Update SDK TableGenerator and copy output to readme

This commit is contained in:
Ryland 2021-02-01 12:53:19 -08:00
parent 35cd359e6c
commit 4ea4a4af87
2 changed files with 2 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let inputBranches =
AkaMsChannel = Some("net6/dev") }
{ GitBranchName = "release/6.0.1xx-preview1"
DisplayName = "Release/6.0.1xx-preview1<br>(6.0.x&nbsp;Runtime)"
AkaMsChannel = Some("net6/6.0.1xx-preview1/daily") }
AkaMsChannel = Some("net6/preview1") }
{ GitBranchName = "release/5.0.2xx"
DisplayName = "Release/5.0.2XX<br>(5.0 Runtime)"
AkaMsChannel = Some("net5/5.0.2xx/daily") }

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@ -106,16 +106,13 @@ let windowsArmRow branches =
let windowsArm64Row branches =
let tableTemplate =
let tableInstallerTemplate =
"""[![][win-arm64-badge-{0}]][win-arm64-version-{0}]<br>[Installer][win-arm64-installer-{0}] - [Checksum][win-arm64-installer-checksum-{0}]<br>[zip][win-arm64-zip-{0}]"""
let tableTemplateForThisArch branch =
match getMajorMinor branch with
| NoVersion -> notAvailable
| MajorMinor { Major = major; Minor = minor; Release = release; } when major <= 3 -> notAvailable
| MajorMinor { Major = major; Minor = minor; Release = release; } when major = 5 -> String.Format(tableInstallerTemplate, branchNameShorten branch)
| MajorMinor { Major = major; Minor = minor; Release = release; } when major = 5 -> String.Format(tableTemplate, branchNameShorten branch)
| _ -> String.Format(tableTemplate, branchNameShorten branch)
formRow "**Windows arm64**" tableTemplateForThisArch branches