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[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $InputPath, # Full path to directory where NuGet packages to be checked are stored
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $ExtractPath, # Full path to directory where the packages will be extracted during validation
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $DotnetSymbolVersion, # Version of dotnet symbol to use
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $CheckForWindowsPdbs, # If we should check for the existence of windows pdbs in addition to portable PDBs
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $ContinueOnError, # If we should keep checking symbols after an error
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $Clean, # Clean extracted symbols directory after checking symbols
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $SymbolExclusionFile # Exclude the symbols in the file from publishing to symbol server
. $PSScriptRoot\..\tools.ps1
# Maximum number of jobs to run in parallel
$MaxParallelJobs = 16
# Max number of retries
$MaxRetry = 5
# Wait time between check for system load
$SecondsBetweenLoadChecks = 10
# Set error codes
Set-Variable -Name "ERROR_BADEXTRACT" -Option Constant -Value -1
Set-Variable -Name "ERROR_FILEDOESNOTEXIST" -Option Constant -Value -2
$WindowsPdbVerificationParam = ""
if ($CheckForWindowsPdbs) {
$WindowsPdbVerificationParam = "--windows-pdbs"
$ExclusionSet = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string];
if (!$InputPath -or !(Test-Path $InputPath)){
Write-Host "No symbols to validate."
ExitWithExitCode 0
#Check if the path exists
if ($SymbolExclusionFile -and (Test-Path $SymbolExclusionFile)){
[string[]]$Exclusions = Get-Content "$SymbolExclusionFile"
$Exclusions | foreach { if($_ -and $_.Trim()){$ExclusionSet.Add($_)} }
Write-Host "Symbol Exclusion file does not exists. No symbols to exclude."
$CountMissingSymbols = {
[string] $PackagePath, # Path to a NuGet package
[string] $WindowsPdbVerificationParam # If we should check for the existence of windows pdbs in addition to portable PDBs
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
Write-Host "Validating $PackagePath "
# Ensure input file exist
if (!(Test-Path $PackagePath)) {
Write-PipelineTaskError "Input file does not exist: $PackagePath"
return [pscustomobject]@{
packagePath = $PackagePath
# Extensions for which we'll look for symbols
$RelevantExtensions = @('.dll', '.exe', '.so', '.dylib')
# How many files are missing symbol information
$MissingSymbols = 0
$PackageId = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PackagePath)
$PackageGuid = New-Guid
$ExtractPath = Join-Path -Path $using:ExtractPath -ChildPath $PackageGuid
$SymbolsPath = Join-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ChildPath 'Symbols'
try {
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($PackagePath, $ExtractPath)
catch {
Write-Host "Something went wrong extracting $PackagePath"
Write-Host $_
return [pscustomobject]@{
result = $using:ERROR_BADEXTRACT
packagePath = $PackagePath
Get-ChildItem -Recurse $ExtractPath |
Where-Object { $RelevantExtensions -contains $_.Extension } |
ForEach-Object {
$FileName = $_.FullName
if ($FileName -Match '\\ref\\') {
Write-Host "`t Ignoring reference assembly file " $FileName
$FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault = {
[string] $FullPath, # Full path to the module that has to be checked
[string] $TargetServerParam, # Parameter to pass to `Symbol Tool` indicating the server to lookup for symbols
[string] $WindowsPdbVerificationParam, # Parameter to pass to potential check for windows-pdbs.
[string] $SymbolsPath
$FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($FullPath)
$Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FullPath)
# Those below are potential symbol files that the `dotnet symbol` might
# return. Which one will be returned depend on the type of file we are
# checking and which type of file was uploaded.
# The file itself is returned
$SymbolPath = $SymbolsPath + '\' + $FileName
# PDB file for the module
$PdbPath = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.pdb')
# PDB file for R2R module (created by crossgen)
$NGenPdb = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.ni.pdb')
# DBG file for a .so library
$SODbg = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.so.dbg')
# DWARF file for a .dylib
$DylibDwarf = $SymbolPath.Replace($Extension, '.dylib.dwarf')
$dotnetSymbolExe = "$env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\tools"
$dotnetSymbolExe = Resolve-Path "$dotnetSymbolExe\dotnet-symbol.exe"
$totalRetries = 0
while ($totalRetries -lt $using:MaxRetry) {
# Save the output and get diagnostic output
$output = & $dotnetSymbolExe --symbols --modules $WindowsPdbVerificationParam $TargetServerParam $FullPath -o $SymbolsPath --diagnostics | Out-String
if (Test-Path $PdbPath) {
return 'PDB'
elseif (Test-Path $NGenPdb) {
return 'NGen PDB'
elseif (Test-Path $SODbg) {
return 'DBG for SO'
elseif (Test-Path $DylibDwarf) {
return 'Dwarf for Dylib'
elseif (Test-Path $SymbolPath) {
return 'Module'
return $null
$FileRelativePath = $FileName.Replace("$ExtractPath\", "")
if (($($using:ExclusionSet) -ne $null) -and ($($using:ExclusionSet).Contains($FileRelativePath) -or ($($using:ExclusionSet).Contains($FileRelativePath.Replace("\", "/"))))){
Write-Host "Skipping $FileName from symbol validation"
else {
$FileGuid = New-Guid
$ExpandedSymbolsPath = Join-Path -Path $SymbolsPath -ChildPath $FileGuid
$SymbolsOnMSDL = & $FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault `
-FullPath $FileName `
-TargetServerParam '--microsoft-symbol-server' `
-SymbolsPath "$ExpandedSymbolsPath-msdl" `
-WindowsPdbVerificationParam $WindowsPdbVerificationParam
$SymbolsOnSymWeb = & $FirstMatchingSymbolDescriptionOrDefault `
-FullPath $FileName `
-TargetServerParam '--internal-server' `
-SymbolsPath "$ExpandedSymbolsPath-symweb" `
-WindowsPdbVerificationParam $WindowsPdbVerificationParam
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`t Checking file " $FileName "... "
if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -ne $null -and $SymbolsOnSymWeb -ne $null) {
Write-Host "Symbols found on MSDL ($SymbolsOnMSDL) and SymWeb ($SymbolsOnSymWeb)"
else {
if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -eq $null -and $SymbolsOnSymWeb -eq $null) {
Write-Host 'No symbols found on MSDL or SymWeb!'
else {
if ($SymbolsOnMSDL -eq $null) {
Write-Host 'No symbols found on MSDL!'
else {
Write-Host 'No symbols found on SymWeb!'
if ($using:Clean) {
Remove-Item $ExtractPath -Recurse -Force
return [pscustomobject]@{
result = $MissingSymbols
packagePath = $PackagePath
function CheckJobResult(
[ref]$TotalFailures) {
if ($result -eq $ERROR_BADEXTRACT) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "$packagePath has duplicated symbol files"
elseif ($result -eq $ERROR_FILEDOESNOTEXIST) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "$packagePath does not exist"
elseif ($result -gt '0') {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "Missing symbols for $result modules in the package $packagePath"
else {
Write-Host "All symbols verified for package $packagePath"
function CheckSymbolsAvailable {
if (Test-Path $ExtractPath) {
Remove-Item $ExtractPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$TotalPackages = 0
$TotalFailures = 0
$DupedSymbols = 0
Get-ChildItem "$InputPath\*.nupkg" |
ForEach-Object {
$FileName = $_.Name
$FullName = $_.FullName
# These packages from Arcade-Services include some native libraries that
# our current symbol uploader can't handle. Below is a workaround until
# we get issue: sorted.
if ($FileName -Match 'Microsoft\.DotNet\.Darc\.') {
Write-Host "Ignoring Arcade-services file: $FileName"
elseif ($FileName -Match 'Microsoft\.DotNet\.Maestro\.Tasks\.') {
Write-Host "Ignoring Arcade-services file: $FileName"
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $CountMissingSymbols -ArgumentList @($FullName,$WindowsPdbVerificationParam) | Out-Null
$NumJobs = @(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count
while ($NumJobs -ge $MaxParallelJobs) {
Write-Host "There are $NumJobs validation jobs running right now. Waiting $SecondsBetweenLoadChecks seconds to check again."
sleep $SecondsBetweenLoadChecks
$NumJobs = @(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count
foreach ($Job in @(Get-Job -State 'Completed')) {
$jobResult = Wait-Job -Id $Job.Id | Receive-Job
CheckJobResult $jobResult.result $jobResult.packagePath ([ref]$DupedSymbols) ([ref]$TotalFailures)
Remove-Job -Id $Job.Id
foreach ($Job in @(Get-Job)) {
$jobResult = Wait-Job -Id $Job.Id | Receive-Job
CheckJobResult $jobResult.result $jobResult.packagePath ([ref]$DupedSymbols) ([ref]$TotalFailures)
if ($TotalFailures -gt 0 -or $DupedSymbols -gt 0) {
if ($TotalFailures -gt 0) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "Symbols missing for $TotalFailures/$TotalPackages packages"
if ($DupedSymbols -gt 0) {
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message "$DupedSymbols/$TotalPackages packages had duplicated symbol files and could not be extracted"
ExitWithExitCode 1
else {
Write-Host "All symbols validated!"
function InstallDotnetSymbol {
$dotnetSymbolPackageName = 'dotnet-symbol'
$dotnetRoot = InitializeDotNetCli -install:$true
$dotnet = "$dotnetRoot\dotnet.exe"
$toolList = & "$dotnet" tool list --global
if (($toolList -like "*$dotnetSymbolPackageName*") -and ($toolList -like "*$dotnetSymbolVersion*")) {
Write-Host "dotnet-symbol version $dotnetSymbolVersion is already installed."
else {
Write-Host "Installing dotnet-symbol version $dotnetSymbolVersion..."
Write-Host 'You may need to restart your command window if this is the first dotnet tool you have installed.'
& "$dotnet" tool install $dotnetSymbolPackageName --version $dotnetSymbolVersion --verbosity "minimal" --global
try {
. $PSScriptRoot\post-build-utils.ps1
foreach ($Job in @(Get-Job)) {
Remove-Job -Id $Job.Id
catch {
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'CheckSymbols' -Message $_
ExitWithExitCode 1