publicconststringReferenceNotFoundInTheProject="Specified reference {0} does not exist in project {1}.";
publicconststringReferenceRemoved="Reference `{0}` deleted from the project.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOneReferenceToRemove="You must specify at least one reference to delete. Please run dotnet delete --help for more information.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOneReferenceToDelete="You must specify at least one reference to delete. Please run dotnet delete --help for more information.";
publicconststringPackageReferenceNotFoundInTheProject="Package reference `{0}` could not be found in the project.";
publicconststringPackageReferenceRemoved="Reference `{0}` deleted from the project.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOnePackageReferenceToRemove="You must specify at least one reference to delete. Please run dotnet delete --help for more information.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOnePackageReferenceToDelete="You must specify at least one package reference to delete.";
/// del sln
publicconststringProjectNotFoundInTheSolution="Project `{0}` could not be found in the solution.";
publicconststringProjectRemoved="Project `{0}` removed from solution.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOneProjectToRemove="You must specify at least one project to remove.";
publicconststringProjectDeleted="Project `{0}` deleted from solution.";
publicconststringSpecifyAtLeastOneProjectToDelete="You must specify at least one project to delete from solution.";
/// list
publicconststringNoReferencesFound="There are no {0} references in project {1}. ;; {0} is the type of the item being requested (project, package, p2p) and {1} is the object operated on (a project file or a solution file). ";
publicconststringNoProjectsFound="No projects found in the solution.";
publicconststringArgumentsProjectOrSolutionDescription="The project or solution to operation on. If a file is not specified, the current directory is searched.";
publicconststringPleaseSpecifyNewVersion="Please specify new version of the package.";
publicconststringPleaseSpecifyWhichPackageToUpdate="Please specify which package to update.";
publicconststringNothingToUpdate="Nothing to update.";
publicconststringEverythingUpToDate="Everything is already up-to-date.";
publicconststringPackageVersionUpdatedTo="Version of package `{0}` updated to `{1}`.";
publicconststringPackageVersionUpdated="Version of package `{0}` updated.";
publicconststringCouldNotUpdateTheVersion="Could not update the version of the package `{0}`.";
/// new
publicconststringTemplateCreatedSuccessfully="The template {0} created successfully. Please run \"dotnet restore\" to get started!";
publicconststringTemplateInstalledSuccesfully="The template {0} installed successfully. You can use \"dotnet new {0}\" to get started with the new template.";
publicconststringTemplateCreateError="Template {0} could not be created. Error returned was: {1}.";
publicconststringTemplateInstallError="Template {0} could not be installed. Error returned was: {1}.";
publicconststringSpecifiedNameExists="Specified name {0} already exists. Please specify a different name.";
publicconststringSpecifiedAliasExists="Specified alias {0} already exists. Please specify a different alias.";
publicconststringMandatoryParameterMissing="Mandatory parameter {0} missing for template {1}. ";
publicconststringProjectNotCompatibleWithFrameworks="Project `{0}` cannot be added due to incompatible targeted frameworks between the two projects. Please review the project you are trying to add and verify that is compatible with the following targets:";
publicconststringProjectDoesNotTargetFramework="Project `{0}` does not target framework `{1}`.";