2016-02-10 20:13:56 -08:00
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Tests
static class TestLibraryFactory
public static readonly string DefaultType = "package";
public static readonly string DefaultPackageName = "My.Package";
public static readonly string DefaultVersion = "";
public static readonly Dependency[] DefaultDependencies = { };
public static readonly bool DefaultServiceable = true;
public static readonly string DefaultAssembly = "My.Package.dll";
public static readonly string SecondAssembly = "My.PackageEx.dll";
public static readonly string DefaultAssemblyPath = Path.Combine("ref", DefaultAssembly);
public static readonly string SecondAssemblyPath = Path.Combine("ref", SecondAssembly);
public static readonly string[] EmptyAssemblies = { };
public static readonly string[] DefaultAssemblies = { DefaultAssemblyPath };
public static readonly string[] TwoAssemblies = { DefaultAssemblyPath, SecondAssemblyPath };
public static readonly string DefaultHashValue = "HASHVALUE";
public static readonly string DefaultHashAlgoritm = "ALG";
public static readonly string DefaultHash = DefaultHashAlgoritm + "-" + DefaultHashValue;
public static readonly string ProjectType = "project";
2016-05-23 12:26:53 -07:00
public static readonly string MsBuildProjectType = "msbuildproject";
2016-02-10 20:13:56 -08:00
public static readonly string ReferenceAssemblyType = "referenceassembly";
public static readonly string PackageType = "package";
public static CompilationLibrary Create(
string libraryType = null,
string packageName = null,
string version = null,
string hash = null,
string[] assemblies = null,
Dependency[] dependencies = null,
bool? serviceable = null)
return new CompilationLibrary(
libraryType ?? DefaultType,
packageName ?? DefaultPackageName,
version ?? DefaultVersion,
hash ?? DefaultHash,
assemblies ?? DefaultAssemblies,
dependencies ?? DefaultDependencies,
serviceable ?? DefaultServiceable