append(" ");
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append(p.Name);
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append("/");
+ sourceBuildCreator.Append(p.Version);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prodConPackageOrigin.TryGetValue(id, out string prodConCreator);
+ return new AnnotatedUsage
+ {
+ Usage = usage,
+ Project = data.ProjectDirectories
+ ?.FirstOrDefault(p => usage.AssetsFile?.StartsWith(p) ?? false),
+ SourceBuildPackageIdCreator = sourceBuildCreator.Length == 0
+ ? null
+ : sourceBuildCreator.ToString(),
+ ProdConPackageIdCreator = prodConCreator,
+ TestProjectByHeuristic = IsTestUsageByHeuristic(usage),
+ EndsUpInOutput = poisonNupkgFilenames.Contains($"{id}.{version}")
+ };
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ foreach (var onlyTestProjectUsage in annotatedUsages
+ .GroupBy(u => u.Usage.PackageIdentity)
+ .Where(g => g.All(u => u.TestProjectByHeuristic))
+ .SelectMany(g => g))
+ {
+ onlyTestProjectUsage.TestProjectOnlyByHeuristic = true;
+ }
+ report.Add(annotatedUsages.Select(u => u.ToXml()));
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputDirectory);
+ File.WriteAllText(
+ Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "annotated-usage.xml"),
+ report.ToString());
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private RepoOutput[] GetSourceBuildRepoOutputs()
+ {
+ var pvpSnapshotFiles = PackageVersionPropsSnapshots.NullAsEmpty()
+ .Select(item =>
+ {
+ var content = File.ReadAllText(item.ItemSpec);
+ return new
+ {
+ Path = item.ItemSpec,
+ Content = content,
+ Xml = XElement.Parse(content)
+ };
+ })
+ .OrderBy(snapshot =>
+ {
+ // Get the embedded creation time if possible: the file's original metadata may
+ // have been destroyed by copying, zipping, etc.
+ string creationTime = snapshot.Xml
+ // Get the second PropertyGroup.
+ .Elements().Skip(1).FirstOrDefault()
+ // Get the creation time element.
+ ?.Element(snapshot.Xml
+ .GetDefaultNamespace()
+ .GetName(WriteBuildOutputProps.CreationTimePropertyName))
+ ?.Value;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(creationTime))
+ {
+ Log.LogError($"No creation time property found in snapshot {snapshot.Path}");
+ return default(DateTime);
+ }
+ return new DateTime(long.Parse(creationTime));
+ })
+ .Select(snapshot =>
+ {
+ string filename = Path.GetFileName(snapshot.Path);
+ return new
+ {
+ Repo = filename.Substring(
+ SnapshotPrefix.Length,
+ filename.Length - SnapshotPrefix.Length - SnapshotSuffix.Length),
+ PackageVersionProp = PackageVersionPropsElement.Parse(snapshot.Xml)
+ };
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ return pvpSnapshotFiles.Skip(1)
+ .Zip(pvpSnapshotFiles, (pvp, prev) => new RepoOutput
+ {
+ Repo = prev.Repo,
+ Built = pvp.PackageVersionProp.Except(prev.PackageVersionProp).ToArray()
+ })
+ .ToArray();
+ }
+ private void AddProdConPackage(
+ Dictionary packageOrigin,
+ string id,
+ string origin)
+ {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) &&
+ !string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin))
+ {
+ packageOrigin[id] = origin;
+ }
+ }
+ public static bool IsTestUsageByHeuristic(Usage usage)
+ {
+ string[] assetsFileParts = usage.AssetsFile?.Split('/', '\\');
+ // If the dir name ends in Test(s), it's probably a test project.
+ // Ignore the first two segments to avoid classifying everything in "src/vstest".
+ // This also catches "test" dirs that contain many test projects.
+ if (assetsFileParts?.Skip(2).Any(p =>
+ p.EndsWith("Tests", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
+ p.EndsWith("Test", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == true)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // CoreFX restores test dependencies during this sync project.
+ if (assetsFileParts?.Contains("XUnit.Runtime") == true)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private class RepoOutput
+ {
+ public string Repo { get; set; }
+ public PackageVersionPropsElement[] Built { get; set; }
+ }
+ private struct PackageVersionPropsElement
+ {
+ public static PackageVersionPropsElement[] Parse(XElement xml)
+ {
+ return xml
+ // Get the single PropertyGroup
+ .Elements()
+ .First()
+ // Get all *PackageVersion property elements.
+ .Elements()
+ .Select(x => new PackageVersionPropsElement(
+ x.Name.LocalName,
+ x.Nodes().OfType().First().Value))
+ .ToArray();
+ }
+ public string Name { get; }
+ public string Version { get; }
+ public PackageVersionPropsElement(string name, string version)
+ {
+ Name = name;
+ Version = version;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/XmlParsingHelpers.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/XmlParsingHelpers.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c30173fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/UsageReport/XmlParsingHelpers.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Xml.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
+ internal static class XmlParsingHelpers
+ {
+ public static XElement ToXElement(this PackageIdentity ident) => new XElement(
+ "PackageIdentity",
+ new XAttribute("Id", ident.Id),
+ new XAttribute("Version", ident.Version.OriginalVersion));
+ public static XAttribute ToXAttributeIfNotNull(this object value, string name) =>
+ value == null ? null : new XAttribute(name, value);
+ public static XAttribute ToXAttributeIfTrue(this bool value, string name) =>
+ value == false ? null : new XAttribute(name, value);
+ public static PackageIdentity ParsePackageIdentity(XElement xml) => new PackageIdentity(
+ xml.Attribute("Id").Value,
+ NuGetVersion.Parse(xml.Attribute("Version").Value));
+ public static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByOrdinal(
+ this IEnumerable source,
+ Func selector)
+ {
+ return source.OrderBy(selector, StringComparer.Ordinal);
+ }
+ public static IOrderedEnumerable ThenByOrdinal(
+ this IOrderedEnumerable source,
+ Func selector)
+ {
+ return source.ThenBy(selector, StringComparer.Ordinal);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteBuildOutputProps.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteBuildOutputProps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb1d2fe4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteBuildOutputProps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class WriteBuildOutputProps : Task
+ {
+ private static readonly Regex InvalidElementNameCharRegex = new Regex(@"(^|[^A-Za-z0-9])(?.)");
+ public const string CreationTimePropertyName = "BuildOutputPropsCreationTime";
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] NuGetPackages { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputPath { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Adds a second PropertyGroup to the output XML containing a property with the time of
+ /// creation in UTC DateTime Ticks. This can be used to track creation time in situations
+ /// where file metadata isn't reliable or preserved.
+ ///
+ public bool IncludeCreationTimeProperty { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Properties to add to the build output props, which may not exist as nupkgs.
+ /// FOr example, this is used to pass the version of the CLI toolset archives.
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): Package identity.
+ /// %(Version): Package version.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] ExtraProperties { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Additional assets to be added to the build output props.
+ /// i.e. /bin/obj/x64/Release/blobs/Toolset/3.0.100
+ /// This parameter is the / portion only, and the asset
+ /// must be in a / folder.
+ ///
+ public string[] AdditionalAssetDirs { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ PackageIdentity[] latestPackages = NuGetPackages
+ .Select(item =>
+ {
+ using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(item.GetMetadata("FullPath")))
+ {
+ return reader.GetIdentity();
+ }
+ })
+ .GroupBy(identity => identity.Id)
+ .Select(g => g.OrderBy(id => id.Version).Last())
+ .OrderBy(id => id.Id)
+ .ToArray();
+ var additionalAssets = (AdditionalAssetDirs ?? new string[0])
+ .Where(Directory.Exists)
+ .Where(dir => Directory.GetDirectories(dir).Count() > 0)
+ .Select(dir => new {
+ Name = new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name + "Version",
+ Version = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir).OrderBy(s => s).Last()).Name
+ }).ToArray();
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputPath));
+ using (var outStream = File.Open(OutputPath, FileMode.Create))
+ using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ foreach (PackageIdentity packageIdentity in latestPackages)
+ {
+ string propertyName = GetPropertyName(packageIdentity.Id);
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{propertyName}>{packageIdentity.Version}{propertyName}>");
+ propertyName = GetAlternatePropertyName(packageIdentity.Id);
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{propertyName}>{packageIdentity.Version}{propertyName}>");
+ }
+ foreach (var extraProp in ExtraProperties ?? Enumerable.Empty())
+ {
+ string propertyName = extraProp.GetMetadata("Identity");
+ bool doNotOverwrite = false;
+ string overwriteCondition = string.Empty;
+ if (bool.TryParse(extraProp.GetMetadata("DoNotOverwrite"), out doNotOverwrite) && doNotOverwrite)
+ {
+ overwriteCondition = $" Condition=\"'$({propertyName})' == ''\"";
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{propertyName}{overwriteCondition}>{extraProp.GetMetadata("Version")}{propertyName}>");
+ }
+ foreach (var additionalAsset in additionalAssets)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{additionalAsset.Name}>{additionalAsset.Version}{additionalAsset.Name}>");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ if (IncludeCreationTimeProperty)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine($@" <{CreationTimePropertyName}>{DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks}{CreationTimePropertyName}>");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static string GetPropertyName(string id)
+ {
+ string formattedId = InvalidElementNameCharRegex.Replace(
+ id,
+ match => match.Groups?["FirstPartChar"].Value.ToUpperInvariant()
+ ?? string.Empty);
+ return $"{formattedId}PackageVersion";
+ }
+ public static string GetAlternatePropertyName(string id)
+ {
+ string formattedId = InvalidElementNameCharRegex.Replace(
+ id,
+ match => match.Groups?["FirstPartChar"].Value.ToUpperInvariant()
+ ?? string.Empty);
+ return $"{formattedId}Version";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceAndVersionProps.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceAndVersionProps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee8a9ba7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceAndVersionProps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class WriteRestoreSourceAndVersionProps : Task
+ {
+ private static readonly Regex InvalidElementNameCharRegex = new Regex(@"(^|[^A-Za-z0-9])(?.)");
+ public const string CreationTimePropertyName = "BuildOutputPropsCreationTime";
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] RestoreSources { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] NuGetPackages { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputPath { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Adds a second PropertyGroup to the output XML containing a property with the time of
+ /// creation in UTC DateTime Ticks. This can be used to track creation time in situations
+ /// where file metadata isn't reliable or preserved.
+ ///
+ public bool IncludeCreationTimeProperty { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Properties to add to the build output props, which may not exist as nupkgs.
+ /// FOr example, this is used to pass the version of the CLI toolset archives.
+ ///
+ /// %(Identity): Package identity.
+ /// %(Version): Package version.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] ExtraProperties { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Additional assets to be added to the build output props.
+ /// i.e. /bin/obj/x64/Release/blobs/Toolset/3.0.100
+ /// This parameter is the / portion only, and the asset
+ /// must be in a / folder.
+ ///
+ public string[] AdditionalAssetDirs { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ PackageIdentity[] latestPackages = NuGetPackages
+ .Select(item =>
+ {
+ using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(item.GetMetadata("FullPath")))
+ {
+ return reader.GetIdentity();
+ }
+ })
+ .GroupBy(identity => identity.Id)
+ .Select(g => g.OrderBy(id => id.Version).Last())
+ .OrderBy(id => id.Id)
+ .ToArray();
+ var additionalAssets = (AdditionalAssetDirs ?? new string[0])
+ .Where(Directory.Exists)
+ .Where(dir => Directory.GetDirectories(dir).Count() > 0)
+ .Select(dir => new {
+ Name = new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name + "Version",
+ Version = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir).OrderBy(s => s).Last()).Name
+ }).ToArray();
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputPath));
+ using (var outStream = File.Open(OutputPath, FileMode.Create))
+ using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ foreach (ITaskItem restoreSourceItem in RestoreSources)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine($" {restoreSourceItem.ItemSpec};");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ foreach (PackageIdentity packageIdentity in latestPackages)
+ {
+ string propertyName = GetPropertyName(packageIdentity.Id);
+ string shortPropertyName = GetShortPropertyName(packageIdentity.Id);
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{propertyName}>{packageIdentity.Version}{propertyName}>");
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{shortPropertyName}>{packageIdentity.Version}{shortPropertyName}>");
+ }
+ foreach (var extraProp in ExtraProperties ?? Enumerable.Empty())
+ {
+ string propertyName = extraProp.GetMetadata("Identity");
+ bool doNotOverwrite = false;
+ string overwriteCondition = string.Empty;
+ if (bool.TryParse(extraProp.GetMetadata("DoNotOverwrite"), out doNotOverwrite) && doNotOverwrite)
+ {
+ overwriteCondition = $" Condition=\"'$({propertyName})' == ''\"";
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{propertyName}{overwriteCondition}>{extraProp.GetMetadata("Version")}{propertyName}>");
+ }
+ foreach (var additionalAsset in additionalAssets)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine($" <{additionalAsset.Name}>{additionalAsset.Version}{additionalAsset.Name}>");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ if (IncludeCreationTimeProperty)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine($@" <{CreationTimePropertyName}>{DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks}{CreationTimePropertyName}>");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static string GetPropertyName(string id)
+ {
+ string formattedId = InvalidElementNameCharRegex.Replace(
+ id,
+ match => match.Groups?["FirstPartChar"].Value.ToUpperInvariant()
+ ?? string.Empty);
+ return $"{formattedId}PackageVersion";
+ }
+ public static string GetShortPropertyName(string id)
+ {
+ string formattedId = InvalidElementNameCharRegex.Replace(
+ id,
+ match => match.Groups?["FirstPartChar"].Value.ToUpperInvariant()
+ ?? string.Empty);
+ return $"{formattedId}Version";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceProps.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceProps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e983531b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteRestoreSourceProps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class WriteRestoreSourceProps : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] RestoreSources { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputPath { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputPath));
+ using (var outStream = File.Open(OutputPath, FileMode.Create))
+ using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ foreach (ITaskItem restoreSourceItem in RestoreSources)
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine($" {restoreSourceItem.ItemSpec};");
+ }
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@" ");
+ sw.WriteLine(@"");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b96f9f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteSourceRepoProperties.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.Models;
+using NuGet.Versioning;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Xml.Serialization;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class WriteSourceRepoProperties : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public string VersionDetailsFile { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string ClonedSubmoduleGitRootDirectory { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string ClonedSubmoduleDirectory { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceBuildMetadataDir { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VersionDetails));
+ VersionDetails versionDetails = null;
+ using (var stream = File.OpenRead(VersionDetailsFile))
+ {
+ versionDetails = (VersionDetails)serializer.Deserialize(stream);
+ }
+ var allRepoProps = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (var dep in versionDetails.ToolsetDependencies.Concat(versionDetails.ProductDependencies))
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, $"[{DateTimeOffset.Now}] Starting dependency {dep.ToString()}");
+ string repoPath = DeriveRepoPath(ClonedSubmoduleDirectory, dep.Uri, dep.Sha);
+ string repoGitDir = DeriveRepoGitDirPath(ClonedSubmoduleGitRootDirectory, dep.Uri);
+ if (Directory.Exists(repoGitDir))
+ {
+ foreach (string repoName in GetRepoNamesOrDefault(dep))
+ {
+ string safeRepoName = repoName.Replace("-", "");
+ try
+ {
+ WriteMinimalMetadata(repoPath, dep.Uri, dep.Sha);
+ WriteSourceBuildMetadata(SourceBuildMetadataDir, repoGitDir, dep);
+ if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(repoPath, ".gitmodules")))
+ {
+ HandleSubmodules(repoPath, repoGitDir, dep);
+ }
+ allRepoProps[$"{safeRepoName}GitCommitHash"] = dep.Sha;
+ allRepoProps[$"{safeRepoName}OutputPackageVersion"] = dep.Version;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Log.LogErrorFromException(e, true, true, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, $"[{DateTimeOffset.Now}] Skipping dependency {dep.ToString()} - git dir {repoGitDir} doesn't exist");
+ }
+ }
+ string allRepoPropsPath = Path.Combine(SourceBuildMetadataDir, "AllRepoVersions.props");
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, $"[{DateTimeOffset.Now}] Writing all repo versions to {allRepoPropsPath}");
+ WritePropsFile(allRepoPropsPath, allRepoProps);
+ return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
+ }
+ private void WriteSourceBuildMetadata(string sourceBuildMetadataPath, string repoGitDir, Dependency dependency)
+ {
+ foreach (string repoName in GetRepoNamesOrDefault(dependency))
+ {
+ string propsPath = Path.Combine(sourceBuildMetadataPath, $"{repoName}.props");
+ string commitCount = GetCommitCount(repoGitDir, dependency.Sha);
+ DerivedVersion derivedVersion = GetVersionInfo(dependency.Version, commitCount);
+ var repoProps = new Dictionary
+ {
+ ["GitCommitHash"] = dependency.Sha,
+ ["GitCommitCount"] = commitCount,
+ ["GitCommitDate"] = GetCommitDate(repoGitDir, dependency.Sha),
+ ["OfficialBuildId"] = derivedVersion.OfficialBuildId,
+ ["OutputPackageVersion"] = dependency.Version,
+ ["PreReleaseVersionLabel"] = derivedVersion.PreReleaseVersionLabel,
+ ["IsStable"] = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(derivedVersion.PreReleaseVersionLabel) ? "true" : "false",
+ };
+ WritePropsFile(propsPath, repoProps);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Reverse a version in the Arcade style (https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/fb92b14d8cd07cf44f8f7eefa8ac58d7ffd05f3f/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk/tools/Version.BeforeCommonTargets.targets#L18)
+ /// back to an OfficialBuildId + ReleaseLabel which we can then supply to get the same resulting version number.
+ ///
+ /// The complete version, e.g. 1.0.0-beta1-19720.5
+ /// The current commit count of the repo. This is used for some repos that do not use the standard versioning scheme.
+ ///
+ private static DerivedVersion GetVersionInfo(string version, string commitCount)
+ {
+ var nugetVersion = new NuGetVersion(version);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nugetVersion.Release))
+ {
+ var releaseParts = nugetVersion.Release.Split('-', '.');
+ if (releaseParts.Length == 2)
+ {
+ if (releaseParts[1].TrimStart('0') == commitCount)
+ {
+ // core-sdk does this - OfficialBuildId is only used for their fake package and not in anything shipped
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.1"), PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // NuGet does this - arbitrary build IDs
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = releaseParts[1], PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ }
+ else if (releaseParts.Length == 3)
+ {
+ // VSTest uses full dates for the first part of their preview build numbers
+ if (DateTime.TryParseExact(releaseParts[1], "yyyyMMdd", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out DateTime fullDate))
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"{releaseParts[1]}.{releaseParts[2]}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ else if (int.TryParse(releaseParts[1], out int datePart) && int.TryParse(releaseParts[2], out int buildPart))
+ {
+ if (datePart > 1 && datePart < 8 && buildPart > 1000 && buildPart < 10000)
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = releaseParts[2], PreReleaseVersionLabel = $"{releaseParts[0]}.{releaseParts[1]}" };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"20{((datePart / 1000))}{((datePart % 1000) / 50):D2}{(datePart % 50):D2}.{buildPart}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = releaseParts[0] };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (releaseParts.Length == 4)
+ {
+ // new preview version style, e.g. 5.0.0-preview.7.20365.12
+ if (int.TryParse(releaseParts[2], out int datePart) && int.TryParse(releaseParts[3], out int buildPart))
+ {
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = $"20{((datePart / 1000))}{((datePart % 1000) / 50):D2}{(datePart % 50):D2}.{buildPart}", PreReleaseVersionLabel = $"{releaseParts[0]}.{releaseParts[1]}" };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // finalized version number (x.y.z) - probably not our code
+ // VSTest, Application Insights, Newtonsoft.Json do this
+ return new DerivedVersion { OfficialBuildId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.1"), PreReleaseVersionLabel = string.Empty };
+ }
+ throw new FormatException($"Can't derive a build ID from version {version} (commit count {commitCount}, release {string.Join(";", nugetVersion.Release.Split('-', '.'))})");
+ }
+ private static string GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(string repoUrl)
+ {
+ if (repoUrl.EndsWith(".git"))
+ {
+ repoUrl = repoUrl.Substring(0, repoUrl.Length - ".git".Length);
+ }
+ return repoUrl.Substring(repoUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ }
+ private static IEnumerable GetRepoNamesOrDefault(Dependency dependency)
+ {
+ return dependency.RepoNames ?? new[] { GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(dependency.Uri) };
+ }
+ private static string DeriveRepoGitDirPath(string gitDirPath, string repoUrl)
+ {
+ return Path.Combine(gitDirPath, $"{GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(repoUrl)}.git");
+ }
+ private static string DeriveRepoPath(string sourceDirPath, string repoUrl, string hash)
+ {
+ // hash could actually be a branch or tag, make it filename-safe
+ hash = hash.Replace('/', '-').Replace('\\', '-').Replace('?', '-').Replace('*', '-').Replace(':', '-').Replace('|', '-').Replace('"', '-').Replace('<', '-').Replace('>', '-');
+ return Path.Combine(sourceDirPath, $"{GetDefaultRepoNameFromUrl(repoUrl)}.{hash}");
+ }
+ private string GetCommitCount(string gitDir, string hash)
+ {
+ return RunGitCommand($"rev-list --count {hash}", gitDir: gitDir);
+ }
+ private string GetCommitDate(string gitDir, string hash)
+ {
+ return RunGitCommand($"log -1 --format=%cd --date=short {hash}", gitDir: gitDir);
+ }
+ private IEnumerable GetSubmoduleInfo(string gitModulesFilePath)
+ {
+ string submoduleProps = RunGitCommand($"config --file={gitModulesFilePath} --list");
+ var submodulePathRegex = new Regex(@"submodule\.(?.*)\.path=(?.*)");
+ foreach (Match m in submodulePathRegex.Matches(submoduleProps))
+ {
+ yield return new SubmoduleInfo { Name = m.Groups["submoduleName"].Value, Path = m.Groups["submodulePath"].Value };
+ }
+ }
+ private string RunGitCommand(string command, string workTree = null, string gitDir = null)
+ {
+ // Windows Git requires these to be before the command
+ if (workTree != null)
+ {
+ command = $"--work-tree={workTree} {command}";
+ }
+ if (gitDir != null)
+ {
+ command = $"--git-dir={gitDir} {command}";
+ }
+ var exec = new Exec
+ {
+ BuildEngine = BuildEngine,
+ Command = $"git {command}",
+ LogStandardErrorAsError = true,
+ ConsoleToMSBuild = true,
+ };
+ if (!exec.Execute() || exec.ExitCode != 0)
+ {
+ string error = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, exec.ConsoleOutput.Select(o => o.ItemSpec));
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"git command '{command}' failed with exit code {exec.ExitCode} and error {error ?? ""}");
+ }
+ string output = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, exec.ConsoleOutput.Select(o => o.ItemSpec));
+ return output.Trim();
+ }
+ private void HandleSubmodules(string sourceDirPath, string gitDirPath, Dependency dependency)
+ {
+ var gitModulesPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirPath, ".gitmodules");
+ foreach (SubmoduleInfo submodule in GetSubmoduleInfo(gitModulesPath))
+ {
+ WriteGitCommitMarkerFileForSubmodule(sourceDirPath, gitDirPath, dependency.Sha, submodule.Name, submodule.Path);
+ }
+ }
+ private void WriteGitCommitMarkerFileForSubmodule(string sourceDirPath, string gitDirPath, string parentRepoSha, string submoduleName, string submodulePath)
+ {
+ var submoduleSha = GetSubmoduleCommit(gitDirPath, parentRepoSha, submodulePath);
+ var headDirectory = Path.Combine(sourceDirPath, submodulePath, ".git");
+ var headPath = Path.Combine(headDirectory, "HEAD");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(headDirectory);
+ File.WriteAllText(headPath, submoduleSha);
+ }
+ private static void WriteMinimalMetadata(string repoPath, string repoUrl, string hash)
+ {
+ var fakeGitDirPath = Path.Combine(repoPath, ".git");
+ var fakeGitConfigPath = Path.Combine(fakeGitDirPath, "config");
+ var fakeGitHeadPath = Path.Combine(fakeGitDirPath, "HEAD");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(fakeGitDirPath);
+ File.WriteAllText(fakeGitHeadPath, hash);
+ File.WriteAllText(fakeGitConfigPath, $"[remote \"origin\"]{Environment.NewLine}url = \"{repoUrl}\"");
+ }
+ private string GetSubmoduleCommit(string gitDirPath, string parentRepoSha, string submodulePath)
+ {
+ var gitObjectList = RunGitCommand($"ls-tree {parentRepoSha} {submodulePath}", gitDir: gitDirPath);
+ var submoduleRegex = new Regex(@"\d{6}\s+commit\s+(?[a-fA-F0-9]{40})\s+(.+)");
+ var submoduleMatch = submoduleRegex.Match(gitObjectList);
+ if (!submoduleMatch.Success)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException($"Couldn't find a submodule commit in {gitObjectList} for {submodulePath}");
+ }
+ return submoduleMatch.Groups["submoduleSha"].Value;
+ }
+ private static void WritePropsFile(string filePath, Dictionary properties)
+ {
+ var content = new StringBuilder();
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ content.AppendLine(" ");
+ foreach (var propName in properties.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
+ {
+ content.AppendLine($" <{propName}>{properties[propName]}{propName}>");
+ }
+ content.AppendLine(" ");
+ content.AppendLine("");
+ File.WriteAllText(filePath, content.ToString());
+ }
+ private class DerivedVersion
+ {
+ internal string OfficialBuildId { get; set; }
+ internal string PreReleaseVersionLabel { get; set; }
+ }
+ private class SubmoduleInfo
+ {
+ internal string Name { get; set; }
+ internal string Path { get; set; }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteVersionsFile.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteVersionsFile.cs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e4ba279f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/WriteVersionsFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
+using NuGet.Packaging;
+using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public class WriteVersionsFile : Task
+ {
+ [Required]
+ public ITaskItem[] NugetPackages { get; set; }
+ [Required]
+ public string OutputPath { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(OutputPath));
+ using (Stream outStream = File.Open(OutputPath, FileMode.Create))
+ {
+ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
+ {
+ foreach (ITaskItem nugetPackage in NugetPackages)
+ {
+ using (PackageArchiveReader par = new PackageArchiveReader(nugetPackage.GetMetadata("FullPath")))
+ {
+ PackageIdentity packageIdentity = par.GetIdentity();
+ sw.WriteLine($"{packageIdentity.Id} {packageIdentity.Version}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ZipFileExtractToDirectory.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ZipFileExtractToDirectory.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bec92355c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/ZipFileExtractToDirectory.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
+ public sealed class ZipFileExtractToDirectory : BuildTask
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The path to the archive to be extracted.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string SourceArchive { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The path of the directory to extract into.
+ ///
+ [Required]
+ public string DestinationDirectory { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Indicates if the destination directory should be overwritten if it already exists.
+ ///
+ public bool OverwriteDestination { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// File entries to include in the extraction. Entries are relative
+ /// paths inside the archive. If null or empty, all files are extracted.
+ ///
+ public ITaskItem[] Include { get; set; }
+ public override bool Execute()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (Directory.Exists(DestinationDirectory))
+ {
+ if (OverwriteDestination)
+ {
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"'{DestinationDirectory}' already exists, trying to delete before unzipping...");
+ Directory.Delete(DestinationDirectory, recursive: true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log.LogWarning($"'{DestinationDirectory}' already exists. Did you forget to set '{nameof(OverwriteDestination)}' to true?");
+ }
+ }
+ Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, "Decompressing '{0}' into '{1}'...", SourceArchive, DestinationDirectory);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(DestinationDirectory));
+ using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(SourceArchive))
+ {
+ if (Include?.Length > 0)
+ {
+ foreach (ITaskItem entryItem in Include)
+ {
+ ZipArchiveEntry entry = archive.GetEntry(entryItem.ItemSpec);
+ string destinationPath = Path.Combine(DestinationDirectory, entryItem.ItemSpec);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationPath));
+ entry.ExtractToFile(destinationPath, overwrite: false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ archive.ExtractToDirectory(DestinationDirectory);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ // We have 2 log calls because we want a nice error message but we also want to capture the callstack in the log.
+ Log.LogError("An exception has occurred while trying to decompress '{0}' into '{1}'.", SourceArchive, DestinationDirectory);
+ Log.LogErrorFromException(e, /*show stack=*/ true, /*show detail=*/ true, DestinationDirectory);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/_._ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.XPlat/_._
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver.csproj b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver.csproj
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f6fa859e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ netstandard2.0
+ $(DotNetSdkResolversDir)$(MSBuildProjectName)\$(MSBuildProjectName).dll
diff --git a/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuiltSdkResolver.cs b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuiltSdkResolver.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..250c620bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SourceBuild/tarball/content/tools-local/tasks/SourceBuild.MSBuildSdkResolver/SourceBuiltSdkResolver.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks
+ ///
+ /// Extends the SDK to handle "SOURCE_BUILD_SDK_*" override environment variables. Each override
+ /// should provide a set of 3 environment variables:
+ ///
+ /// ID of the SDK nuget package to override.
+ ///
+ /// SOURCE_BUILD_SDK_DIR_EXAMPLE=/git/repo/bin/extracted/Your.Sdk.Example/
+ /// Directory where the sdk/Sdk.props and/or sdk/Sdk.targets files are located. This should be
+ /// the directory where the override SDK package is extracted.
+ ///
+ /// SOURCE_BUILD_SDK_VERSION_EXAMPLE=1.0.0-source-built
+ /// (Optional) Version of the SDK package to use. This is informational.
+ ///
+ public class SourceBuiltSdkResolver : SdkResolver
+ {
+ public override string Name => nameof(SourceBuiltSdkResolver);
+ public override int Priority => 0;
+ public override SdkResult Resolve(
+ SdkReference sdkReference,
+ SdkResolverContext resolverContext,
+ SdkResultFactory factory)
+ {
+ string sdkDescription = sdkReference.Name;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkReference.Version))
+ {
+ sdkDescription += $" {sdkReference.Version}";
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkReference.MinimumVersion))
+ {
+ sdkDescription += $" (>= {sdkReference.MinimumVersion})";
+ }
+ SourceBuiltSdkOverride[] overrides = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()
+ .Cast()
+ .Select(SourceBuiltSdkOverride.Create)
+ .Where(o => o != null)
+ .ToArray();
+ void LogMessage(string message)
+ {
+ resolverContext.Logger.LogMessage($"[{Name}] {message}", MessageImportance.High);
+ }
+ if (overrides.Any())
+ {
+ string separator = overrides.Length == 1 ? " " : Environment.NewLine;
+ LogMessage(
+ $"Looking for SDK {sdkDescription}. Detected config(s) in env:{separator}" +
+ string.Join(Environment.NewLine, overrides.Select(o => o.ToString())));
+ }
+ SourceBuiltSdkOverride[] matches = overrides
+ .Where(o => sdkReference.Name.Equals(o?.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ .ToArray();
+ var unresolvableReasons = new List();
+ if (matches.Length != 1)
+ {
+ unresolvableReasons.Add(
+ $"{matches.Length} overrides found for '{sdkReference.Name}'");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SourceBuiltSdkOverride match = matches[0];
+ string[] matchProblems = match.GetValidationErrors().ToArray();
+ if (matchProblems.Any())
+ {
+ unresolvableReasons.Add($"Found match '{match.Group}' with problems:");
+ unresolvableReasons.AddRange(matchProblems);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogMessage($"Overriding {sdkDescription} with '{match.Group}'");
+ return factory.IndicateSuccess(match.SdkDir, match.Version);
+ }
+ }
+ return factory.IndicateFailure(unresolvableReasons.Select(r => $"[{Name}] {r}"));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Takes a directory path (not ending in a separator) and determines if it is the "sdk"
+ /// directory inside a SDK package with a case-insensitive comparison.
+ ///
+ private static bool IsSdkDirectory(string path)
+ {
+ return Path.GetFileName(path).Equals("sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ }
+ private class SourceBuiltSdkOverride
+ {
+ private const string EnvPrefix = "SOURCE_BUILT_SDK_";
+ private const string EnvId = EnvPrefix + "ID_";
+ private const string EnvVersion = EnvPrefix + "VERSION_";
+ private const string EnvDir = EnvPrefix + "DIR_";
+ public static SourceBuiltSdkOverride Create(DictionaryEntry entry)
+ {
+ if (entry.Key is string key && key.StartsWith(EnvId))
+ {
+ // E.g. "ARCADE" from "SOURCE_BUILD_SDK_ID_ARCADE=Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk".
+ string group = key.Substring(EnvId.Length);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(group))
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ string id = entry.Value as string;
+ string version = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvVersion + group);
+ string dir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvDir + group);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
+ {
+ version = "1.0.0-source-built";
+ }
+ string sdkDir = null;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir))
+ {
+ sdkDir = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir).FirstOrDefault(IsSdkDirectory);
+ }
+ return new SourceBuiltSdkOverride
+ {
+ Group = group,
+ Id = id,
+ Version = version,
+ Dir = dir,
+ SdkDir = sdkDir,
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Name of the environment variable group, used to associate the multiple env vars.
+ ///
+ public string Group { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// ID of the SDK package.
+ ///
+ public string Id { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Version of the source-built SDK package to use instead.
+ ///
+ public string Version { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Directory where the source-built SDK files are found, in extracted form.
+ ///
+ public string Dir { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Directory where the Sdk.props/Sdk.targets files are found, inside Dir.
+ ///
+ public string SdkDir { get; set; }
+ public override string ToString() => $"'{Group}' for '{Id}/{Version}' at '{Dir}'";
+ public IEnumerable GetValidationErrors()
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id))
+ {
+ yield return $"'{EnvId}{Group}' not specified.";
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Dir))
+ {
+ yield return $"'{EnvDir}{Group}' not specified.";
+ }
+ else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SdkDir))
+ {
+ yield return $"Didn't find any 'sdk' directory in SDK package dir '{Dir}'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }