2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text.Json ;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using Xunit ;
using Xunit.Abstractions ;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests ;
/// <summary>
/// Scans the VMR for licenses and compares them to a baseline. This ensures that only open-source licenses are used for relevant files.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Each sub-repo of the VMR is scanned separately because of the amount of time it takes.
/// When scanning is run, the test provides a list of files for the scanner to ignore. These include binary file types. It also includes
/// .il/.ildump file types which are massive, causing the scanner to choke and don't include license references anyway.
/// Once the scanner returns the results, a filtering process occurs. First, any detected license that is in the allowed list of licenses
/// is filtered out. The test defines a list of such licenses that all represent open-source licenses. Next, a license exclusions file is
/// applied to the filtering. This file contains a set of paths for which certain detected licenses are to be ignored. Such a path can be
/// defined to ignore all detected licenses or specific ones. These exclusions are useful for ignoring false positives where the scanning
/// tool has detected something in the file that makes it think it's a license reference when that's not actually the intent. Other cases
/// that are excluded are when the license is meant as configuration or test data and not actually applying to the code. These exclusions
/// further filter down the set of the detected licenses for each file. Everything that's left at this point is reported. It gets compared
/// to a baseline file (which is defined for each sub-repo). If the filtered results differ from what's defined in the baseline, the test fails.
/// Rules for determining how to resolve a detected license:
/// 1. If it's an allowed open-source license, add it to the list of allowed licenses in LicenseScanTests.cs.
/// 2. If the file shouldn't be scanned as a general rule because of its file type (e.g. image file), add it to the list of excluded file types in LicenseScanTests.cs.
/// 3. Add it to LicenseExclusions.txt if the referenced license is one of the following:
/// a. Not applicable (e.g. test data)
/// b. False positive
/// 4. If the license is not allowed for open-souce, the license needs to be fixed. Everything else should go in the baseline file.
/// </remarks>
public class LicenseScanTests : TestBase
private const string BaselineSubDir = "licenses" ;
private static readonly string [ ] s_allowedLicenseExpressions = new string [ ]
"apache-1.1" , // https://opensource.org/license/apache-1-1/
"apache-2.0" , // https://opensource.org/license/apache-2-0/
"apache-2.0 WITH apple-runtime-library-exception" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/apple-runtime-library-exception.LICENSE
"apache-2.0 WITH llvm-exception" , // https://foundation.llvm.org/relicensing/LICENSE.txt
"apsl-2.0" , // https://opensource.org/license/apsl-2-0-php/
"boost-1.0" , // https://opensource.org/license/bsl-1-0/
"bsd-new" , // https://opensource.org/license/BSD-3-clause/
"bsd-original" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/bsd-original.LICENSE
"bsd-original-uc" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/bsd-original-uc.LICENSE
"bsd-simplified" , // https://opensource.org/license/bsd-2-clause/
"bytemark" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/bytemark.LICENSE
"bzip2-libbzip-2010" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/bzip2-libbzip-2010.LICENSE
"cc0-1.0" , // https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
"cc-by-3.0" , // https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
"cc-by-sa-3.0" , // https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode
"cc-by-sa-4.0" , // https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
"cc-pd" , // https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
2024-04-08 11:57:20 -07:00
"cc-sa-1.0" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/cc-sa-1.0.LICENSE
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
"epl-1.0" , // https://opensource.org/license/epl-1-0/
"generic-cla" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/generic-cla.LICENSE
"gpl-1.0-plus" , // https://opensource.org/license/gpl-1-0/
"gpl-2.0" , // https://opensource.org/license/gpl-2-0/
"ietf" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/ietf.LICENSE
"gpl-2.0-plus WITH autoconf-simple-exception-2.0" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/rules/gpl-2.0-plus_with_autoconf-simple-exception-2.0_8.RULE
"gpl-2.0 WITH gcc-linking-exception-2.0" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/rules/gpl-2.0_with_gcc-linking-exception-2.0_6.RULE
"isc" , // https://opensource.org/license/isc-license-txt/
"iso-8879" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/iso-8879.LICENSE
"lgpl-2.0-plus" , // https://opensource.org/license/lgpl-2-0/
"lgpl-2.1" , // https://opensource.org/license/lgpl-2-1/
"lgpl-2.1-plus" , // https://opensource.org/license/lgpl-2-1/
2023-10-19 15:57:34 -05:00
"lzma-sdk-9.22" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/lzma-sdk-9.22.LICENSE
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
"mit" , // https://opensource.org/license/mit/
"mit-addition" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/mit-addition.LICENSE
2024-04-08 11:57:20 -07:00
"mit-testregex" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/mit-testregex.LICENSE
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
"ms-patent-promise" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/ms-patent-promise.LICENSE
"ms-lpl" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/ms-lpl.LICENSE
"ms-pl" , // https://opensource.org/license/ms-pl-html/
"ms-rl" , // https://opensource.org/license/ms-rl-html/
"newton-king-cla" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/newton-king-cla.LICENSE
"ngpl" , // https://opensource.org/license/nethack-php/
"object-form-exception-to-mit" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/object-form-exception-to-mit.LICENSE
"ofl-1.1" , // https://opensource.org/license/ofl-1-1/
"osf-1990" , // https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:MIT?rd=Licensing/MIT#HP_Variant
2024-07-16 08:14:13 -06:00
"pcre2-exception" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/pcre2-exception.LICENSE
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
"public-domain" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/public-domain.LICENSE
"public-domain-disclaimer" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/public-domain-disclaimer.LICENSE
"python" , // https://opensource.org/license/python-2-0/
"rpl-1.5" , // https://opensource.org/license/rpl-1-5/
"sax-pd" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/sax-pd.LICENSE
"unicode" , // https://opensource.org/license/unicode-inc-license-agreement-data-files-and-software/
"unicode-mappings" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/unicode-mappings.LICENSE
"uoi-ncsa" , // https://opensource.org/license/uoi-ncsa-php/
"w3c-software-19980720" , // https://opensource.org/license/w3c/
"w3c-software-doc-20150513" , // https://opensource.org/license/w3c/
"warranty-disclaimer" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/warranty-disclaimer.LICENSE
"x11" , // https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/blob/develop/src/licensedcode/data/licenses/x11.LICENSE
"zlib" // https://opensource.org/license/zlib/
} ;
private static readonly string [ ] s_ignoredFilePatterns = new string [ ]
"*.bin" ,
"*.bmp" ,
"*.bson" ,
"*.db" ,
"*.dic" ,
"*.eot" ,
"*.gif" ,
"*.ico" ,
"*.jpg" ,
"*.il" ,
"*.ildump" ,
"*.lss" ,
"*.nlp" ,
"*.otf" ,
"*.pdf" ,
"*.pfx" ,
"*.png" ,
"*.snk" ,
"*.ttf" ,
"*.vsd" ,
"*.vsdx" ,
"*.winmd" ,
"*.woff" ,
"*.woff2" ,
"*.xlsx" ,
} ;
private readonly string _targetRepo ;
public LicenseScanTests ( ITestOutputHelper outputHelper ) : base ( outputHelper )
Assert . NotNull ( Config . LicenseScanPath ) ;
_targetRepo = new DirectoryInfo ( Config . LicenseScanPath ) . Name ;
[SkippableFact(Config.LicenseScanPathEnv, skipOnNullOrWhiteSpaceEnv: true)]
public void ScanForLicenses ( )
Assert . NotNull ( Config . LicenseScanPath ) ;
2024-06-17 08:52:06 -07:00
// Indicates how long until a timeout occurs for scanning a given file
const int FileScanTimeoutSeconds = 240 ;
2023-10-19 15:57:34 -05:00
string scancodeResultsPath = Path . Combine ( LogsDirectory , "scancode-results.json" ) ;
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
// Scancode Doc: https://scancode-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
string ignoreOptions = string . Join ( " " , s_ignoredFilePatterns . Select ( pattern = > $"--ignore {pattern}" ) ) ;
ExecuteHelper . ExecuteProcessValidateExitCode (
"scancode" ,
2024-06-17 08:52:06 -07:00
$"--license --processes 4 --timeout {FileScanTimeoutSeconds} --strip-root --only-findings {ignoreOptions} --json-pp {scancodeResultsPath} {Config.LicenseScanPath}" ,
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
OutputHelper ) ;
2023-10-19 15:57:34 -05:00
JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument . Parse ( File . ReadAllText ( scancodeResultsPath ) ) ;
2023-10-12 09:28:42 -05:00
ScancodeResults ? scancodeResults = doc . Deserialize < ScancodeResults > ( ) ;
Assert . NotNull ( scancodeResults ) ;
FilterFiles ( scancodeResults ) ;
JsonSerializerOptions options = new ( )
WriteIndented = true
} ;
string json = JsonSerializer . Serialize ( scancodeResults , options ) ;
string baselineName = $"Licenses.{_targetRepo}.json" ;
string baselinePath = BaselineHelper . GetBaselineFilePath ( baselineName , BaselineSubDir ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( baselinePath ) )
Assert . Fail ( $"No license baseline file exists for repo '{_targetRepo}'. Expected file: {baselinePath}" ) ;
BaselineHelper . CompareBaselineContents ( baselineName , json , OutputHelper , Config . WarnOnLicenseScanDiffs , BaselineSubDir ) ;
private LicenseExclusion ParseLicenseExclusion ( string rawExclusion )
string [ ] parts = rawExclusion . Split ( '|' , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
Match repoNameMatch = Regex . Match ( parts [ 0 ] , @"(?<=src/)[^/]+" ) ;
Assert . True ( repoNameMatch . Success ) ;
// The path in the exclusion file is rooted from the VMR. But the path in the scancode results is rooted from the
// target repo within the VMR. So we need to strip off the beginning part of the path.
Match restOfPathMatch = Regex . Match ( parts [ 0 ] , @"(?<=src/[^/]+/).*" ) ;
string path = restOfPathMatch . Value ;
if ( parts . Length = = 0 | | parts . Length > 2 )
throw new Exception ( $"Invalid license exclusion: '{rawExclusion}'" ) ;
if ( parts . Length > 1 )
string [ ] licenseExpressions = parts [ 1 ] . Split ( ',' , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
return new LicenseExclusion ( repoNameMatch . Value , path , licenseExpressions ) ;
return new LicenseExclusion ( repoNameMatch . Value , path , Enumerable . Empty < string > ( ) ) ;
private void FilterFiles ( ScancodeResults scancodeResults )
IEnumerable < string > rawExclusions = Utilities . ParseExclusionsFile ( "LicenseExclusions.txt" ) ;
IEnumerable < LicenseExclusion > exclusions = rawExclusions
. Select ( exclusion = > ParseLicenseExclusion ( exclusion ) )
. Where ( exclusion = > exclusion . Repo = = _targetRepo )
. ToList ( ) ;
// This will filter out files that we don't want to include in the baseline.
// Filtering can happen in two ways:
// 1. There are a set of allowed license expressions that apply to all files. If a file has a match on one of those licenses,
// that license will not be considered.
// 2. The LicenseExclusions.txt file contains a list of files and the licenses that should be excluded from those files.
// Once the license expression filtering has been applied, if a file has any licenses left, it will be included in the baseline.
// In that case, the baseline will list all of the licenses for that file, even if some were originally excluded during this processing.
// In other words, the baseline will be fully representative of the licenses that apply to the files that are listed there.
for ( int i = scancodeResults . Files . Count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
ScancodeFileResult file = scancodeResults . Files [ i ] ;
// A license expression can be a logical expression, e.g. "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)"
// For our purposes, we just care about the license involved, not the semantics of the expression.
// Parse out all the expression syntax to just get the license names.
string [ ] licenses = file . LicenseExpression ?
. Replace ( "(" , string . Empty )
. Replace ( ")" , string . Empty )
. Replace ( " AND " , "," )
. Replace ( " OR " , "," )
. Split ( "," , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
. Select ( license = > license . Trim ( ) )
. ToArray ( )
? ? Array . Empty < string > ( ) ;
// First check whether the file's licenses can all be matched with allowed expressions
IEnumerable < string > disallowedLicenses = licenses
. Where ( license = > ! s_allowedLicenseExpressions . Contains ( license , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ;
if ( ! disallowedLicenses . Any ( ) )
scancodeResults . Files . Remove ( file ) ;
// There are some licenses that are not allowed. Now check whether the file is excluded.
IEnumerable < LicenseExclusion > matchingExclusions =
Utilities . GetMatchingFileExclusions ( file . Path , exclusions , exclusion = > exclusion . Path ) ;
IEnumerable < string > excludedLicenses = matchingExclusions . SelectMany ( exclusion = > exclusion . LicenseExpressions ) ;
// If no licenses are explicitly specified, it means they're all excluded.
if ( matchingExclusions . Any ( ) & & ! excludedLicenses . Any ( ) )
scancodeResults . Files . Remove ( file ) ;
IEnumerable < string > remainingLicenses = disallowedLicenses . Except ( excludedLicenses ) ;
if ( ! remainingLicenses . Any ( ) )
scancodeResults . Files . Remove ( file ) ;
private record LicenseExclusion ( string Repo , string Path , IEnumerable < string > LicenseExpressions ) ;
private class ScancodeResults
public List < ScancodeFileResult > Files { get ; set ; } = new ( ) ;
private class ScancodeFileResult
public string Path { get ; set ; } = string . Empty ;
public string? LicenseExpression { get ; set ; }