Merge pull request #3604 from ericstj/archiveNoCopy-1.0
Archiver should not keep files Open
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 58 additions and 60 deletions
@ -26,23 +26,48 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
public string Hash { get; }
private class ArchiveFileInfo
private class ArchiveSource
public ArchiveFileInfo(Stream stream, string archivePath, string hash)
public ArchiveSource(string sourceArchive, string sourceFile, string archivePath, string hash, long size)
Stream = stream;
SourceArchive = sourceArchive;
SourceFile = sourceFile;
ArchivePath = archivePath;
Hash = hash;
Size = size;
public Stream Stream { get; set; }
public string SourceArchive { get; set; }
public string SourceFile { get; set; }
public string ArchivePath { get; }
public string Hash { get; }
public string FileName { get { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ArchivePath); } }
public string Extension { get { return Path.GetExtension(ArchivePath); } }
public long Size { get; }
public long Size { get { return Stream.Length; } }
public void CopyTo(Stream destination)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceArchive))
using (var zip = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(SourceArchive), ZipArchiveMode.Read))
using (var sourceStream = zip.GetEntry(SourceFile)?.Open())
if (sourceStream == null)
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find entry {SourceFile} in archive {SourceArchive}");
using (var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(SourceFile))
static string[] ZipExtensions = new[] { ".zip", ".nupkg" };
@ -50,7 +75,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
// maps file hash to archve path
// $ prefix indicates that the file is not in the archive and path is a hash
private Dictionary<string, ArchiveFileInfo> _archiveFiles = new Dictionary<string, ArchiveFileInfo>();
private Dictionary<string, ArchiveSource> _archiveFiles = new Dictionary<string, ArchiveSource>();
// maps file hash to external path
private Dictionary<string, string> _externalFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// lists all extracted files & hashes
@ -107,7 +132,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
var archiveFile = _archiveFiles[entry.Hash];
string archivePath = _archiveFiles[entry.Hash].ArchivePath;
if (archiveFile.Stream == null)
if (archiveFile.SourceFile == null)
archivePath = "$" + archivePath;
@ -151,9 +176,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
var entry = archive.CreateEntry(fileToArchive.ArchivePath, CompressionLevel.NoCompression);
using (var entryStream = entry.Open())
fileToArchive.Stream = null;
progress.Report("Archiving files", ++filesAdded, filesToArchive.Count);
@ -379,7 +402,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
string hash = GetHash(fs);
// $ prefix indicates that the file is not in the archive and path is relative to an external directory
_archiveFiles[hash] = new ArchiveFileInfo(null, "$" + hash , hash);
_archiveFiles[hash] = new ArchiveSource(null, null, "$" + hash , hash, fs.Length);
_externalFiles[hash] = externalFile;
@ -414,76 +437,63 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
public void AddZip(string sourceZipFile, string destinationZipFile)
using (var sourceArchive = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(sourceZipFile), ZipArchiveMode.Read))
foreach(var entry in sourceArchive.Entries)
// we can dispose this stream, if AddStream uses it, it will make a copy.
string hash = null;
long size = entry.Length;
string destinationPath = $"{destinationZipFile}::{entry.FullName}";
using (var stream = entry.Open())
string destinationPath = $"{destinationZipFile}::{entry.FullName}";
AddStream(stream, destinationPath);
hash = GetHash(stream);
AddArchiveSource(sourceZipFile, entry.FullName, destinationPath, hash, size);
public void AddFile(string sourceFilePath, string destinationPath)
// lifetime of this stream is managed by AddStream
var stream = File.Open(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open);
AddStream(stream, destinationPath);
public void AddStream(Stream stream, string destinationPath)
string hash = null;
if (stream.CanSeek)
string hash;
long size;
// lifetime of this stream is managed by AddStream
using (var stream = File.Open(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open))
hash = GetHash(stream);
var copy = CreateTemporaryStream();
copy.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
hash = GetHash(copy);
stream = copy;
size = stream.Length;
AddArchiveSource(null, sourceFilePath, destinationPath, hash, size);
private void AddArchiveSource(string sourceArchive, string sourceFile, string destinationPath, string hash, long size)
lock (_archiveFiles)
_destFiles.Add(new DestinationFileInfo(destinationPath, hash));
// see if we already have this file in the archive/external
ArchiveFileInfo existing = null;
ArchiveSource existing = null;
if (_archiveFiles.TryGetValue(hash, out existing))
// reduce memory pressure
if (!(stream is MemoryStream) && (existing.Stream is MemoryStream))
// if we have raw source file, prefer that over a zipped source file
if (sourceArchive == null && existing.SourceArchive != null)
// dispose memory stream
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
existing.Stream = stream;
// we already have a good stream, free this one.
existing.SourceArchive = null;
existing.SourceFile = sourceFile;
// add a new entry;
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var archivePath = Path.Combine(hash, Path.GetFileName(destinationPath));
_archiveFiles.Add(hash, new ArchiveFileInfo(stream, archivePath, hash));
_archiveFiles.Add(hash, new ArchiveSource(sourceArchive, sourceFile, archivePath, hash, size));
@ -509,18 +519,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Archive
if (!_disposed)
if (_archiveFiles != null)
foreach(var archiveFile in _archiveFiles.Values)
if (archiveFile.Stream != null)
archiveFile.Stream = null;
if (_sha != null)
Add table
Reference in a new issue