2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System ;
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
using System.Linq ;
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Build.Framework ;
using Octokit ;
using static Microsoft . DotNet . Cli . Build . Framework . BuildHelpers ;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Scripts
/// <summary>
/// Creates a GitHub Pull Request for the current changes in the repo.
/// </summary>
public static class PushPRTargets
private static readonly Config s_config = Config . Instance ;
[Target(nameof(CommitChanges), nameof(CreatePR))]
public static BuildTargetResult PushPR ( BuildTargetContext c ) = > c . Success ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Commits all the current changes in the repo and pushes the commit to a remote
/// so a PR can be created for it.
/// </summary>
public static BuildTargetResult CommitChanges ( BuildTargetContext c )
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
CommandResult statusResult = Cmd ( "git" , "status" , "--porcelain" )
. CaptureStdOut ( )
. Execute ( ) ;
statusResult . EnsureSuccessful ( ) ;
bool hasModifiedFiles = ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( statusResult . StdOut ) ;
bool hasUpdatedDependencies = c . GetDependencyInfos ( ) . Where ( d = > d . IsUpdated ) . Any ( ) ;
if ( hasModifiedFiles ! = hasUpdatedDependencies )
return c . Failed ( $"'git status' does not match DependencyInfo information. Git has modified files: {hasModifiedFiles}. DependencyInfo is updated: {hasUpdatedDependencies}." ) ;
if ( ! hasUpdatedDependencies )
c . Warn ( "Dependencies are currently up to date" ) ;
return c . Success ( ) ;
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
string userName = s_config . UserName ;
string email = s_config . Email ;
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
string commitMessage = GetCommitMessage ( c ) ;
Cmd ( "git" , "commit" , "-a" , "-m" , commitMessage , "--author" , $"{userName} <{email}>" )
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
. EnvironmentVariable ( "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" , userName )
. EnvironmentVariable ( "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" , email )
. Execute ( )
. EnsureSuccessful ( ) ;
string remoteUrl = $"github.com/{s_config.GitHubOriginOwner}/{s_config.GitHubProject}.git" ;
string remoteBranchName = $"UpdateDependencies{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(" yyyyMMddhhmmss ")}" ;
string refSpec = $"HEAD:refs/heads/{remoteBranchName}" ;
string logMessage = $"git push https://{remoteUrl} {refSpec}" ;
BuildReporter . BeginSection ( "EXEC" , logMessage ) ;
CommandResult pushResult =
Cmd ( "git" , "push" , $"https://{userName}:{s_config.Password}@{remoteUrl}" , refSpec )
. QuietBuildReporter ( ) // we don't want secrets showing up in our logs
. CaptureStdErr ( ) // git push will write to StdErr upon success, disable that
. CaptureStdOut ( )
. Execute ( ) ;
var message = logMessage + $" exited with {pushResult.ExitCode}" ;
if ( pushResult . ExitCode = = 0 )
BuildReporter . EndSection ( "EXEC" , message . Green ( ) , success : true ) ;
BuildReporter . EndSection ( "EXEC" , message . Red ( ) . Bold ( ) , success : false ) ;
pushResult . EnsureSuccessful ( suppressOutput : true ) ;
c . SetRemoteBranchName ( remoteBranchName ) ;
return c . Success ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a GitHub PR for the remote branch created above.
/// </summary>
public static BuildTargetResult CreatePR ( BuildTargetContext c )
string remoteBranchName = c . GetRemoteBranchName ( ) ;
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
string commitMessage = c . GetCommitMessage ( ) ;
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
NewPullRequest prInfo = new NewPullRequest (
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
commitMessage ,
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
s_config . GitHubOriginOwner + ":" + remoteBranchName ,
s_config . GitHubUpstreamBranch ) ;
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
string [ ] prNotifications = s_config . GitHubPullRequestNotifications ;
if ( prNotifications . Length > 0 )
prInfo . Body = $"/cc @{string.Join(" @", prNotifications)}" ;
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00
GitHubClient gitHub = new GitHubClient ( new ProductHeaderValue ( "dotnetDependencyUpdater" ) ) ;
gitHub . Credentials = new Credentials ( s_config . Password ) ;
PullRequest createdPR = gitHub . PullRequest . Create ( s_config . GitHubUpstreamOwner , s_config . GitHubProject , prInfo ) . Result ;
c . Info ( $"Created Pull Request: {createdPR.HtmlUrl}" ) ;
return c . Success ( ) ;
private static string GetRemoteBranchName ( this BuildTargetContext c )
return ( string ) c . BuildContext [ "RemoteBranchName" ] ;
private static void SetRemoteBranchName ( this BuildTargetContext c , string value )
c . BuildContext [ "RemoteBranchName" ] = value ;
2016-04-04 18:38:49 -05:00
private static string GetCommitMessage ( this BuildTargetContext c )
const string commitMessagePropertyName = "CommitMessage" ;
string message ;
object messageObject ;
if ( c . BuildContext . Properties . TryGetValue ( commitMessagePropertyName , out messageObject ) )
message = ( string ) messageObject ;
DependencyInfo [ ] updatedDependencies = c . GetDependencyInfos ( )
. Where ( d = > d . IsUpdated )
. ToArray ( ) ;
string updatedDependencyNames = string . Join ( ", " , updatedDependencies . Select ( d = > d . Name ) ) ;
string updatedDependencyVersions = string . Join ( ", " , updatedDependencies . Select ( d = > d . NewReleaseVersion ) ) ;
message = $"Updating {updatedDependencyNames} to {updatedDependencyVersions}" ;
if ( updatedDependencies . Count ( ) > 1 )
message + = " respectively" ;
c . BuildContext [ commitMessagePropertyName ] = message ;
return message ;
2016-03-07 14:24:36 -06:00